Best looking Terminator film?
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What, to you, is the best looking Terminator film.
For example I like T2, because it has a cold look about it, which makes it chilling and scary almost. I like the end of the film, with the blues and oranges shining through. Fantastic! T3 also looks good in some scenes.
I don't want to sound like some compromising wimp, but to be honest I think each visual style suits each individual film.
The raw, gritty and dark shots in the first movie are integral. This is not an action piece by any means. Yes the Terminator is awesome, and yes he shows us tremendous strength, strength to be respected for sure, but not to be cheered, rather feared.
Terminator 2 doesn't have the same ferocity of the original. Don't get me wrong the T1000 is menacing and certainly very believeable. Honestly Robert Patrick's performance is remarkable. The cooler colors lend themselves to his style. He is a machine that is more advanced, not necessarily physically stronger or more imposing, but more slick, stylized, efficient and ultimately effective. He is a cool guy and a badass in his own unique way. And a cool guy needs cool colors.
Terminator 3 is crisp. Even more so then T2, obviously. Better capturing equipment and such means that films are going to look sharper and that of course compliments the more detailed and (in some cases) believeable special affects. It also fits better with the times. The movies, for better or worse essentially take place in the same decade they were produced, so the clothes, cars and film quality all play into that emersion.
I think you would ruin the first two by using T3s visual style, and if you tried to mix and match T1s and T2s with each other then the themes wouldn't work. Robert Patrick isn't dark. And Arnold isn't slick. He's a tank. T3 wouldn't feel right using dated techniques.
Some very good points presented there...
I'll go with Terminator 1s visual style over the others. It made the whole concept of the Terminator genuinely scary, which i must say I preferred to the whole 'cool' image of Terminator 2.
Terminator three just looked like token hollywood to me.
i like 2. the blue tint gives it a cold steely feel. but 1 had more of the evil killing machine atmosphere.
i loved the bit in T1 where the T800 digs out the fake eyeball of his at the sink cuz it's been injured. even though it's clearly a puppet thing, it still looks cool how the eye moves around in the socket!
On close inspection I would have to say T3. I did have reasons to back up my answer, but at this moment in time my brain has forgotten. I'll be back... with them.
Ill be waiting... cos thats a surprising answer...
Indeed lol, *Sits & waits*
number 1 was the best
Okay... well I like the look of T1 because it is gritty and low budget and that is one of the reasons, I feel, it is still considered a classic. It's a classic without trying to be one. Things start looking Hollywood with T2. BUT not your typical Hollywood movie. The thing that sets T2 apart from the other T movies is the blueness it has. The cold feel it has on the characters. Most importantly the Terminators themselves. The menacing look it has on the Terminators at night is just chilling. This sets the future war scenes apart also from those in 1 & 3.
With T3, every colour seems to stand out. All the colours bounce on the audience's eye with ease. Although being a big budget Hollywood movie, T3 tries to sway away from that feel that Michael Bay films have. And that is exactly what it does. I don't see T3 as a 'summer blockbuster' or big budget film, only because it doesn't feel like one. T3 feels like it had half the budget it had and feels like it is a road movie and not just a science fiction action flick! Whereas T2 seems like a lot of money had been spent (and there was) T3 seems as though it had slightly less and has the same feelness (to me) of T1, only a polisher version. If people see this as something other than it's been made out to be, then they will realise that T3 isn't as bad as some of you say it is. T3 is underrated! We know it isn't perfect, but it isn't rubbish either. There is a good enough story there to give the Terminator saga alive. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Terminator 3 looks like some low budget films I've watched, which I think makes the film stand out . To top it of it just looks good. All I can say really is to look closely at it and you will see what I mean. Therefore I officially announce that I think Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines is the best looking Terminator film.
Originally posted by vvvrulz
Umm, Praylu?
Had my name changed...long story but just check out this thread and you'll find out why: LINK
Barand1> You raise some good points there. I dunno, I guess its just a matter of opinion, to me T3 looked very much like a 'summer action flick', although nowhere near as bad as a Michael Bay film like you said.
I kinda wished that T3 was a little more intense, the TX's killing rampage seemed more popcorn than anything else, and I don't think some of the lines were delivered at the right times, particularly at the beginning of the movie.
But like I said, to each his own..
Thanks vvvrulz. Yeah I know what you mean about some of the lines said. Some lines I wished were never said though, but oh well.
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