ROTS Mace& AOTC Dooku vs. ROTS Yoda& Sids

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Darth Kronos
Probably been done before so hate me if u want to just vote and reply

Darth Kronos
Yoda's team

Yoda beats dooku and mace beats sids and yoda beats mace. This hasn't been done before cool thread.

Darth Windu
Yoda's team. Yoda takes Mace, and Sidous takes Dooku. Not that hard.

Yoda and Sids

Darth Kronos
I like the fact that we all share the same opinion big grin

Actually I don't think it would be that easy for them. Mace beats Sids in ROTS, he can do it again. Dooku is one of the best swordsmen in the galaxy and strong in the force, I bet he could tangle with Yoda. When Sids is killed they will be 2 on 1. But I guess I'm underrestimating Sids a little. Mabey he could take Mace, I don't know. It depends on if Yoda could take Dooku before Mace took Sidious.

Yoda's team takes this one!

Darth Windu
Dude, I love Mace and all (note my name), but even I'm forced to think Sidious let Mace win towards the end. I think he was fairly hard-pressed against Mace, but let him "win" at the very end.

Yoda and Sidious are drinking in the mos eisley cantina when Dooku and Windu walk in and ignite their lightsabers. Sidious in a drunken rage hurls a passed out jawa with the force at Windu and pops out a saber from his cloak sleeve. (ignites saber). Yoda puts down his deathsticks and ignites his saber dazed by the pretty emerald blade. "You will pay for your threachery Sidious!" Dooku screams. "So what I betrayed you, you knew what could happen when you filled out hte application". Sidious replies in a classic hobo tone. "Time to die shorty!" Yoda backflips onto the counter; "not if anything to say about it I have!" Yoda begins twirling his saber in a frenzied maner accidentaly bisecting the bartender. The battle begins.

Mace would be Sidious like he did in ROTS and Dooku already proved to be able to hold off Yoda in ATOC. Dooku ran because he had the plans for the DeathStar and he knew clone troopers would be coming.

Originally posted by Shadow_Star
Mace would be Sidious like he did in ROTS and Dooku already proved to be able to hold off Yoda in ATOC. Dooku ran because he had the plans for the DeathStar and he knew clone troopers would be coming.
I agree with Shadow_Star. How do you know that Dooku isn't stronger then Sidious. He fared off way better against Yoda then Sidious did in lightsaber combat. Sidious had to distance himself from Yoda and throw pods and he even tried to run at the beginning.

Admiral Akbar
True. Actually Yoda surpasses MAce windu in the force, we dont know if yoda could truly take on mace lightsaber to lightsaber. It would be a long and agonizing fight, plus yoda doesnt use lightning or hurl shit. Yoda or mace would win by luck. Dooku would also give sidious a good fight. I dont care who disagrees with me, Dooku's force is almost as strong as sidious and he can wield a lightsaber better. This is a good thread and a tough fight.

I believe that Yoda is at a disadvantage here. His lightsaber is smaller then Mace's and Dooku's and his form IV doesn't focus on defense that much unlike Dooku's form II which is made for lightsaber dueling. Mace's form VII has him attack in a way that is almost unpredictable and is at an advantage with Sidious.

Admiral Akbar
Everyone has thier advantages and disadvantages.
Yoda has small height and short lightsaber? Disadvantage? YEs, he uses to force to help him jump around the person he is fighting which drains his force power. Disadvantage for the other opponent, hell yeah he needs to concentrate every area yoda strikes at, He is constantly being pressed on. Mace can see weak spots through shatterpoint and he uses his style which increases attack speed and movement. But it also gives him the disadvantage becuz he is always on the borderline between light side and dark side, see how anakin fought, he became very cocky, and arrogant.
Same could happen to mace. His style could master him, and yoda could then beat him up with his wooden stick.
As for Dooku vs sidious, Dooku is just as powerful, sidious could shoot lightning, well dooku can deflect it. They can both manipulate otehr objects, and are both very quick attackers, although dooku has Makashi which is the ownage style IMO. So Sidious might lose or hje might win, depending on what the setting is.

That is true. Mace's form is dangerous but he is the only one to have mastered it. Mace may be better in control of the force then Yoda. But I think Yoda uses form IV because he's over 800 years old and that helps him move around more. If it's a small arena I say Dooku would defeat Sidious but if it's like the senate meeting room Sidious may still lose because what would stop Dooku from doing the same thing?

Admiral Akbar
the setting matters a lot, if its two people that are very close in skills the setting usually gives one person the upperhand because he is so familiar with it he could pull anything off. If its liie revan vs sidous, the area doesnt mean shit, revan would kill sidious almost anywhere.

Darth Windu
. . .

Admiral Akbar

Darth Kronos
Me personaly think mace takes sids and yoda takes dooku

If this is after the duel Mace and Sids already had then Sids has a chance of winning if not he will quickly be taking out by Mace. And then perhaps when he is down and dead Mace could help Dooku against Yoda. But I am not sure on that, if Sidious knew not to underestimate Mace like he did the first time he might actually pull it off.

Darth Kronos
agree, i do

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