Vaccines And The War On The Human Immune System

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'How is it that mercury is not safe for food additives and over the counter drug products, but it is safe in our vaccines and dental amalgams?' -
-Dan Burton

Hello all ...
I'm sure most people have heard that famous saying by Arthur Schoepenhouer:
'All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed; Then it is violently opposed; Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.'
The current and historical examples of this are legion and none more so than the 'debate' about vaccinations. You will recall the orchestrated ridicule and opposition faced by those doctors and researchers who have claimed a link between vaccinations and autism and other mental, emotional and physical disorders.
The orchestrator of these vicious campaigns is the pharmaceutical cartel - 'Big Pharma' - and its puppets in government who repeat the lies and impose the policy through corruption or ignorance.

Cash injection

Schoepenhouer's third stage, that of self-evidence, has long been accepted by those with intelligence and minds that have some measure of independent thought. For them, there are three obvious stages to vaccination programmes, too.
1.) You attack the immune system with chemical and metallic poisons, like mercury.
2.) This undermines the strength and effectiveness of the immune system and scrambles the chemical/electrical balance of the brain/body.
3.) The victims become open to all sorts of medical and mental consequences because of overwhelmed immune systems and chemical/electrical imbalances.
One of the causes of vaccine damage would appear to be inflammation at the base of the brain that dissolves the nerve insulator, myelin. When this happens the brain short-circuits, the body receives flawed information and thus causes dis-harmony - dis-ease. The website,, puts it like this:
'Myelin is an electrically insulating fatty layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons, especially those in the peripheral nervous system. Myelin facilitates the smooth, high-speed transmission of electrochemical messages between the central nervous system and the rest of the body.
When myelin is lost, these signals become distorted or blocked, causing symptoms experienced by people with such diseases as multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis.'
Once you imbalance the 'electrochemical' system anything can happen
'Don't cry, darling, only another 22 to go ... mummy wants you to be a healthy liddle boy, yes she does

Yet, the UK government, via its staggeringly inept 'Chief Medical Officer', Sir Liam Donaldson, has announced that from April children will have 25 vaccinations before they reach the age of two. Additional vaccinations, he says with absolutely no evidence worth the name, will save 50 lives a year.
Of course, he has nothing to say about how many more lives it will cost or ruin.
Even now these very young British children have 21 vaccinations with four more, alleged to safeguard against meningitis, blood poisoning, pneumonia and bacterial meningitis, to be added next month. If you check out this 'childhood immunisation schedule' you'll see that the situation is much the same in the United States -
Whenever I hear the term, 'family doctor', my heart sinks and I have visions of 'repeaters' in suits parroting the party line so essential to keeping their job and maintaining the support of the authorities. As Voltaire said: 'It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong'. So much better to close your mind and mind-lessly repeat what you have been told to think, even though it is such blatant nonsense.
It is the system's way to use the carrot for the parrot and the stick to the those who resist. Therefore, it is lucrative for doctors to pressure their patients to have their immune defences, and those of their children, consumed by the cocktail concoctions that issue from corporations like Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Aventis. The nine largest pharma giants made profits of $30.6 billion in 2001 alone, so there is plenty of swill in the pig trough to oil the wheels within wheels and make sure that vaccinations are good for the medical profession, if not for the people they treat
The most profitable industries of 2001 with Big Pharma at the top, ahead even of the banking cartel. The world's top five drug companies have a combined worth that is twice the Gross Domestic Product of sub-Saharan Africa. Source:
'Here's some poison little boy, it's so goood for you ...'

With a name like, you'd expect the official view to be blindly presented and there's no disappointment here. It tells me that 'vaccines not only help keep your child healthy, they help all children by stamping out serious childhood diseases'.
Well, that's really strange because my 13-year-old son, Jaymie, has never had a vaccination of any kind in his life and he's never had a 'childhood disease', unlike his vaccinated friends. Also, when his health was checked physically and energetically last year, the practitioner said that Jay was the 'healthiest person I have ever tested'.
His speed of recovery, both from illness and sporting injury, is stunning. Why? Because his immune system is on fire. It only has to fight disease, not open endless other fronts to deal with the shite in vaccinations.
And I do mean shite
Make that 'lethal' cocktail

The following is from my book, Infinite Love Is The Only Truth - Everything Else Is Illusion:
'Even the process of making the vaccine includes using monkeys, chick embryos and surgically aborted human foetuses, along with disinfectants and stabilizers that include streptomycin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, aluminium, hydrochloride, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, formaldehyde and a mercury derivative called thimerosal. The Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough) and Tetanus vaccine contains the following:
Sodium Hydroxide: among other things, this can burn internal organs, cause blindness, lung and tissue damage, and be fatal if swallowed. It is found in oven, bathroom and toilet cleaners.
Formaldehyde: a neurotoxin known to cause cancer. It may also cause insomnia, coughing, headaches, nausea, nosebleeds and skin rashes. It is, appropriately, used to embalm corpses.
Hydrochloric acid: this can destroy tissue on direct contact and is found in aluminium cleaners and rust removers.
Aluminium: toxic cancer causer.
Thimerosal: a mercury derivative and extremely dangerous preservative. It is made from a combination of ethylene glycol (antifreeze) and ethanol, thiosalicylic acid, sodium hydroxide and ethyl mercuric chloride. These chemicals are deadly and can cause cancer together with brain and liver damage.
Phosphates: these suffocate all forms of aquatic life and are found in laundry and dishwasher detergent and cleaners.
(For more details see
This poisonous trash is attacking the very immune system it is supposed to be supporting and yet in fascist-controlled America parents are being taken to court for not allowing such potential killers to be given to their children. The public is frightened into accepting this tyranny by being told of the potential effects on their children of coming into contact with non-immunised kids. But if they've been vaccinated, there shouldn't be a problem should there?'
Oh, but there is, it's just that Big Pharma doesn't want you to know. As this newsletter goes out, data from the U.S. government's own data bases, published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, reveals that since mercury was removed from most childhood vaccines after 1999 the reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders in children have plummeted by as much as 35 percent.


