Kratos vs Dante
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The God of War or the white haired Demon
It's kind of proved that Dante can beat Lucifer and Kratos has only defeated Aries the war god, so Im going with Dante on this one.
Rogue Jedi
Dante would wipe the floor with Dante. the only video game character that could give Dante a good fight is Samanosuke Akechi.
Um Kratos is also going to take out Zues inthe next game, according to the extras. Kratos is no punk I think this would be a good match.
Rogue Jedi
it'd be a hell of a fight, but Dante would win.
I dont no the Blades of Chaos or Athens are some bad ass weapons, and Kratos has all them powers he's damn good.
Rogue Jedi
Dante has several different swords, in addition to his guns. when kratos started swinging his blades, all dante has to do is flip evade (which he excels at) and attack anew.
dante also has devil trigger, which enables him to turn demon on kratos's ass.
whats kratos gonna do when dante lets loose with ebony and ivory?
Or Dante could just use Quicksilver (to freeze time) and then do Inferno (to fry his ass to ashes) on Kratos's ass
Or turn into Sparda, fly several thousand feets up in the sky and fire a few hundred demonic energy ball'n'Giant fire dragon, I know I've that before, but it is the fastest and easyest way for Dante to win.
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
Dante has several different swords, in addition to his guns. when kratos started swinging his blades, all dante has to do is flip evade (which he excels at) and attack anew.
Yep.. soon as you press the evade button dante practically becomes invulnerable..
I dont really think ebony and ivory are really to be feared, honestly... they fire 'magic' bullets which do mediocre damage unless upgraded to the max.. rebellion is more of an arsenal IMO
Originally posted by SaTsuJiN
I dont really think ebony and ivory are really to be feared, honestly... they fire 'magic' bullets which do mediocre damage unless upgraded to the max.. rebellion is more of an arsenal IMO
I just remembered something. You remember how Dante made Mondus go byebye...?
Originally posted by IcePunk
I just remembered something. You remember how Dante made Mondus go byebye...?
well that was a 3 form fight.. all I can remember was abusing the rocket launcher and dodge buttons...
Okay Dante has one sword, and ebony, and Ivory, and Kratos has the Blades of Chaos, and all his magic which includes a form where is impowered by all the Gods.
Originally posted by SaTsuJiN
well that was a 3 form fight.. all I can remember was abusing the rocket launcher and dodge buttons...
Ummm, there were no rocket launcher in DMC1. I was reffering to the second last cutscene, duh.
Rogue Jedi
Originally posted by soujaboy09
Okay Dante has one sword, and ebony, and Ivory, and Kratos has the Blades of Chaos, and all his magic which includes a form where is impowered by all the Gods.
one sword? have you played DMC?
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
one sword? have you played DMC?
he was setting the rules, not stating the characters arsenal
Originally posted by IcePunk
Ummm, there were no rocket launcher in DMC1. I was reffering to the second last cutscene, duh. hmm, well I typed up Mugul or whatever his name was.. brought up the last fight in DMC2, where you fight the angel lookin thing that goes multi form.. guess I'm confused
Shadow x 20
I have to give the fight to Dante. Kratos needed Pandora's Box to kill the God of War and Dante...need I say it?
Rogue Jedi
Dante is Dante, plain as that.
Originally posted by SaTsuJiN
hmm, well I typed up Mugul or whatever his name was.. brought up the last fight in DMC2, where you fight the angel lookin thing that goes multi form.. guess I'm confused
yeah, I guess you're kind of confused...
Rogue Jedi
Kind of? sounds like alzheimers to me.
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
Kind of? sounds like alzheimers to me.
I typed it in and recieved this :
I havent played the first dmc.. only the 2nd.. even though the site is called dmc2, they put up a dmc 1 boss which threw me off..
I found the list of dmc 2 bosses (not subs) though. (all of which I have defeated)
Plutonian & Tartarussian:
Nefasturris and Nefascapitis:
Nochpteran and Larva:
Bolverk with Friki & Geri:
Argosax the Chaos:
The Despair Embodied:
Possessed Arius:
Arius Argosax:
I REALLY recommend that you buy DMC1, the feeling when you play it is so hard to put in words, it's the best game the series.
Rogue Jedi
try DMC3. it is the hardest game released this millenia.
What? No, DMC1 on "Dante must die" difficulty is way harder than any difficulty in DMC3, but sure get that one to, both are better than number 2.
Rogue Jedi
number 2 sucked hard. i am playing DMC3 on normal mode and it is just as hard as dante must die mode on DMC1.
Nah, on Dante must die, you loose half your life in like one hit.
Rogue Jedi
i know. thats why i dont get hit.
If only that was true

Shadow x 20
DMC2 was too easy and DMC3 is a lot harder.
God Of War is impossible to beat on god mode.
Originally posted by soujaboy09
God Of War is impossible to beat on god mode.
That depends solely on the gamer.
Originally posted by Shadow x 20
DMC2 was too easy and DMC3 is a lot harder.
DMC 3 is a piece of cake, then again that does solely depend on the gamer.
dante wins cuz he is invulnerable...
kratos can be killed but his strength out match dantes
because kratos can pull a hydra with his upper body strength of 100 men. dante only have the strength of 2-10 men at the most.
Burning thought
Kratos wins this IMO, he can do army of hades, his blades spin all over the place man, no matter how fast or how high dante can run and jump he is not evading all his moves, Kratos can just do Army of hades which he cant dodge, if he gets close he can use either Medusa head to stone him or Poseidons fury/wrath to blast him to pieces and he can use a God trigger sort of thing to make him stronger and i think hes indestructable as well
Also Dante doesnt kill the real lucifer, Mundus is the highest ranking demon in the series as far as i remember and he is only the Demon Emperor, hes nothing compared to Ares from god of war, Ares is the size of a skyscraper, Mundus is probably about half his size, and Ares is a GOD, not some demon emperor
Dante=Dead mess on the floor
Also God mode is not impossible, ive done it

Burning thought

, the technique is to grab and then use the 1 man attack, i think its circle or something


The Person
but Dante cant die he was shot, stabed, and eaten. all he has to do is use Ebony & Ivory With Sparda and Kratos is gone
There's a more recent thread for this, dude. It's on the first freaking page.
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
try DMC3. it is the hardest game released this millenia.
But what if Dante and Kratos have no choice but to choose hand to hand combat? I think Kratos will win. Cause' hell just rip Dante apart. And if Dante won, Kratos will just come back from the underworld.
And I have a funny idea. If Kratos is overpowered by Dante, Kratos will call to Ares. Like when the Barbarian King almost killed him but Kratos called to Ares. That's Good

Originally posted by Austin3301
But what if Dante and Kratos have no choice but to choose hand to hand combat? I think Kratos will win. Cause' hell just rip Dante apart. And if Dante won, Kratos will just come back from the underworld.
And I have a funny idea. If Kratos is overpowered by Dante, Kratos will call to Ares. Like when the Barbarian King almost killed him but Kratos called to Ares. That's Good
Except that Ares is dead.
