The Reaper's War
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The Reaper's War
The Grim Reaper is in the middle of a war with some of his former demons that had once faithfully served him. After one of the most powerful, Dorrakullan, went renegade, the demon has gathered many followers and started a war with the Reaper and the rest still faithful to him. If the demons led by Dorrakullan succeed in defeating the Reaper, death will be lost and the already dead will come back to life and, with this army at his hands, Dorrakullan will wipe out humanity as we know it. But, if the Reaper wins, there will be nothing to stop him from from wiping out humanity, too. The forces of both Dorrakullan and the Reaper are getting on the surface of Earth by the use of magic gates. This has not gone unnoticed by a group of mages and wizards. They have tried to muster as many men as possible to defeat the forces of both armies before they get back into the Underworld. (the armies, of course, will not go all at once. just small groups of the armies occaisionally go up.) The humans have already defeated a few contingents of demons since the war started, and the Reaper and Dorrakullan are not happy. The humans are now waist deep in this war. The demons on both sides still have their old orders, but now the should kill any human and destroy every town they come across. The human army is dwindling, and the army of Dorrakullan grows ever stronger. Also, some necromancers have joined the cause for the Reaper and Dorrakullan. These men aid the demon armies greatly, because they can conjure more forces. Will you help the humans preserve their existence, or will you try to destroy it? It's your choice in this RP.
1.No Killing People Without Their Permission
2.No Member Bashing (jokingly is okay, but make sure they know that)
3.No Hardcore Swearing (mild is okay)
4.Be Realistic In Your Abilities (like no invincibility, no taking on 100 fighters and expect to survive)
5.If You Die, No Coming Back To Life (you must make a new character for that.)
6.Try To Have Non-Relevant Conversation By Private Messaging Each Other
Character creation:
Loyalty (Dorrakullan, Grim Reaper, Human):
Fighter type
Weapons (don't overdo it):
Description (include appearance and way you act):
Backround story:
Type of magic (if wizard or mage):
Here are the fighter classes
Also to add to this, more fighter types! I will include the originals and which race it goes with.
Paladin: fighter of the light, can do simple spells and is a good fighter
Knight: well armored fighter, what he lacks in basic speed is made up with brute force
Wizard: Highly trained in magic, and whatever magic you choos to serve, you get strong magiical powers, although unarmored
Mage: More physically adept wizard, not as good as the wizard when it comes to magic, but can channel what magic he does have through his weapon, which must be a pole weapon. (spear, pike, battle axe, etc.)
Archer: well trained ranged fighter. these fighters are a race of mortal elves that have joined the humans. they have deadly accurate feathered shafts.
New HUMAN fighter types
Siege Engineers: this person builds and operates siege weapons such as catapults, rams, ballistas, etc.
Blacksmith: this fighter is not very well trained, but makes his own weapons and can fix broken ones
Dragon Tamer: Owner and tamer of dragons, but can only have one dragon. Good at fighting, and can only do simple spells of the same type of dragon they have. NOTICE! only a very limited amount of this type can be allowed, and if i do a first come first serve way of having this type, it would not be fair for later people who join. If you wish to join this class, PM me about why you should be this class, and it must appeal to me well. I might have to pull this type out of the game later, because of the complications.
Skeleton Warrior: this warrior is the backbone of the Reaper's army. because of the many years as a warrior in life, he is an excellent warrior in death. Great fighting ability and good shadow armor. Hard to "kill" because it is already dead
Skeleton Sorceror: Deadly wizard. servant of dark magic, and a veteran in his abilities. knows amazing spells, and excells at killing the living
Skeleton Archer: this fighter has a quiver full of deadly bone arrows, and a bone bow. just like his skeleton buddies, he is hard to kill. a skilled elven archer when he was living, and trains his abilities further in death.
Reaper Serving Demon: Different from Dorrakullan's demons, these demons are empowered by the Reaper's magics, and are therefore stronger. although they are easier to kill than their skeleton comrades, they have a semi-magic resistant hides. they can also do simple dark magic spells, but mostly just use it to make bones sprout from the ground to make a barrier to protect them from an onslaught of warriors. Very strong hand to hand fighter.
Death Rider: just like the Dragon Tamers, these warriors own and tame a shadow spewing bird-like creatures, if you give me a good PM about why i should let you be one of this type, you will receive an answer with a yes or no. remember, this class might gt pulled from the game.
Demon: This type, unlike the Reaper's demons, is not empowered by magic, but has an enhanced hide that can withstand attacks more than the Reaper's, but more vulnerable to magic. Very strong hand to hand fighter. Also, it can breath short bursts of fire from its mouth.
Necromancer: This is a human-like wizard, but has been deformed by the dark magic it serves. This fighter can summon minor demons, and is not well armored.
Half-Demon: this demon, which was once human, has chosen to serve Dorrakullan, but has only been granted a half-demon form. mostly used for long range combat, this fighter can shoot small fireballs from its hands that can go a fair distance.
Chomper: This demon is more of a berserk fighter, which, as you can probably tell by its name, mostly uses its exceptionally large teeth. It can do simple dark magic, and is bigger than most demons.
Demon Rider: this is just like the dragon tamer and death rider. this half-demon rides a flying demon, which spits fire from its mouth. the half demon shoots his fireballs from his hands like he normally would. just like the others, PM me the same thing. and remember, this class might get pulled from the game.
if there are any other classes u would like me to have let me know
alrite guys, post away! {Note! if you wish to be a Dragon Tamer, Death Rider, or Demon Rider PM me why you should be one of the class and stuff like that. These classes may be taken away because of the complications}
Name: Arnokulus the Warrior
Fighter type: Dragon Tamer
Rank: General
Weapons: Single-handed long sword, enchanted by his dragon with some strange effect to summon his dragon named Arsingo, shield, longbow and arrows
Description: Shaggy blonde hair, battle-scarred face and body, about 6 feet tall. Arnokulus is normally quiet, until a battle comes. His dragon is a large red fire dragon.
Backround story: Rumor has it that Arnokulus was a wanderer, looking for people who needed his fighting skills. When he found a demon scouting in the woodlands, he slew it and headed for the capital city of Mallinor. He has rallied up as many fighters as he could and has created a resistance of humans against the demons. A wise wizard had told him of the Grim Reaper and Dorrakullan, and Arnokulus will stop at nothing to save humanity.
