Count Nefaria(Fully Powered) vs Kurse

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who wins hand to hand...

no prep time..

wow read this
Strength Level: The original level of Algrim's strength is unknown, but he was apparently the strongest of the Dark Elves. However, his strength was below that of Thor, who possesses Class 100 strength, enabling him to lift (press) over 100 tons. After being transformed into his present form, Kurse was said to have double the strength of Thor. The Beyonder further augmented Kurse's strength. His current strength level is so immense cannot be quantified accurately.

Known Powers: Besides his vast superhuman strength, Kurse has extraordinary resistance to injury. He has even survived the collapse of the steel framework of a many-storied building. Thanks to the Beyonder's power, Kurse's armor is now a living part of him, and grows organically. Kurse can survive the tremendous pressures at the ocean floor, and can apparently survive for days without having to breathe.

and Coutn Nefaria:
Enhanced Abilities: Count Nefaria is a being of ionic energy and as such he has super strength, durability and stamina.
Body Armour: Count Nefaria's Ionic nature provides him with protection from physical damage and energy attacks.
Life Support: WCount Nefaria no longer requires food, water or air, as the energy that grants him life is far more efficient and self-sustaining than the biochemical processes of an ordinary human.
Flight: Due to his Ionic nature Count Nefaria fly.
Ionic Beams: Count Nefaria can project his ionic energy as a weapon.
Ionic Mind Control: Count Nefaria is able to control the minds of other Ionic beings.
Ionic Bomb: Count Nefaria possesed an ionic bomb which if exploded would kill millions and leave the rest of the population a slave to his will.

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wow...only 3 replies......

kurse no doubt

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