Sparda mode and sword, time stop and doppelganger, and the 600 and something more weapons Pandoras box lets him use. Wonder if Kratos can survive being frozen in a block of ice `,`
Pandora's Box and BoO, time travel and Army of Hades, and the other dozen or so superior magic spells. I wonder if Dante can survive being a brittle statue.
the average human could probably dodge the gorgon's eye beamz at least once..
dante could prolly dodge 10 of them at once while doing a perfect reenactment of smooth criminal

The Golden Fleece alone deflects an ordinary gaze as an AoE-like blast. That's an ordinary attack with one of the heads
His speed, agility and acrobatics surpass Kratos, would be difficult to get his hit in. This would make close range go in Dantes favor, and proberbly so would long range. The main problem would be mid range fighting because of his chain/blades.
The Golden Fleece works in the same manner as Royalguard, except GFleece reflects straight away (?) while RGuard is able to be stored to gain much more power.......and Dreadnought.
Also his regen rate is a huge plus. What does Kratos have in that area?
stone will solve regen, Kratos has more durablity than dante.
What about the classic ''Sword through the chest'', didnt Kratos get impaled from something and die? So a shot t the head would be fatal.
Kratos is bullet proof

I won't say bullet proof. more like he can take a lot be for dying. most characters here on KMC are not bullet proof.
Originally posted by Sin_Volvagia
Kratos is bullet proof
Kinda hard to say that as he will never, in his universe, get shot by bullets. He died on two occasions by being impaled.
How fast/agile is the Spartan?
Nemesis X
Originally posted by BloodRain
How fast/agile is the Spartan?
He did dodge a strike attack from one of the Hydra's many heads and they move around fast.
Originally posted by Phanteros
stone will solve regen, Kratos has more durablity than dante.
Considering his cells, that's if he can be stoned (and the same could be said about Kratos being iced). No.
Originally posted by Nemesis X
He did dodge a strike attack from one of the Hydra's many heads and they move around fast.
Had to check that scene so not sure if i saw the right one. He did show some pretty good reflexes, wouldn't say he's as fast though.
Originally posted by iChaos
Considering his cells, that's if he can be stoned (and the same could be said about Kratos being iced). No.
The different with the ice is that if will freeze him (like the stone) but also freeze around him. Basically an ice block.
kratos. dante by far is much faster than him, or atleast in speed. long range weapons i give to dante, but short range and medium range definitely to kratos.
If dante gets caught by kratos, he's dead. Theres no question about it, kratos far outweighs him in strength and durability. Dante, while it doesnt phase him, easily gets impaled by thin scythes, so imagine how long he would last from kratos ripping him in half.
Another interesting point is that kratos did infact block lightning (60k meters a second), it was a cannon unavoidable scene in the game when he did it, so it counts.
Demonic Phoenix
Which Dante is it? Does he have access to DT or not?
Originally posted by Sappho
kratos. dante by far is much faster than him, or atleast in speed. long range weapons i give to dante, but short range and medium range definitely to kratos.
If dante gets caught by kratos, he's dead. Theres no question about it, kratos far outweighs him in strength and durability. Dante, while it doesnt phase him, easily gets impaled by thin scythes, so imagine how long he would last from kratos ripping him in half.
Another interesting point is that kratos did infact block lightning (60k meters a second), it was a cannon unavoidable scene in the game when he did it, so it counts.
What does getting impaled with scythes have to do with anything? Anyway, Dante is faster than the speed of sound.
And this is DMC1 Dante with Ebony and Ivory vs Kratos with his magic from the first game. I'm not sure if he has his sword or not.
Originally posted by Sappho
kratos. dante by far is much faster than him, or atleast in speed. long range weapons i give to dante, but short range and medium range definitely to kratos.
If dante gets caught by kratos, he's dead. Theres no question about it, kratos far outweighs him in strength and durability. Dante, while it doesnt phase him, easily gets impaled by thin scythes, so imagine how long he would last from kratos ripping him in half.
Another interesting point is that kratos did infact block lightning (60k meters a second), it was a cannon unavoidable scene in the game when he did it, so it counts.
Dante has a higher pool of moves like gauntlets, scythes and a number of elemental skills. Kratos has only a few swords and two other weapons and not many elements. (Elements are only for the variety not weakness.)
If Kratos slashes him he will automatically heal, the same can't be said reversed. Kratos outweighs him in strength yes, but the strength difference isn't like.... Harry Potter vs the Hulk >.> Dante would be able to hold his own in a strength bout. Don't know how he would manage to hold Dante to rip him in half (if someone has a clip of that it'll be great) but 3 things are wrong there even if he could tear him apart: 1. Dante wouldn't sit there and wait, he'd fight him off. 2. If he needs, he would DT and blast Kratos off him. 3. If Kratos get the chance to hold onto Dante, well the chances that he'll get punched or slashed being that close to him will increase.
Besides, the Prides blades are around as thick as a finger, that's gotta be an average blade thickness (?). If Kratos allowed him one to pierce his chest... he would be impaled too. Not like the blades would bounce off him.
Ill admit not everyone would be able to dodge a move like that, but didn't he also get hit but a large (visible) chunk of pillar from the front. (in his line of sight) 'Sides Dante would be able to shoot lightning in mid-combat, guessing that's harder to dodge then being shot at (again have no idea what it looks like, not seen the vid) and also a rifle bullet travels at 1000m/s. And Dante's guns are faster then that, and gunslinger plus charged would make then even faster. Now add that to a the amount of bullets fired.
Originally posted by Demonic Phoenix
Which Dante is it? Does he have access to DT or not?
Any Dante past 3 should have it, soujaboy09 didn't specify but its highly likely that he would have it. Now if he had Sparda/Majin form `,`.....
Originally posted by BloodRain
Dante has a higher pool of moves like gauntlets, scythes and a number of elemental skills. Kratos has only a few swords and two other weapons and not many elements. (Elements are only for the variety not weakness.)
If Kratos slashes him he will automatically heal, the same can't be said reversed. Kratos outweighs him in strength yes, but the strength difference isn't like.... Harry Potter vs the Hulk >.> Dante would be able to hold his own in a strength bout. Don't know how he would manage to hold Dante to rip him in half (if someone has a clip of that it'll be great) but 3 things are wrong there even if he could tear him apart: 1. Dante wouldn't sit there and wait, he'd fight him off. 2. If he needs, he would DT and blast Kratos off him. 3. If Kratos get the chance to hold onto Dante, well the chances that he'll get punched or slashed being that close to him will increase.
No, Dante only outweighs Kratos' weaponry numerically. There are but two/three weapons Kratos has wielded that alone would stomp Dante. not to mention he has upwards of a dozen magic powers.
Ever character that ever did hold their own in a strength clash with Kratos canonically ended up losing still, even Zeus. Aside from it taking barely a second for Kratos to rip things like heads, limbs or wings apart, that's still ultimately a durability feat he hasn't shown to be up against. And even if Dante tries to go DT, it's not like he's the only one here with transformations. Kratos has about two himself, three if you count Pandora's Box, which on its own would stomp Dante. Even then, Dante's most powerful DT form is arguably non-canon iirc. And seriously, if he can crash through two stone roofs and second floor and get up unscathed, he can take
Originally posted by Phanteros
I won't say bullet proof. more like he can take a lot be for dying. most characters here on KMC are not bullet proof.
I wasn't serious. I just found it funny when someone in Game FAQs came up with that idea.
Originally posted by First_Tsurugi06
No, Dante only outweighs Kratos' weaponry numerically. There are but two/three weapons Kratos has wielded that alone would stomp Dante. not to mention he has upwards of a dozen magic powers.
