My Terminator 3 Rant
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If someone already posted this, then I apologize for sounding so reduntant. Ahem. That being said, I'd like to say something about the logics of Terminator 3 taking place. Look at it from a common sense point of view. There could have indeed been extra parts and extra data stored else where, besides the Cyberdyne building that both the Conors, the T-800 and Dyson blew up. Remember, Dyson wasn't told everything. To quote him, after a young man asked him where the scraps from the terminator came from he said something along the lines of "Ya know, I asked them that very same question once myself. You know what they told me? "Don't ask'." This is clear evidence that he was kept in the dark about alot of things. We also know that Cyberdyne was working for the USAF, so the USAF could have had data that Cyberdyne researched or researched their own data. Now as for how Terminator 3 could've taken place despite it being "all over" in Terminator 2. It was Sara, John and the T-800 that assumed that it would all be over and SKYNET wouldn't exist if they destroyed all the evidence. Sara and John are only human and therefore capable of making mistakes, therefore their assumption that SKYNET would never be built be destroying the right arm and CPU chip is subject to error, but what of the T-800's assumption? At the time he followed Sara and John's assumption of altering the future by destroying the evidence, he was pretty banged up by the T-1000. He took two blows to the head and it is obvious his CPU took some damage, since his motor functions were impaired in his legs. With his damaged CPU, he probably couldn't calculate as well as he could before, therefore it is likly to say that he calculated the wrong probability in assuming that the future would be altered in the sense of SKYNET never being created if he allowed himself to be lowered into the steal. That make sense? It better. Now as for Terminator 3 being made only to rake in "big bucks". Well, what the ****ing hell do you think they made the first two Terminator films for, anyways? Their health? I adore James Cameron's work, but I think it was dipshit of him to try and kill his work off in Terminator 2 and I'm quite glad to see the franchise carry on. It doesn't make much sense to me to see all these dipshit hardcore fans/virgins say that Terminator 3 was a failure in their eyes. True, it was a different director, but at least it didnt' suffer the "Batman Curse", in which they changed both the director and actor who plays the main character in the third movie. As for the T-X Vs. a T-1000, it's obvious the T-X has the advantage. Yes, the T-1000 is made of liquid metal/mimetic poly alloy, but the T-X has built in thermal weapons that would give the T-1000 a run for its money. All it took was molten steal to terminate the T-1000. And since the T-1000 is already liquid at room temperature, it would have a lower vaporization temperature than a solid object. The result? Enstead of that plasma cannon, it's possible the T-X could melt away the T-1000 using only it's flame thrower.
Well at last, someone else who also thinks Terminator 3 is a great film.
Your not Jonathan Mostow by the way Ocelot?
"dipshit hardcore fans/virgins" ??
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I personally thought T3 was pathetic as did many others, but you don't see me calling you a dipshit for thinking otherwise.
Terminator 3 lacks the depth that the first two films had. Many of the important elements of the series were omitted such as the Poloroid of Sarah Connor and the links between the police and the previous Terminators which helped to ground the films somewhat in reality.
The obvious, blatant use of CG, the female Swiss-Army Terminatrix and Terminator's severe upgrade in endurance, strength and completely different (and convenient) power supply make it harder for us hardcore fans to suspend our disbelief.
That doesn't mean we can't sit back and enjoy a soda while watching T3 every once in a while, but we certainly aren't going to pretend it had the same impact on us or on the industry as The Terminator or Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
In my mind the original had the best story. The second one was a solid movie but it was a rehash. I like to think of it more as a "what if?" The first one, as stated in the movie's opening is the last battle. The "series" while interesting isn't relevant to the original canon in this fan's opinion.
And as vvvrulz mentioned, please keep the flaming to a minimum. After all, just because we disagree about what movies we like better, we are all Terminator fans here.
some very valid points made in the thread, oclet. But we are not debating the fact that how judgment day still happen, as it has been stated many times before by me, i blame it on myself, because i had set high expectations for terminator 3, even though i thought the ending was perfectly done, the movie itself was weak, and it has so many plotholes that are too many to dig in 1 thread. But i cant blame them entirely since this is a kind of a time machine-future movie, some plotholes are bound to happen. I like t3, hell i loved it to death when it first came out. But t3 lacks in the depth of the first two movies, emotionally and many other aspects. As for t1000 vs the T-x, i have always believed that the tx is stronger than t1000, and in the terminator comics they show how the tx just blows the t1000 into smithereens.