An article at notes:

'Up until about 1989, pre-school children got only three vaccines - polio, DPT and MMR. By 1999, the CDC recommended a total of 22 vaccines to be given before children reach the first grade, including Hepatitis B, which is given to newborns within the first 24 hours of birth. Many of these vaccines contained mercury. In the 1990s, approximately 40 million children were injected with mercury-containing vaccines.'

How amazing, then, that rates of autism soared between 1989 and 2003 with now more than half a million autistic children in the United States.
Dr. Rashid Buttar told the Congressional Reform and Oversight Hearing Subcommittee on Wellness & Human Rights, about his remarkable success in treating autism simply by removing mercury from the children's bodies. His own son, Abi, made a full recovery from autism after mercury detoxification. As Dr. Bob Nash, chairman of the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology, said: 'When 31 children recover from a devastating disease by a simple transdermal treatment that detoxifies metals, then common sense dictates that perhaps metals are involved'.
Oh, but since when was Big Pharma driven by common sense? Common cents is its motivation. Big Pharma and its payrolled puppy dogs in government have told us all along: 'There is no link between autism and vaccinations'.

How did their propaganda go again?

First: 'The people who link autism to vaccines are crazy'.

Second: 'The people who link autism to vaccines are dangerous'.
Only one more stage to go now:

Three: 'The people who link autism to vaccines are right'.

The authors of this new autism report, David A. Geier, B.A. and Mark R. Geier, M.D., Ph.D., warn that people should not be complacent because they are told that mercury-based thimerosal has been removed from many childhood vaccines. Firstly, we are talking childhood vaccines, and second, not all of them. The report says:
'Despite its removal from many childhood vaccines, thimerosal is still routinely added to some formulations of influenza vaccine administered to U.S. infants, as well as to several other vaccines (e.g. tetanus-diphtheria and monovalent tetanus) administered to older children and adults. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences retreated from the stated 1999 goal of the AAP and the PHS to remove thimerosal from U.S. vaccines as soon as possible. ... As a result, assessing the safety of is a matter of significant importance.'
Protect yourself. Protect your loved ones. Get informed.

But although there may be dangers, I have heard people say, at least vaccines prevent diseases and have irradiated so many that children used to get.
This is still more repeating. There is nothing more effective in programming perceptions than repetition, especially if it comes from a guy in a suit with letters after his name. But repetition does not mean fact.
They tell you that cases of childhood diseases fell rapidly after vaccines were introduced. But, in truth, this was happening before anyone was vaccinated. It was brought about by better nutrition, sanitation, living conditions and cleaner water. Figures from the Vital Statistics of the United States show that deaths from typhoid fell by 91 percent from 1910 to 1937 and death from diphtheria declined by 90.5 percent in the same period. All this was well before vaccination was introduced. The Journal of Pediatrics could not be clearer:
' ... The largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era, but after the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems.'
The diseases claimed to have been defeated by vaccination were in sharp decline before anyone was vaccinated

Think about it. Why are poor countries today ravaged by killer childhood disease epidemics long gone from the 'developed world'? Is it because they are not being vaccinated - as Big Pharma wants us to believe? NO. It's because of the conditions the children have to live in, their general health, or lack of it, and immune system depletion.

A paper published in the Journal of Infection Control in 2001 states:
'Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine arrived on the scene only after disease mortality rates already had been reduced significantly; measles, rubella, and polio vaccines did not become available until the middle of the 20th century, when most infant deaths were the result of other causes. The same holds true for sulfa drugs and antibiotics.'
Lining up to be poisoned in the 1960s

A Department of Community Medicine paper published in the UK medical journal, The Lancet, in 1977 confirms the same theme. It says of deaths from whooping cough:
'There was a continuous decline equal in each sex, from 1937 onward. Vaccination, beginning on small scale in some places around 1948 and on a national scale in 1957, did not affect the rate of decline if it be assumed that one attack usually confers immunity, as in most major communicable diseases of childhood ...
... The steady decline of whooping cough between 1930 and 1957 is predictive of a linear exponential decay characteristic of a general and progressive lessening in the volume and spread of infection among the susceptible population. With this pattern well established before 1957, there is no evidence that vaccination played a major role in the decline in incidence and mortality in the trend of events.'
'Trust me, son, I'm a doctor - I know what's good for you.'

The story that vaccines are essential to immunity is just that, a story repeated until it became accepted 'fact'. One of America's most celebrated pediatricians, the late Robert Mendelsohn, MD said:
'There has never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were candidates for a vaccine, gave 50 of them a vaccine and left the other 50 alone to measure the outcome. And since that hasn't been done, that means if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy. If you want to be accurate, you'll call people who give vaccines "quacks".'