Type of magic: His dragon is a fire dragon
At god
Loyalty (Dorrakullan, Grim Reaper, Human): Human
Name: Jackson Bryant
Fighter type: Knight
Rank: Commender
Weapons (don't overdo it): Flameberge- A weapon that has been passed down to his family for generations it is a strangly forged with fire and metal. The metal glows red and it's blade is scorching hot
Description (include appearance and way you act): He has red spiky hair with light handsome face he also has a battle scar on his left cheek. His armor basic color is black and the trim is red his cape is all natural grey.
Personality: Silent and quiet at times but he is nice all around the edges also dead serious in battle and giving orders to his fellow knights
Backround story: His family has been killed since when he was a child by bunch of undeads but he manged to survive. But one of them found Jackson and shot a arrow on his arm he fell to the river but luckly someone saved his life but it was a royal family of knights that did it. He got trained in the ways of the knight that his new family thought him then after he became 20 Jackson became a commander knight.
(( At god, the type of magic is only if ur class is wizard or mage))
At god
((Oh my bad

Arnokulus looked over the human army. Some wizards were practicing their magic with each other, the archers doing target practice, and knights swordfighting to enhance their skills. "Some, obviously, are better than others, "he said to Arsingo, who nodded. "I'm not sure if they are yet ready to go into battle. Should we send them through the trials?" Arsingo looked at the army too, he turned to Arnokulus and said, "Perhaps, but that might lower our numbers greatly." The wise voice of the dragon made Arnokulus reconsider his thought. "But if we don't see who will be able to fight well enough the demons and skeletons will decrease them." Arsingo looked to the sky, a flock of birds flew overhead, "But remember Arnokulus, we are not to go into full-on war, until we have the numbers, we must remain a guerilla force." Arnokulus nodded at the statement and hopped on Arsingo's back, "Let's get a better view of them shall we?" Arsingo, with a few great flaps of his wings, was up in the air in a jiffy and he flew over the army's heads.
The .hacker
Loyalty (Dorrakullan, Grim Reaper, Human): Reaper
Name: T'al Nasnada
Fighter type: Skeleton Archer
Rank:Lt. Commander
Weapons (don't overdo it): Skeleton bow, skeletal arrows, two bown daggers, fists.
Description (include appearance and way you act): T'al wore a cloke like the Reaper's, obscuring his face from view. Hishands and feet the only way to tell if he was a skeleton, other than his weapons. He is commanding, and has stayed by the Reaper's side since the fall of Dorrakullan. He is very stubborn, but is skilled with his bow and deadly fast in close combat, though he tries to remain away.
At god
Jackson Bryant came out of the gate all knights saluted at Jackson "................" He looked at the knights "Alright show me what you got so far.." Jackson said he drew his Flameberge. One of the knights came up forward "I'll battle you" Knight said "Then don't just stand there come with a powerful strike!" Jackson yelled Knight came at charging at Jackson. He blocked the blade with his flameberge the challenger knight's sword went red then the knight let go of his blade "Ahhh! It burns!!" Knight yelled and fell to the ground. "Anyone else?" Jackson asked and knights feared his blade "I guess no more..Keep going lads!" Jackson yelled and went for a walk.
The .hacker
T'al sat in his quarters, the other archers that were under his command eating and resting. "The days battle has been won, but we must continue! M'lord Reaper has to understand the consequinces if I just let my men sit here and grow skin again!" He slammed his fist on the table and one of his tacticians came forth. "M'lord T'al, I devise away to strike the humans first, and if we come upon any of his warriors on the way, slaughter them." T'al shook his head. "Dorra will have troops moving in as we speak, seeing as how we won. We must prepare for the coming battle, and if it doesnt come, we strike the humans." The tactician nodded and bowed, walking back to the outside.
((nice hacker, ur in))
The .hacker
(Thanks. Brb grandparents are being uber-assholes.)
At god
(( dad is a *******))
((alrite guys remember, i will decide when big battles and other stuff occur.))
Arnokulus looked at the newly forged weapons near the blacksmiths. He picked up a sword and balanced it. "Nicely done, keep up the good work." A dragon breathed into the forge and flames spurted out of the grate.
(At God um.....this is like middle ages Jackson Bryant isnt very middle agey ya know)
Name: Drath the dark
fighter type: Mage
rank: Sgt. Major
weapon(s): Long wooden staff, long sword, and a bit of magic
Appearance: Tall, he has a black coat and pointed hat, Also he has a long beard and a bit of hair it is gray. Rides a black horse
personality: though his name says dark he is a cheery guy but once you get on his bad side it is never a pretty sight he doesnt have a short temper but is very unforgiving to his foes
background: Drath was a born warrior his family suffered a horrid death when their home was burned down by huns. He was found wandering streets by a wizard. He brought him up teaching him to fight and use powers Drath was more involved in weaponry then magic so he became a mage instead but still has masterful magic skills but they pale in comparison to his fighting ability.
((what type of magic r u FG725?))
((also guys, my computer is being an ass hat so sry if i do late posts))
Drath rode across a wide valley. His horse stopped. He stepped off of it and patted its head. "To think this will all be but a vague memory in time," Drath said with his head tilted down. He put his staff's tip to the ground and it began to spread open a small bush slowly grew into a large one bearing some blackberries. "Ah food for the trip back," He said. He picked them and put them into his pouch. He grabbed onto the horses back and lifted himself up mounting back on top of it. "Come move quickly the enemy will not wait," Drath said. He kicked his foot into the horses side and it sped off heading towards the fortress.
(oh sorry missed that part what types are there?)
The .hacker
T'al walked to the tent and spread the slit open. He archers gazed at him, some ready to stand and salute, but raised a hand, "At ease." He said, and they were a bit more comfortable, but continued to look at him. "We must march! It has been three days since batteling Dorra's horde, and none else have come! We march to the gates of the Human world. Prepare yourselves. I allow one night of rest, while I contact the Lord and my commanders." He dissapeared back into the tent, leaving the soldiers to finish in his wake.