Ever character that ever did hold their own in a strength clash with Kratos canonically ended up losing still, even Zeus. Aside from it taking barely a second for Kratos to rip things like heads, limbs or wings apart, that's still ultimately a durability feat he hasn't shown to be up against. And even if Dante tries to go DT, it's not like he's the only one here with transformations. Kratos has about two himself, three if you count Pandora's Box, which on its own would stomp Dante. Even then, Dante's most powerful DT form is arguably non-canon iirc. And seriously, if he can crash through two stone roofs and second floor and get up unscathed, he can take
He fell from space to earth (let also fell higher than Kratos when he was in Leviathan). I'm sure he can survive two stone roofs and second floor and get up.
Originally posted by First_Tsurugi06
No, Dante only outweighs Kratos' weaponry numerically. There are but two/three weapons Kratos has wielded that alone would stomp Dante. not to mention he has upwards of a dozen magic powers.
Wasn't saying that the number is the reason. That he can use different varieties is hard to counter, also that he'll be using strong elemental attacks in unison with his attacks, which differs from Kratos' magic. Because of the way they are used, the Blades of Chaos/Athena wouldnt be that effective against Dantes speed and skills. They're just too wide. (If you get what I mean) Are the two/three the BoO, hammer and spear?
Most of his magic attacks don't seem too deadly, at least compared to what Dante has faced before.
Originally posted by First_Tsurugi06
Ever character that ever did hold their own in a strength clash with Kratos canonically ended up losing still, even Zeus. Aside from it taking barely a second for Kratos to rip things like heads, limbs or wings apart, that's still ultimately a durability feat he hasn't shown to be up against. And even if Dante tries to go DT, it's not like he's the only one here with transformations. Kratos has about two himself, three if you count Pandora's Box, which on its own would stomp Dante. Even then, Dante's most powerful DT form is arguably non-canon iirc. And seriously, if he can crash through two stone roofs and second floor and get up unscathed, he can take
But all those that did hold there own in strength against him were in majority, like him. As in they were similar to Kratos' build, fighting style etc. Like a wrestler against a wrestler. Its completely different when fighting someone who doesn't rely 90% on raw strength. (Like how we don't see Zeus doing Bruce Lee moves...... but id love to see that lol)
Your gonna have to fill me in on who/what he decapitated and such with his bare hands (sorry my knowledge on GoW isn't the best.)
What else besides Pandora's box? And the Box is made to 'give mortals the powers to rival Gods' or something like that, well Dante already has that kind of power. So besides the giantism, I don't see how threatening that really is. DT multiplies all of Dante's powers and skills, oh and when i mentioned DT i was only stating that if Kratos got a hold of him the shock wave of using it would be a way throw him off.
Sparda form from the end of DMC1. Majin from DMC2, this one is debatable only for DMC fans view of the game itself. Also count Dreadnought.
For Kratos' durability feat you stated, was that in response to my ''If Kratos get the chance to hold onto Dante, well the chances that he'll get punched or slashed being that close to him will increase.'' ? Again that would just be to push him back, but at least were on the subject. He does show good resistance to blunt based attacks like punches and falling like you said. Nero's Devil Bringer, a strong blunt attack in DMC4, one scene when he hit the ground three times (Not to break it, just cause he was upset) it broke it with high damage (real attack would of broke through the floor.) Anyway, with that he punched Dante 20 ish times in the face, threw him into a statue at a painful speed and speared his demonic powered sword into his chest. Dante took it out and was only a little winded (cause of his sword) So that's a powerful blunt, a weaker one and being impaled. One second later it was like it didn't touch him.
And speaking of impaled, Kratos can take the brunt of the blunt attacks, but not a bladed weapon. Like the two times he died.
Kratos falls through the stone like you mentioned < Dante in the Devil Bringer assault. Result; Both walk away unarmed.
Kratos impaled with head thick (measured from the cutscene) pillar = Dante impaled from eight demon spikes (DMC: Animation) Result; Kratos dies.
Kratos impailed by BoO/ Dante impaled on 7 occasions (2 from other demon/weak, 5 from highly concentrated demonic swords) Result; Kratos dies.
Originally posted by iChaos
He fell from space to earth (let also fell higher than Kratos when he was in Leviathan). I'm sure he can survive two stone roofs and second floor and get up.
Ignore that.
Since when were we using God Kratos?
3oOoqPaQBmo I'm sure Dante would survive being stomped on.
^ 0:43- Strength at weakest (now full power either), 1:02/1:50- some acrobatic skills and 1:56/2:00 speed and durability to match re-entry speed :3
Vergil jumped from that and effortlessly survived, so can Dante.
It must be PIS for Arkham.
Originally posted by BloodRain
Wasn't saying that the number is the reason. That he can use different varieties is hard to counter, also that he'll be using strong elemental attacks in unison with his attacks, which differs from Kratos' magic. Because of the way they are used, the Blades of Chaos/Athena wouldnt be that effective against Dantes speed and skills. They're just too wide. (If you get what I mean) Are the two/three the BoO, hammer and spear?
Most of his magic attacks don't seem too deadly, at least compared to what Dante has faced before.
Kratos, while not having as many weapons in his arsenal as dante, still has many different elements at his disposal also (wind, electricity, fire/blunt). Too wide, in my opinion, works better. If dante comes anwhere near kratos, he has his wide blades to swing which have a reach well over 25 feet, he has atlas' quake which surrounds him with molten rock, and cronos' rage which locks on to an enemy instantly if there in range, and im pretty sure dante is going to have a hard time dodging lightning.
Originally posted by BloodRain
But all those that did hold there own in strength against him were in majority, like him. As in they were similar to Kratos' build, fighting style etc. Like a wrestler against a wrestler. Its completely different when fighting someone who doesn't rely 90% on raw strength. (Like how we don't see Zeus doing Bruce Lee moves...... but id love to see that lol)
Your gonna have to fill me in on who/what he decapitated and such with his bare hands (sorry my knowledge on GoW isn't the best.)
What else besides Pandora's box? And the Box is made to 'give mortals the powers to rival Gods' or something like that, well Dante already has that kind of power. So besides the giantism, I don't see how threatening that really is. DT multiplies all of Dante's powers and skills, oh and when i mentioned DT i was only stating that if Kratos got a hold of him the shock wave of using it would be a way throw him off.
Sparda form from the end of DMC1. Majin from DMC2, this one is debatable only for DMC fans view of the game itself. Also count Dreadnought.
We all know dante is much, much faster than kratos. This fight would easily be in his hands no doubt if kratos had not blocked lightning. Dante is faster in movement, but kratos has reflexes. Dante cannot move at 60k meters a second, so pretty much almost all of his attacks can be deflected right back at him, making it that much harder to counter attack. And about the "dt multiplies all of dantes powers" i would like to see proof of this, because iirc i dont remember it saying how much it specifically increased his abilities.
and if we are counting pandoras box then dante has absolutely zero chance.