There are sound reasons for why the whole concept of vaccines is flawed. This explanation, for instance, comes from Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. at
'Basically, vaccines contain either killed viruses or bacteria, germ components, toxic extracts or live organisms that have been made less virulent--a process called attenuation. To stimulate an enhanced immune reaction against these organisms, manufacturers added powerful immune-stimulating substances such as squalene, aluminum, lipopolysacchride, etc. These are called immune adjuvants.
The process of vaccination usually required repeated injections of the vaccine over a set period of time. The combination of adjuvants plus the intended organism triggers an immune response by the body, similar to that occurring with natural infections, except for one major difference. Almost none of these diseases enter the body by injection. Most enter by way of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, pulmonary passages or GI tract. For example, polio is known to enter via the GI tract. The membranes lining these passages contain a different immune system than activated by direct injection. This system is called the IgA immune system.
It is the first line of defense and helps reduce the need for intense activation of the body's immune system. Often, the IgA system can completely head off an attack. The point being that injecting organisms to induce immunity is abnormal.
Because more and more reports are appearing citing vaccine failure, their manufacturers' answer is to make the vaccines more potent. They do this by making the immune adjuvants more powerful or adding more of them. The problem with this approach is that in the very young, the nutritionally deficient and the aged, over-stimulating the immune system can have an opposite effect--it can paralyze the immune system.'
The human immune system that can be overwhelmed by the vaccine cocktails peddled by the Frankenstein industry

So what's going on?
Big Pharma knows that the points being made here are valid. It knows the damage that vaccines are doing and it knows that, like most of the Big Pharma drugs, vaccines produce more problems than they are alleged to solve.
So why do they continue to promote them and continually come up with more? Why do governments conspire with the corporations to impose these poisons on children and nations in general?
Is it really just about money and stupidity?
No it's not.
Of course, money is part of it, so is stupidity among ignorant doctors and government 'health' professionals. But there's a bigger picture here.
Big Pharma is an essential arm of the Illuminati and its rapidly unfolding agenda for global control - including the control of human minds, emotions, and physical state.

As I have been stressing for well over a decade now, the Illuminati is at war with the human immune system and the electrochemical communication networks of the brain and body. This is the key understanding that connects vaccinations, pharmaceutical drugs, food and drink additives, like aspartame, fluoride in drinking water, mobile phone and TETRA communication technology (see my newsletter for February 25th), and so much more.
Vaccinations are part of the plan to destabilise us mentally, emotionally and physically because a population suppressed in these ways, and one that doesn't know it is happening, can be controlled far easier than people who are mentally sharp, emotionally stable and physically healthy. In fact, these three states are indivisible.
The consequences of vaccines involve our multi-dimensional connections, too. My great friend, Credo Mutwa, the Zulu high shaman in South Africa, tells me that they will only accept non-vaccinated people to be trained as 'sangomas' (diviners and healers within the tradition of the Zulu and Ndebele native people) because of the affect vaccines have on the ability to get 'out there'. This comes from the way brain chemistry and electrical communication is destabilised.
Potential sangomas are chosen from non-vaccinated people in the training centre of Credo Mutwa

Personally, I'm sure this can, and is, overcome if your consciousness is strong enough to override the biological computer we call the brain/body. But the point is taken. Vaccines make it a greater challenge.
The merger-mania within Big Pharma is, as with every other aspect of society, centralising power into ever fewer hands with regard to vaccines and drugs. In 1995, 25 companies controlled more than half the global drugs market; by 2000, it was just 15 and the mergers have continued since then.

But this they can only impose their will if we allow them to. We can accept what they say or acquiesce to the playground bullies. We don't have to. It's a choice.
We can choose whether to poison ourselves and our children with vaccinations. We can say 'no'.
I have. My family has. And if the system has a problem with that, tough.

Didn't read the post cause it's long..................but I do know the deception of vaccines. If I am wrong with this post, I'm sure someone will tell me so.............but vaccines are the worst thing a person can do to their Messes up their own immune system........which is what we have for our own defences.....always hated the idea of them............making the human race very weak along with all the antibiotics we dish out................crap!......all crap!.........If you look at the stats., you'll find that deceases were going down going down before the different vaccine's were distributed.......It's just the evolutionary scale on how things work.............But how others in authorty would want to get their hands in the pot.


The Illuminati are in on this?


Wasn't there a thread made for these things already?
At first I thought this might have been about vacines and the bacteria and viruses that fight them off. I guess I was a little off..

But anyway, the post is ridiculously long. Maybe you could get your point across better by just summurizing what you want to say and than leave a link. You obvouisly dont have to do this but I think it's a good suggestion.

Also, I really wasn't aware that mercury happend to be in vacines. If it's a true I guess it's a good thing I don't ever get them...

Originally posted by debbiejo
Didn't read the post cause it's long..................but I do know the deception of vaccines. If I am wrong with this post, I'm sure someone will tell me so.............but vaccines are the worst thing a person can do to their Messes up their own immune system........which is what we have for our own defences.....always hated the idea of them............making the human race very weak along with all the antibiotics we dish out................crap!......all crap!.........If you look at the stats., you'll find that deceases were going down going down before the different vaccine's were distributed.......It's just the evolutionary scale on how things work.............But how others in authorty would want to get their hands in the pot.

