If You Were a Superhero, What Would You Be Like?

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I'd get a suit of smooth form-fitting green armor, helmet with masked faceplate. Arm myself with a crossbow, wrist claws, and dual one-hand scythes. Able to jump, climb, and relfexes worthy of Spiderman. On the good guy's side, of course.

I'd be the almighty Preying Mantis. stick out tongue

Vinny Valentine
I'd Look Identicial To Carnage with his powers.

Thay shall call me no expression

Vinny V.

Inspectah Deck
I would have the same the same powers as Plastic-Man

They would call me Over E's.
cuz with my iron fists i attack STD's

no expression

laughing You guys are unoriginal and original at the same time.

< That'd be my mask raver And I'd be like...'B!tch please, gimme $4 or I'm not saving you from shit!'

if i had super powers, i'd prefer to be a villain.

I would be able to see through walls and clothes and stuff eek!

I'd be super.

Mr. Bacon
how descriptive no expression

stick out tongue

Originally posted by Ronny
I would be able to see through walls and clothes and stuff eek!
Dear, dear. Don't peek at our manhoods too much.

If You Were a Superhero, What Would You Be Like?

huh K.Diddy is a super hero

Vinny Valentine
Originally posted by K.Diddy
If You Were a Superhero, What Would You Be Like?

huh K.Diddy is a super hero

roll eyes (sarcastic)
Haven't you died yet?

Originally posted by DarkC
Dear, dear. Don't peek at our manhoods too much. I think thats inevitable.

Originally posted by Vinny Valentine
roll eyes (sarcastic)
Haven't you died yet? ouch laughing out loud

I would like to be gambit eek!

Originally posted by -hh-
ouch laughing out loud

laughing out loud Second that

I'd be Triple G (aka GIANT GAY GUY)
I'd have the power of super spooning. Pretty much its super strength but I'd spoon with the bad guys until they were crushed to death by my super gay powers.

Ooh...sorry to break it to you...but I think Misk had dibs on that one..sad

Misk is a dude?

He is?shock

A superheroe is a person with fortune and uses its costume to express its abilities.

No, thats a hero. A 'super'hero is one with superhuman powers.

i would ve had the same powerz as Goku but i would act and dress differently.

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