How are these guys defeated?

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I don't read alot of comics so sometimes I wonder how certain extremely powerful characters would lose.

1. Cyborg Superman - how do you defeat him, he can just enter into any machine

2. Juggernaut - I know about the mind thing, but has anyone ever really beat him physically (I realize that Onslaught did)

thats all I can think of, feel free to post more characters if you have questions about them too

Superman put Cyborg in the Phantom Zone, sorta like prison. In the past he's been somewhat vulnerable to kryponite but I dunno if he still is. Darkseid at one point had him trapped in a sphere of some sort.

I guess he's somewhat beyond conventional death since he is basically a conciousness that inhabits other things.

Apart from onslaught I dont think the Juggernaut has been physically beaten, maybe by the Hulk once or summat..........

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