But you need vaccines for certian type of viruses or diseases.

I do agree somewhat in that it's bad for somebody to beat an cold or simliar type systems by throwing antibiotics at it.

But if I have the Plague, small pox or something that will **** your body up and kill you in a matter of days, well, give me the vaccine to protect myself.

Darth Jello
Deano, have you ever thought of reading Mikhail Bakunin's God and the State? it's right up your ally

i will check it out.

i agree with you debbie. its just all part of the population control process. remember the UN documents..they must reduce world population down to 500 million. how i love them.

Well, at least Deano reads a lot...except he posts everything he reads on here.....

Is there actually any creditable proof that Vancines are bad?


try watching that. theres an interesting story in there u need to hear.

Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
Is there actually any creditable proof that Vancines are bad?

they put mercury in the vaccines. that cant be good

I am pretty sure flu shots people are familiar with (this is a very basic idea of how it works) so they shoot you with a weakened strain and when everyone else is getting blasted with the full effects you have built up a tolerance to it doesn't work that way all the time but thats the basic idea.

Also articles like this REALLY prey on people that aren't scientists and cannot assimilate and understand the subtleties in what is being represented.

Originally posted by Deano
they put mercury in the vaccines. that cant be good

Perhaps you should ask Why they put mercury in vaccines... But what the hell I'll do it for you...

What You Should Know

Thimerosal is a preservative which contains a type of mercury called ethylmercury. Thimerosal has been used in some vaccines and other products since the 1930's to help keep them safe by preventing bacterial contamination.

The level of mercury exposure from vaccines is low. There is no evidence to suggest that thimerosal in vaccines causes any health problems in children and adults other than minor reactions like swelling at the injection site.

In July 1999 the Public Health Service (PHS) agencies and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended that thimerosal be taken out of vaccines as a precautionary measure.

All routinely recommended licensed vaccines that are currently being manufactured for children in the U.S. contain no thimerosal or only trace amounts.

At a glance: Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines and other products since the 1930's. No harmful effects have been reported from thimerosal at doses used in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service (PHS) agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure.

Today, with the exception of some Influenza (flu) vaccines, none of the vaccines used in the U.S. to protect preschool children against 12 infectious diseases contain thimerosal as a preservative.

And all for little under a minute on google...

Q: so what did we learn??

A) 1Min on google saves 20mins off deano post...

yes indeed Hit I wrote another edition to my original piece but edited it out since I was attempting to give bite sized pieces to people and not the whole double quarter pounder supersized meal.

Originally posted by soleran30
yes indeed Hit I wrote another edition to my original piece but edited it out since I was attempting to give bite sized pieces to people and not the whole double quarter pounder supersized meal.

I missed your post! was on google for a min getting the real story... smile!

On a more relievent side note....

I loved that Batman and Joker Bonner imgs! almost too funny to be real!

Joker: "I'll show Batman whos the Bigger Bonner!"

i stopped reading when i read

'no harmful effects have been reported'

according to at least one expert, Dr. David Ayoub, the director of the Prairie Collaborative for Immunization, the evidence is clear that mercury is in fact playing a large role in the autism epidemic.

so it poisons you slowly. as planned.

did u watch the video i posted hit and miss?

saying it causes no harm is stupid

Victor Von Doom
Hahaha. Some of the funniest sign grammar ever.

Mercury It's Deadly
Flu Shots, Vaccines. It's In There.

I must wholeheartedly agree with whoever wrote that sign. It contains possibly more errors than there are words.

I trust my Doctor friend a hell of a lot more than I trust you and your silly sources, Deano, and he can make very clear just how enormously stupid and alarmist this link to autism is. British Doctors don't get money for hawking drugs, so what is your motive with them?

"Well, that's really strange because my 13-year-old son, Jaymie, has never had a vaccination of any kind in his life and he's never had a 'childhood disease', unlike his vaccinated friends"

What kind of gibberish logic is that? This is pure childishness. Some people smoke all their lives and never fall ill; what the hell does an isolated example ever prove? And what about the many many MANY provable cases where children have fallen ill BECAUSE they never got their vaccinations?

People die for the want of vaccinations witheld from them because of silly and unfounded fears. This sort of thinking from Deano costs lives. Shameful.

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Ushgarak
Deano. Shameful.

The abridged Ushgarak.

Neatly summing up Deano's KMC career in two words.

Deano There is Nothing in life that is safe... Nothing in life has been proven to not cause cancer... Even Oxygen Slowly kills you through free radicals...

Its the lesser of 2 evils all over again....

I think that if vaccine is something that can be harmful, there is no harm in researching about it. It can be true after all, we can not just discard it without proof.

I think the fact that mercury is used in vaccines, and that it can cause electrochemical imbalances a big deal, its not difficult for me to understand that it can affect the immunologic system since it will not need to be totally in use. These are good arguments in my opinion, and I do not find scientifically correct to discard this hypothesis without further investigation.

nice post

well I think that cars are bad... but I don't have a viable alternative..

Personally I don't mind a minor imbalance rather then getting T.B which I heard is rather painful... over something that hasn't been proven to harm me at all... other then some whining mothers... they are painful on the ears...

