Triathalon vs Shatterstar

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Im not really sure what to think about Triathalon...I understand his abilities but i havent seen enough of his appearances. Shatterstar's a pretty tough fighter, maybe over Triathalon's head, but i want to see how other people feel.

long pig
Tri isn't really anything special.
Cap has taken him out with relative ease in h2h.

Shatterstar would murder him.

Triathalon doesn't have any fighting skill, he may be fast, and agile, but that doesn't count for much in a fight if he douesn't use it properly.

Shatterstar takes this.

tri was one of the worst heroes i've ever seen. AND he's a chump.

shatterstar clobbers him.

Triathalon knows he sucks at hand to hand combat, which is why he concentrates on his speed and agility, he's more at home in the air hopping around than he is on the ground seemingly. By that virtue alone he'll give Shatterstar a bit of trouble, but when Shatterstar finally connects and gets Triathalon, it's over for him.

I thought Triathalon had great potential, but was handled a bit poorly. Busiek forced a race issue into the book and handled it tritely--which is my only real complaint about the book. His connecting Triathalon to the 3D-Man was awesome though.

King KAM
I agree, Shatterstar is a monster

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