KMC Anime Characters.

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.

† Mäs †
Yeah. So I haven't seen something like this since Spelljammer was banned so I decided to do one. Im bored as hell so lets have fun o-o)b .

Just post Here and I will pair you with an Anime Character.



Wild Cherry
do me!! do me!!! please.. smile

Koala MeatPie
Do ME! Too!

† Mäs †
Originally posted by K.Diddy

K.Diddy Is.... Hiten from Inuyasha

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Bloigen

Bloigen is... Iruka from Naruto

I'll do ya Jill... But its gonna cost ya... shifty Just kidding. First times free stick out tongue

† Mäs †
Wild Cherry is... Miho from WHR

Originally posted by Koala MeatPie
Do ME! Oh YES! Do me GOOOD!

Oh that's just so wrong.

That's not funny.

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Koala MeatPie
Do ME! Oh YES! Do me GOOOD!

Meatpie it Batou from Ghost in a Shell.

† Mäs †
Vathu is Andriod 17 from Dragonball Z


Koala MeatPie

Pair me!! Oh, hehe.

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Bardock42
Oh that's just so wrong.

Bardock is Sasuke from Naruto


† Mäs †
Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss

hit_and_miss is Kai from beyblade.

Hurry for mainstream anime no expression

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Darth_Amidala
Pair me!! Oh, hehe.

Darth_amidala is Sally_po from Gundam Wing

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Lana
Hurry for mainstream anime no expression

Lana is Nami from One Piece

silent dreams
do me!


† Mäs †
Originally posted by silent dreams
do me!

Silent_dreams is Kikyo from Inuyasha

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Lana
I HATE that anime.....

Yeah One Piece sorta sucked, but I though Nami played a good character

Originally posted by Lana
Hurry for mainstream anime no expression

Indeed..he could at least take old mainstream.

Originally posted by Lana
I HATE that anime.....

First ten were is shit.

silent dreams

Originally posted by Bardock42
Indeed..he could at least take old mainstream.

First ten were is shit.

Well, Gundam Wing is fairly old, as is DBZ....DBZ is lame, though....I love Gundam Wing though big grin Sailormoon's my favorite big grin

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Bardock42
Indeed..he could at least take old mainstream.

First ten were is shit.

I agree ith him, first 10 good.

Originally posted by Lana
Well, Gundam Wing is fairly old, as is DBZ....DBZ is lame, though....I love Gundam Wing though big grin Sailormoon's my favorite big grin

DB is not lame...what kind of blasphemy is that.

Now I am are Arale just without the cool powers stick out tongue

Alpha Centauri
What about me?!

(Say anything other than Trowa Barton and smack will be subsequently laid down.)


Originally posted by Bardock42
DB is not lame...what kind of blasphemy is that.

Now I am are Arale just without the cool powers stick out tongue

DB IS lame stick out tongue every single episode is exactly the same yawn

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
What about me?!

(Say anything other than Trowa Barton and smack will be subsequently laid down.)



Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
What about me?!

(Say anything other than Trowa Barton and smack will be subsequently laid down.)


I'd say you are Puck from Berserk

Alpha Centauri
I swear Lana, I knew it.

Shut up or you know what will happen...our little fountain deal? Off.


† Mäs †
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
What about me?!

(Say anything other than Trowa Barton and smack will be subsequently laid down.)


AC is Alucard from Hellsing.

Alpha Centauri

In everyone's facial areas.


† Mäs †
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri

In everyone's facial areas.


laughing out loud

Originally posted by Lana
DB IS lame stick out tongue every single episode is exactly the same yawn


Hell no it isn't. Well maybe the Anime..wouldn't know. Anime generally suck ass thouigh. The Manga is a quite fine piece of art though. As for your statement you just dropped in my Anime Character are now:

Lysop from One Piece.

Who i am and what type of person i am:

Im a person with alot of pride and power in me. I got everythin i eva wanted and im strong about things. Yea I had a bad past but you know wut, im a changed person and tryin to be more respectful with stuff but i still scared with that past. I got a goal in life and thats to become a pro. I pray to god that one day, im gonna make it to the big time. I got rhythm and heart. Im serious, calm, excited, and funny all at the same time.

Thats the real me, period, i told you right here who i am, people thought of me wrong.

So who would i be...confused

† Mäs †
Originally posted by JacopeX
Who i am and what type of person i am:

Im a person with alot of pride and power in me. I got everythin i eva wanted and im strong about things. Yea I had a bad past but you know wut, im a changed person and tryin to be more respectful with stuff but i still scared with that past. I got a goal in life and thats to become a pro. I pray to god that one day, im gonna make it to the big time. I got rhythm and heart. Im serious, calm, excited, and funny all at the same time.

