Remake of Original Fight FFA sith and jedi

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Admiral Akbar
Master Tyvokka vs Mace vs Obiwan(rots) vs Anakin(ROTS) vs

Yoda vs Darth Revan vs Darth Nihilus vs Plo Koon vs Kit Fisto vs

Shaak'Ti vs Qui gon Jinn vs Count Dooku vs

Tulak Hord vs Poof Yareal vs NJO luke skywalker vs Darth Vader vs Saesee Tiin vs Corran Horn vs Darth Maul vs Darth Sidious

Setting is on a planet with light side and dark side energy that doubles the power of the force for all jedi and sith.
The area has the smell of death. Dead trees, small swamps and water area. The climate is cold enough to have cold air visisble as you breathe out. Rough land, time is during the middle of the day. Area is wide for all jedi to perform anything they want. there is no debris but instead nature.
Anyway who would arise victorious.

Everyone post you opinions!

Darth L. Dipsit
This post is similar to another one to which I just responded. Yoda, I think, would be the victor.

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