Clone army V.S. Imperial army

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If the Clone army and the Imperial army could fight who would win.

There kinda the same. But I have to go with the Clone Army

Imperial army...

Hell of a lot more troops

Gryn Jabar
Yes, ALOT more troops. And better ones to, like Dark Trooper, etc.

Unfortunetly the Dark Trooper project was never released.

Well that hardly matters... The numbers alone still speak against the clones. Then you have the Death Star and more powerful ships


But based on how they preform in both there times I'd say the Clone Army wins.

Gryn Jabar
Actually Dark Troopers were in fact released, just in Dark Forces, Katarn whooped all their asses. That however, isn't canon. Canon states that:
"Squadrons of the Dark Troopers have also been characteristically deployed along side the standard Imperial Troopers and the imperial army in battles to add their distinctive advantage. They use their advanced training techniques and jetpacks to go behind enemy lines or outflank enemy positions, contributing to the overall effectiveness of battle maneuvers by creating havoc for their foes. They are equipped with the standard E-11 rifle or a variation of such with a wider blast range creating a shotgun like effect. They are also issued additional fragmentation/thermal detonation and concussion grenades. They sport increased armor in the boots to ease landing, as well as additional vertical rods and plate layering armor on the back to prevent damage erosion from the jet propulsion, and back injury from the pull of the jet and intense landings."
Source: WIKI

Even against impossible odds? The second death star alone could take them all out.. well unless they would take out the shield generator, but Palpy's best man are there and they would probably be equal to Clone troopers.

Now I agree that clone troopers do give me a better impression but against so much superior technology and so much more troops? Nah they can't pull it off. Not unless they have a really smart commander

What happened to all that other stuff they had? Like the ships and those tank thingies and all that.

Emperor Revan
Imperials have way more forces and win in most aspects except troop fighting and the man to man ship fighting. I mean come on, those stormtroopers can't hit the broad side of a Star Destroyer. There's about 5 or 6 shooting in a small hall toward two people for about 8 seconds and they don't hit ANYTHING! Out of all the shooting those stormtroopers did, the only time they hit anyone (except for the start of a new hope) was when one of them STEALTHILY hit R2 and then just grazed Leia's shoulder before dying. Clone troopers on the other hand could kill Jedi masters so yeah, they win this round.

I call it better directors bucko.

Originally posted by Emperor Revan
Imperials have way more forces and win in most aspects except troop fighting and the man to man ship fighting. I mean come on, those stormtroopers can't hit the broad side of a Star Destroyer. There's about 5 or 6 shooting in a small hall toward two people for about 8 seconds and they don't hit ANYTHING! Out of all the shooting those stormtroopers did, the only time they hit anyone (except for the start of a new hope) was when one of them STEALTHILY hit R2 and then just grazed Leia's shoulder before dying. Clone troopers on the other hand could kill Jedi masters so yeah, they win this round.

Well yeah but Stormtroopers had to fight hero's and they have a +10 bonus to avoiding enemy fire.

Anyways, Clonetroopers are superior fighters but the OT troopers have technology thats a step ahead of what the PT troopers had. AT-AT's are actually big tanks now. AT-ST's have armor on all sides..

The technology advantage and the superior troop size makes them win

Emperor Revan
Well yeah, I just think it's funny that George Lucas apparently thinks that stormtroopers are the clones of Jango even though they have different voices, have funny conversations with each other, can't shoot to save their lives, and for some reason got different armor and weapons. But no Imperials win unless it's a simple fight of stormtroopers vs. Clone troopers.

Gryn Jabar
Well, those reasons you just listed are why I'm starting to get pissed at lucas.

Emperor Revan
Me too, that and he throws tons of EU aside for basically no reason like saying Boba Fett died.

I know. Why was he being such a d1ck? He lazy. He needs to know what the fans like. He made so many mistakes.

But what's EU?

Gryn Jabar
Expanded Universe.

Darth L. Dipsit
Originally posted by Emperor Revan
Well yeah, I just think it's funny that George Lucas apparently thinks that stormtroopers are the clones of Jango even though they have different voices, have funny conversations with each other, can't shoot to save their lives, and for some reason got different armor and weapons. But no Imperials win unless it's a simple fight of stormtroopers vs. Clone troopers.

See, the way I always rationalized that was that the storm troopers were no longer clones by ANH. Since the clones' lives are accelerated, I figured that they're all dead and the Empire simply recruited people. I mean, that's how Kyle Katarn became an Imperial agent, right? So the clone troopers, I think, are different from the storm troopers because I don't believe the storm troopers are clones. They're just citizens who are brainwashed to support the Empire, like Kyle when he is a young man.

darth tyrant
what happened with the clones when the clones turned on the jedi, did they eventually die then they made a imperial army

Originally posted by Darth L. Dipsit
See, the way I always rationalized that was that the storm troopers were no longer clones by ANH. Since the clones' lives are accelerated, I figured that they're all dead and the Empire simply recruited people. I mean, that's how Kyle Katarn became an Imperial agent, right? So the clone troopers, I think, are different from the storm troopers because I don't believe the storm troopers are clones. They're just citizens who are brainwashed to support the Empire, like Kyle when he is a young man. I think they used clones until they died and then recruited people but used the clone armor design.

