Best place to go if you want superpowers.

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Probably Smallville. smile

Grab an meteor rock, run through the thing you want to get superpowers from (water, fire...) and there. You have superpowers.

I think the best place to get superpowers would be in a lab on a spaceship flying through radiation while you have an accident

go to a lab with radition that has bugs it it..your bound to become roach man or worm woman before you know it

Read a Book called how to be a super hero I've read it, The book tells many ways of getting powers that aren't copywright infringing

Here is new one.

Go into nuclear/gamma bomb test site.

1. Shadow Norman Osbourne during a day at work.

2. Go to a creep rich dude's house and look for gadgets.

3. Probably, in actuality, just get loads of money then try to make yourself into Batman or something (personal ninja trainers, high-tech gadgets, etc.)

4. Sun bathe in a nuclear dump facility.


Actually....holy crap?! You figure if you really wanted to you could train at some ninja place in a remote Asian village or something. I'm actually shocked now that I think about that no one on the planet has gotten the proper training then adopted a persona and fought crime (kinda like Batman, except probably less money and less technology). They could start leaving a call signal or would be hardcore.


black robb
Originally posted by DarkCrawler
Here is new one.

Go into nuclear/gamma bomb test site. you know you got that idea from me DarkCrawler

Darth Macabre
Get hit by a truck carrying toxic waste.

become a test subject for a super soilder program

Next Venom_girl
Swallow Uranium.
Handle rocks in NASA case.
Visit local Genetics lab.
What is this black sticky goo?
Visit Eastern Europe. Become bitten by a wolf or bat.
What does this button do?
Fall into vat of unknown chemicals.

go to Egypt and ask Apocalypse could you be one of his four horsemen....he's taking applications next week


Next Venom_girl
Visit the museum and pick up strange ancient artifact or visit the library and read ancient, dusty book in some unsual archaic language.

I would either go to Odin, of the Asgardians, or Zeus, of the Olympians. But since i am partial towards the Olympians cuz Herc and Zeus are my favorites i'd have to say id go to Zeus and ask for an enchantment and special godly powers like Herc and Thor (even though Thor is asgardian, im sure Zeus can grant those types of powers as well just like Odin)

Freaky Zeeky
On a mountain.

cant go wrong with going to a lab and hope to have an accident

Spideys Sister
Some sorta radioactive lab or somethin.

some new formula that some crazy lab people are cooking up, you some how get into or it getting into you.

If there were people with super powers you can always figure out a way to steal their powers.

Spideys Sister
So explosion? I donno I'm throwing I deas out h

Next Venom_girl
"Remember... you're little accident in the laboratory?"
"The performance enhancers!"
"Bingo! Me, you're greatest creation. Bringing you what you've always wanted. POWER! And it's only the beginning..."

just move to New York, wait a week..... bingo..... by that time you'll either be the latest hero on the streets or the newest psycho villain

tried it......didnt work......

either that or getting poisoned by the NY air. You can become poison air man.

black robb
Originally posted by Scoobless
just move to New York, wait a week..... bingo..... by that time you'll either be the latest hero on the streets or the newest psycho villain ...or get mugged by a crackhead

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