In the end i would like to say that i dont know where the terminator franchise is going, there is a whole story of John Connor and Kate Brewster waiting to be told, but the actors Nick Stahl and Claire Danes are not signed up to terminator 4 and terminator 5. This concerns me, What makes me hate the director and the writers so much is the fact that he did not think the whole process through, Now we are left with a war we have been longing to see the entire terminator history, HUMANS VS MACHINES, but will we ever get to see that? we dont even know that
I reckon Ocelot is thinking a bit too much about the fact that the T800 in T2 got banged in the head twice etc. He's not human, and I'm sure he's robust enough to take a few blows there.
As for calculating errors in a machine, I don't think a machine is capable of calculating errors unless the programme already had minor/major bugs in them, or someone reprogrammes it (like what the TX did to Arnie).
How dare you. Ok, so bottom line here is that T3 was a HUGE letdown in many ways. The difference in the "big bucks" theory you brought up is that there was no time and care taken into this one. T2 grossed more than the other two combined ever will. Part of Cameron's theory about sequels failing is because they try to rehash their predessescor. That is what T3 did. No, T2 was NOT a rehash of T1. Reason being, there were two terminators. I know, doesn't sound like much. Take into consideration the time this film was made. Making it two terminators instead of one along with the fact that you could watch it without even having to consider what took place before is what makes it a good sequel.
T3 failed in delivering a fresh story and making it feasible. Cameron had original plans for a T3 that featured SkyNet sending back cyborgs to work at Cyberdyne to speed up they process. They were rejected of course because they were not following the forumula that had already been proven effective. This is why the "big bucks" destroyed T3. They tried to stick with the same idea. Someone mentioned the CG crap they overloaded too. T2 was WAY ahead of it's time and the special effects are still impressive to date. T3 special effects are shit; plain and simple.
T2 was a rehash. Almost scene for scene.
Protector meets innocent character and there is a fight scene followed by a car chase. Villian crashes hero gets away. Villian meets up with hero again, another fight breaks out, hero gets away in a vehicle leaving villian on foot.
Final chase the heros and villians are both in a vehicles. They both crash. They aquire new vehicles (okay Reese and Sarah ran) and the chase continues into some factory/plant where the final battle takes place and the villian dies by shear luck.
Insert romantic/paternal subplot and stop Judgment Day subplot and you have essentially the same movie. Different tones but it's the same story.
Kenty T-1000
I found T3 interesting to watch and it was good for what it was. It did however lack the brilliance of the first two films.
I still watch T3 from time to time because it's something quite good to watch, regardless of the flaws.
I totally agree with you Kenty T-100.
I have a real soft spot for T3. I think it is a great movie, but compared with the first two, it is very clear that it isn't as good.
I watch T3 more than the first two. I think the acting in it is fantastic. Nick and Clair are great! I don't care what other people have to say, I love the acting in the film!
Not as good as the first two, but still a great film in my eyes.
yeah, T3 is a decent attempt to keep the franchise moving forward, rather than just leave it open-ended, letting us assume that everything plays out as was set forth in the original, now that Judgment Day has become inevitable and all...
it's the same as the Halloween franchise; you can choose to watch the first best original, and call it a night, or you can watch back to back to back non-stop saga, of whichever length you wish, and still be entertained by some portions of each consecutive flick...
especially when you consider how Kyle set up the future events in T1 when he told Sarah the History of Things to Come and she said something about his info being the future, and he says: 'One possible future...' all the follow-ups from T1 show events slightly altered, other versions of possible futures...
it works for what it is, just another sequel
The whole technological progression from T2 to T3 was still possible despite the T-800 in T2 being smelted due to the fact that in one scene where the two of them are fighting near a huge wheel with a conveyor, the T-800 gets his arm jammed in the device and forcibly marches away, ripping his arm off at the elbow in the process - this arm was left in that wheel and not destroyed, hence leaving 'evidence' that could still lead to Skynet's creation. No one can say that this arm was never found, as I'm fairly sure that government agencies would be investigating the massive liquid nitrogen spill that occurred there earlier in the movie
I never noticed that, completely forgot about the arm.
It would be nice though if T3 actually mentioned it and laid these questions to rest. I still get the feeling they really didn't know how to explain it, so avoided doing so altogether.