((well by the look of ur last post u would b an earth mage cuz u made that blackberry bush. but there are fire, water, ice, light, earth, and storm))
(yeah I'll just stick with earth)
Crimson King
Loyalty Dorrakullan
Name: Soul Edge
Fighter type: Demon
Weapon: the Soul Edge(no souls absorbed yet)
Description: One of the stronger warriors in Dorrakullan's army. wields the Soul Edge. If his physical body is destroyed, he can resurrect himself onto the next person that wields the Soul Edge. (If anyone picks it up, he takes over them. If it's player controlled, he transfers to an NPC)
Backround story: After being defeated again by the Soul Calibur, The Soul Edge was badly weakened. It's physical from almost beyond recovery. He joined Dorrakullan's army in order to regain his strength, hoping to once again cover the world in darkness
(If the Soul Edge is too strong/not aloowed, I'll change it)
Drath came to where a fortress. "Finally I can see how my men are doing," he said. He walked through the open gates and saw some soldiers standing around. Some people walked down the streets blacksmith worked on metal it was like no war was occuring. Drath wanted to remember this moment when everything seemed right on earth for when the war reached them it wouldnt be so pleasant. He came up to his men and waved to them. "You all ready for this battle?" he asked. Some shook their heads others mumbled yes. "You all need to be training not standing around here I'm sorry but you have to be in tip top shape this war will not be easy". the mens eyes were filled with fear but Drath didnt blame them for he knew what they would fight most of the men were brave though. He walked over to the local pub and sat at the bar. "Hello Drath what can I get for ya?" the man at the counter asked. "The usual frolin," he said. Frolin poured some beer into a mug and Drath drunk it down quickly. He put some gold coins on the table and walked through the town.
The .hacker
T'al ate a slice of bread as he emerged into the dull, dark morning air. His archers were all ready and awaiting his orders, as well as a surge of warriors and demons that had been sent in under his command. He quickly sent off a messenger to thank the other commanders, and he ordered the troops to march. Reaper's banners were held high above them as their feet made a rythmic beat against the ground. T'al led them on his black, bony horse, the smell of rotting, burning flesh eminating from it.
((hacker, a skeleton wouldnt need bread. Crimson king, there are a lot of flaws with ur character. first off, he cant b called soul edge. also, u cant have the soul edge. fix him up and then u might b able to play))
Arnokulus pulled out his bow and walked over to the archery range. He notched an arrow to his bowstring and pulled the string taut. *Fssssssk!* the arrow landed in the bullseye. Two more quickly followed. He nodded happily. "That's the way it's done." he said to a nearby archer, getting a few out of the bullseye.
Loyalty (Dorrakullan, Grim Reaper, Human):Human
Name: Once known as Cera, but entered the war under the name of Zecharia or "Zack"
Fighter type: Archer
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Weapons (don't overdo it): Longbow and arrows (as most archers would have one) has a weird sense of humor and dips about half of her arrows in poison, and carries a dagger with her.
Description (include appearance and way you act): messy dark brown hair with piercing grey eyes that seem to follow one everywhere, a scar can be traced right at her hairline above her left eye which is usually covered by hair. She is fairly quiet, afraid that her voice will give her away, even though she sounds like a young boy. You could of course say that she is "flat chested" and is tall and scrawny. Not too many know the extent of her personality, which although she is a fantastic archer, she is filled with anger towards those who would not allow her to fight originally.
Backround story: Cera was born to a powerful family, but was unhappy, saomething was missing. She soon found out what that something was, and was often found practicing with the male archers for "fun". She learned to love the sport and wished that she could join the ranks... even though it was forbidden by her father. She pleaded again and again, but could not change her fathers mind. Soon after , she heard the elven archers were setting out to help the humans in war, she took this as her only oppurtunity to ever join them. She cut her beautiful long locks of dark hair, and entered the ranks of the archers just like many of the other men, and changed her name. She was shorter than most of them, but none of them had questioned, or recognized her, as a woman... yet.
((there could b sum female elven archers. but otherwise u get STRAIGHT A's!!!! get it hahahaha))
The .hacker
(Well... food* xD) T'al was continuing to ride when he signaled a halt. They had covered a great distance for this many, over thirty leagues, and made them camp here for the night. The sky was cloudy, a red in the twighlight. He walked into his newly posted quarters and sat, planning the new attack.
Arnokulus caught another skilled archer out of the corner of his eye. In the bullseye was quite a nice number of arrows. He walked over to the archer. "Where did you learn to shoot like that?! You've got some skills. Did you just get here with the elves? By the way, in case you didn't know, I am the general of this army. My name is Arnokulus the Warrior. What's yours?"
Zack shot another arrow before turning and speaking to Arnokulus. "Pleasure to meet you,and I did just get here with the rest of the elves. I learned most of this from just watching the others... The name is Zecharia.. but I am commonly known as just Zack," she said putting on her best act in front of her general.
The .hacker
T'al was in a frantic battle with his messnger, who had a curse put on him to MAKE T'al wait for the others. For a split moment, T'al almost killed the thing, but sent him off. He decided to abide the commands and sat there, continuing to plan the attack. The messenger outside announced what was happening and a few scouts were sent to search the area.
Drath walked to the archery and came up to Arnokulus. "General the army draws near, how long to we have to train?" Drath asked. He looked uneasy he worried that the men would fall.
The .hacker
(Dont excell much further, I will be back tomorrow, around 4-6:00 CST Bye!)
Dark Shazam93
Loyalty: Human
Name: Erathron
Fighter type: Sorcerer
Rank: Advisor to the human leaders
Weapons: Oak staff, twin shor swords
Description ): Erathron wears a green hooded robe and uses nature magic that controls plants and to a limited edegree, animals. He is a stubborn, holy-like person who once served the demos but, realising he was in over his head, fled to warn human-kind and became a key advisor to thei leaders and a strong sorcerous warrior
Magic Type: Nature
The .hacker
(Its two pages, barely long posts... Just read!)
T'al had readied his men, now with two other generals at his side. He led them all, marching forward, coming ever closer to the gates. "A few more days men! And we'll be swarming all over the insignifigant humans!" There was a loud cheer at this and then the marching resumed.
((dark shazam, there is no sorcerer class and i understand what u mean by nature but that would be earth.))
Arnokulus turned to Drath. "Most of these men are not fighters! They just came and we gave them armor. Most will not stand a chance against the demons and skeletons! Just ready the defences and bring me the finest men you can find, we need a strike team."
After the few hours of marching, a feud began to erupt between two archers and some of the brutes. T'al quickly put up a hand to halt and took out his bow and nocked an arrow aiming at the brute. "Whats going on here?!" The brute sneered at him and began charging. "Not another senseless warrior... " He said to himself as he let his arrow fly and got him right between the eyes. The general of the heavy brutes and demons started rambling on about how he was their best fighter and should deserve better. T'al, ignoring him, walked to the two archers and yelled at them to go to the back ranks and start covering the three armies tracks as punishment. "You all will start working together!! Lord Reaper when he controled everything had you all under different flanks, I understand that. But now, work together and make it like it was before the humans were here!" And after that he climbed back on his rotting horse and the marched off.