So who would i be...confused

You Are..... Inuyasha from....Inuyasha!

really, man i thought of ma self as Ruroni Kenshin, lol ill go wit him at least

Originally posted by JacopeX
Who i am and what type of person i am:

Im a person with alot of pride and power in me. I got everythin i eva wanted and im strong about things. Yea I had a bad past but you know wut, im a changed person and tryin to be more respectful with stuff but i still scared with that past. I got a goal in life and thats to become a pro. I pray to god that one day, im gonna make it to the big time. I got rhythm and heart. Im serious, calm, excited, and funny all at the same time.

Thats the real me, period, i told you right here who i am, people thought of me wrong.

So who would i be...confused
You are Isidro....the guy AC is standing on

Okay, everyone knows I'm really Sailorjupiter....

Originally posted by Lana
Okay, everyone knows I'm really Sailorjupiter....

Not even I did put you THAT low.

Originally posted by Bardock42
Not even I did put you THAT low.

Hey, Sailormoon's my favorite anime/manga and Jupiter's my favorite character stick out tongue

† Mäs †
How About Everyone leaves the picking up to me wink

Originally posted by Lana
Hey, Sailormoon's my favorite anime/manga and Jupiter's my favorite character stick out tongue

Yeah, well so instead of making it all simple and saying "now you are not"..."in fact my anime character fits you way better" I made fun of Sailor Moon.

And as much as I respect your opinion on other things, you jsut lost all of my faith in you judging animes. How can you say DB sucks while you love Sailor Moon?

Originally posted by Bardock42
Yeah, well so instead of making it all simple and saying "now you are not"..."in fact my anime character fits you way better" I made fun of Sailor Moon.

And as much as I respect your opinion on other things, you jsut lost all of my faith in you judging animes. How can you say DB sucks while you love Sailor Moon?

Because DB got very boring very fast....and Sailormoon didn't stick out tongue plus the manga and artwork were way better than DB's.

† Mäs †
DB did get boring fast, they had good times and bad. Sailor moon, I don't know I used to watch that show alot as a kid and I liked it soo... laughing Sailor moon is better.

Originally posted by Lana
Because DB got very boring very fast....and Sailormoon didn't stick out tongue plus the manga and artwork were way better than DB's.

I agree that the DBZ anime was timed very stupid and that one might get the impression it was boring...I tell you though the Manga is one fine piece of literature.

The manga is better, but still, I found it got pretty old fast.

Originally posted by Lana
The manga is better, but still, I found it got pretty old fast. had only 42 Books how can it get old fast...oh...I see...cry

How did you like Ranma1/2?

Ranma's great laughing out loud I loved the movies....

I was talking to AC about Ranma on MSN stick out tongue

Alpha Centauri
Oh you know what, Lana? You know what?

I know what else you love.

Meow, then.


*throws a bucket of water on AC*

stick out tongue

Alpha Centauri
Reeeeeeeeow! *Runs up tree*

I mean...oh for...


Originally posted by Lana
Ranma's great laughing out loud I loved the movies....

I was talking to AC about Ranma on MSN stick out tongue

Very smart decision. There's a lot of reason why to talk aboot Ranma1/2.

Well jsut so nobody mistakes me for someone who actually knows what he is talking aboot here's a list of mangas I can talk aboot without the need to make stuff up.



Dr. Slump
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Detective Conan
One Piece

that's aboot it.

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Reeeeeeeeow! *Runs up tree*

I mean...oh for...

His secret.....revealed.......

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Reeeeeeeeow! *Runs up tree*

I mean...oh for...


I win! stick out tongue

Originally posted by Bardock42
Very smart decision. There's a lot of reason why to talk aboot Ranma1/2.

Well jsut so nobody mistakes me for someone who actually knows what he is talking aboot here's a list of mangas I can talk aboot without the need to make stuff up.



Dr. Slump
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Detective Conan
One Piece

that's aboot it.

Eva's great....I decided the other night I need to rewatch it soon....

Originally posted by Lana
I win! stick out tongue

Eva's great....I decided the other night I need to rewatch it soon....

She does ideed.

Well agian I only read the Manga and only to book 7 so far (not further released over here) but it is a really good manga indeed...a little strange though.

Oh, it's a complete and total mind-**** of a series......awesome, though yes

oh... what is this about

Alpha Centauri
That's because the end didn't tie up enough. Hence the movies.

Lana promised she's buy me the box set, I'm waiting.


Originally posted by crimsonphoenix
oh... what is this about

It used to be aboot matchiong anime characters with KMC members.

Here, to make you happy, you are like: when he looks liek that no expression

I wanted to be the guy from gundam wing... blast... what was his name again?

Originally posted by Bardock42
It used to be aboot matchiong anime characters with KMC members.