They could of explained a lot in T3, but that shouldn't stop the writers from trying to explain things in the latter films to come.
U Neek
The concept of T3 was right (multiple targets instead of just JC). Just the execution of the film was pretty poor. I was of the thinking that if Jim Cameron wasn't going to direct the 3rd movie then perhaps there shouldn't be one. But then without T3 there would be no T4 and I really want to watch T4.
Me too

Oh, so hang on... does T4 precede from T3 directly? Where do the Sarah Conner Chronicles fit in?
(I read somewhere that the series ignored the T3 events).
I think the film makers of Salvation would of really liked to have ignored T3 (McG and Bale always talk about the first two films - Bale has said he, quote, "doesn't know what that was doing" when referring to T3), but luckly it doesn't (as we can see with Kate Brewster being in the film and no Sarah etc). The film takes place, I think, 12 years from T3, setting the film in the year 2018.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles plays no part in the film(s).
Originally posted by Ocelot
And since the T-1000 is already liquid at room temperature, it would have a lower vaporization temperature than a solid object. The result? Enstead of that plasma cannon, it's possible the T-X could melt away the T-1000 using only it's flame thrower.
Huge Hole in your theory buddy!. That is a totally bogus assumtion about the melting point of the liquid metal/mimetic poly alloy. First of all the T-X survives not only open flames in T3, but also being crushed by Steel Shrapnal. Second The T-X is not "liquid" at room temperature. that is not liquid metal. Have you ever heard or read about Nano Technology, becasue that is exactly what they are reffering to or implying, although that term wasnt even invented at the time this movie was filmed, this is obviously what they mean. Liquid allow itself obsiously would never have to ability to change shape or move on its own and would otherwise be knows as "mercury" as it has to technological significance or A.I. (artificial intelligence). I know it appears as liquid metal, buts it's actually supposed to be millions of tiny "nano-bots" formed together. It is "the ability to form shapes and metal objects, and mimic whatever it touches" and this technology already exists today, A very recent technological breakthrough.
jinXed by JaNx
Sorry but Terminator 3 is nothing but a remake of T-2. The only difference between the two movies is that Sarah is dead and they don't prevent Judgement day. Terminator 3 was nothing more than an expensive way to give Terminator 2 an alternate ending. Terminator 3 should have been Terminator Salvation. I don't hate T-3 because other than the failed humor and pussy John connor it's actually entertaining...,for the most part, but that doesnt change the fact that it was a useless and unnecessary installment.
I wish they would go back to T3 and alter some scenes etc (after listening to fans) and change it for the better. Give it a darker overrall tone. That's what I would like to happen.
lord xyz
^ me too.
T3 was a really good film, it just wasn't a JC film, and you could tell watching all the way through.
U Neek
I wish they did a bunch of things differently in T3. I cannot explain why but it didn't have that "Terminator" feel to it, in my opinion. It felt like some B-movie rip off of Terminator...
But in a way it was different to Terminator and T2. The T-X wasn't sent back to kill Connor, as he had disappeared "off the grid". It's mission was to kill his future lieutenants, thus creating a weaker Resistance for Skynet to fight against in the future. I thought that this was a new and good idea. Shame about the execution...
I think with a better script and a different director, we could have seen a better and a totally different movie (obviously).
lord xyz
Originally posted by U Neek
I wish they did a bunch of things differently in T3. I cannot explain why but it didn't have that "Terminator" feel to it, in my opinion. It felt like some B-movie rip off of Terminator...
But in a way it was different to Terminator and T2. The T-X wasn't sent back to kill Connor, as he had disappeared "off the grid". It's mission was to kill his future lieutenants, thus creating a weaker Resistance for Skynet to fight against in the future. I thought that this was a new and good idea. Shame about the execution...
I think with a better script and a different director, we could have seen a better and a totally different movie (obviously).
-U The biggest **** up was it screwed up the original timeline the first one set, and the second one messed with.
It should've been set in 1997, and been relative to the second one with the future creating Judgement Day, as it created John Connor and Skynet.
Not this sustained Judgement Day bullshit.
