A plane just crashed very near to my house.

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And i dont care no expression

Go look at the dead people....And piss on the burning corpses...

Tired Hiker
*attempts to lower thyself to the previous posters level*

Why should you care? Those people deserve what they got.

Originally posted by SlipknoT
Go look at the dead people....And piss on the burning corpses...

Nah.It was one of those small airplanes.Only two people in it.They will probably burn to ashes before i can piss on them erm

Seriously though a plane did crash very near to my house.I guess i gonna be like one of those fat middle aged women and stand there,and gossip...

Were there any Reticulated pythons on Board?

Tired Hiker
Originally posted by Otaku
Seriously though a plane did crash very near to my house.I guess i gonna be like one of those fat middle aged women and stand there,and gossip...
98% of what makes KMC what it is, is based on gossip. smile

No idea.They were carrying soft porn.(seriously)i guess it was the weight of all that porn.....(seriously)

Originally posted by Otaku
No idea.They were carrying soft porn.(seriously)i guess it was the weight of all that porn.....(seriously) laughing

Awww Man, you where yards away from actually Living A Donnie Darko movie...

Originally posted by Acherontia
Awww Man, you where yards away from actually Living A Donnie Darko movie... Dude, if a Huge Rabbit came to me telling me to Kill people I'd freak out messed

Originally posted by SlipknoT
Dude, if a Huge Rabbit came to me telling me to Kill people I'd freak out messed

What if it was a tiny rabbit?

Tired Hiker
Originally posted by Acherontia
Awww Man, you where yards away from actually Living A Donnie Darko movie...


Dude, The rabbit warrior dude, enver told hmi to kill anybody. He just lead the horse to water, never told him to drink it.

Tired Hiker
Originally posted by SlipknoT
Dude, if a Huge Rabbit came to me telling me to Kill people I'd freak out messed
Or you just do what the nice rabbit says. confused

Originally posted by Otaku
What if it was a tiny rabbit? Then I'd feed it to my snake and see what happened

Originally posted by Acherontia
Dude, The rabbit warrior dude, enver told hmi to kill anybody. He just lead the horse to water, never told him to drink it. Either way it'd freak me out

The airplane flew right over my houes.I heard a KABOOM!!!!And then iheard screaming i went outside.And there was this one guy with a constipated look on his face erm

Rogue Jedi
did you give him some ex lax?

Originally posted by Otaku
The airplane flew right over my houes.I heard a KABOOM!!!!And then iheard screaming i went outside.And there was this one guy with a constipated look on his face erm Somehow I dont believe this.

Rogue Jedi
is there anything you do believe in, slip?

Originally posted by SlipknoT
Somehow I dont believe this.

Somehow it is true.A plane has crashed near my house.And there was a load of illegal porn in that plane.

Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
is there anything you do believe in, slip? The Lochness Monster and Big foot. Seriously thats it.

Rogue Jedi
what about the perfect cheeseburger?

Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
what about the perfect cheeseburger?

Thats a myth!You know its a myth!!

Rogue Jedi
*makes the perfect cheeseburger, hands it to slip*

Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
what about the perfect cheeseburger? One Foggy April Night, I was driving down Some old Back road deep in the woods, I had a drink or two and I was hoping to get home and take a long nap. As I was driving along I heard this Loud SSSSSSSSSIIIIIIZZZDDELLLLLE and bursting out through the Deep dark woods came the suprise of my life, a Huge, Juicy, Bacon covered, Cheesy, Lettuce Crisp, Tommato stuff, inch thick patty, of a cheeseburger, It burst out into the road and looked at me for one second then darted into the Thick forest. Ever since this night back in 76' I have been driving the old Back roads of New jersey hoping to find this Frightful legend, I have dedicated my life to it.

Rogue Jedi
hey!!! i saw the very same thing the other night!!!!

*SHRREEEK* Tell me! You Must! Where? I neeed to find it!

Rogue Jedi
the damn thing is quick, as you said. it disappeared in the fog before i could give chase.

Tired Hiker
I got the cheeseburger right here, foo's! stick out tongue *dry humps cheeseburger*

Watch out! The Old timers around here Say that the thing can dangerous!

Rogue Jedi
gonna catch a cheeseburger STD!!!

Tired Hiker
I ate it. smile

Tired Hiker
Oh crap, I feel like I have sex mumps. sick

Rogue Jedi
gonna get a CSTD.

Originally posted by Tired Hiker
I ate it. smile Oh trust me you didnt, this think is far to...............Who here reads Weird New Jersey?

Tired Hiker
Was that some sort of subliminal question, Slips??? blink

Tired Hiker
*realizes that there is more to KMC that meets the eye*

Rogue Jedi
*realized this a long time ago*

Tired Hiker
*tries to jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge, but fails because of the new suicide prevention fence*

Tired Hiker
*realizes RJ is insane*

Rogue Jedi
*points and laughs at TH*

Originally posted by Tired Hiker
Was that some sort of subliminal question, Slips??? blink The CIA is controlling our thoughts

Tired Hiker
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
*points and laughs at TH*

*smokes a fat blunt*

*Wishes to join in*

no expression

*Smacks* I hate when people use that smilie for no reason

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