Oh come on, Atalntis, the accusations don't even make any sense. They are a hitchpotch of nonsense. What is it they are saying is causing the autism? Is it the overload of vaccines? Is it the Mercury? Is there actually a consistent argument here or just a general collection of nonsense?

How can Deano link the US and UK issues when in the UK the argument is over MMR which doesn't even contain any mercury and is listed in the article in the US as one of the pre '89 vaccinations that clearly are not responsible.

None of this is a coherent argument with any evidence behind it.

Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
The abridged Ushgarak.

Neatly summing up Deano's KMC career in two words.

laughing out loud

my heart bleeds


But research has already been done!

There is not even an association between mercury in vaccinations and any rise in autistic spectrum disorder.

i have a 14 week old daughter she has had two injections already she is due for the third one soon , its the next one she is due to havemmr i want her to have it done my boyfriend has concerns about it !!!!


I am a sheep, Deano dancing

Originally posted by Em'J
i have a 14 week old daughter she has had two injections already she is due for the third one soon , its the next one she is due to havemmr i want her to have it done my boyfriend has concerns about it !!!!

what are his concerns???


stil..have u watched the video i linked you too hit and miss

Originally posted by Ushgarak
But research has already been done!

There is not even an association between mercury in vaccinations and any rise in autistic spectrum disorder.

thats what they want you to believe.

Originally posted by Deano
stil..have u watched the video i linked you too hit and miss

Right now I'm busy abusing my ISP's download allowance...... please give me the short version rather then the 40min vid...

Originally posted by Deano
thats what they want you to believe.

any creditable studies done by those "not in the know"???

the video is 8 minutes longno expression

Originally posted by Deano
the video is 8 minutes longno expression

thats 8 mins I don't have sorry... Short hand please.... I really need to finish my server abuse...

Originally posted by Deano
thats what they want you to believe.
Two Massachusetts families are suing several vaccine makers,
claiming the companies' use of a preservative caused their children's autism.

Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
thats 8 mins I don't have sorry... Short hand please.... I really need to finish my server abuse...

when u find the time, watch it. 8 minutes. thats all

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Deano
thats what they want you to believe.

Which applies equally to your sources.


Research done into the mercury vaccinations and autism...

The fact that they said it was a waste of time and should of spent the money on More promising lines of inquiry tells you all you need to know... Rather then these theorist rantings...

I guess Deano, you wouldnt mind having Polio, or Hepititis or anything else thats extremely and lethal to your body.

Or, that the whole world shouldnt be given vaccines because of one video, thats done by an handheld camera in somebodies basement, with bad sound, we should take that guys advice.

We shouldt listen to scientists because they all runned by the Illumunti (remember they couldnt get the time travel device to **** this world over, but instead killing us slowly with mercury) (or is it the Free Masons).

Where would this world be if it wasnt for vaccines?

Originally posted by Deano
thats what they want you to believe.

You can SEE the damn evidence, Deano. You can check it out for yourself.

That's the difference from you- they provide sources and reasonable arguments contructed from them.

There are many books written about the harm of vaccinations. And reports are misleading because many people contract the diseases that the vaccination is trying to prevent, but it's not recorded as such, but given another name in the medical records. Just as it is fact that more people contract Polio from the vaccine, then without the vaccine.

Vaccines I believe have had more success then failures for humanity however that doesn't mean they are squeaky clean and perhaps thats what the "illuminati" would like to play on that and show you the smallest piece to secure fearsmile

However I certainly won't discredit what Debbiejo just said above me either. Weak immune system inject weak virus and bam you can still contract the illness or much worse. Regardless I can tell you this I have NEVER received a flu shot just not gonna happen. All the other big vaccinations yes.

Originally posted by debbiejo
There are many books written about the harm of vaccinations. And reports are misleading because many people contract the diseases that the vaccination is trying to prevent, but it's not recorded as such, but given another name in the medical records. Just as it is fact that more people contract Polio from the vaccine, then without the vaccine.

thank you debs. maybe you should send one of the books to them:P

From the graphs I've seen all these diseases were coming down/declining in the 40's and 50's anyway. Though they keep coming up with new vaccines like Chicken Pox. Now come on Chicken Pox??? Give me a break, who's gonna die from Chicken Pox. And if a person gets vaccinated for that, you'll need a booster as an adult or you could contract the Shingles, which I have heard could lead to sterility. Also in the DPT, the Pertussis part of the vaccine has been linked to SIDs since it causes Stress reduced breathing patterns.

Now Japan has the right idea. They wait until the children are around 5 before introducing vaccinations when the childs immune system is much stronger instead of the US's policy of new borns when they have NO immune system

Have you any facts to support this view? any first hand figures? or just conspiracy figures???

Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
Have you any facts to support this view? any first hand figures? or just conspiracy figures??? Only books I've read and own....I wish I could post the info, but can' link for it.

They are actual graphs and also appreicated by Ann Millan, Executive Director, National Vaccine Information Center. One book is by Neil Z. Miller...........I can't remember all the other titles of the other books though.

Originally posted by debbiejo
There are many books written about the harm of vaccinations. And reports are misleading because many people contract the diseases that the vaccination is trying to prevent, but it's not recorded as such, but given another name in the medical records. Just as it is fact that more people contract Polio from the vaccine, then without the vaccine.

Your ****ing kidding me?

More people contracted polio from the vaccine than the actually disease?
Yeah, considering Polio has been completly eradicated.