(Basically the army T'al is leading consists of his archers and warriors, Reaper serving demons, Sorcerors and one Death Rider.)
((what do you mean before the humans got here? are you in the reapers realm? the humans rnt in the realm))
(I mean, like, before they new about the gates and whatnot. And Im in the Reapers Realm.)
((oh ok!))
Arnokulus said goodby to Zach and walked off to see how the wizards were doing with their magic.
At god
((I quit too many rp at hands))
((well do something with your character to describe his amazing disappearance at god ok and dont pull this shit where you join an RP and quit hell it's barely three pages you've poated what twice and now you're quitting im surprised people even let you in the RP's)
Drath rode off he found his men they weren't looking to good he had about 20 good warriors which wasnt good he had built up a large army of 200 warriors but most werent even fit to be holding swords. The 20 or so good warriors had been training them and the men still couldnt fight for crap. They had little time left and unfortuanately Drath didnt have time to change these men into great warriors.
T'al's men were on the approach. About Eighty leagues away, as T'al had a good eye, were the gates. "Three more days if we rush men! But for now, set up camp!" And the men once again halted, the demons on one side, and the skeletons and mages on the other.
Arnokulus picked out the best wizards from each magic type and brought them to the courtyard. He told them to wait there and walked over to Zach. "Zach, would you come with me and a few other good warriors to strike the oncoming skeletons when they are attacking the city?"
Drath walked back and forth looking at the men. "You all have trained good for the past days. But you all are still weak and pathetic. Given longer time we could've made you into good warriors unfortuanately we were only given awhile." He said pacing. "Hey old man you aren't any better we could take you!" one of the soldiers yelled out. Drath looked at him. "Oh, well can you destroy an army of skeleton warriors that know no fear and if you kill one it wont matter because tons of more will come in its place." Drath said. He turned around and began walking away. "Get some rest you'll need it."
"Of course, sir," replied Zach to her general,she grabbed her quiver and bow and followed him to the rest of the troops.
STARS Nemesis1
Loyalty :Human
Name:Chase the Swift Age: 28
Fighter type:Knight
Rank:Private, 1st class
Weapons :A small dagger and standard broadsword, A shield with sharp edges and the words "Borner Family"
Description:Long brown hair and a handsome face, tall and skinny. He wears chain mail and standard armour of his old army
Back-round story:At a young age, Chase had been a fast kid. He was the best scout in his family's army until disater struct. His whole kingdom was obliviated by the Grim Reaper himself. Since then Chase has been looking for him by himself for the past fourteen years. Not much is known about him except for his speed.
T'al had set up camp again, after putting a fair amount of ground behind them. The gates lay thirty leagues away. He could see it now, his armies prevail, but he would suffer a great loss among his ranks. He smirked under his hood and awaited the on-coming massacre.
STARS Nemesis1
Chase walked down the path to a small town. He had five men with him as they headed for the inn. Just then a hoard of thirty demon warriors came at them. They fought off half of them but then four of his men were killed so him and his compainion fleed to an area by a fort. Chase saw troops nearby and screamed,
"Help! We're under attack!"
Just then, an arrow shot by and killed his last man.
Loyalty: Humans
Name: Seigfried
Fighter type: Knight
Rank: Wandering warrior
Weapons: Flameburg
Description: only with a flameburg And normal arm.
Backround story: A demon that was reborn as a human. He can't remember his past, so his background is a mystery.
((k stars nemesis ur ni, sayiamon.......uhhhh mayb if u dont go crazy on the whole demon thing ur fine))
STARS Nemesis1
The demons close in on Chase.
"Help me, please!" He yells to the troops. He sees an officer and yells to him.
"Sir help!"
Then Chase is knocked to the ground. He looks up and sees the demon's head fall! The troops are helping him! The officer grabs him and tells him he will take him back to his commander. (That would be you, sqwunchy) They arrive and the two bow to Arnokulus.
((snipper, post ur character and ill check it out.))
"Hello there," Arnokulus said looking at Chase and at the same time returning the salute to the officer, "may I help you newcomer?"
Originally posted by sqwunchy
((k stars nemesis ur ni, sayiamon.......uhhhh mayb if u dont go crazy on the whole demon thing ur fine))
No, my character won't go crazy {Although I did think of it}.alien1
STARS Nemesis1
"Please, sir. Let me join you. My whole kingdom was destroyed by the demons. I will help you anyway I can. My name is Chase Borner the Swift. I am at your survice." He bows again.
Loyalty Dorrakullan
Fighter type:Half-Demon
Rank:1st Lieutenant
Weapons a god sword
Description pic
Backroundstory: a Half-Demon hitman this a Good fight this was turn in to a demon god but he can be kill
(Would you think that all the er, no offense, "scum" you have as warriors could defeat the legions of skeletal warriors? For everyone that dies, four take its place! n.n)
T'al had his men carry messages and gear up for battle. Lord Reaper was pleased that he was attacking the humans. He blew threw a bone horn,, signaling the time to move out, and they hurried off at a faster pace, determined to attack before nightfall.
STARS Nemesis1
Chase heard a horn in the distance and looked up.
"The Reaper's army draws near..."
Originally posted by Ashiitaka
(Would you think that all the er, no offense, "scum" you have as warriors could defeat the legions of skeletal warriors? For everyone that dies, four take its place! n.n)
T'al smirked and looked over at his men, his voice projecting over their steps, "They know we're here men! Archers, arm your bows and warriors get ready. Two volleys and then charge! Sorcerers, for everyone of my men that dies, two take its place, am I understood?!" The group of sorcerers nodded and he looked at the half demons, "Half of you attack, and the other half guard the sorcerers. If anything happens to them while they are in the posts at the back ranks, I'll personally rip your eyes out." They smirked and dropped back to protect the mages. "Now... Attack!!!" They were at a charging pace now, not twenty leagues away.
(((whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ashiitaka, first off, you dont have half demons, second, you're only a commander, you wouldnt have an entire army under your belt, and third, i decide when there are extremely huge attacks. I'm makin new characters for the other armies, and don't worry i will be fair for everyone.))
STARS Nemesis1
Chase used his speed and ran in front off them to stop them.
