Multiple Matrices?

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IDK if this has been addressed before, but I was wondering, is it plausible that there is more than one Matrix? I know a lot when it comes to computer hardware, and I know that The Matrix is far more advanced, but my thought was this: a server capable of housing the minds of every person on our planet as it was in the year 1999 may be possible in the future. Then I thought, why would they limit the population to what it was in 1999? They need so much energy, and since living space isn't a concern, I would imagine the machines would grow several times more humans than the Earth's population in 1999. So wouldn't they need multiple servers (Matrices) to house all these people? It was just a random thought of mine. I want you here your opinions on it though.

random task

FYI, MWAM means matrix within a matrix. this theory was speculated upon the end of reloaded. when revolutions was released, the oracle kinda explained it all.

there are more threads that expand on this theory, but they are all buried in here somewhere. do a search on "MWAM."

hope that helped.

That is a siminlar idea to mine, but mine still varies quite significantly. I was thinking not of the actual Matrix software, but hardware. With computer gaming, you connect to a server and play there in that server with the number of people it can support. During that same time there are people playing in other servers. I was wondering if, even in the super advanced days of 2199, they could not have a single 'server' to support all the brains. That maybe they needed more than one actual super computer to run similtaeous worlds.

i see what your getting at, but i dont see why there needs to be another. its not like the people plugged in are taking up Bandwith or anything. its all just one big program/illusion that the people are going through. then again it would have been nice to have another matrix just in case another smith-like virus happens, they can just switch to a different "server"


if you would have watched Second Renaissance, it took the machines much much later on than 1999 to take over. what the matrix shows in 1999 seems pretty accurate to our 1999. but in SR it shows much into the future where robots take civilian lifestyles. so somewhere along the line mankind must have found a new power source or a better way to use it.

it would take a crapload of processing power to make the entire population into one program. im thinking that each person has their own program built in with them, then through some sort of connection goes to the mainframe. isntead of having one program to cover all the people. just have one program per person and through some sort of connection have each person connected to the mainframe. but still, that would take up a lot of processing power.

and without the sun's power the machines would need to breed a lot of people very, very, fast. considering 1 person=1 D battery.

Evil Dead
the idea itself is plausable...........with an unlimited number of humans they could produce, seems logical they could create 2 or more Matrix programs to run simultaneously.........perhaps 1 set in '99 another set in the 1700s........ more programs to house human minds does allow for more human minds which equates more human bodies to produce more energy.

at second look though.......all that falls apart. In the movies we get to see the real world, Zion. The sole purpose of zion is to facillitate the function of the anomaly the machines can not program out of the Matrix........Zion exists to convince "the one" to re-enter the machine main frame to save (actually rebuild) it.......

The machines lack the programming knowledge to rid the anomaly from the Matrix program.......hence if there is another Matrix program, there is another anomaly. If there is another anomaly, there must be another city like Zion somewhere on Earth to facillitate that anomaly re-entering the machine main frame. Not only are we never given any idea in the movies that such another city exists.....the machines at the end of Revolutions go to extreme measures, striking a deal with the humans of Zion, to protect the Matrix.........

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