Originally posted by BloodRain
For Kratos' durability feat you stated, was that in response to my ''If Kratos get the chance to hold onto Dante, well the chances that he'll get punched or slashed being that close to him will increase.'' ? Again that would just be to push him back, but at least were on the subject. He does show good resistance to blunt based attacks like punches and falling like you said. Nero's Devil Bringer, a strong blunt attack in DMC4, one scene when he hit the ground three times (Not to break it, just cause he was upset) it broke it with high damage (real attack would of broke through the floor.) Anyway, with that he punched Dante 20 ish times in the face, threw him into a statue at a painful speed and speared his demonic powered sword into his chest. Dante took it out and was only a little winded (cause of his sword) So that's a powerful blunt, a weaker one and being impaled. One second later it was like it didn't touch him.
And speaking of impaled, Kratos can take the brunt of the blunt attacks, but not a bladed weapon. Like the two times he died.
Dante took a while to take that sword out of his chest, a lot longer than kratos would need to do damage. Now imagine someone much, MUCH stronger than nero punching him, then ripping off his head from his shoulders and smashing his head with his foot. Comparing kratos to nero is a joke.
Originally posted by BloodRain
Kratos falls through the stone like you mentioned < Dante in the Devil Bringer assault. Result; Both walk away unarmed.
Kratos impaled with head thick (measured from the cutscene) pillar = Dante impaled from eight demon spikes (DMC: Animation) Result; Kratos dies.
Kratos impailed by BoO/ Dante impaled on 7 occasions (2 from other demon/weak, 5 from highly concentrated demonic swords) Result; Kratos dies.
If your talking in blunt force then kratos falling through stone pillar >>>> dante db assault.
Dante would not be able to stab kratos as he would simply deflect it, which pretty much leaves him with blunt weapons left which either kratos would deflect also or they would not do much damage to him at all. I played all the games to both of the series', and i can honestly say kratos takes this 6.5/10 w/o pandoras box or god form.
@Sappho: Yamato devastates the mind, body, soul, and power, so this would surely **** up Kratos (and besides, this is his weakest form). Kratos isn't "much stronger" than Nero. Nero can pick up Berial with one hand; Kratos has to pull the Hydra head with both hands.
Firstly, Dante has also reacted to lighting, and he's faster than sound itself. He clearly didn't react to lighting. If you think Kratos can "react" to all of Dante's attacks, then you must be crazy. Dante asorbs all of Kratos energy with the RoyalGuard, and he kills him with his own energy. And him "deflecting" or whatever crap is a no-limit fallacy (in a way). And didn't Nero's DB destroy stone?
Dante seals Kratos in a dimention
His guns also shoot at a Mach speed. Mach 5, I think (or was it Nero's?).
I'm sure either of their guns an shoot at that speed, both heavily modified.
dante and kratos would have a heck of a fight but as everyone else said dante would win
The Alastor is a living Devil Arm, the Thunder Sword and "Spirit of Lightning", appearing in Devil May Cry. It can only be wielded by the "chosen one" who can conquer it, but it is able to grant its wielder lightning speed and aerial capability.
The legendary sword of the Dark Knight Sparda, containing the bulk of his devilish powers. It is the goal of Vergil and Arkham in Devil May Cry 3, is awakened by Dante in Devil May Cry, is seen with Sparda in a flashback in
The trademark broadsword belonging to Dante as an heirloom from his father. It is a key element in releasing Dante's devil half, though it must first taste his blood.
The gauntlet manifestation of Ifrit the Fire Devil. Dante finds it resting on an altar in the Colosseum. It is capable of attacking with infernal hellfire
A tripartite nunchaku originating from Cerberus the Ice Guardian. Dante obtains it after defeating Cerberus, the guardian of Temen-ni-gru's gate
A pair of living scimitars, wielded by demonic golems, better known as Agni & Rudra the Firestorm, the guardians of Temen-ni-gru's upper portion. They have rather accommodating personalities, and can be temporarily combined into a double-sided scimitar
A transforming guitar/scythe originating from Nevan the Lightning Witch. Dante obtains it after defeating Nevan. It is capable of summoning Nevan's bats to attack, and allows Dante to perform Air Raid.
A set of gauntlets and greaves originating from Beowulf the Lightbeast. Vergil obtains them after killing Beowulf, the guardian of a Neo Generator, and Dante finds them after Arkham activates the Temen-ni-gru and Vergil falls into an abyss.
reasons why he will continued
The Gilgamesh is a set of gauntlets, greaves, and mask which appears in Devil May Cry 4, and is obtained from Echidna's Hell Gate, which it was used to power. It is made of a devilish metal which absorbs organic material and transforms it to steel, and its techniques can be empowered by engaging the thrusters on the gauntlets and greaves. It is wielded by Dante during the game.
Quite alot of facts there. Its definate that Dante wins.
Originally posted by BloodRain
Quite alot of facts there. Its definate that Dante wins.
Even more here:
Kratos has no durability feats against swords. Kratos has no speed feats either. Dante has kept up with a swordsman(Vergil) whose attacks can't be seen by the human eye. Dante is a bullet-timer. Kratos also has no feats to suggest that he could live through being shot in the head. Even if he did, Dante has infinite rounds and could spam his dodging ability. Kratos doesn't even stand a chance.
Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
try DMC3. it is the hardest game released this millenia.
No, Demon's Souls is the hardest game released in millenia. You should check out Zero Punctuation's review of it on the That will set you straight.
Okay, so here's a breakdown over this battle. First, here's the advantages:
Based on DMC 1-4 and GoW 1,2,3, and CoO, I would say that strength is equal. Kratos has always demonstrated amazing strength, but on the other hand, Dante showed his brawn in DMC4 when he Stopped the Savior's hand from crushing him. Not only that, but when Echidna tried to eat him. If strength isn't equal, I wouldn't know who to give the advantage two. These two dudes are badass when it comes to muscle.
Hands down, I give this to Dante. Even with Hermes boots, I highly doubt Kratos is as fast as Dante, given that the boots don't increse your base speed... Only reflex and attack. Dante, without any special boots, is naturally fast with lighting quick reflexes. He can dodge bullets, given that he deflected back Lady's bullets in DMC 3, Dodged one in a cutscene where she shoots him from behind before they discover Arkham's body. DMC4 really proved it when he deflected Nero's bullets. I hate to say it, but Kratos hasn't shown any feats of being that quick...
This could mean all kinds of things, but in general, this advantage goes to Kratos. Even though Dante's weapons are nearly all Magic Based, so are Kratos'... Aside from that, he has Poseidon's Rage, Souls of Hades, etc. Dante mainly focuses on his hand to hand combat and his guns.
Again, this is another toss up... Dante doesn't tire so easly, but neither does Kratos. I would call this a draw, because it's hard to call...
No doubt about it, Dante. Kratos is the type to just go in and destroy everything, but Dante has his witts. His insults would piss Kratos off, forcing him to charge in and possibly tire himself out, but the endourance would be equal in that case STILL, because all the blocking and dodging takes it toll on Dante as well. Still, I give brains to Dante.
Both men are the best at what they do, but I would say Dante has a slight advantage over Kratos. As I said earlier, Kratos has the Magic advantage. He focuses both on Magic AND Weapons, while Dante has the weapon finesse. In fact, that's all Dante really uses is weapons. Aside from weapons, he has multiple fighting styles which is way more than Kratos has. Royal Guard, Quick Silver, Doppleganger, Sword Master, Gun Slinger, Tricker, and Darkslayer (DMC 4). Kratos just knows seach and destroy.
Now that we have the advantages established, here's some more thoughts...