"Sir T'al! Please stop! I must speak to you!"
He braced himself for attack.
Loyalty: Reaper
Name:Grim Reaper
Fighter type: Death Rider
Weapons: Scythe
Description: Cloaked, hooded, skeleton
Backround story:I'm the damn Reaper, I don't need a story
Type of magic: Dark
Loyalty: Dorrakullan
Name: Dorrakullan
Fighter type: Demon Rider
Weapons: Dark enchanted wrist blades
Description: Red scales, wings, bright yellow cat's eyes, curved horns
Backround story: Dorrakullan broke away from the Reaper when there was a struggle for power, he rallied demons under his hand and they now wish to rule the world
Type of magic: Dark/Fire
((what the hell was that Stars nemesis???))
(Eh, I have three other generals and we arent that big... I got confused with the half demon thing... ^^;; well... I dunno, I guess I have archers and warriors, thats it.)
T'al held up the halt signaled and hopped off the horse, his bony fingers wrapping around the humans neck. "Speak. What is it the humans want? Fealty? Ha!" He spit in his face. "I give fealty to no one except for lord Reaper. If you wish to surrender than maybe we can compose a deal... Speak!" His voice boomed.
((you cant spit, you have no organs

STARS Nemesis1
"I have a message from the reaper himself! He has ordered a halt to the charge! If you don't beleive me, ask him yourself. And, also"
Chase threw his dagger at T'al.
"Humans will prevail, my friend."
((uhhhh Stars mate, could you explain to me wat ur doin?))
(Damn me and my no organs stuff... >.>
T'al plucked the dagger from his hand. It was an idiotic thing to do, seeing as how he had a grasp around his neck. He laughed and threw him away, kicking him while he was on the ground. He hopped on to the horse and rushed off to the gates, his army in fall behind him.
(When will the battle begin?)
STARS Nemesis1
(I was halting T'al. But since you took all the fun away from it.....)
Chase jumped up and grabbed onto T'al's horse.
( :P )
T'al jumped off as the human grabbed on. He signaled for his warriors to wait and he took out a longsword from one of their sheaths. He smirked from under his hood and eyed the human suspicously, waiting.
The Grim Reaper appeared from the underworld gate on his K' algun((that is the death rider's skeleton bird)), watching the human taunt his soldiers. With a swing of his scythe, the horse disintegrated into shadows. With yet another swing, the horse reappeared by T'al and the Reaper shouted,"Take this word back to your leader! My forces will eventually wipe your puny race off the planet!"
T'al looked up and smiled under his grim hood and bowed, as did the rest of the army. "Lord Reaper! Welcome." He kept his head down out of respect.
"At ease my warriors. Now go and march to the human's city. As for the rest of my forces, they are battling Dorrakullan's horde in the Northlands. This small force can do enough damage to the human's forces." he said in his raspy voice.
STARS Nemesis1
"So, the dark one himself. I'm so scared! You wanna' fight? I may be a human, but the blood of a great warriopr rushes in my veins!"
"Oh please mortal!" the Reaper swung his scythe and it changed into a bone longbow and one arrow which was glowing black at the razor sharp tip. "I should kill you right now and make you serve me, but I am feeling generous today. I'll give you three seconds! ONE!" he pulled the string taut, with the arrow's black tip growing darker.
T'al smirked and eyed the human. He jumped on his horse and readied his men to attack.
STARS Nemesis1
"Even if I died, I would never help you!"
Chase readied his sword and sheild. His sheild started to glow red.
T'al and his men rode past Lord Reaper without a second glance. They knew taht the human was no match for the Reaper, and didnt bother to look. They marched on... Not ten leagues away now...
STARS Nemesis1
Chase heard T'al ride off and he smirked.
'The reaper doesn't realise what sheild I have. It is impervious to Dark magic!' He thought as the Reaper said, "TWO!"
((uh SN, you better not b usin magic! ur class can't do that))
The Reaper laughed at the human's attempt to try and block the arrow. "Fool! No magic is stronger than mine! I don't even need to wait this long to kill you! I'm just giving you a sporting chance! TWO!"
((duz anyone else think that his shield somehow ironically bein dark magic proof even against the reaper a little bit god moding? I mean minor spells r okay but not the reaper's))
STARS Nemesis1
(It is already enchanted. It was my character's father's sheild.)
((*raises hand*... just a bit of god-mod...))
((okay fine, my arrow won't kill u, but it will mortally wound you. your little 'smupid' shield can't block the damn reaper's magic arrow!))
The Reaper chuckled at the fool, "THREE!" The arrow let fly at lightning speed, going straight throught the shield but the magic somewhat wore off. It pierced Chase's armor and stuck out like a branch. "I'll leave you with that!" the Reaper disappeared K'algun in a shadow.
Dorrakullan watched the Raeper's front lines meet with his. He cast a large fireball at a death rider and watched as it fell from the sky onto a group of skeletons. "Muahahahahahaha! The Reaper is a fool to have faced me!"
STARS Nemesis1
(I'm not God-Modding! My sheild is now useless anyway! God-modding is being invinceable and such! I was gonna get rid of the sheild anyway, smupid!)
Chase staggered as the arrow started to burn him. He pulled it out.
" You.....suck....."
He fell back and started to have a sizure(sp).
A necromancer came up to Dorrakullan's side. "It is almost ready sire, your Dark Citadel will be complete when you get back."
"Good, good. Make sure everything is what I specified, or it will be your head!"
"Yes m-master. I w-will take c-care of it m-myself." The necromancer walked off towards Dorrakullan's hidden Dark Citadel.
(T'al's army is charging... The Reaper appeared for a bit, and Dorrakulan is like... Being evil and stuff... Yup..)
STARS Nemesis1
(And I had a death wish. Sorry bout last night. I was a little off my rocker. A girl I liked blew me off)
(Yeah, I was like 'Is this the real Star?' cause you like were playing other chars and almost modding so it was weird... n.n That sucks though.)
Seigfried walked through a destroyed village. "stupid demons and Undead." He said while looking at the ruins. He heard something really loud that sounded like a fight. It sounded like it was about 1 mile away.
Seigfried started going towards the direction of the fighting.
T'al had his men stop. They had been paused by a rift in the ground and he had some warriors working on a bridge to cross it. "Seems that the lement of suprise is no use any more... I want archers in the front ranks, next the warriors. Our Death Rider can stay in the back ranks until he is needed, as well as our two mages. Now..." He continued to alk with his tacticians and pondered what they should do.