T3 is a complete ripoff of T2
What do you think of the link? T3 is nothing but a rehash of T2 just without the soul.T3 even has the same camera angles and shots in some instances.T3 is nothing but a parody of T2 IMO. "Talk to the Hand"? WTF was that all about lol and Arnie wearing gay sunglasses? I felt like shooting my brains out when i saw that lol.Anyway what are your thoughts. Thank you
Originally posted by LindaHamilton32
T3 is a complete ripoff of T2
What do you think of the link? T3 is nothing but a rehash of T2 just without the soul.T3 even has the same camera angles and shots in some instances.T3 is nothing but a parody of T2 IMO. "Talk to the Hand"? WTF was that all about lol and Arnie wearing gay sunglasses? I felt like shooting my brains out when i saw that lol.Anyway what are your thoughts. Thank you
I never considered the glasses as "gay".
lord xyz
Originally posted by LindaHamilton32
T3 is a complete ripoff of T2
What do you think of the link? T3 is nothing but a rehash of T2 just without the soul.T3 even has the same camera angles and shots in some instances.T3 is nothing but a parody of T2 IMO. "Talk to the Hand"? WTF was that all about lol and Arnie wearing gay sunglasses? I felt like shooting my brains out when i saw that lol.Anyway what are your thoughts. Thank you Talk to the had was kinda dumb, but the gay sunglasses I just thought was funny. It was like even a robot from the future wouldn't wear those.
It actually makes more sense for him to wear them in this film than in T2. In T2 he stole the glasses of the guy who was about to shoot him. In this film he stole someone's clothes and the sunglasses were in his jacket pocket. Of course instinct was to put them on, and he was like **** that shit and got some good ones out.
Thanks for your responses guys.When i say T3 is a rip-off of T2,Im not judging wheter its good or bad, that was intentional from the producers since T2 was such a well acclaimed hit, so they wanted more of that.Even Vajna and Kassar admiteed to it, saying they wanted to recreate their glorious hit.I always felt t3's greatest weakness was that it played way too much homage to T2 when it could have been a great film on it's own. I actually enjoyed it for what it is. The only thing that kills it is the overload of humor.Plus no Linda Hamilton. I really missed her in T3.I would have loved to have seen her go out in a blaze of glory in T3 rather than being killed of with cancer which i thought was kind of weak for such an iconic character. She should have been the one holding those blast doors open for John ands Kate.Anyway thanks again
I always thought it would of been best for Sarah to sacrifice herself for John. I would of preferred that to happen in T3 rather the mention of her death by cancer. They could of had Sarah at the cemetery or something and she would be there waiting for John, telling what he has to do etc. When the swat team show up she could of stalled them and died that way - OR - John, Kate and the Terminator could be running away from the swat team to get to a car and Sarah is shot by the T-X and the gang turn round and noticed it's Scott who fired at Sarah.
Thanks barand1 for your reply.Linda Hamilton read the script for T3 and said it was "souless" and did not take Sarah Connor in any new directions, and that she dies half way through the movie.She felt the arc was too similar to T2.I am friends with her twin sister Leslie Hamilton.Linda would have brought legitimacy to what is mostly a mediocre movie IMO. I like your ideas for her death.Sarah would definitely have went out fighting. She was so badass lol.I see her being killed in the cemetary scene(where she stashed a cache of weapons just in case)by the swat team.
lord xyz
Her sacraficing herself for John would've been perfect. Remember in T2?
"Don't ever do that again! You're way too important and shouldn't worry about me. I can look after myself."
Originally posted by LindaHamilton32
Thanks barand1 for your reply.Linda Hamilton read the script for T3 and said it was "souless" and did not take Sarah Connor in any new directions, and that she dies half way through the movie.She felt the arc was too similar to T2.I am friends with her twin sister Leslie Hamilton.Linda would have brought legitimacy to what is mostly a mediocre movie IMO. I like your ideas for her death.Sarah would definitely have went out fighting. She was so badass lol.I see her being killed in the cemetary scene(where she stashed a cache of weapons just in case)by the swat team.
Glad you liked my ideas. It would of gave the movie such an emotional impact if done right. I don't see why they can't go back and please fans and add new footage to T3 and fill it out more. If I had the money I would like to do that.
Thanks for the PM LindaHamilton32

Originally posted by barand1
Glad you liked my ideas. It would of gave the movie such an emotional impact if done right. I don't see why they can't go back and please fans and add new footage to T3 and fill it out more. If I had the money I would like to do that.