Here, to make you happy, you are like: when he looks liek that no expression why am i like a boy.... sad

EVAS AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWESOME you know they are gonna make a real movie.. like how they are doing with Halo? no expression

Originally posted by crimsonphoenix
why am i like a boy.... sad
Cause you post on KMC ergo you must be below 15 (only exception, you mostly visit the Music or GD Forum)

Raven Guardia
Post my Anime comparison/pair

Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
That's because the end didn't tie up enough. Hence the movies.

Lana promised she's buy me the box set, I'm waiting.


Hah, if I had enough money for the boxset I'd get it for myself.

Originally posted by Lana
Hah, if I had enough money for the boxset I'd get it for myself.
For some reason that does sound reasonable to me.....yeah....seems like a thing I would do too....

ive always wanted to be an anime characterno expression

well, for shits and giggles, what'm I?

Raven Guardia
watch us all get something gay.

† Mäs †
Okay, Sorry, Ill get them all now. Was Away.

† Mäs †
Raven Gaurdia is Anna from Shaman King.

Raven Guardia

† Mäs †
Deano is Athrun Zala from Gundam Seed.

† Mäs †
Speahead you are... Actually, You Remind me of Haku from Naruto.. Alot laughing out loud so You get Haku! From Naruto.

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Raven Guardia
never seen that one embarrasment..whats she like personality wise?

Shes 13, engadged to Yoh and is very powering over him. She always wants to get done what has to get done and she is strong.

I wonder what anime character you'll choose for me. laughing out loud

Raven Guardia

† Mäs †
Originally posted by fantasygirl
I wonder what anime character you'll choose for me. laughing out loud

Fantasygirl, you are Hakufu from Ikkitousen.

Do me big grin

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Raven Guardia
13 and in engaged...don't know about that part. laughing out loud but the rest sounds cool. laughing out loud


† Mäs †
Originally posted by fantasygirl
Who's she? laughing out loud

Google it lol

I still don't understand who she is. laughing out loud


† Mäs †
laughing out loud Shes a fighter

Well, that's a shorter explanation. happy


Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon (and I'm female, not male!) roll eyes (sarcastic)
Hint: I like Dragonball (Z?GT) & Android 18 is pretty cool & one decent female in the show!
Originally posted by Lana
DB IS lame stick out tongue every single episode is exactly the same yawn
As if. You gotta love it!

DO me!!!

Only this time... Keep away from mainstream rubbish... Bayblade is crud

Oooh ooh i like this thread. Give me a go! smile


lol... You as him!!! laughing

wuts so funny bout that?

1) RK understands the bigger picture...

yea so...

Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
1) RK understands the bigger picture...

you dont list the number of reasons if there's only one reason

2) RK doesn't swear or lose his head... He keeps his cool even when provoked by enemies...

Spear head... The list will grow as he faces each point...

do you normally wait an hour between reasons smile

Sorry I went to get a drink.. Its a forum not a msn convo...

exactly...however, one would expect the reasons to be listed in one post if you're numbering them, unless you knew that you were coming back

jeez, do we need to be pulling hairs here?

I'm still waiting for mine cry

Originally posted by Spearhead
exactly...however, one would expect the reasons to be listed in one post if you're numbering them, unless you knew that you were coming back

jeez, do we need to be pulling hairs here?

I knew I was coming back... But a few things got in the way...

No we don't need to split hairs here...

† Mäs †
Originally posted by silver_tears
I'm still waiting for mine cry

Silver_tears you are Kaolla From Love Hina!

Blue Dragon
I've not been given one yet... sad

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Blue Dragon
I've not been given one yet... sad

Blue Dragon is... Sora, From Hack//sign.

Blue Dragon
Is that a man?

† Mäs †
Originally posted by Blue Dragon
Is that a man?



Bring it on...

Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
2) RK doesn't swear or lose his head... He keeps his cool even when provoked by enemies...

Spear head... The list will grow as he faces each point... well thats online

silent dreams
Do me! again...

Blue Dragon


You can't deny being Retarded now.

Originally posted by Vinny Valentine
Yeah. So I haven't seen something like this since Spelljammer was banned so I decided to do one. Im bored as hell so lets have fun o-o)b .

Just post Here and I will pair you with an Anime Character.

Vinny Valentine
I demand this thread is Hanged for being Retarded.

I can't believe some c-words actually like twatish shows like Naruto. If you're going to watch Anime. Watch something that isn't shit.

Vinny Valentine
Originally posted by Vinny Valentine
I demand this thread is Hanged for being Retarded.

But seriously... There are only like 3 decent anime's mentioned in this whole thread... Someone really needs to be kicked in the face until they're just a pill of bloody mess in the corner.

Vinny Valentine


Originally posted by Barker
You can't deny being Retarded now. "Peter, im not retarded......"

Originally posted by Barker
Now, especially, You can't deny being Retarded.

You never did me weep

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.