Dark Empire Sidious vs. NJO Luke

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Flame me if you want but I think this would be pretty close

Well, Sidious Reborn pretty much outclassed post-ROTJ Luke, but NJO Luke might prove to be too much for him.

Darth Somebody
Ha! I see a compliment about Sidious... stick out tongue

Bah! Only cuz it was true!

Come on I this thread can't suck that bad

Darth Somebody
This is taken officially from the Wikipedia biography on Palpatine, where it refers to The Dark Empire. Read and enjoy.


In the Dark Empire saga of comics, Palpatine returned shortly after the Thrawn crisis, by channeling his spirit (which continued to live through the Force after his death) into a clone of himself. The cloned Palpatine attempted to take back control of the galaxy, and successfully converted Luke Skywalker over to the Dark Side. Luke was able to foil some of Palpatine's plans, but was not quite strong enough to pull himself back. Only with the assistance of his sister Leia was he able to return and defeat Palpatine. Palpatine lost control of the terrifying Force storm he had conjured against them and was consumed by its energies along with his flagship.

Palpatine intended to replace the Galactic Empire with a Dark Empire; an empire ruled through the Dark Side of the Force alone without the need for weapons of mass destruction and technological domination. The planet Byss was modeled on this concept, serving as the Emperor's vision of a Utopian society.

The resurrected Emperor Palpatine, as depicted in STAR WARS: Dark Empire.During Palpatine's absence, the Empire, under the command of his cadre of Dark Jedi, initiated Operation Shadow Hand. Uniting the Galactic Empire's shattered fragments, they systematically retook the Galaxy from the New Republic. Unbeknownst to the new government (now reduced back to the Rebel Alliance), Palpatine had an auxiliary cloning facility. Two of Palpatine's Dark Side Adepts attempted to finish the job Skywalker started but failed to complete when the still-loyal Executor Sedriss arrived and killed the traitors. Emperor Palpatine's twisted soul had once again manifested itself in a young clone body.

Utilizing insane weapons designer Umak Leth's horrifying brainchild, the Galaxy Gun, he forcefully coerced systems into accepting Imperial rule. With this strategy, he nearly brought the Galactic Empire back to its former glory.

Despite seeming absolute victory over the Alliance, internal affairs stalled Palpatine's progress. A renegade Imperial Sovereign and Royal Guardsman, Carnor Jax, had bribed Palpatine's head cloning supervisor into tampering with Palpatine's DNA strain.

His last cloned body deteriorating at an increasingly alarming rate due to the damage caused by his traitorous minions, Palpatine was already beginning to fall victim to the ravaging Dark Side energies at his command. Aware of the genetic corruption of his clone supply, he ventured to the ancient Sith burial world of Korriban to seek the wisdom of Sith Lords long past. The Sith spirits informed Palpatine that the only way to survive would be to inhabit the body of the infant Anakin Solo, the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia and Vader's grandchild.

Taking his new flagship, Eclipse II, with him to the baby's sanctuary on Onderon, Palpatine landed and slipped by security using his mastery of the Force. When he arrived to where the baby was held, Luke and his fledgling Jedi order confronted him. Palpatine easily dispatched them, despite his weakness, killing one and incapacitating the others. Unexpectedly, an enraged Han Solo shot Palpatine in the back while he was off-guard. With his body dead, Palpatine's spirit made one last lunge for the baby, but was intercepted by an ailing Empatojayos Brand. Brand used all of his remaining strength to keep Palpatine's sinister spirit from escaping. When he died, he took Palpatine's essence with him. After so many years of conflict and bloodshed, Emperor Palpatine was truly defeated. Darth Sidious, the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith, was finally dead.

Dude, Wikipedia is hardly an official source... Check again. Not saying some or all of that isn't true... What I AM saying is Wikipedia is the most dubious and most used source on this forum.

it does has the most stuff. And well, seeing as DE Sidious was killed by Han shooting him, I have always looked a little down apon him.

Darth Sparhawk
Never, ever underestimate a scoundrel like Hansmile
About the battle, Palpatine, I think, because one more he'll talk too much to Luke, who won't have the courage to kill him.

Darth L. Dipsit
NJO? Luke was always very close in my mind to being almost a Grey Jedi - he turned to the Dark Side, used Dark Force powers, and although Sidious fooled him the second time when he turned him, NJO Luke still has a great deal more will, objective rationalization power, and control, I think.

have you guys noticed that anything on wikipedia can be changed to say whatever by anyone?

Gryn Jabar
Yes, point being?

well how can wikipedia be that reliable of a source if anyone can make something up or make it so their their favorite character is "the best".

basically sayin whatever you find out on wkipedia cross referance with somethin else too.

i dont even care who wins

actually i guess luke

Ah, Wikipedia is the source ANYONE can edit.

I thought that right there undermined anything it had to say.

Rayvann Sadow
Wikipedia is good for general information but that is about it.

Darth Sparhawk
Originally posted by Darth L. Dipsit
NJO? Luke was always very close in my mind to being almost a Grey Jedi - he turned to the Dark Side, used Dark Force powers, and although Sidious fooled him the second time when he turned him, NJO Luke still has a great deal more will, objective rationalization power, and control, I think.
Very true. But in ROTJ and DE he was always humbled and confused by the Emperor, almost wondering to his evil. I think that he will be again confsed by Sidious...

Darth Mantis
Originally posted by Darth_Janus
Ah, Wikipedia is the source ANYONE can edit.

I thought that right there undermined anything it had to say. Now that's a scary thought... Supershadow possibly lurking within Wikipedia to feed more bullsh!t... Anyway, NJO Luke takes this...

Darth Sparhawk
Originally posted by Darth Mantis
Now that's a scary thought... Supershadow possibly lurking within Wikipedia to feed more bullsh!t... Anyway, NJO Luke takes this...
Bite your tongue! sad

Luke Is Better
lol u must sweat shadows nuts hahaha

Lord Simus

Too close... I'm going to go with NJO Luke, though.

NJO Luke.

Witness my horrible debating skills.

Great Vengeance
Its too close to call IMO, if I made a blind guess I would go with sidious however.

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