Thanks for the PM LindaHamilton32
You are very welcome. How would you have had Sarah in T3? Although she had a big evolution from T1 to T2, I wouldn't have her changed much from T2 to T3.Although Judgement Day in 1997 came and went, she would still be this paranoid, hardened character. The only change would be that she is a bit older like 40 or something.Perhaps a little more relaxed but still tough as nails when need be. In my T3, i would have John and Sarah still on the run from authorities after the assualt on Cyberdyne in T2.They would be living with fake identities in LA.What do you think?Thanks
lord xyz
I would have Sarah to be this quiet person. I would imagine John to be more optimistic and positive, and Sarah to be very quiet, like she knows it aint over.
John wouldn't be an idiot per se, just more easy going than Sarah. But as soon as they see a Terminator, John would know something's going on.
I'm not that sure about the cast of Terminators. You have to have Arnie, but T-X I was unsure about. It just didn't work, story wise.
Originally posted by lord xyz
I would have Sarah to be this quiet person. I would imagine John to be more optimistic and positive, and Sarah to be very quiet, like she knows it aint over.
John wouldn't be an idiot per se, just more easy going than Sarah. But as soon as they see a Terminator, John would know something's going on.
I'm not that sure about the cast of Terminators. You have to have Arnie, but T-X I was unsure about. It just didn't work, story wise.
Thank you for your reply.Yeah i wasn't really a fan of the TX.She just wasn't threatening IMO.Saying that though i do like T3, just not Kristanna Loken so much.For T3 i would have loved two Arnies. Imagine Arnie vs Arnie.It would have been epic and different and T3 would'nt feel so much of a rehash of T2.
I like your ideas for Sarah.I agree that despite Judgment Day not happening, she would still be this edgy paranoid woman while John is more relaxed and thinks they prevented the war and is trying to live a normal life in LA.Then an Arnie model T-800 tries to kill him and he is saved by the other Arnie Terminator.Then Sarah and John find out that their attack on Cyberdyne didn't stop JD they just postponed it.What are your thoughts?Thanks again
I would of had Sarah as the same focused woman she was in T2 but have her bound in a house somewhere no thanks to some sort of illness. Instead of the T-850 taking John and Kate to the cemetery it would take them to where Sarah is hiding. This would be a really emotional scene as Sarah tells John that he has to stop Skynet on his own as she would only stall them.
The doorbell goes and there is a sense of panic. The T-850 answers the door and there stands a postman. The T-850 notices a dead postman dead across the road and realises that the T-X has followed them. The T-X grabs the T-850 and throws him behind her. Sarah fires a shot gun at the T-X's head as it's hand transform into a pistol of some sort. Sarah orders John and Kate to run out the back, the T-X fires, but misses and shoots Sarah who continues to fire rounds. Sarah with her last ounce of strength fires her last two shots into a stack of oil barrels she's been keeping incase something like this happened, and the house blows up with Sarah and the T-X inside.
John, Kate and the T-850 escape the scene in a car (still Kate's pet thingy) and the T-X emerges from the explosion's flames and fires at the vehicle, damaging it slightly. The car is too far now and the T-X heads to CRS.
Originally posted by barand1
I would of had Sarah as the same focused woman she was in T2 but have her bound in a house somewhere no thanks to some sort of illness. Instead of the T-850 taking John and Kate to the cemetery it would take them to where Sarah is hiding. This would be a really emotional scene as Sarah tells John that he has to stop Skynet on his own as she would only stall them.
The doorbell goes and there is a sense of panic. The T-850 answers the door and there stands a postman. The T-850 notices a dead postman dead across the road and realises that the T-X has followed them. The T-X grabs the T-850 and throws him behind her. Sarah fires a shot gun at the T-X's head as it's hand transform into a pistol of some sort. Sarah orders John and Kate to run out the back, the T-X fires, but misses and shoots Sarah who continues to fire rounds. Sarah with her last ounce of strength fires her last two shots into a stack of oil barrels she's been keeping incase something like this happened, and the house blows up with Sarah and the T-X inside.
John, Kate and the T-850 escape the scene in a car (still Kate's pet thingy) and the T-X emerges from the explosion's flames and fires at the vehicle, damaging it slightly. The car is too far now and the T-X heads to CRS.