Many people will accuse Dante of being a "pussy" because he uses guns. Well, in all fairness in this fight, it isn't pussy because he uses guns instead of magic. Kratos can easily use his magic as a ranged attack, but Dante doesn't have magic, so instead, he uses guns. I would say his guns are just as good as Kratos Magic, maybe not gameplay wise, but most certainly Story wise, considering that Dante 1hit kills many enemies with his guns in the Story.
In addition, there's two more factors that come into play: DevilTrigger vs. Rage of the Gods/Titans/Spartans... Gameplay wise, it's a toss up again because both modes increase your attack like crazy. Kratos gets Faster and stronger attack and takes less damage and Dante Gets Fater Movement, Stronger attack, and a Healing Factor. Story wise however, Rage of the Titans is just Kratos' basic anger/rampage. I have yet to see a cutscene of him glowing and smashing the **** out of people. Dante's DevilTrigger has taken place and has happened.
Many say Kratos is unbeatable because he kills Gods, Fates, and escapes from Hades. Here's my thoghts on this: After playing God of War 3, I realized that the Gods are OVERRATED and very ****ing weak. It seems that Kratos has been killing them without much hassle. In the cutscenes, he doesn't look winded or bruised or beaten... It makes it worse that he kills multiple Gods this way because that only goes to show that the Gods are weak and pathetic. So in the end, killing Gods is no special feat... Well, all except Zeus anyways. The same can be said on Dante's side, since most of (Not all of) his enemies were killed with little effort, but it's better in his corner because they weren't "Gods". Besides, I'm sure in Kratos' world, Dante could have killed them as well, and likewise in Dante's world, except the Mundus battle... I don't know how Kratos would fair then...And before the fanboys of GoW attack me, I will say that Dante did indeed struggle in the fight against Mundus. Same with Arkham and Argosax. Devil May Cry 4's final boss was pathetic to begin with, so I'm not even going to go there...
Hand to hand combat, I would say Kratos would get picked apart. With Dante's multiple fighting styles, speed, brains, and healing factor, it would be hard for Kratos to damage him. Yeah, Kratos could go for his world famous Decapitation, but if he was trying to rip off Dante's head or limbs or whatever, don't forget... Dante CAN teleport. Yeah, with his trickster ability, it allows him to teleport. Dont belive me, play DMC 3 and 4.
I also doubt the fleece would be able to deflect bullets, due to popular arguements. It can't even deflect arrows, so...
There's also another thing I hear about Dante's powers only coming from his blades... This was huge in some forums, but I have a sad truth... In God of War 3, I would hate to say it, but Kratos' power comes from his weapons, too. Without his weapons, he's weak. This was very much proven in a cutscene, I won't ruin it, but you will see when you play. This puts them on the same level as eachother when it comes to this matter.
Last but not least, the biggest part about Kratos is the Blade of Olympus. I won't even doubt the power of this Blade, it has amazing magical feats, but... Let's cut the bullshit...Kratos SUCKS with this sword. He doesn't have NEARLY as many combos or maneuvers as Dante does. Kratos is much better with his chained blades. Even when maxed out, I don' see the Blade of Olympus topping Rebellion... They may equal out at the very most, but that's about it.
In the end, I would say Dante wins this battle. It's tough to pick without the break down, because both of these men are so bad ass and both my all time favorites, but the facts kind of lean towards Dante. I wouln't call it a blowout or an overkill, though.
I'm responding that tomorrow. Initial,
Demonic Phoenix
I stopped reading when he said that Dante was as physically strong as Kratos.
That was the immediate laugh factor yes.
No End N Site
I think this is a draw and your a loser if side wit either.
In all seriousness, it's a draw, imo. Kratos is stronger, Dante is faster.
Dante stopped a slowing hollwo stoen statue who eventually stopped moving on it's own after, and Kratos stopped a hollow bronze statue, and pushed the damn thing over. My moneiz on teh Spartan.
plus kratos is way louder
True, loudness is manliness.
Originally posted by crmidnight
Okay, so here's a breakdown over this battle. First, here's the advantages:
Based on DMC 1-4 and GoW 1,2,3, and CoO, I would say that strength is equal....
stopped reading.
Demonic Phoenix
Originally posted by CosmicComet
That was the immediate laugh factor yes.
Yes, now that I scanned over his post, I saw that he believes Kratos doesn't have finesse when it comes to weapons. Swingin' them around haphazardly in other words.
Chains of Hades would like a word with him.
Originally posted by Ms.Marvel
plus kratos is way louder

...just thinking about the first time you brought that up
Dante's more talkative though >__>.
From all games, skills, weapons, etc imo its a draw. The best one side can hope for is winning 6/10.
Burning thought
Dante is too fast. How is Kratos going to get any kills?
The PSI on the edge of Dantes sword, moving at his highest speed would pierce Kratos.
Speed + Time powers = Wont be hit.
But thats just one possibility.
Dante (or anyone else) not being able to piece Kratos is just silly. I take it a lightsaber (or Wolverine's claws) couldn't pierce Kratos?
A centaur's attack it to pierce Kratos and throw him aside. I dont believe anyone here unless stated cant be stabbed.
Was agreeing with you >_>
No, I had said "when," but then, I had changed it, lol.
The only way Kratos is winning is if he has hope at his side.
^Sin, I'd appreciate it if you stopped sucking and repeatedly posting that garbage. Kthnx.
Well its out for a couple of days now, I'm just going to stop talking cryptically about
GoW3 and I will not post in spoiler tags either. So be warned.
Strength: Hah. This is not even close. Firstly, the Echidna fight is an INDICTMENT on the argument
that Dante is close to as strong as Kratos. Echidna closed her mouth on Dante twice, during which
his voice was straining while he was trying to lift open her mouth with both hands. He had far
more of a struggle with that than he should have if he was even close to being on Kratos level.
Kratos in the beginning of GoW1 handled the small hydra heads, which are still bigger than
Echidna, with far more ease. The godzilla sized main hydra head didn't put up much of a
struggle in a tug of war of sorts either. And Kratos in GoW1 isn't half as strong as he is now.
The Savior punch catching? It's impressive, but not as impressive as it looks. The Savior is both
hollow and slow, thus its punches actually aren't that strong relative to its size. Seriously, the
extent of Savior's punching power is creating some minor rubble in the ground with a lot of dust
kicking up.No greater in magnitude than what a grenade would do. Not only that, his punch
was already slowing down as he was about to hit Dante. I'd put Savior at a little heavier than
the Statue of Liberty, which is like 220 tons, so yeah let's say Savior is about 250 tons.
Kratos literally swings pillars weighing heavier than Savior in God of War 2.
-In God of War 3 Kratos amazingly stops Cronos from crushing him. Cronos had Kratos
standing on his left palm, and Kratos looked like nothing but a speck. Cronos proceeded bring
down his right hand on Kratos, clapping his hands together, and Kratos not only stops Cronos'
hand from crushing him, he pushed Cronos' hand UP several feet. This is Kratos against
mountain busting strength.
-Earlier in the game he picks up Gaia's severed hand and pushes
it off a cliff. Later in the game he operates, I guess you'd call it a circular lever, that pulls
up an entire level (The labyrinth) up to the Palace of Olympus. The labyrinth was about in the
center of Mt. Olympus somewhere.
