My cat got put down

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weep May she rest in peace weep

Aw I'm so sorry...was she sick or??

I send my regards.

Thank you.

She was sick. She had either a growth or a tumor deep in her ear sad

She got an operation a few days ago but when we bought her home she was dis-orientated and not herself. She's very old. It was her time to go.

Its hard to lose a good pet, I feel your pain.

May your friend rest in peace.

Originally posted by BlackC@t
Thank you.

She was sick. She had either a growth or a tumor deep in her ear sad

She got an operation a few days ago but when we bought her home she was dis-orientated and not herself. She's very old. It was her time to go.
Ahhhh SHIIIIat.

That sucks.

It's worse than watching helplessly as a deer gets slammed by a minivan.

Sorry sad

Originally posted by dark1365
Ahhhh SHIIIIat.

That sucks.

It's worse than watching helplessly as a deer gets slammed by a minivan.

Originally posted by BlackC@t
Thank you.

She was sick. She had either a growth or a tumor deep in her ear sad

She got an operation a few days ago but when we bought her home she was dis-orientated and not herself. She's very old. It was her time to go.

I can understand to some degree .My cat had to be put down last year after months of liver and kidney failure..she was 17, it was one of the hardest things to say goodbye sad

My cat is 16. I'll miss being able to hug her when I'm feeling blue sad
I'll miss hearing her sweet, cute little meow sad

Rest in peace, my little friend.

Just before they gave her the injection, I gave her a big hug and said I'd see her some day.

I miss my cat so much as I know you do..may she rest in peace and'll both be together someday.

Thank you smile

That's shitty sad my regards and condolences...

that sucks, i cant live without a pet, when my dog dies.. which hpefully isnt for a lont time... im gonna get a puppy


Thank you all.

I wonder if we'll get a new cat. It could never replace my old cat.

sad I'm sorry.

My sweet little kitty sad

Aww, I'm sorry sad

Thank you cry

Originally posted by BlackC@t
weep May she rest in peace weep
that happened to me cat got feline HIV...I was devistated....r u ok?

No, but I will be. Thank you.

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