Thanks for your reply Barand. Wow love your ideas. I can really picture that scene in my head.Love the idea that Sarah is housebound with some sort of illness. I can really see that in T3.Plus you gave her a great death.Sacrificing herself for John and going out in a blaze of glory.Perfection. I would have loved to have seen that in T3.I agree that the scene would have been very emotional and brought a lot of heart to the film.What can i say other than great.Perhaps she was battling with cancer?I am sure Linda Hamilton would have loved this too for her character. I am good friends with her. Once i am more well known i will be allowed to post a pic as i have a pic of me and Linda Hamilton together. Anyway thanks again.
Aw, too kind. Thank you.

Originally posted by barand1
Aw, too kind. Thank you.
Again you are welcome. It was a privilege reading your ideas. Really.I don't think i can top that lol
Here is a pic of me and my husband with Linda Hamilton in 2007.We both are great friends with Linda and her twin sister Leslie Garrean.Linda is a lovely person. Alot different than her badass Sarah Connor lol.What do you think?Thanks
Ooh wow, cool pic!

It's a shame that the T3 script wasn't good enough for Linda to reprise the role of Sarah
Do you know if Linda or her sister have seen Salvation yet?
lord xyz
Originally posted by LindaHamilton32
Thank you for your reply.Yeah i wasn't really a fan of the TX.She just wasn't threatening IMO.Saying that though i do like T3, just not Kristanna Loken so much.For T3 i would have loved two Arnies. Imagine Arnie vs Arnie.It would have been epic and different and T3 would'nt feel so much of a rehash of T2.
I like your ideas for Sarah.I agree that despite Judgment Day not happening, she would still be this edgy paranoid woman while John is more relaxed and thinks they prevented the war and is trying to live a normal life in LA.Then an Arnie model T-800 tries to kill him and he is saved by the other Arnie Terminator.Then Sarah and John find out that their attack on Cyberdyne didn't stop JD they just postponed it.What are your thoughts?Thanks again I was thinking an Arnie vs Arnie as well, believe it or not.
It would be different and interesting!
I was also thinking that one of them be a presently made terminator. As a prototype or whatever.
Originally posted by barand1
Ooh wow, cool pic!

It's a shame that the T3 script wasn't good enough for Linda to reprise the role of Sarah
Do you know if Linda or her sister have seen Salvation yet?
Hi there. Yeah it was a shame that she didn't do T3. I really missed her in the film. One of the reasons she turned down T3 was she felt that the character arc was too similar to T2.She felt that Sarahs evolution was complete by the end of T2. Plus no James Cameron at the helm also played a part in it.
Linda didn't like Terminator 3 particularly as she thought it didn't have that spark or the soul of the previous movies.She hasn't seen Salvation yet but she hardly watches TV or movies as she is so busy lol.What is interesting though is that after Terminator 2 she said Hollywood inundated her with similar tough woman roles like a lesbian or a cop or a military officer lol.
Couldn't Linda of asked for script changes if she wanted? I'm sure Arnold could of.
As a said, it's a shame Linda wasn't in T3
What is Linda doing now? I know she does quite a bit of voice work. She is good a anything she does, so I wouldn't of minded seeing her in any of the roles she was offered, lol.
Hi, I'm fine thank you. How are you?
I agree that T3 should be focused on John, but I just think that a bit more mention of Sarah and/or her death would of been much needed instead of a few minutes of mentioning.
I think some of the problem with T3 was Jonathan Mostow. I think the film could of done with a high class director, and the same could be said for Salvation. James Cameron is one of the best directors in the last 20 years.
Originally posted by barand1
Hi, I'm fine thank you. How are you?
I agree that T3 should be focused on John, but I just think that a bit more mention of Sarah and/or her death would of been much needed instead of a few minutes of mentioning.
I think some of the problem with T3 was Jonathan Mostow. I think the film could of done with a high class director, and the same could be said for Salvation. James Cameron is one of the best directors in the last 20 years.
Fine thanks.I agree. Killing her off with leaukaemia was pretty weak.I would have liked T3 to have had more mention of Sarah. Perhaps during the cemetary scene when Kate asks John what happened to her, he could have pulled out the famous polaroid of his mother.That would have been great and linked T3 with the other films more.
I also agree about Jonathan Mostow.Although i enjoy T3 for what it is;a respectable summer action movie,It's just that it isn't a James Cameron film. And i can see that every time i watch it.However i think Jonathan Mostow did a competent job. He had some pretty big shoes to fill plus the masterpiece that is Terminator 2 to follow up. Plus Mostow will have had intense pressure to recreate shots to pay homage to the previous classics. But Mostow didn't even know why Terminators arrived in the past naked lol.I wasn't really a fan of his stupid "funky man" humor and happy/giddy lighting and cinematography.I could also have done without the lame excuses for comedy. This is a Terminator movie not a comedy."Talk to the hand" is possibly the most irritating, stupid, painful attempt at humor in a movie I have ever seen.Actually the Elton John Glasses were worse lol.Mostow almost turned T3 into a parody of T2 imo.
