wash high

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washington high school starts in justone week and 2 days to all you other schools who already started(in cartmens voice)heh heh heh heh heh heh heh we don't have school yet and yuooo doooheh heh heh heh heh heh

We possibly get out earlier than you....hahahaha

i get out before you

I start september 6th, and end around.. the end of June. Our actual school starts at 8am... how gay is that. We get out at 2:10 though so it's not bad.

Originally posted by chelsea17
We possibly get out earlier than you....hahahaha
we get out the 1st of june

May 25 is my last day of hell for the summerhappy

i think i get out may 16

Why in the hell do people get out so early? My god our last day last year was June 27th. What the HELL is that?

i feel soooo bad 4 u i thank our last day last year was the 6th

I feel bad for you all, but not for meeebig grin

do rub it in

Originally posted by spazzymcgee14
do rub it in

okay...MAY 16TH

so 1 good thing in my skool there is alot of cute guys in it so it dont bother me so much Happy Dance shifty i see them more

that's what driving around town is forwink

eek! if i could drive i would no expression but i cant but there is the mall so hey thumb up

there ya go

but then i dont have a ride 2 the mall all the time so im back 2 the begining again

my oh so large city of 6000 people has two high schools, a catholic and a public. I go to the public high school, PDCI, it has about 850 people. There's a share of hot guys.... but most of them are in this stupid gang called Jaint. They think it's funny because it's Joint with an A, and they think they're ALL black, except we have no black people in our school, because the majority of our town is white.. just happened that way. Anyway, Jaint is idiotic but it's a shame because most of them are hot. Does anyone else have a gang problem? But.. not a real gang.. just a bunch of popular people who think they're cool for getting charged for mischeif because they... laughing out loudlaughing out loudlaughing out loudlaughing out loud splattered ketchup at McDonald's.

laughing out loud laughing out loud laughing out loud laughing out loud not yet but there is a group of guys that havent started a gang yet and some r black but do worse than spilling ketchup laughing out loud

and r hot

Originally posted by FEDFAN316
washington high school starts in justone week and 2 days to all you other schools who already started(in cartmens voice)heh heh heh heh heh heh heh we don't have school yet and yuooo doooheh heh heh heh heh heh


I didnt start school yet and I still got 16 days. So ha! Plus i got out June something which is before a lot of people.


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