Neo vs Yoda
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Neo vs yoda.
yoda is wining
this is takeing place:/battle field is in the matrix this is AFTER he killed smith .
there making seem like neo is nothing.
we need to DO something about this, we cant let them do this.
they want a WAR,well we will give them ONE.
Who's with me//
we have to go over there and win this.
I will!
wat Yodas winning but Neo is practically god in the matrix wtf im with you all the way!!!!
yodas only winning by 3 now
Yeah if it's in the matrix, Neo would own.
Inspectah Deck
Yoda would kind of win
yoda lol ive never seen matrix in my lyf lol
think about it. Lightsaber/Force vs. a Superhuman.
Originally posted by StinkFist462
think about it. Lightsaber/Force vs. a Superhuman.
think about what you're saying ..a Superhuman vs Force.
Who cares who it is. In the Matrix, Yoda gets his ass kicked.
Anyone gets his ass kicked by Neo in the Matrix (save for Smith, but hes Neo's opposite/ negative so he doesn't count)
You cant be better then Neo in the matrix, thats the point of Neo.
But neo out of the matrix would get PWNED by yoda, just like neo PWNED smith/bane.
So... is the v.s. match in the Matrix, or out of it?
I take that back....
Neo got cut by the henchmans blade in the Merovingians house, so he can be cut,... and with the force on his side, it should balance out Neo's ability to bend the rules of the matrix.
Based on pure fighting ability/swordsmanship....Neo still gets PWNED!
Yoda cannot be as fast, as strong or generally as good at anything as Neo would be in the matrix. Plus Neo has essentially the same abilities as Yoda in terms of "Force abilities" except his abilities have no limit. Yoda's do.
The getting cut part during the Chateau scene was meant to elude to 'Neo is still human and can make a mistake'. But Yoda is a living being too and also can make a mistake. Yoda has indeed many a great deal of mistakes.
Yoda cannot fly, Yoda cannot warp the matrix, Yoda is not as fast, as strong or as good as Neo. No one is inside the Matrix. That is why Neo is the ONE.
To say Neo can be beat by anyone inside a world that he can essentially control and manipulate, in which he has no reservation and no fear is absurd. Neo is the ONE for a reason.
Smith is the only exception to this.
Originally posted by sithsaber408
I take that back....
Neo got cut by the henchmans blade in the Merovingians house, so he can be cut,... and with the force on his side, it should balance out Neo's ability to bend the rules of the matrix.
Based on pure fighting ability/swordsmanship....Neo still gets PWNED!
I'm pretty sure the Merovingian battle was before a pretty key element in the movie...Oh! Yeah! Him touching the source!
Neo after touching the source can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to do it. I'm a big Star Wars fan but there's no way Yoda wins.
have we ever REALLY seen the FULL EXTENT of Yoda's power!?
Makes no difference, You cant effectively beat someone who can control the reality you are fighting him in.
Yoda gets pWned.
Originally posted by xeous
I'm pretty sure the Merovingian battle was before a pretty key element in the movie...Oh! Yeah! Him touching the source!
Neo after touching the source can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants to do it. I'm a big Star Wars fan but there's no way Yoda wins.
Neo didnt touch the source, or else he would have lost his power. Did you not see which door he took in Reloaded? The one that goes back to Trinity, not the one that goes to the source. You have it backwards, Neo cant do anything he wants after touching the source. The Architect said if he went to the source, the anomaly program within Neo would be taken off and the normal code reinserted, making him another normal person. He still had his powers, thus he didnt go to the source.
NO NO NO!!! You cant even do this, their both God's in their OWN right!!
I really can't decide . . . "The FORCE" Vs "the POWER of the ONE"
similarites in both there are . . (LOL)
plus STAR WARS is . .
where as The Matrix is on Earth, in the far far future!
(Dont forget, The Power of the ONE reaches beyond the world of the Matrix and into the REAL WORLD!)
Neo kicks yoda's tiny little green ass, that's all there needs to be said.
