Coleman Trebor runs the gaunlet

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Dush-khan Mabeo
Colmen gets no rest.

1.Jango Fett

Lol gets owned at Jango

Twists his ankle on the way to the arena and cancels.

Dush-khan Mabeo
This was suposed to be a joke, like Janus's Coleman vs. Dooku or 200Younglings vs. Kit Fisto

Dush-khan Mabeo
That was ment for kamikaz

Yeah I got that, just wanted to respond that way because that's how it is. laughing

Dush-khan Mabeo

OMG colemann pwnz00rs al!!!1111 he taks this uber leet ez!!!

he gets up to Mace...

Dush-khan Mabeo
I think the Niman master takes them all with one good blaster deflection!

Guys, Coleman Trebor has taken far more difficult enemies the these. Against Jango: Coleman would use his force push to make Jango's jetpack malfunction then decapitate him. Against Dooku: Coleman could use a balance of force and lightsaber skills to defeat him, force lightning would have little effect because of his resilliance to the dark side. Against Mace: Vaapad is also ill advised against Coleman because of his dark side resiliency, and could turn Mace's agression back at him, otherwise, it is like the Dooku fight, with Trebor the victor. Lastly, Naga: Naga is not the best duelist and Coleman could hold him off in force powers, using his dark side channel ability, long enough to enter melee, where Naga meets his doom. Oh yeah, then Coleman wakes up.

Dush-khan Mabeo
Maybe you should pay a visit to the philosophy forum?

PS.Just kidding man, no hard feelings? By the way I totaly agree.

Lil Krueger
Originally posted by jollyjim311
Guys, Coleman Trebor has taken far more difficult enemies the these. Against Jango: Coleman would use his force push to make Jango's jetpack malfunction then decapitate him. Against Dooku: Coleman could use a balance of force and lightsaber skills to defeat him, force lightning would have little effect because of his resilliance to the dark side. Against Mace: Vaapad is also ill advised against Coleman because of his dark side resiliency, and could turn Mace's agression back at him, otherwise, it is like the Dooku fight, with Trebor the victor. Lastly, Naga: Naga is not the best duelist and Coleman could hold him off in force powers, using his dark side channel ability, long enough to enter melee, where Naga meets his doom. Oh yeah, then Coleman wakes up.

Coleman beats Naga? O...M...F...G

And then Krueger wakes up and reads Jollyjims post again.

Darth Traya
Originally posted by Lil Krueger
Coleman beats Naga? O...M...F...G

Get thee gone, noob!

Originally posted by Lil Krueger
Coleman beats Naga? O...M...F...G
You again! Damnit I thought you had finally left these forums.

Dush-khan Mabeo
Kruger I think I can hear your mom calling.

She's saying that for her up and coming 76th birthday she wants you to move out of the house, at least go out in the sun, the computer-tan style isn't in.

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