STARS Nemesis1
(Normally Im pretty calm. Well, it's over with so back to rp'ing)
Chase stopped shaking and started to get up. He stood and realised his sheild was attached to his body. He pulled it out and almost passed out from they emenise pain. He dropped the sheild, picked up his dagger and sword, and took off back to his commander.
((ok then everyone!))
The Reaper was looking around the Underworld, watching as flames burst from the ground and as souls drifted by. He made a chair out of shadows, sat down, and began to ponder over the war.
(so are humans fighting as well?)
Drath rode on his horse with his men behind him. He looked over a large hill onto the battlefield where hordes of terrible creatures marched on foot towards them. The men all looked confident. "Hey guys wanna see a little trick?" Drath said. He took his staff and aimed it at the ground in a few seconds the ground began to rumble and a giant wall emerged from the ground. The men all cheered. "Now archers go to the top of the cliff. Get the catapults and bring them over as well it wont be long before they get over!" Drath yelled
T'al's men had finsished the bridge building, and they were now marching across it in standard formation. Flag carriers were at either end, the Reaper's insignia on them. Archers and Warriors were mixed in front, but the Death Rider was no where to be seen. The two mages were in the far back ranks. He ordered a halt as he saw the wall rise. "I will not be there for morale during the battle! You are warrior's of the Reaper! Do not let him down!!!" He turned to them al land bowed. "You all are good men, and I will protect as many of you as I can." He took out his bow and aimed torward the cliff, as did the rest of the archers as the warriors fell in to the back ranks.
Drath walked to the edge of the cliff looking down at the forces below. "Have a small taste of what we humans can do!" he yelled down to them. Hundreds of arrows reigned down from the sky coming towards the warriors below the cliff. "And just to make sure you dont go back anywhere." Drath said as spikes rose from the ground surrounding the army. "Men you must take over for now my powers must have time to recharge."
T'al held out his hand and the arrows that were coming torward him and a few of his archers fell to the ground. Six of his archers fell to the ground and two of his warriors fell as well. "This is it? Ha! Fire!" Hundreds of arrows were released from the ranks, some soaring over the cliff and others on top of it. "Warriors! Switch ranks!" The warriors moved forward and the archers fell back. Three warriors rose from the ground from one of the mages and then they all started to move forward, the archers firing another volley. T'al was in the mix of warriors, his black robe flowing as he ran, longsword in hand.
((alrite, quick question, fg725, rnt u an earth mage? cuz if u are then that wall should b made out of like trees or earth or something, not just solid rock, dirt would b okay tho))
Arnokulus brought the wizards, Zach, Chase, and a few select fighters to a city gate away from the battle. He led them to the nearby forest and told the mages to send all they had at the enemy force. He also told Zach, Chase, and the others to protect the wizards once they started the onslaught. Arnokulus flew back to the city and pulled a contingent from the army to the other side. He told them to flank the undead as well. When his trap was set with everyone very well hidden, he flew through the forest and circled to the back of the undead army. "Are you ready?" he asked his dragon. "Ready as I'll ever be!" The dragon took off and blew fire at the nearest undead, turning them to ash. Arnokulus fired arrows at some with great precision.
(Wait.. I'm attacking from inside the gates, and Im assuming the wall rose in front of it. We havent reached the other side yet.)
(huh? sqwunchy it is made of earth i never said it was made of rock did I? I know I had the rocky spikes but that's because rocks are like supposed to be inside the ground and part of the earth. Ashiitaka're inside gates? I built a wall where I saw an army marching toward are place)
(Yeah, Im inside. I took it that you guys are just outside the gates...)
((i thought u were outside the gates ashiitaka, the gates would have been closed its not like we would let a large group of undead into our city))
"NOW!" Arnokulus yelled at the top of his lungs. When the forces heard this, they rant to the undead army and charged them. When the skeletons turned to attack the knights, the wizards moved in to flank them. The plan was working.
T'al was take aback, but the ranks didnt falter. They all charged ahead as most of them fell. T'al took down three with his magic and four more with his blade. He leaped back and took out his bow, aiming for the mages, as did his mages. He only took down two before they stopped his arrows and he fell back. A distant roar was heard in the sky. A black form fell through it, falling from the heavens. It was dead though, and it was letting out a ground-shaking roar. It plunged down into the mages and went straight into the Earth, leaving a crater.
(Could this be time to introduce my human Rider?)
Zach charged with the of the army, adrenaline pumping through her. She shot with precision one after another, all while trying to pick out their leader in the mess, when suddenly she hear the ear-splitting roar from the sky. She looked up and her eyes widened as she saw what had made the noise.
((Ashiitaka, you dont have magic, and also how could the thing be roaring if it was dead. and i havent approved a dragon tamer for u if that is what you mean))
((if u need to kno what ur class can do look at the first page, ive been letting the sword thing slip so far))
(By dead I mean its on my side, and since its not approved I wont use it. As for the sword thing, who cares. My guys dead now anyway, and I'm not in the best mood.)
((if u wanted to have a sword u shouldve been an undead knight. in this the archer class wouldnt rly have a sword, but a knife would pass since its not as big of a weapon. if archers were allowed swords and knights bows there wouldnt be separate classes. so stick with ur classes abilities and live with it. gosh))
Arsingo blew fire onto the skeletons but stopped as the thing crashed into the earth.
T'al knew that there was no hope. He decided to live with it and nodded to his men. He ran head long into battle and was slain, but took many with him. His men depleated half of the humans forces before perishing. They died honorably.
((wtf??there would b no way in hell that u could take out half the human forces))
Dorrakullan watched the Reaper's forces break his lines of demons. "No! This cannot be!" A death rider revealed itself from the back of the lines, and it was carrying a bone scimitar that was giving off shadows. The scimitar must've been giving the reapers forces a boost in strength or giving them protection because Dorrakullans forces were not killing quite as many as they were.
(Fine, a QUARTER of the human forces.)
Name: Coji Kusinigami
Affilation: Human
Age: 24
Fighter Type: Paladin
Rank: Lieutenant General
Sex: Male
Weapon: Longsword
Appearence: Around 5'8", he wears steel plating, with dark grey trim. Behind him is a black cape, and his swords sheath is a deep blue, encrested with diamonds, a keepsake from his family.
Personality: A nice guy, and very quiet. He listens to his orders and follows them without question. He is vicous in battle, but would like not to kill.