That's true. Neo OWNS! Damn right, that hot piece of.... yeah Yoda bows to Neo. -_-
Neo practicly has the force. He stops bullets with his hands and can make 2 swords fly towards his hands. The same as a Jedi? Yoda cant fly, stop bullets or come back to life after being shot at point blank range several times. NEO SHALL PREVAIL.
This is actually pretty hard.
I'm trying to think about Neo before he was the one. His ability to manipulate the Matrix were higher than just about any other red pill. I don't know why - maybe he just had faster neurokinetics or whatever. When he became the One he could manipulate the Matrix on a vasy level.
I'm just trying to think if Yoda was in the matrix, how powerful would the mental projection of his digital self be? I'd imagine since his mind is so powerful he would be able to manipulate it to very great effect. Thats what I can see. If he uses the force....
I don't know if anyones read that SWs book Shatterpoint where Mace Windu fights this guy called Kar Vastor in this jungle of darkness. In a fair fight Mace would probably kick his ass any day of the week but in the jungle, Vastor seemed to be able to use the darkness in the jungle to become VERY powerful in unarmed combat.
So I'd say it would be similar in this situation. In real world Yoda would eat Neo for breakfast. In the Matrix however in unarmed combat Neo takes our little green friend though with difficulty I imagine.
Fun thread!
oh come on, this thread is just wrong. neo and yoda are both completly different. I cant choose whos the winner. they are both completly different characters. please close thisthread.
Yoda will win no
Originally posted by ADarksideJedi
Yoda will win no
No Wai
Inside the Matrix Neo's like a god, if he gets killed he gets revived, he moves faster then the speed of sound, to him, other people move in slow-motion when he's looking at them. (Like flies see us). I doubt Yoda could win....
Neo would win hands down because I am pretty sure the matrix is a computerized world and the machines wouldn't happen to program the force into it thus yoda wouldn't be able to do any of his cool stuff but neo would.
Your pretty sure The Matrix is a computerized world.....??
Have you seen the movies by chance?
Anyways, there is NO way Yoda could beat Neo in the Matrix, its impossible. Unless your Smith then Neo will kick your ass.
It makes no difference what Yoda can do, at all. Neo is ALWAYS going to be faster and stronger then Yoda is. This coupled with his near infinite ability to warp and control The Matrix (the reality in which they're fighting in) makes Yoda just as useless in a fight as any other person who Neo could fight in the Matrix (not including Smith). Neo would curb-stomp Yoda, just as he would curb-stomp anyone else.
In the computer. Neo Wins.
In the Star Wars universe... Neo loses.
yoda would get worked here. i mean literally raped. guy couldnt take out palpatine. he had his shot. he also failed to kill count dooku.
sorry but neo inside the matric is much faster and more powerful than yoda with the force.
neo crushes him.
Neo would definitely beat Yoda inside the matrix.
But Smith beats both of them.
Wow... some of you are so wrong it's not even close to being funny. Think about this for a moment. Yoda would kick Neo's ass outside of the Matrix... but he would also kick his ass inside of the Matrix. Why? Because the force surrounds everything. It gives everything life, makes it grow. Etc. etc. Notice how Yoda has control over inanimate objects, such as Luke's fighter jet when it's sunk in the swamp. Yoda would have control over the Matrix in ways Neo couldn't even begin to imagine... Yoda could fart and destroy the Matrix.... without even having to enter it.
Originally posted by midchlo_muncher
Wow... some of you are so wrong it's not even close to being funny. Think about this for a moment. Yoda would kick Neo's ass outside of the Matrix... but he would also kick his ass inside of the Matrix. Why? Because the force surrounds everything. It gives everything life, makes it grow. Etc. etc. Notice how Yoda has control over inanimate objects, such as Luke's fighter jet when it's sunk in the swamp. Yoda would have control over the Matrix in ways Neo couldn't even begin to imagine... Yoda could fart and destroy the Matrix.... without even having to enter it. No, you're wrong!
Darth Martin
First of all how would Yoda even enter the Matrix. If he comes in Neo wins. Yoda won't know anything about what he's in and the rules. Besides if he went in Neo could rewrite his code, jump inside him, or just kick his *** H2H.
Lord Shaper
In all honesty, Neo would MURDER Yoda.
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