But yeah if James Cameron helmed T3 it would have been absolutely epic and a masterpiece.Plus Sarah would have been done justice. It possibly would've been another milestone in Sci-Action movies like T2 was.What are your thoughts?Take care
lord xyz
Sarah dying in the film made sense, and would've been cool. Honestly, I don't think I'd have much of a problem with it as Linda Hamilton.
I'm guessing she would the same as she is in T2, and then get killed by T-X.
If James Cameron was at the helm of another Terminator film then it would of been mind blowing for sure. I'm not sure what he would of done if he did T3 apart from setting the story based on the future war; although that idea just seems a bit boring, for some reason. I'm sure Cameron could of made something fantastic out of it though. I mean a war film, based in a science fiction world and directed by James Cameron? What more could anyone want!

lord xyz
Here's a thing, why didn't they send T1000 in the same timeline as T850 just shortly after?
U Neek
I always like to think of Skynet sending its machines back like this...
Skynet has a rough idea of how old JC is. So, as Skynet is staring defeat in its own existence, it sends back a T-800 Arnold stlye Terminator to kill JC's mother. Sort of like a "retroactive abortion", as Dr Silberman stated in T1.
Seeing that the T-800 has had no affect on history or the timeline Skynet currently occupies, and the war is still being lost, Skynet decides to send another Terminator back in time, but to a different time period. It also decides to send a different model back since the first Terminator it sent back in time was clearly not up to the job. Thus the T-1000, a prototype, is sent back.
Again, it is still losing the war, nothing has changed. So with one last throw of the dice, Skynet sends its Termachick, the TX, back in time. As much as it pains it to do it, Skynet knows it has to part ways with its beloved (the TX) in order to continue to exist. Of course this means no more sexual relationship for Skynet with one of its most attractive looking T models. All for nothing though as the TX is unable to terminate John also.
I have mentioned this elsewhere on these boards so apologies to people who have read that post and are now reading this...
Originally posted by U Neek
I always like to think of Skynet sending its machines back like this...
Skynet has a rough idea of how old JC is. So, as Skynet is staring defeat in its own existence, it sends back a T-800 Arnold stlye Terminator to kill JC's mother. Sort of like a "retroactive abortion", as Dr Silberman stated in T1.
Seeing that the T-800 has had no affect on history or the timeline Skynet currently occupies, and the war is still being lost, Skynet decides to send another Terminator back in time, but to a different time period. It also decides to send a different model back since the first Terminator it sent back in time was clearly not up to the job. Thus the T-1000, a prototype, is sent back.
Again, it is still losing the war, nothing has changed. So with one last throw of the dice, Skynet sends its Termachick, the TX, back in time. As much as it pains it to do it, Skynet knows it has to part ways with its beloved (the TX) in order to continue to exist. Of course this means no more sexual relationship for Skynet with one of its most attractive looking T models. All for nothing though as the TX is unable to terminate John also.
I have mentioned this elsewhere on these boards so apologies to people who have read that post and are now reading this...
That's a nice way to see it. Would really like to see the T-X kiss some human and metal ass in the future war/movies. That terminator is so badass that it was wasted in T3.
Hi everyone. How are you?I think T2:3D Battle Across Time would have made a great T3 imo.They should have used this idea for Terminator 3, having Arnie and John Connor fighting with the machines in the future.Watching it back in 1997 in LA,this is what I was expecting from a Terminator 3. Seeing Skynet and being in the wars of the future were excellent since we only got glipses of it in the first 2 films. Plus it wouldn't have been so much of a rehash of T2 and it would've been fresh.
It was great to see the cast reunited as well.We had Linda Hamilton. Eddie Furlong and Robert Patrick.James Cameron wanted T2:3D to be the stepping stone for a third theatrical release. UNFORTUNATELY, we never got to see his vision of Terminator 3.
Originally posted by lord xyz
Sarah dying in the film made sense, and would've been cool. Honestly, I don't think I'd have much of a problem with it as Linda Hamilton.