History: he started training in the sword art at a young age, and then went on numerous adventures to become a paladin. He is skilled with his sword, and can preform minor healing spells.
((a quarter of the human forces would be a quarter of almost all of the humans in the world. as i have said in the storyline the humans have banded together.that small of a force couldnt do that especially when u couldnt even get into the city))
(xD I thought this force was only about 1,000 more than mine right now, I didnt think you had the whole world with you O_o Alright... A quarter of a half of a third of a tenth of a quarter of the force?)
((its not rly the whole world just almost all of the world's forces. there are other outlying bases where humans are. just most of them r here. and u should've at least tried attacking an outlying area like a helpless town or sumthin with that size of a force.))
(Meh, its over and done with now... Im using a human! Wee?)
Coji lay low on horse back, his metal clanking as they lept over a fallen branch, "Oh, Arnokulas is going to kill me! I took way to long on that mission... I hope hes still alive!" He thought to himself. "Hyah!" He yelled to his horse, pushing his heels into its side. Far off in the distance about thirty minutes later, he could see the encampment of the human forces.
Vampire _Knight
(One last bump for me..... BUMP!!!)
Burning thought
Character creation:
Loyalty (Dorrakullan, Grim Reaper, Human):Grim Reaper
Fighter type: Skeleton Knight/Warrior
Rank: Knight Commander
Weapons (don't overdo it): a long plaguebearing two handed beast of a sword, on touch it dissolves flesh and can cause a weakening disease within the wounded
Description (include appearance and way you act): Wearing heavy Black Shadow Armour covering whole body, most of the armour has blood soaked into it and the only visable part of the skeleton is its face and hands, he also has a long black cape with the mark of the Reaper flowing down his back
Backround story: was a great lord when living, commanding legions of troops but was slain by the Reaper himself within a great battle, the reaper Raised the man himself and through this power gave him unique strength, also gave him the anciant plague bearing blade he had once used himself, the reaper called this Skeleton Zegranas and so Zegranas not knowing his human Name called himself this ever after and became the reapers most known Task Master among the Knight Ranks and is feared both by Enemy and Ally across the Realms
He is monstrous and loud at most times, roaring and showing off his battle prowess and often destroying one under his command every so often to show his brutality and that he should not be crossed
Burning thought
Zegranas' Skeleton grin crossed his face as he watched the Death rider gliding above the battlefield, increasing the power of his troops, he lay into the Demonic Ranks, roaring a dark and low pitched noise from his mouth at every Demon he came across, slashing through its body, the armies and ranks of his legion plowed into the Demons yet he thought in the back of his mind that if he knew Dorrakullan then this would not be the victory he had hoped for
Dorrakullan flew up above the battle on his demon and rained fire on the forces of the Reaper, killing many more. "Fall back! Fall back! I'll slow them down!" he roared over the battle. He raised both his hands and said some ancient spells that had bee lost in time. In one hand a large fireball appeared and in the other a large ball of shadows. He roared and smashed his hands together creating a large mass of shadow and flame which he threw at the death rider. Caught off guard, the death rider and it's shadows were obliterated. The mass landed on the ground and started to take the shape of a rather large demon made of shadow and flame. It smashed the nearest skeletons and blew fire into the air. Dorrakullan laughed evilly at his new creation and flew off saying to himself,"That should hold them well enough."
Burning thought
Zegranas roared in rage, as masses of his army flew over him
in a blood curdling hoarse low voice he gave his orders "no Surrender, no mercy, the Dead shall take these lands
Zegranas took his sword in his hand and along with his troops ran at the great Demon that was smashing his forces, While roaring his battle cry he smashed at it, his army took a blast of fire and half his skeletons alongside him burnt to ashes, Zegranas' Sword glowed with green spirtual energy, each stab corroding the creatures flesh with plague.
The beast Turned however and blasted Zegranas across the battlefield, luckily his enchanted armour saved him, but he and his armies surely could not possibly take on the beasts might
"Re Group" Zegranas shouted, his undead riders and the soldiers he had left started at fast pace towards the flag bearers at the back of the army, the dead Sorcerors still sending forth death at the beast yet their attacks did not prevail, Zegranas dismounted his dark Warhorse and with his captains started accumilating another plan that will win them this battle
Burning thought
the Beast continued to come closer to Zegranas' army, he worked out a plan however
as the beast was nearing Zegranas gave the order, all the Sorcerors drew upon their powers of ice, as the creature limped along, from the corrosive cuts in its body dripping with foul ooze the Sorcerors fired their ice together, its body froze up, in a great ball of ice, it stood frozen in the icy block.
Zegranas let out a cold evil laugh "demons are no match for death itself" and then he brought down his sword with all his combined might on the frozen creature, blasting it into pieces, a fountain of shadow and flame from the beasts body blasted into him, it circles around him, as he looked down the shadow and flame wrote runes and special symbles on his armour and sword, they both glew with dark essences and they shimmered with darkness
He once again grinned, this victory strengthened him somewhat,not only his armour and weapon, he felt pleased at what he had done and he could of sworn he heard the angry roar of Dorrakullan
Zegranas called upon his armies to retreat back to the border of his Fortress as to get reinforcements, his armies were too little to press the attack and he felt he had done enough to the Demons this day and so he and hes legions fell back to Degrafall Castle, the fortress on the edge of the Demonic lands
((wait so ur controlling the fire and shadow to enchant your weapons and armor.....hmmmm something isnt right about that.))
Burning thought
((bascially the fire and shadow has enchanted him itself, the Slain Demons essence is sort of rewarding Zegranas for defeating it, besides surely some of the Demons power can be used, espeically the shadow since shadow is usually attracted to undead wouldnt you agree))
Burning thought
Zegranas and his Army reached the fortress, with a wave of hand the chain of orders was given to send out a few more legions to accompany him to help in the war against the Demons. The dark skeleton knight looked over his new sword, its dark shadow made the skeletons jittery every time he waved it, he traveled into the highest tower of the fortress, into a dark unlit room he went, inside was a floating mirror
"Lord, i have slain inumerable Minions of Dorrakullan, i destroyed even a beast of Dorrakullan's own creation, it enchanted my armour and the old blade you gave me"
The Grimmed reaper replied, the look on his face seemed more interested in what was being said than his usual stern look of command
"i see what you have within you, a dark stirring of power, i sent this same power into you long ago and now you have had it increased, well done Zegranas, Dorrakullan was a fool to have betrayed me, we shall have our revenge on him, here, take this object of power, it will help your fight, yet do not reveal it to the enemy until you truly need it"
with that a dark Orb of green pulsating spiritual energy came through the mirror, Zegranas took it and at that moment it flashed and shrunk to the size of a marble, a ring flash into excistance around it
"wear this ring and when you use it, it will help in your battles"
"yes my lord"
and with that Zegranas walked back to his men, got upon his Horse and rode back to the battle
Vampire _Knight
Coji came to an adrupt stop at the edge of camp. He saw injuries every wich way, supposedly from the war he saw earlier. He jumped off of his horse and walked to the front of the camp, standing at ease, waiting for his commander.
