Who wants to play a comic quote game (read the rules before posting)

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Got this idea from another board.

The rules are like "I ask...you answer!"

Name of character and comic issuesmile

You get it right and you can ask the forumbig grin

So, in which well-known comic did the following phrase appear and who said it;

Artillery! Of what use is artillery against a creature whose hide is powerful enough to dig its way up thru countless tons of rock-hard earth? Artillery! Of what use is artillery against a monster who can crush a heavy tank with one hand?"

Question, am I naming a character?

no he said name the comics it appeared in but i guess naming the character would be alright too.

Yes Name and Comic

Originally posted by Whirlysplatt
Got this idea from another board.

The rules are like "I ask...you answer!"

Name of character and comic

You get it right and you can ask the forumbig grin

So, in which well-known comic did the following phrase appear;

Artillery! Of what use is artillery against a creature whose hide is powerful enough to dig its way up thru countless tons of rock-hard earth? Artillery! Of what use is artillery against a monster who can crush a heavy tank with one hand?"

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.