remember the metacortex days

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hi my dear friends, darlings, sheepshaggers etc.

remember the old days when Dave123, burlyman, JediHDM and all the other "heroes" got in to this game called the metacortex mysteries?

well, some of you might not remember but it was an ARG and ARGs are really cool once again... so I hope some of you whom I have mentioned earlier on aswell will get in to this crap again and log on to and and have a look at aware II it's like really cool not totally matrix related but since some of you have been involved in metacortex I thought some of you might like it big grin eek! cool

that sounds cool...have to look into it.

*waves at Clavis*

EDIT: wait, heroes? confused

I don;t know why I said that but I was pretty emotional at the time since I was going over all these memories we all have!

I was kind of hoping to start of a secret alliance with the kmc-ers whom I all love of course *sobs*

bunny follow the white rabbit

How is burlyman a hero and I'm not?

It's an atrocity I say!

I have no visitied these fourms for a long long time!

hey all!!!!

big grin

the best part was when it was over and KMC was listed as one of the sites that was following it...i thought that was awesome

yes that's true, man I really felt as if I was part of it and all, while I was one of the weakest posters around... but anyways the ARG that I was talking about is over now, we solved the mystery very quick (again I wasn't a vital part) it's fun, but I was trying to bring back the good times by just stating this... man its so sad its all over...

I think Jedi and I are the only two that have had the same avatar since our beginnings.

I remember metacortex, (Prolly no one here even remembers me, I've been gone a long time), Anyways...I just got really bored today and came back to say hello after I think over a year...

I remember you stick out tongue

Good times...

ha! Kozzy, I remember you too...

stick out tongue

Originally posted by xeous
How is burlyman a hero and I'm not?

It's an atrocity I say!
raver don't fight it.

I remember the Metacortex game. I wasn't even on this forum back then - I followed it from TLFC - The Last Free City.

On that note, I wonder if TLFC's forums are still even up.

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