-So yeah he can manipulate these big objects and creatures, but what about small dense objects?
Could he crush a diamond? Possibly. He did crush a magic emerald almost into dust with his
left hand--Casually at that. As small as it was, ironically that was one of the most impressive
strength feats he's shown, at least to me.
Anyway, Kratos is at the very LEAST, an order of magnitude stronger than Dante. Realistically
by feats, it's probably more like a 100 times stronger.
Speed: Dante outclasses Kratos in outright speed, to counter Kratos outclassing him in
strength. However this is not a race. Reflexes/reaction time matter more. Kratos
has fought flyers, teleporters, intangibility users, and outright speedsters all with little problem.
Lahkesis and Atropos could fly, teleport, become intangible, and Kratos fought them both at
the same time. Zeus flys and teleports, hell Zeus can even do a doppleganger attack, splitting
himself into several (I saw up to 8) physical clones. Kratos had no problem enganging
in a fight with Hermes, able to react to his attacks with potential QTEs and was able to tag him
throughout and tired him out with his relentless attacks. Hermes was fast enough to run down
Mt Olympus casually and fast enough to RUN UP a completely vertical chain. His movement
in short bursts was reminscent of Arkham's as well. I know people want to discredit Kratos'
blocking lightning against Zeus as him reacting to Zeus gestures, but based on what he has
done in the above, you shouldn't.And he only started blocking as soon the attack was launched,
not before. On just pure natural speed, Dante's movement be anything new to Kratos' excellent reflexes.
Kratos' acrobatics must also be commended. There are a couple of instances where he cleanly
jumped a distance of probably 800 ft.
Durability: Heh. This is where things get interesting. Dante will have a hell of a time hurting Kratos
in the first place. Kratos' durability feats are epic in GoW3. First, I'll start with a little unnoticed
edge durability feat from GoW2: When Kratos was fighting Lahkesis and Atropos at the same time,
there was a scene where Atropos came up from behind Kratos from one of the mirrors, she grabbed
him and momentarily restrained him with her immensely long Lady Deathstrike esque claws and
they didn't cut Kratos. Let's go on.
-Kratos tanks a slash from Hades' hooks in the very beginning of the fight. Hades' sneaks out of
the darkness, swings, makes contact with Kratos' flesh and tried to pull his soul out. Kratos tanked it.
A dual feat for not getting getting cut at all by Hades (who is in Kratos'general strength class) and
for resisting his soul being taken.
-In the first level of the game, there is a scene where one of Poseidon's leviathan creatures make
a massive lunge at Kratos from above him, trying to impale Kratos with one of its pointed crab
like legs. Kratos tanked this too, it hit him square, pushed him down to his knees, but he promptly
pushed the leg off and slammed it into the ground. Keep in mind the Leviathan is strong enough
to pierce Gaia's skin and even restrain her and other the titans. Massive durability feat here.
-Near the end of the first level, Zeus charges up a massive lightning bolt and throws it at Kratos
and Gaia's direction, and the explosion of electricity severed Gaia's left hand, all it did to Kratos was
knock him off Olympus and the mountain itself. Otherwise Kratos was completely unharmed.
Keep in mind that Gaia and the other titans probably weigh a couple millions of tons.
-Kratos falls all the way from some distance up Mount Olympus down to the underworld, twice.
The first time he falls into part of the river styx. The second time he jumps from within the Labyrinth
(which is maybe halfway up Mt. Olympus) down to the Underwold again and this time he lands on solid
ground. I know someone will stupidly say 'but he landed in water!' for the first one, not that it matters at
that distance, however the second example moots this anyway.
-Kratos' breaks one Gaia's tendons or something, and upon doing so there was a violent explosion
of what looked like magma. Kratos was unaffected. This happens again when Kratos stabs Cronos in
the forehead, a large firey, volcano-like explosion occurs and Kratos was in the center of it, unbothered.
-I already mentioned it as a strength feat above, but Kratos being able to withstand Cronos trying to
crush him inbetween his palms is a ground breaking feat. Consider the strength behind it seeing as the
Titans are mountain tossers/busters.
-Kratos also survives the weight of Cronos' fall. Kratos was hanging on Cronos' nose while he
was falling head first into a rock shelf. Kratos survived the impact and fell through that rock all the
way to a new underground passage.
-Hephaestus failed to crush Kratos with a giant metal stake freshly plunged in magma. Another burn durability
feat on top of another blunt force durability feat. (and of course strength feat)
-Another immense edged weapon durability, while Zeus and Kratos are struggling over the Blade of
Olympus inside Gaia, both are holding onto it by the blade itself. Despite all the pushing and shoving
back and forth while doing this, their hands are in tact. Kratos in that same scene was able to CATCH
and BLOCK the blade itself with his bare hands while Zeus was slashing at him, twice. Again, he grabbed
the edge of the blade itself. Twice. The thought of Dante doing anything more than glancing off Kratos'
flesh harmlessly with a slash should be
getting laughable by now.
-Kratos while in Gaia's heart chamber, survives and shakes off her massive self collapse/destruction.
-After the above happens, an evil, spiritual form of Zeus climbs out of his body and charges a white
energy blast at Kratos. Kratos is dazed by it. This energy blast was strong enough to break
his Cestus weapons--the only weapon of Kratos' arsenal strong enough to break formations of glowing
crystals called onyx (looks nothing like actual onyx though).
Yeah, that about does it for durability. Dante hurting Kratos at all is...questionable at best.
Magic: Kratos is magic is superior offensively. Enough said.
Endurance: Kratos' endurance is far more tested than Dante's. Kratos climbed Pandora's temple
mountain for a couple of days non-stop. At the end of GoW3, after all he went through, Kratos still
wasn't close to breathing heavy. Dante was exhausted after fighting Mundus in a cramped dungeon.
Dante will get exhausted quickly as he's taking a beating from a being many many leagues above him
or anyone else in his universe in strength, far worse than he was when just getting damaged from
someone in merely in his strength class. (Vergil.) Likewise how tired was Vergil as Neo Angelo in
their last fight in DMC1? And there was nothing major scale or powerwise going on there.
Intelligence: Intelligence is entirely disregardable here. Neither are shown to be geniuses in any form,
so this is not a factor. Kratos at least has shown ingenuity in his fights, and solved major puzzles in
Pandora's temple. Despite the baseless claim to otherwise, its actually Dante who dives into a fight head
first. And Dante gets marks off for intelligence for frat boy-esque douchebaggery dialogue. lol.
Combat: Another baseless claim that Dante is more skilled. Where does this come from?
Surely its not because Dante is from a Japanese game? Dante's
weapon designs are excrutiatingly simple. Kratos would have no problem wielding any of them.
Kratos' variations of chain weapons require immensely more dexterity and skill than any weapon
Dante has.
--In a hand to hand fight, with no weapons, magic/gimmickry and just their physical attributes, Kratos
stomps. Dante's doesn't punch hard enough to make Kratos blink. Kratos also punches harder.
Dante's flashy kung fu style will be overtaken by Kratos' more dominant wrestler-boxer style. He will
be outgrappled promptly and simply torn limb from limb. Hand to Hand is not the stipulation you
want Dante to fight Kratos in, because he lacks any means of doing DAMAGE at all. The fight would
either last for years with Dante simply trying to be evasive after he realizes he's not doing damage
or, Dante gets up closes and tries his best to fire off and he promptly gets grabbed and torn to shreds.