Burning thought
Zegranas and his soldiers galloped at full speed towards the battle, as they came nearer they saw a great wall of fire, Zegranas got off his horse and walked a few metres forwards
"damn demons, their love for fire makes them illusive opponents, this wall cannot hold us"
he remembered his ring and aimed it at the fire, the ring flashed yet to his amazement nothing happened, feeling rather curious of what the ring was atually for and not really havving a mind for spellcraft he simply got back on his horse and with an order he and his armies started moving towards the portal to the human lands.
The Grim Reaper was happy for the outcome of the battle, but he, for the first time in all eternity, was worried. 'Could Dorrakullan really defeat him in this war? Could the infinite legions of demons defeat his numerous minions?' He brooded over these thoughts longer.
Burning thought
The air was full of smoke and Zegranas could feel battle as he neared a simple bridge
"hmm this was not here before but will help us greatly, the portal is not far from the other side of that bridge"
as his armies gathered on the other side Zegranas caught sight of a large mound of earth with human soldiers guarding it, he saw a wizard standing upon the center watching his army as if guardians of the pass. But at last he saw them, scattered bones and armour of the reapers armies, even the head of his dear friend T'al Nasnada who he had known for many decades
through this Zegranas held his hand high and his armies were unleashed, swarming across towards the wall of earth like a mass of bone, with Zegranas leading them using his arm as a shield as the hundreds of shards of human arrows poured into his army and smashing into his gauntlet
"for the Reaper, no mercy, tear their bodies from that wall"
the wizard called spikes from the ground, yet they were mere annoyances that he smashed through with his sword, catapults however would prove a great thorn in his side as they smashed through ranks of his forces, almost hitting him in the process
Zegranas saw his chance however, he spyed the old bow of his friend Tal, he crouched and picked it up and fired a shaft at the wizard, it smashed his staff in two and a second shaft found its place in the old mans chest, he fell from the earth wall. Zegranas knew a wizard would not die from such a fate, but the loss of his staff and the arrow in his chest would not allow him to help his men in this battle
" attack!!! their wizard is no more" and as Zegranas shouted the Skeletons poured over the earthern wall, climbing the rock and swarming round it, Zegranas slashed through soldiers, their bodies melting under his sword's plague energies, finally though he looked around finding he was almost alone, his forces were a tiny rabble against the human legions, as a quick bid he ran at the enemies commander, the commander was on his dragon flying above, Zegranas sent an arrow into its body, almost missing but hitting its tail, the commander yelled and with his dragon descended onto Zegranas.
Dodging Zegranas took a slash at the dragon, which bit his blade, its mouth however went rancid and it let go, Zegranas used his gauntlets and sword as protection as the dragon continually bit at him, finally it breathed hot fire, bathing Zegranas, the red runes of power on his armour flashed and shielded him from the blast and Zegranas slashed at the dragon, slashing a hole through its mouth, it leapt back in pain. The Commander of the human armies leapt from the dragon, wielding his sword with fast placed skill and blocking with his shied, the commander was far faster than Zegranas, eventually Zegranas' two handed blade smashed the commanders shield but by the time this happened he was surrounded by soldiers. They continually hit at him and the commander took his sword and sent it through Zegranas' head. The old skeleton slashed at the commanders leg one last time, leaving a corrosive infected mark, then he toppled to the floor, he could hear the men all cheering as the commander limped back to his dragon in pain, yet Zegranas cursed them as the power that had once raised him died out.
Burning thought
(bump) "come on guys, ime enjoying this Rp dont stop it now"
STARS Nemesis1
(I have no idea of whats going on
Burning thought
(if you want to join look on the front page, read the story and make a character sheet, bascially theres been a few wars, humans have defeated skeletons in front of the portal to the human world and my character has slaughtered many demons, killed a giant monster and gained a magic ring, he has also been defeated however

after killing many humans)
i'll join
Name: Servus
Fighter type: Demon
Rank: N/A (more like a dark wanderer)
Weapons: Claws of the Underworld (claws made from metal and fire in the underworld)
Description: i send picture
Backround story: Servus walked the world while getting darker and darker until he couldt control his disires. He met the reaper in a dream maybe he died no one knows but the reaper told him of great power, and he simply said yes :P
Type of magic: Very dark (like let the evil in someone grow control thougths to the point of suicide (doesnt work on every one only the weak minded) )
D4th R3v4n
Dude... This died way a long time ago....
((alrite ppl, im gonna try to get my rp back up, ive been gone for a bit))
((i guess burning thought controlled my guy, but it was a good post))
Burning thought
Originally posted by sqwunchy
((alrite ppl, im gonna try to get my rp back up, ive been gone for a bit))
((i guess burning thought controlled my guy, but it was a good post))

Arnokulus looked around at his army. They had defeated that force, but how many more would come in the future? As thoughts raced through his head, he looked at his leg, the infection was rapidly spreading. "I need a wizard of the light!" he screamed out at his forces. A wizard came running through the ranks and came to Arnokulus. "The infection will kill you in a matter of hours, we must act quickly!" The wise white wizard slammed his staff on the ground and the next second they were in the wizards tower chamber. He set Arnokulus on a bed and rushed to the opposite wall, where there were some vials of bubbling liquids. He pulled out a cauldron and mixed a few of the vials in it. He dipped a beaker into the mixture and brought it to Arnokulus. "Drink this," he said while handing him the beaker,"It will help get rid of the infection." The wizard ran to a cabinet full of herbs. He grabbed a few and placed them on the infection. He also wrapped a bandage around them. "That will slow the poison. Combined, the two remedies will heal you fully."
"Thank you Kulint, you are the best healer we have." Arnokulus painfully got up and walked back outside to check on Arsingo.
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