Lots OF Free Stuff.

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im quitting runescape, and i have alot of valuables to get rid of! the list of items includes:11mil, 2 sets of rune, full zammy, dlong, dmed helm, white phat, 2 santas, d legs, rune axe, dragon axe, rune long, rune skimmy, mith items, addy items, 13k feathers, runes of all kinds(over 500 of ea), 3k lobs, 2k salmon, str potions, and much more!

if you want anything you see here email me at [email protected] and send your user name,pass, and what items you want(only 1mil per person if you want money) so hurry up items are very limited!


Thunder Fox
1.) wrong place
2.)even if you went to the right place they have a thread for runescape
3.)this is a scam i have done it before when i played and the mods won't let you anyway they'll edit your post and close this for spamming


4)If you wanted to give away your items, you should tell people when your usually online Runescape and then meet them online. When you do, give them the items.
5)This is definatley a scam. Don't try to fool anyone

Mr. Valentine
^ all true, scammer stick out tongue and yeah aswell, you signed up for KMC just to do this?? thats sad man sad stick out tongue

At god
RS Sucks man...your sad for playing that that's just sad...play more popular games and don't spam here

6) all of the above stick out tongue
but seriously man, u shouldn't do this crap. last time someone did something this idiodic, they said they were just fooling and it was gay. just no one post here anymore and let the mods do what they want

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.