Why I think the OT should never have been "updated"

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There are of things in the OT that will never be altered, like for example the presence of Alec Guineas (maybe), but since Lucas stared to try and make the OT fit in with the PT, the OT has become an awkward hybrid between CG and much lower technology (not that some of the CG in the 1997 versions don't look like shit, like Jabba the Hutt in ANH).

Clearly Lucas likes to pretend that he make it that three movies never existed. It is foolish to try and "update" the original versions of these movies. It's not as if the episodes will ever flow smoothly from I to VI anyway; the two trilogies were made in far different circumstances from each other. Episodes I to III were made as prequels, not sequels. Watching the PT first just doesn't work at all (there are so many obvious reasons for this that I don't think I need to get into any of them). The way I see it, Lucas either should have left the OT alone, or completely shot the OT from scratch. If he wants to destroy the OT, he should at least destroy the whole thing, not just bits of it.

well, ... what do you mean with the "presence of Alec Guinness" exactly? If you mean Hayden, I can follow but now I'm a bit lost messed

but anyway, on numerous occasions, GL has said that the OT is the story and that the PT is the background as to how it all happened and that definition works fine for me

I meant as an example that Alec Guineas will never be replaced by a CG Obi-Wan that looks more like Ewan McGregor... maybe.

Originally posted by DarkAge
There are of things in the OT that will never be altered, like for example the presence of Alec Guineas (maybe), but since Lucas stared to try and make the OT fit in with the PT, the OT has become an awkward hybrid between CG and much lower technology (not that some of the CG in the 1997 versions don't look like shit, like Jabba the Hutt in ANH).

Clearly Lucas likes to pretend that he make it that three movies never existed. It is foolish to try and "update" the original versions of these movies. It's not as if the episodes will ever flow smoothly from I to VI anyway; the two trilogies were made in far different circumstances from each other. Episodes I to III were made as prequels, not sequels. Watching the PT first just doesn't work at all (there are so many obvious reasons for this that I don't think I need to get into any of them). The way I see it, Lucas either should have left the OT alone, or completely shot the OT from scratch. If he wants to destroy the OT, he should at least destroy the whole thing, not just bits of it.

You know what will happen? A younger generation will grow up seeing the prequel trilogy first, then the original trilogy, and the story will flow just fine for them - and it does. Lucas had to make the films straight, not with winking acknowledgements to the original. We can catch dark irony in Obi-Wan muttering "Why do I get the feeling you'll be the death of me?", or how different people use the phrase "From Your Point Of View?" And we can see the how similar circumstances and confrontations are repeated from one end to another. At the 1997 rerelease, I watched the films with people who had just a passing knowledge of Star Wars, and aside from that the film, to them, didn't look 20 years old - thanks to precient ideas about art direction, costumes, and cinematography - it was also that the new effects flowed with old and didn't stand out to them at all. Only the hardcore fans who have memorized every moment, and can see the differences, cared so much. I knew then what he was doing: the prequels are coming, and he wants them to have as uniform a look as possible. Same opening moments and scrawl, music, ending credits - and similar visual effects.
All the fans so obsessed and hung-up with the originals, we will all ultimately be replaced. Nothing you can do about that. big grin

Originally posted by DarkAge
I meant as an example that Alec Guineas will never be replaced by a CG Obi-Wan that looks more like Ewan McGregor... maybe.

if that happens Star Wars will be dead to me...

Imo Guinness is THE best actor in the entire saga...

Originally posted by roughrider
You know what will happen? A younger generation will grow up seeing the prequel trilogy first, then the original trilogy, and the story will flow just fine for them - and it does.

Please. The PT spoils every single major surprise of the OT, eg. who Vader, Leia and Yoda really are. When the first audiences of the OT saw Boba Fett, everyone thought he had a kind of coolness at the core of which was his mystique; you never knew the face behind the mask. Audiences who see the PT first will look at him and think "Aw, isn't that cute, he wants to be like his daddy." If you watched the PT first you'd wonder why the hell the OT doesn't touch on any of the major things which were introduced in the PT such as Jar Jar Binks, midichlorians or Naboo. Even the word Sith isn't mentioned once in the OT. That's just off the top of my head.

Why? There was no need to mention them.
The only possible place he could get in was if at the celebration of Naboo they zoom in on him which would add nothing at all.
Midichlorians were only needed in ROTS to make it conceivable that if you're powerful enough you can get them to stop people from dying, in the OT there was no need for it.
Naboo had no story anymore to tell.
Originally posted by DarkAge
I meant as an example that Alec Guineas will never be replaced by a CG Obi-Wan that looks more like Ewan McGregor... maybe.
because there is no need to. Anakin got corrupted by the dark side and eventhough he redeemed himself "for ever will it dominate your life" so it does make excellent logic that Hayden would appear. OB1 never got corrupted so there was no use.

It may be six parts, but it is like two trilogies that have different tonalities.
Ep. I-III is like intrigues at the palace, plotting, setups, betrayals against a backdrop of rising war. Then a twenty year break, and we go to Ep. IV-VI, where civil war and rebellion has broken out against the goverment established in III, and it's three pictures of chase; Vader and the Empire pursuing the Rebel alliance from system to system, while Luke comes to learn his destiny, what power he has, and his and Leia's connection to Vader.
You could find a similar difference if you read The Hobbit, then The Lord Of The Rings. The stories do flow narratively, but the tone changes.

Originally posted by roughrider
You know what will happen? A younger generation will grow up seeing the prequel trilogy first, then the original trilogy, and the story will flow just fine for them - and it does...

that would ruin some of the secrets in OT but they wouldn't know about Anakin turning to the dark side and that would be pretty awesome and unexpected (of course this assuming they know nothing about Star Wars).

There will children someday coming to Star Wars totally fresh, bond with Anakin as a child, then be shocked and shaken by what happens in Episode III. Life will seem more complicated to them afterwards.

What if George Lucas decided to update the OT by inserting random shots containing Jar Jar Binks throughout the movies? :P

Seriously...I dont see much problem with the updates...I just wish he would have redone the lightsaber blades in ANH...because they look plain bad compared to all other 5 movies.

I just think it's odd that he keeps adding and changing his movies.
But I really enjoyed the Jango voice change though! Killer cola!

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