The Matrix Online ( because im so bored! )
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Well, I am a wow player and its been about a year now. And im bored out of my mind. I played in the closed MxO beta and it was the best time ive ever had playing an MMO. So, If anyone is in the predicament i am, im looking for someone with a MxO account, i have the game, got to lvl 32 and quit cuz i couldnt afford both accounts at the same time. Anyone with pics, movies, accounts w/e about the gae just for me to entertain myself with plz feel free to post.
How IS this game going? They dug themselves out the early holes yet?
Most definately not. Everyone who actually does play still thinks of it not as a game but a really big virtual chat room. No one takes anything seriously. It's always just login, turn on music, /dance . Walk away from computer. The fact that it is so killer on the video card doesn't help either. It makes minimizing a biatch and multitasking with MxO open is just not possible. The game is pretty much dead in all aspects. If you are new or old to MMO's, don't buy this game. The leveling takes months upon months and if you are aolne even a year just to hit lvl 50. It pretty much just died when SoE took over. If you read the forums you will see, every day more and more of the veterans from beta are quitting. It just isn't worth the time or money and effort that most of the hardcore players put into it because they are getting nothing back.
MxO in a nutshell.

Well, they sure cocked that up then.
Matrix computer games really just haven't hit the spot. Silly, really.
well if ur so bored, if you wouldnt mind sending me ur accout, my email is
[email protected]
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