Conclusion: In a full on fight, Dante's sole means of staying alive as long as possible would be his
time slowing abilities with quicksilver. That's it. Unfortunately for him, its not spammable and runs out,
and he's never really been able to make much use of it canonically in any boss fight.
Kratos can counter it easily anyway. His reaction time is fast enough to react to the 'wave' that
comes upon activating quicksilver. He can just cast an Army of Sparda which will shield him throughout
the entire duration of the quicksilver spell since time will be slowed for him. Kratos could also just cast
a solar flare, which blind Dante for a long time as it was able to blind Cronos himself for a few minutes.
Other than Quicksilver, after seeing GoW3 Dante truly has nothing else to offer. His bullets are
a complete non-factor. He's too weak to slash Kratos, his regereration and damage soak is easily
overcome by someone his own strength level let alone someone of Kratos' strength level. Hell, his
regeneration and damage soak isn't even impressive compared to what Kratos has come across.
Lahkesis, Atropos and Zeus all have superior regeneration and damage soak. And even his natural
speed isn't anything Kratos' hasn't dealt with before.
Ah.. big read. To note the majority of the Savior is solid and speed is faster then anyone Kratos has come across and he already has trouble hitting fast opponents (Hermes) Not bothered to get too much into this. Still Dante.
Isn't half of that gameplay? But yeah, Savior wasn't exactly "hollow".
Originally posted by CosmicComet
^Sin, I'd appreciate it if you stopped sucking and repeatedly posting that garbage. Kthnx.
Admit it, the power of hope is epic. It allowed Kratos to defeat the spirit of Zeus, who destroyed all of his weapons and make him taste fear. That beat down with Zeus got so bloody that it splattered the screen and you couldn't see a damn thing. Hell, it was pretty long too. I kept pressing circle for 10 minutes and stopped because I had to sleep so I don't wake up late for my Friday class..
Demonic Phoenix
Originally posted by Sin_Volvagia
Admit it, the power of hope is epic. It allowed Kratos to defeat the spirit of Zeus, who destroyed all of his weapons and make him taste fear. That beat down with Zeus got so bloody that it splattered the screen and you couldn't see a damn thing. Hell, it was pretty long too. I kept pressing circle for 10 minutes and stopped because I had to sleep so I don't wake up late for my Friday class..
Epic, maybe.
His only shot at winning, nahh.
Originally posted by Demonic Phoenix
Epic, maybe.
His only shot at winning, nahh.
Yeah, there's always solar flare.
I forgot another durability feat.
Cronos swallowed Kratos. Kratos cut his way out of his stomach. Titan digestive acid tanking ftw.
You don't have to get into this. I've covered everything. Dante's speed is not above Hermes, who Kratos actually had no trouble hitting at all, see the dialogue of the fight, "No fair Kratos, no hitting!"
Dante's speed doesn't make him harder to hit than flying teleporters like Lahkesis, Atropos or Zeus. He fought Lahkesis and Atropos at the
same time and fought 8 different clones of Zeus at once.
Yeah i saw that, and i also know Dantes speed. Its above.
No. Running down MT olympus > running down a tower. Running UP a completely vertical mile + long chain > anything Dante has done.
Ran fast enough that he started to burn up the air around him. That burst was faster then Hermes. And his other movements are faster too boot.
Don't remember that cutscene, show it to me? Hermes' boots leave burn trails anyway, and in bursts his movements already look like Arkham's. Regardless, differing physics of different worlds, Hermes speed is enchanted anyway and unlikely to work the same manner. Poseidon also broke the sound barrier when he flew down. What other actions? There is little room for comparison as all Hermes does is punch.
And still, Kratos has already faced multiple flying teleporters at once, and Dante still doesn't have the cutting power to get past Kratos' durability either.
DMC3 running down the Temin-ni-gru (?) looked more like magic flame, meh. Thats true, now Kratos found it diffucult to hit him and all he did was run. Dante is faster and can/will strike faster then Hermes.
Can go more into how Dante can infact pierce Kratos, or just go for Yamato. Dantes strength and speed feats are increased by his DT, alot harder for Kratos.
I'm not convinced Dante is faster than Hermes but even if, his speed is not more overwhelming than multiple flying teleporters. Kratos still has instant AOE magic on his side too.
DT has never shown to be a big multiplier in strength. It's not going to close the gap enough between his strength and Hades' strength, nor the Leviathan's strength. All FAR FAR FAR above Dante in strength, and, Kratos has already utterly tanked a slash and impalement from those two. To even reach the point of putting a cut on Kratos would require a multiplier far greater than DT offers
Yamato? Yamato is far less powerful than the BoO. Kratos was able to catch the edge of the BoO's blade twice while Zeus himself was swinging it. And Zeus is just as strong as Kratos himself.
But evident in that fight its not easy for him to fight fast enemies. All im saying.
Wasnt saying DT would make him at Kratos level but it would be enough. When was he stabbed by them? It wouldn't need to be that high :/ Not that Dante will get damaged with his speed, reactions and Royal guard. Those combined will keep him safe.
Its not more powerful but its better at cutting, Yamatos made for that purpose. Dont remember that scene either.
Mind pointing out when he got stabbed by Leviathan/Hades and grabbing a swing by Zeus.
All that was evident was Hermes' growing desperation that Kratos was hitting him so readily.
No. The very point I was trying to make was that someone near or even AT Kratos' level was not powerful enough to cut him. Hades' couldn't cut him with the hooks, which had no problem cutting Atlas and Cronos. Dante needs a HUGE boost to be able to even embed a tiny cut into Kratos. The Leviathan creature tried to impale Kratos in the very first level as I already said. Kratos got hit, shrugged it off, and slammed the leg down. The Leviathan was also strong enough to restrain Gaia and even block her from punching. It is massively strong. Dante absolutely needs to be ABOVE this level to cut Kratos. He's not.I went over all of this already in my first mega post on this page.
Hades slash happens at the beginning of the Hades fight, Zeus' blocked slashes happen when they are fighting inside Gaia in their final battle.
Yamato hasn't cut through anything that the BoO wouldn't. And the Yamato failed to cut through Rebellion when they clashed.
Hermes faster than Dante? Lol.
Well, when Dante DTed, he destroyed a city, I think. I don't see how he could survive getting his mind, soul, body, and soul attacked. I mean, Yamato cuts holes thru dimentions, and I don't see how Kratos ISN'T gonna get cut. I mean, did you say that one of the Sisters of Fate cut him, lol? Anyway, half gameplay, lol.
iChaos, I recommend you not interjecting at all. You know absolutely nothing.
And read carefully moron. I said Atropos COULD NOT cut him. And no, everything I posted is canon unavoidable cutscenes/qtes or leads to them. Again, please don't post--Once again, you are a moron.
Lol, is that suppost to offend me? Gameplay ftw! I don't how he could get cut, anyway, but meh. Either stop bitching and moaning, or leave.
Demonic Phoenix
Originally posted by iChaos
Hermes faster than Dante? Lol.
At the very least, he is at Dante's level of speed as he somewhat repeats Dante's best speed feat.
Dante trumps him when it comes to number of feats obviously, but quality > quantity.
