What is your alltime favorite movie to watch on Halloween night?

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I would have to say The Ring.....I think Samara is one creepy kid!!

What the hell kind of poll is that, guy? There aren't any horror movies to choose from.

......we don't have halloween...(not really)

Christ man thats the dumbest thing I've ever seen.WHY did you post a poll when it has absolutley NOTHING to do with the subject? I'll answer anyways...probably Creepshow or the origional Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Oh yeah and I personally though The Ring sucked big time. Really boring. Not scary at all. Oh well my opinion. Whatever! big grin

There are really to many to choose from. I like to get several and watch them on Halloween. I liked the Ring but not the second one. I didn't think it was as scary as everyone made it out to be. I haven't decided which ones I will watch this year.

we dont celebrate pagen ritualistic days here in Aus, some people try but no one has candy to give out so most people dont bother

IT. I am deathly affraid of clowns and that just does it for me!

Nothing special...I just watch TV and check out old tv re-runs shows. Or I just play video games.

Used to be Nightmare Before Christmas.

Well............."Halloween" might be a little cliche to some people to watch Halloween night, but I don't think so. Also I always preferred "The Changeling, The Shining, and, of course, my all time favorite Evil Dead 2.

Any horror movie. Movie channels tend to show some horrors too so I check those out.

Agreed about the Halloween cliche. I went to Hollywood Video and found an entire shelf of just Halloween.

I generally have myself a full on horror marathon on Halloween.

I'll watch whatever horror movies are on TV, if they're good. Then top it off with some classics, Trilogy of the Dead, Evil Dead, Dog Soldiers, TCM, Halloween, Return of the Living Dead, ect.

Cine mentioned it, I always watch Nightmare Before Christmas on Halloween night.

"Hocus pocus" & "nightmare before christmas"

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