Double signature/post in PM [Error]

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Ken Kenobi
What the heck happened here? I went to read a PM and it doubled her signature image and her post along with my quote.

I think you are just whoring your PMs Kenf, thats low.

Quite clearly you have just copied the image and dragged it down, you just want to let the world know you have friends stick out tongue

Ken Kenobi
It's true. sad


This was weird. erm

Yeah its happened to me once before.

Does it go away on a refresh?

Ken Kenobi
I just refreshed it...nothing.

Then I force refreshed it (F5)...nothing.

I'll try emptying my cache then check it.

EDIT: That didn't work either.

Click View->Page Source then copy and paste the code here

Ken Kenobi
First half...

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Ken Kenobi
Second half...

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<p><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size="2"><blockquote><fieldset><legend><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size="1">quote:</font></legend><div style="padding:5px;font-size:11px"><br />
Ken Kenobi wrote on 07-21-2005 01:10 PM:<br />
At least these 2 aren't as bad as my other 3 nieces. Those 3....<img src="images/smilies/cartoon/no.gif" border="0" alt="no"> I can never watch them, I'd kill myself.<br />
</div></fieldset></blockquote><br />
<br />

lmao why?<br><font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size="2"><font color="#444444">__________________</font><br>
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I have the same with PMs from Pao confused

it is showing twice..but only I didn't pay that much attention to it.

Well the source code is good, which means the problem is not with the server, but a problem with Firefox.

Try upgrading to the latest version.

Ken Kenobi
I'm on the latest update.

This is the first and only time it's happened, so maybe this was just a fluke?

Originally posted by Raz
Well the source code is good, which means the problem is not with the server, but a problem with Firefox.

Try upgrading to the latest version. IE's where it's at thumb up

Originally posted by dave123
IE's where it's at thumb up Blashphemy! mad stick out tongue

I'm sorry, I just don't like FireFox too much stick out tongue It just seems that people hate IE cos it's an MS thing....

Ken Kenobi
Originally posted by dave123
I'm sorry, I just don't like FireFox too much stick out tongue It just seems that people hate IE cos it's an MS thing....

I like IE, but I prefer FireFox for the Tabbed browsing and the extensions (i.e. AdBlock, mp3 player built into the window, torrent search)

Originally posted by dave123
I'm sorry, I just don't like FireFox too much stick out tongue It just seems that people hate IE cos it's an MS thing....
No they hate IE cause it's a crappy thing... puke

Originally posted by Ken Kenobi
mp3 player built into the window, torrent search where is it? blink

Slim Browser is the best...everyone knows that....

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