Originally posted by iChaos
I mean, Yamato cuts holes thru dimentions, and I don't see how Kratos ISN'T gonna get cut.
Same way Dante never got cut when Vergil used Yamato against him, block the sword with a powerful weapon, move out of the way (which he can easily do with the Boots of Hermes), etc

Originally posted by iChaos
I don't see how he could survive getting his mind, soul, body, and soul attacked.
Kratos resisted psychological torture from Ares (the entire clone battle took place in Kratos' mind). Granted, he somewhat lost his will afterwards, but with his 'RAWR' reaching new heights in 2-3, he'd be more resistant me thinks.
He also resisted the 'soul grasp' of Hades himself.
Originally posted by Demonic Phoenix
At the very least, he is at Dante's level of speed as he somewhat repeats Dante's best speed feat.
Dante trumps him when it comes to number of feats obviously, but quality > quantity.
Same way Dante never got cut when Vergil used Yamato against him, block the sword with a powerful weapon, move out of the way (which he can easily do with the Boots of Hermes), etc

Kratos resisted psychological torture from Ares (the entire clone battle took place in Kratos' mind). Granted, he somewhat lost his will afterwards, but with his 'RAWR' reaching new heights in 2-3, he'd be more resistant me thinks.
He also resisted the 'soul grasp' of Hades himself.
Fair enough, then.
He didn't exactly "resist," did he?
I don't know if I would call that "getting your soul attacked" or not. Still a great feat, nevertheless.
Demonic Phoenix
Originally posted by iChaos
Fair enough, then.
He didn't exactly "resist," did he?
I don't know if I would call that "getting your soul attacked" or not. Still a great feat, nevertheless.
True, but he didn't exactly fall for it either. He was weakened yes, but he quickly recovered.
Even if he is singularly focused on vengeance, you must admit, that sort of blind rage strengthens a person's willpower, which in turn would make him more resistant to mental attacks.
Why not? Hades was pulling his soul out

. If he had succeeded, Kratos would be Hades' captive.
Well now that GoWIII is here, Kratos will prove to Dante that he can rip up some ass. I think Dante has the most effective abilities though.
Dante's sword has magical power and his guns shoot magic bullets. They're more lethal than your common weapons.
Hmm.... Dante in long range battle. Kratos in short range.
The ladyboy probably takes this.
Burning thought
PSI on a sword edge could probably end Kratos, although he has taken vast blunt punishment from Titans and his strength would turn Dante to mush.
Darkstorm Zero
Kratos just edges out Dante in the pure raw strength area, but accuracy, speed & agility are Dante's by a fair margin, technique is probably also Dante's.
However, Kratos' magical talents do egde out Dante's devil powers as well... Hmm... Close call...
So has GoWIII been taken into account in this matchup yet or not? And yes, I'm a 'tard for asking and not just reading back a few pages.

Originally posted by XanatosForever
So has GoWIII been taken into account in this matchup yet or not? And yes, I'm a 'tard for asking and not just reading back a few pages.
Basically, with smart usage of time stopping (such as stabbing Kratos in the eyes) with Quicksilver, Dante wins most of the time.
Without it, Kratos wins a very healthy majority. Due in part to massive physical advantages in strength and durability.
After reading a few of the post, the debaters who analysis the strength, speed, endurance, etc of both Kratos and Dante have a better argument than the Dante fanboys.
The Dante fanboys just brush of Kratos' feats an nothing special and do not give credit to Kratos while its do. While the debaters who analysis the abilities and feats of both Kratos and Dante give credit to both Kratos and Dante where its do, and therefore have a better and less bias argument.
If you want your statements to sound creditable then don't just support one character in every possible angle (speed, strength, combat skills, magic, etc) otherwise your basically claiming its spite thread, and therefore sound fanboyish.
Give credit to both characters where its due and be more analytical of the characters' strengths and weakness. Be less critical and skeptical of the opposing character's feats and abilities.
Analyzing and elaborating a character's ability or feat > criticizing an ability or feat posted by another user as un-significant.
Dante doesn't even need QS or any of his time powers to be marginal faster then anything Kratos has dealt with. He's also strong enough to hurt Kratos, though not on Kratos' level his strength plus gauntlets that can make hits hits several times stronger (Strength increase is in the double digits area) with a sword in hand especially if that sword is Yamato, obviously DT adds to all this. Defiantly going to hurt Kratos, more if you add in his speed to those hits.
For and idea of how it may turn out: Imagine the Hermes boss fight except that Hermes isnt injured, doesn't get tired every 10 seconds but instead regenerates health, is faster, more agile and skilled, high level fighting skill, many many times stronger and has a blade.
Oh, and the battle animations, that several people have told me are counted as legit here, have the Centaur impaling Kratos. Thought id just place that here.
^No. Especially the last part. Who the hell told you that a gameplay element (centaur impaling you) is canon?
No? Yes. Not that specific centaur part but all scripted animations like that (eg Kains teleporting, DLink jumping on a sword etc) are counted. Least thats what ive been told.
What 'specific centaur part'? There isn't a 'specific centaur part'.
It's an enemy attack. As in not a cutscene. As in its avoidable. As in its a gameplay element. As in its not canon.
Kratos has already tanked worse in canon cutscenes.
I don't have time to get into why Kratos would win handily without time stopping as I'm in class, but he does.
As in the general set animations. DLink jumping on the sword is avoidable too but still taken in as a set animation that is in the characters capability.
..the hell you on here in class ._. as proven in another thread Dante's speed can make it look like he used QS, and in his weakest from. Dante's base is strong enough and can be upped by Gilgamesh thats makes him a large degree stronger, DT and Yamato that's main skill is cutting and is really good at it.
Kratos win and rips off Dante's smart ass mouth.
Kratos lost his best reaction feat, he cannot keep up with Dante. Luckily he has other things to fall back on.
Originally posted by ScreamPaste
Kratos lost his best reaction feat, he cannot keep up with Dante. Luckily he has other things to fall back on. What feat did he lose?
He lost nothing. He kept up with Charon in Chains of Olympus in a cutscene, who has casually shown Arkham/Jester like speed from DMC3.
Originally posted by quanchi112
What feat did he lose? Deflecting lightning.
Originally posted by ScreamPaste
Deflecting lightning. I can't recall off hand. Which scene from which game and how did he lose it?
It's from GoW2's Zeus fight, and it never actually happened. He just held his weapon out to absorb it hwne Zeus telegraphed.
Who was trying to use this feat? I always saw this danter as faster but I think once Kratos gets a hold of him he ends him.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Who was trying to use this feat? I always saw this danter as faster but I think once Kratos gets a hold of him he ends him. If Kratos gets ahold of Dante, he wins in a heartbeat or less. He is much, much stronger. I'm just bringing up that the feat that was giving Kratos the win turned out to not exist. >_>
Kratos can probably still win, just not with ease, like he would have if he were capable of deflecting lightning. That would make Dante a cakewalk.
Originally posted by ScreamPaste
If Kratos gets ahold of Dante, he wins in a heartbeat or less. He is much, much stronger. I'm just bringing up that the feat that was giving Kratos the win turned out to not exist. >_>
Kratos can probably still win, just not with ease, like he would have if he were capable of deflecting lightning. That would make Dante a cakewalk. Even if the feat were usable I don't like it when people use one feat for the basis of an entire argument.
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