Did a little google search...and its true that some people have recieved polio from the vaccine.
During the 50's and 60's, a lab that was producing the vaccine, created a bad batch which infected it users with polio. This created an pandemic in California in polio from this vaccine. The company than produced another vaccine, called the Salk vaccinem which resulted in 10 deaths and 180 cases of polio.
Also, scientists have stated that a certain vaccine of polio, and oral injection from the Salk vaccination has SV 40 virus which causes cancer.
This was all the case of bad ethics and the production line in the factory getting containmented.

"vaccine has been highly effective, with a 70 - 90%
protection rate. The discovery and use of polio vaccines has all but
eliminated polio in the Americas. In 1960, there were 2,525 cases of
paralytic polio in the United States. By 1965, there were 61. Between
1980 and 1990, cases averaged 8 per year, and most of those were
induced by vaccination! There has not been a single case of polio
caused by the wild virus since 1979, with a rare case reported each
year from persons coming into the country carrying the virus. In 1994,
polio was declared eradicated in all of the Americas."

So yes, your right, people get polio from the vaccine more than the get from the wild virus.
But thats because the vaccine completly eredicated the virus. Thus making the vaccine good for you. Without it, they're would be alot more cases.

I believe in vaccinating only for the most severe illnesses, and letting the body handle the others naturally. Too many vaccines actually weaken your immune system because it doesn't get to fight anything on it's own.

That aside, I think vaccines hardly constitute using the phrase 'the war on'. That is being thrown around way too liberally these days. First Christmas and now immune systems?

Polio increased in the New England States during 1954 and 1955 massively. Also cases of Polio were more often reported as Aseptic Meningitis after the vaccine was introduced. From the Los Angeles County Health Index: July 1955, before the oral Polio vaccine was introduced there were 273 cases of Polio, and 50 cases of Aseptic Meningitis. Sept 1966 after the oral Polio vaccine was introduced there were 5 cases of Polio and 256 cases of Aseptic Meningitis... 87% of all Polio cases were caused by the Polio vaccine between the years of 1973 and 1983. Though Polio is virtually nonexistent in the US today there is no scientific evidence that the vaccine caused Polio to disappear. From 1923 to 1953, before the Salk killed-virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in the US and England had already declined on its own by 47 percent and 55 percent. And when the vaccine came out in European countries it was questioned about it's effectiveness and refused to systematically inoculate their citizens.

good info debs

a family in my street refuse to have vaccines. they dont believe in them. thats what my mom told me anyway.

I believe the most critical piece to understand in this discussion and vaccines would be that physicians typically administer these.

Physicians are licensed to PRACTICE think about that for a minute practice...................nicesmile

yer what do doctors know??? Its not like they have studied on the subject for ages...

Your conspiracy would require the Entire worlds doctors to all be in on the act... This is a bit of a stretch for even the illuminate deano...

Well most doctors aren't trained in preventative care as much as they are skilled at carving and suppling drugs and in the right pocket of the pharmaceutical companies. Every doctor has PDR and that is what they refer to ALL THE TIME.


ugh Deano your to much..........

Yup Debbiejo Doctors are trained to find illness as such they typically like to diagnose and treat everyone for everythingsmile Most physicians aren't so worried about health as they are treating illness:0 kinda funny

Originally posted by soleran30
ugh Deano your to much..........

in other words, 'you have just answered my question and i cant handle it'


Originally posted by Deano
in other words, 'you have just answered my question and i cant handle it'

No Deano its not cannot handle it I just don't buy into the illumiti's motive piece nor the so called factions opposing them. I look to form my own opinon from numerous sources and my experiences.

motive? how about popuation reduction

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Deano
motive? how about popuation reduction


Deano, you seriously think the Illuminati is out to pwn people and using vaccines as a device?

Originally posted by Victor Von Doom

theres a UN document that states they wanna reduce world population from 6 and a half billion down to 500 million

Originally posted by Wesker
Deano, you seriously think the Illuminati is out to pwn people and using vaccines as a device?

I seriosuly think that anything is possible. i also seriously think you dont understand how tight the level of control is.

I think you're reading too many conspiracy theories online.

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Deano
theres a UN document that states they wanna reduce world population from 6 and a half billion down to 500 million

So. Official sources are unreliable unless they are leaked.


Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
So. Official sources are unreliable unless they are leaked.


lol which of course makes them credible!

If the illuminati really wanted to reduce population they need to hit asia...........................not UK, USA etc etc

I do have to say though in respect to what I've read on statics on this, that we are not being told the whole truth on the need for vaccinations........Some cases yes, but if the medical profession would learn some prevention to these things, and boosting the immune system, most of these inoculations would not be needed, and saying so, would put many pharmaceutical companies out of business, which would change the whole insurance business and lower costs in the medical fields..............Same with the whole antiboitics scam...........I've known people who have never ever had them along with vaccinations and had not one problem.

Originally posted by soleran30
lol which of course makes them credible!

If the illuminati really wanted to reduce population they need to hit asia...........................not UK, USA etc etc

they did. the UN decided to vaccinate for tetanus.but it was only given to women, this vaccine also made the women sterile. it not only created antibodies against the tetanus but antibodies against the female hormone thats needed to bring a pregnancy to term.

the vaccine had some sort of chemical in it that caused this. when they got caught doin this, the UN came out with the usual bullshit..oh we're really sorry we didnt know. but did all 100 suppliers of the vaccine accidently add this expemsive chemical to the vaccine? more to think about..

Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
So. Official sources are unreliable unless they are leaked.


it is an official document.

they use the media to throw there lies about.

maybe you should check up on the 'project for the new american century'

would u kindly check that out

Victor Von Doom
thats wat they want you to beleive

Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
what are his concerns???

basically heard a lot of bad things about it I never had it niether did my bro or sis we didn't suffer without it.


There's a plot behind everything

Originally posted by Arachnoidfreak

There's a plot behind everything

that is the single most idoitic thing I heard this week...

I read today in the papers that there has been a major breakthrough in the developmemnt of the 'lifelong' vaccine, which aims to last forever and obnviate the need for boosters. The British Givernment wants it available inside five years.

As this will make vaccines safer and also reduce pharmaceutical profits- as they will not make money from constnatly selling boosters- how does Deano square this with it all being a conspiracy to make money and make people ill?

Originally posted by Fishy
that is the single most idoitic thing I heard this week...

I thought it was pretty funny considering the nature of the thread.

Besides, The Onion is a satyrical newspaper.

Originally posted by Ushgarak
I read today in the papers that there has been a major breakthrough in the developmemnt of the 'lifelong' vaccine, which aims to last forever and obnviate the need for boosters. The British Givernment wants it available inside five years.

As this will make vaccines safer and also reduce pharmaceutical profits- as they will not make money from constnatly selling boosters- how does Deano square this with it all being a conspiracy to make money and make people ill?

'i read today in papers'

fills me with no confidence

Yes, but "I read today on Deano's thread" does?

Originally posted by Deano
'i read today in papers'

fills me with no confidence

You want to prove it's not true, then?

You want to deny this has taken place?

Still be denying it when it happens in a few years time, will you?



but if you choose not to look into any of this. then its your choice.

the mainstream media is controlled. i dont trust it

You don't get out much, do you?

Originally posted by Ushgarak
You want to prove it's not true, then?

You want to deny this has taken place?

Still be denying it when it happens in a few years time, will you?


i wont deny they said it no.

you seem to dodge most of the points on here. e.g the vaccines that sterilieed woman..any comments?

you just storm in the thread occasionly posting things from the mainstream media which you trust so much

Originally posted by Wesker
You don't get out much, do you?

everyday im out. i work you know. i go out to the pub msot days, i play football on tueday, wednesday and sundays. i go to football matches on saterdays.
plus im goin out in a couple of hours to get pissed.

but im sure you didnt want my timetable. thanks for the assumptions tho

Originally posted by Arachnoidfreak
I thought it was pretty funny considering the nature of the thread.

Besides, The Onion is a satyrical newspaper.

Lol and here I was thinking it was real stick out tongue Makes a lot more sense now laughing

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Deano
everyday im out. i work you know. i go out to the pub msot days, i play football on tueday, wednesday and sundays. i go to football matches on saterdays.
plus im goin out in a couple of hours to get pissed.

Which is, of course, the true sheep-like state of humans today.

Believe a few silly conspiracies, feel superior to others while doing nothing about it anyway, work all week to earn the money to forget how shit work is.


yes it is the true sheep like state of beings.thing is i dont plan to stay in this state of being mate. its just temporary for me

Originally posted by Deano
everyday im out. i work you know. i go out to the pub msot days, i play football on tueday, wednesday and sundays. i go to football matches on saterdays.
plus im goin out in a couple of hours to get pissed.

but im sure you didnt want my timetable. thanks for the assumptions tho

I think someone missed the joke.

But I do appreciate you justifying your schedule to a complete stranger online. I mean, I could be one of them. Might even have my agents stake out your pub now, so they can hold you down and give you a booster shot!

Behold, the great mighty vaccination conspiracy!

yeh it was a joke. try and make one worth the laugh in the future.

they can come to the pub and try and inject me, id enjoy wrapping the pool cue around there skulls.

Alpha Centauri
As PVS pointed out, even if all your conspiracies were right, if they came to pass you'd be facing the same fate as those of us who didn't give a shit and lived our lives not worrying.

So why bother?


With Deano's catchline "Maybe it's true, maybe it's not" and "That's what the indoctrination wants you to believe", why would we give anything a second thought?

Oh wait... it has to come from a vague source that is 100% bonafide while all of recorded history is wrong.

The thing is that even if many things are true on a large scale, there isn't much a person can do about it. Not enough people are aware, or would care, or could have the voice to do anything..... though on an individual scale you can make some changes on your purchases, allow yourself to be treated for, what you take into your body...etc.

Alpha Centauri
Whilst I recover from the shock of Debbiejo making a semi-decent post, I will say this:

What difference does it make if you know about the end of the world first, unless you are a scientist or unless you work in the higher echelons of the military? None. You'll be history along with the rest of us.

I fail to see why you waste time.



Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by Deano
you dont give a shit? what about your kids future? if you decide to have any. if you give your mind and power away to people, we walk a very dark and dangerous road ,for ourselves and for the world. things do not have to be like this. they can be changed with a single thought..from all of us. its time to stop being selfish.

A) Don't want any.

B) You didn't answer my question.

Why do you let it consume your time? YOU cannot and have not done anything about it. What you have been, however, is confined to KMC spreading theories.

