The Only man Who has survived a Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick is.....

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Bruce lee.

bloody bows1
bruce lee is awesome starwars

No, you see, that is a fake Chuck Norris. Nobody can survive a Norris Roundhouse kick.

Darth Macabre
Chuck Norris can always see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris...that means you're inches away from death.

and remember. chuck isn't hung like a horse. horses are hung like chuck norris. hence those baggy pants.

Wow...simply Wow!yes

He counted to infinity.... twice.

Darth Macabre
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

Koala MeatPie
He doesn't Sleep... He Waits.

What movie is that from? it looks really intresting.

Darth Macabre
Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo went into hiding.

Yeah it does look like a good movie....What is it? Anyone know?

I concur..droolio

fighting seen is good but the shoulder blades on bruce lee while he was stretching was scary

When the Boogyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Originally posted by DanteMayCry
fighting seen is good but the shoulder blades on bruce lee while he was stretching was scary

I reckonwacko Sheesh, its like his shoulder blades were pregnant.


Neo_Version 7
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo went into hiding.

laughing out loud

Darth Macabre
Originally posted by DanZeke25
When the Boogyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Originally posted by Koala MeatPie
He doesn't Sleep... He Waits.

Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris scares me ninja

way of the dragon is a great film

H. S. 6
Originally posted by DanZeke25
No, you see, that is a fake Chuck Norris. Nobody can survive a Norris Roundhouse kick.

Took the words out of my mouth.

And that man is now dead. No one impersonates Norris. no expression

I find it rather strange, Bruce lee survived a chuck Roundhouse kick.

But he died, Precisely 1 year after filming. msn-oh

Chuck Norris clogs the toilet even when he pisses.

Darth Macabre
Chuck Norris owns a large private estate in the middle of the Atlantic. We know it as the Bermuda Triangle. Chuck Norris does not tolerate trespassers.

Anyone can piss on the bathroom floor, but Chuck Norris can shit on the ceiling.

Darth Macabre
Every time Chuck Norris smiles it saves the life of a dying man. Ironically, Chuck Norris only smiles after he kills someone.

Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.

Darth Macabre
According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday.

From that video i can say that Chuck Norris's chest hair got so scared of Lee that it crawled away and cowered around his mouth.

Chuck Norris penis is so big, that his penis has a penis of its own. And even Chuck Norris's penis's penis is bigger than your penis.

Cyber Ninja
you are ****ing nasty dude.

Originally posted by DarkWizard
Bruce lee.


Originally posted by DarkWizard
Bruce lee.
Bah, I've seen better fights.

Originally posted by DanZeke25
Chuck Norris penis is so big, that his penis has a penis of its own. And even Chuck Norris's penis's penis is bigger than your penis.

that was seriously the gayest thing that has ever been said on KMC!


Originally posted by Morning_Glory
that was seriously the gayest thing that has ever been said on KMC!

I thought that was funny. bag

Originally posted by DanZeke25
No, you see, that is a fake Chuck Norris. Nobody can survive a Norris Roundhouse kick. i could...

Darth Macabre
Before he forgot a gift for Chuck Norris, Santa Claus was real.

Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Every time Chuck Norris smiles it saves the life of a dying man. Ironically, Chuck Norris only smiles after he kills someone.


Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement

Originally posted by DanZeke25
No, you see, that is a fake Chuck Norris. Nobody can survive a Norris Roundhouse kick.

I see three possibilities:
1. As DanZeke said, its a fake Chuck Norris
2. Bruce Lee was too scared and let Chuck sleep with every female in the Lee family in exchange for Chuck throwing the fight. Chuck accepted and came back later and round housed Bruce to death during the filming of Enter the Dragon. Brandon Lee helped cover up Bruce's cause of death. Years later Chuck Norris roundhoused a bullet into Brandon Lee during the filming of the Crow. That again was covered.
3. Norris's badassness comes from the power of beard. This fight was obviously like Bruce Lee vs Superman with Kryptonite strapped to his face.

Originally posted by Morning_Glory
that was seriously the gayest thing that has ever been said on KMC!


I didn't make it up. It was on the website, and as DarkC, I thought it was funny so i poseted it.

And I usually don't take people seriously who's MSN screenname is 'Tangerine.' blink

stick out tongue

Darth Macabre
If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till." After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

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