Darth Plagues
The Empire will dominate...


Nai Fohl
The forces of the Empire contain two types of troops:

a) clone warriors (produced after the clone wars - only a few left in ANH)
b) normal people (most of them children captured on worlds the Empire conquered or "normal" recruits)

There was this beautiful planet named Carida where the Stormtroopers were trained and many people did not survive that training (seems to be quite hard). Well...I actualy have no idea why their aiming is that crappy since they are trained from a very young age on except the reason that heroes have to be able to survive somehow. (Imagine Han Solo running into a room filled with 100 Jango Fett clones).

Well in this case the Clone Army gets absolutely outnumbered and the Imperial Army would have the better technology (firepower !!!).

I disagree, yes the Imperial Army hes numbers but do to the clones accelerated grow the differance could easally be fixed, plus the AT-AT's would not match with the AT-TE's... the Tie-fighters are good targets

No it couldn't be... A good clone takes ten years to train... Ten years, the Empire would have destroyed the Clones by then

yes but those clones trained for ten years would kick emperiol ass, plus the Empires best stomtroopers got takin out by Ewoks

Darth Plagues
StormTroopers would own the Clones silly. AT-AT's could take a AT-TE out easily...TIE's would take out all those other fighters. Throw a few Dark Troopers in there and some Shadow Troopers (which have lightsabers - if we're including the Imperial Remnant as well) Clones are dead.

Darth L. Dipsit
Agreed. Dark Troopers would own here, assuming stuff from Dark Forces is acceptable. Stormtroopers, I think, have too many factors on their side here.

commander gree
i dont really know with the death star i think the empire would win but if they wouldnt have it i dont know

Clones are more accurate better trained and better with vechiles, if I had a pistol but had SAS training and someone just gave you a rifle and then we had a shoot out I would win because I would actually know what I was doing and I'd have better aim.

Yeha but when you face 50 guys you are going to lose... Well unless you can actually run and hide but in a normal battlefield you are going to lose. And you have a normal rifle, the other guy has an AK-47 (what? It kicks ass) the other guy is going to win

The empire has more men and better weapons so empire wins.

i go with empire

The clone army for sure. Watch the original movies and youll see how bad the imperial armies aim is, they couldnt hit the broad side of a barn.

Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
The clone army for sure. Watch the original movies and youll see how bad the imperial armies aim is, they couldnt hit the broad side of a barn. Yeah when they fired at Luke after Vader killed Ben they missed every shot.

The imperial army is an advanced version of the clone army.
It's farther into the future so it has better weapons, star fighters, star ships, anti-land units and the list goes on. It's like saying ancient Britain vs. modern Britain.

General Bondius
MMM, the clones i think

My opinion is the clone Army would win.

General Zodiac
The Empire will use the Death Star and win.

Originally posted by General Zodiac
The Empire will use the Death Star and win. yeah probably but if it were during The Empire Strikes Back they didn't have the death star so it changes it.

General Zodiac
A bunch of Super Star Destroys and Star Destroys. Plus Vader would just kill a bunch of the Clones alone.

Originally posted by General Zodiac
A bunch of Super Star Destroys and Star Destroys. Plus Vader would just kill a bunch of the Clones alone. What are superstar destroyers I've only seen Star destroyers.

imperiall got the whole glaxie they kill the clones

Originally posted by b-dan
imperiall got the whole glaxie they kill the clones Thats true they do rule the galaxy.

Striker 007
Originally posted by Emperor Revan
Well yeah, I just think it's funny that George Lucas apparently thinks that stormtroopers are the clones of Jango even though they have different voices, have funny conversations with each other, can't shoot to save their lives, and for some reason got different armor and weapons. But no Imperials win unless it's a simple fight of stormtroopers vs. Clone troopers.

Well I think it is funny how you obviously dont know much the stormtroopers. 1 some of them are clones (not all of them though). 2 they have different armor because they upgraded the phase 2 clone armor into the imperial stormtroopers armor. And seriously dude, if you dont know all the facts, dont post stuff like this.

Originally posted by Striker 007
Well I think it is funny how you obviously dont know much the stormtroopers. 1 some of them are clones (not all of them though). 2 they have different armor because they upgraded the phase 2 clone armor into the imperial stormtroopers armor. And seriously dude, if you dont know all the facts, dont post stuff like this.

The thread's 8 years old, a lot of that info came out after he posted smile

Stealth Moose
Man, so many people I recognize here who are long gone. It's sad. Dipsit in particular was the nicest person we ever had.

Striker 007
Originally posted by Q99
The thread's 8 years old, a lot of that info came out after he posted smile

Sorry read that and saw he was wrong and thought I would post it to clarify what is correct. smile

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