Newsflash, if you can't do anything to stop it then why do you stroll around calling everyone sheep? If these things were to happen you'd suffer the same fate as the rest of the "sheep" living their lives happily. Knowing about it early means jack shit if you can do nothing about it.


we can do something about it. all of us. are humans as an whole that stupid?

Alpha Centauri
Like Jaz Coleman said:

"Do we- as a race- deserve to survive?"

And yes, I believe we are. Me? I'm more concerned about living the life I've been given.


Though I do have to say that a great majority of the public would prefer to remain ignorant of what's going on around them and depending on what higher authorities tell them, as was seen in Y2K, for instance. That seemed to split the public into 2 groups of people.

1. They freaked out.
2. They educated themselves and did some "Just in Case" preparing.
3. Never looked into it at all.

The 3rd group truly scares me. Especially when a program aired on "60 Minutes" on how Washington D.C. was planning on going on manual, and that that country was the least prepared in the country. I do have to say that most people just don't think for themselves and would perfer others to take care of them.

Alpha Centauri
Complete BS though wasn't it? Anyone with a shred of common sense and rationality could see that.


This was a real threat/concern here. Companies were working 24 hours around the clock to fix the problems. The military intelligence were truly concerned about the threat of terrorists taking advantage of the situations, though they brought up our security. But this WAS a true threat when I spoke to military intelligence people (who I know) along with some Managers from the largest computer corporations.....This wasn't some BS thing............Most people though could of cared less what happened.

Alpha Centauri
There was no situation, that's the point.


The point is IMO that people need to take individual responsibility for their lives, in all matters and it they don't, then they should not go crying to anyone else. It's always good to be educated on all things that would affect you.

Alpha Centauri
Yeah but why go out of your way to be educated on events that are based on nothing but speculation and, even upon endless theoretical examination, aren't even likely?

There is no point. If Deano is interested in this stuff, fine. Regardless of how much of an idiot I think he is/can be, I'm not one to pursue the man in threads and keep insulting him, because I've already made my opinions clear. I just don't see why he's going around having a go at people for not following (ironically) him when he is just as much, if not more, of a sheep than they are. The difference being that those "sheep" aren't letting conspiracy scaremongering get them down and are living their lives. If Deano's conspiracies came true he would suffer the same fate as the rest of us. Knowing it early doesn't make any difference.

If the illuminati or whatever decided to come and enslave us, what would he say? "HAHAHA! Told you!" "Yeah? You're a slave too." "Knew this would happen though, knew first." "So? Still in the exact same place as those who didn't."

Just makes zero sense. Nobody is saying for him to NOT believe it, but coming on here spouting ideas that every theory is possible except "official" ones and they're only credible if they've been leaked (which demeans the credibility anyway) is just pointless.


im not gonna come on here and say ''haha told you so'' far from it.

the conspiracys are coming true right infront of your eyes. all i can do is plant the seed and let people know about other sides of the story. lets face it..most people are lazy and you hardly here other explanations for events..especially on these boards

Alpha Centauri
Again I ask you, what's the advantage of knowing first?

You can't do anything about it.


Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Again I ask you, what's the advantage of knowing first?

You can't do anything about it.


Saying "I told you so" to the rest of the world would be kinda sweet though.

Its kinda like a religious thing if you are wrong, who cares you won't tnotice, if you are right you go to heaven. Or in this case you get to say "I told you so"

Alpha Centauri
Why? You're about to suffer the same fate as everyone who had been living their lives admittedly oblivious, but also burden free.

Free of the knowledge of something they (or you) couldn't stop. So therefore there's no point knowing it early is there?


you can tell others. you can allow a fascit goverment to run the world or you can choose for that not to happen. whats your choice gonna be?

isn't there a thread for deano and his crap?

Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by Deano
you can tell others. you can allow a fascit goverment to run the world or you can choose for that not to happen. whats your choice gonna be?

What exactly have you done? What changes have you brought about?

"I've told people" isn't an acceptable answer because it's clear that nobody is accepting your ideas or the ideas you post.

So what exactly have you achieved that suggests you will succeed in making a change?


i believe that a few people have accepted them. a few have even pm'd me saying they believe.

telling people is all you can do. then they can look into it themselves. but seriously, you dont need me to tell you of the shitness that the world is staring into. if people dont care then fine. some people might though. it dont take one person to change the world. it takes the vast majority of us to do whats right.

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Deano
i believe that a few people have accepted them. a few have even pm'd me saying they believe.

telling people is all you can do. then they can look into it themselves. but seriously, you dont need me to tell you of the shitness that the world is staring into. if people dont care then fine. some people might though. it dont take one person to change the world. it takes the vast majority of us to do whats right.

Originally posted by Deano

everyday im out. i work you know. i go out to the pub msot days, i play football on tueday, wednesday and sundays. i go to football matches on saterdays.
plus im goin out in a couple of hours to get pissed.

I'm sure the aliens will allow you to continue with your existence- the very type that guarantees that people will never bother to change things.

Or, as Bill Hicks said, 'Go back to bed America, your government is in control. Here, here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up, go back to bed America, here is American Gladiators, here is 56 channels of it'.

Is this going to be general conspiracy talk now? If so I will close.

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Ushgarak
Is this going to be general conspiracy talk now? If so I will close.

Looks likely.

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