I'm guessing she would the same as she is in T2, and then get killed by T-X.
I would have liked the cemetary scene in T3 to be a little longer. I thought the idea that Sarah left a cache of weapons in her casket was neat .Definitely something Sarah Connor would do lol. I think it would have been a nice touch if John took out the famous Sarah polaroid from T1 and spoke about how strong and focused his mother was and how she raised him as a leader. I think that would've been a great touch in the movie.Plus it really would have served the character of Sarah really well without having Linda in the film. As there would be no way that she would've just done a cameo.
Originally posted by LindaHamilton32
I would have liked the cemetary scene in T3 to be a little longer. I thought the idea that Sarah left a cache of weapons in her casket was neat .Definitely something Sarah Connor would do lol. I think it would have been a nice touch if John took out the famous Sarah polaroid from T1 and spoke about how strong and focused his mother was and how she raised him as a leader. I think that would've been a great touch in the movie.Plus it really would have served the character of Sarah really well without having Linda in the film. As there would be no way that she would've just done a cameo.
I thought the exact same thing. It's almost as though the scene leads up to him pulling the photo out of his jacket pocket or something. Would of been a fantastic tribute to the previous films and Sarah. Oh well...
U Neek
Originally posted by LindaHamilton32
Hi everyone. How are you?I think T2:3D Battle Across Time would have made a great T3 imo.They should have used this idea for Terminator 3, having Arnie and John Connor fighting with the machines in the future.Watching it back in 1997 in LA,this is what I was expecting from a Terminator 3. Seeing Skynet and being in the wars of the future were excellent since we only got glipses of it in the first 2 films. Plus it wouldn't have been so much of a rehash of T2 and it would've been fresh.
Spot on!
Who says we have to see "Judgment Day" occur? Why could we not just see the war?
Look at it like this; T1 and T2 happened, we saw that. But then why could we not be shown events leading up to the Terminators being sent back for bad and Kyle and the Arnie Terminator being sent back for good?
Yes the events of T2: Judgment Day "may" have prevented it (judgment day) from ever taking place, but from our point of view, showing how and why the Terminators / protectors were sent back would have been valid, because T1 and T2 took place. Sort of like a prequal to T1.
It goes around in an infinate loop but considering I live in the UK and will probably never see T2: 3D, I would not have minded seeing something very similar to it on the big screen.
lord xyz
I totally agree with U Neek.
I guess that's what this next trilogy is, but it's gonna suck.
I really think they should go back to the paradox theory, but that might look like a shot against T2, which is one of the best movie endings I saw.
I was just thinking to myself; I 'm really looking forward to the Salvation DVD release. Totally off topic I know

Originally posted by barand1
I thought the exact same thing. It's almost as though the scene leads up to him pulling the photo out of his jacket pocket or something. Would of been a fantastic tribute to the previous films and Sarah. Oh well...
Hi. How are you today?Hope you are well. On Sarah's leukaemia, i have a theory.Maybe it was from metallic poisoning caused by the T-1000 when he spiked her body a few times to which sent out particles of its sentient beings to deteriorate blood vessels and such. What do you think?Or is it too out there?Though i liked when they said that although she was given six months to live she fought for 3 years to make sure JD didn't happen.
lord xyz
Originally posted by LindaHamilton32
Hi. How are you today?Hope you are well. On Sarah's leukaemia, i have a theory.Maybe it was from metallic poisoning caused by the T-1000 when he spiked her body a few times to which sent out particles of its sentient beings to deteriorate blood vessels and such. What do you think?Or is it too out there?Though i liked when they said that although she was given six months to live she fought for 3 years to make sure JD didn't happen. The T1000 couldn't've left any metal in Sarah, because it always reforms itself. It can't afford to lose any part of itself.
Originally posted by lord xyz
The T1000 couldn't've left any metal in Sarah, because it always reforms itself. It can't afford to lose any part of itself.
Yeah you are right lol. Just a stupid theory i was tossing around.
Hi guys how are you all?Hope you are well. This is tad off topic but what did you think of Lena Headey in the role as Sarah in the Sarah Connor Chronicles?
Although no Linda Hamilton, i liked her.She grew on me.Tough as nails and yet very in touch with her emotions.My only criticism was that she should have been more muscular and toned like Linda was in T2.Linda likes Lena too and thinks she is quite the looker.
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