death star error

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Darth Acheous
y did the desiners of the death star make that hole for the rebelion to shoot at. if i built a super weopon i would probablymake it a tad bit harder to destroy...

flippin, idiots

Really?! I would have never known.

Then I guess they made a mistake when giving cars an exhaust pipe

Blaxican Style
yeah but cars aren't exactly death machines that you already knwo in advance is going to be attacked by everyone and their mothers.

Oh, and you know how to build a super weapon, do you?

Obviously, plot-wise, it was impossible to avoid.

ninja I know how to build a superweapon Ush. I am offended by your comment! I challenge you to a duel! duel

Blaxican Style
actually Im rather offended as well. I can make a doom machine at leats a million times then ANY mod on this site.

*side swipes council #13*



Blaxican Style
Originally posted by Council#13

I dont get it no expression

the designers didnt know it would be for battle, have you read the jedi academy series?

As was pointed out in the film, the flaw wasn't the weakness itself, it was not having adequate fighter defence. In typical Imperial style, they ignored small things as a threat.

Originally posted by Blaxican Style
I dont get it no expression

laughing Me neither no expression

Wasn't the exhaust hole really small?

Darth Acheous
they should have just made thin strong vents. and if the desiners didn't know a giant laser that can destroy planets in control of an empire ruled by snile od man than they're dumbasses

The emperor wasn't senile. Besides the torpedo started a chain reaction, not unlike explosions when tanker trucks are parked next to each other. The torpedo probably struck something which exploded another big thing, etc. Of course it didn't look like that on screen, it was one big bang. In the ep I finale, there were more chain reaction explosions in the doughnut ship, but it snapped in half like a twig. Aw, artistic license.

Why make vents at all?

Vacuum is not known to be a particulary good conductor...

Why do the ships in SW make noise in space?

Star Wars and reality got divorced a long time back. In Star Wars reality, you clearly need an exhaust port on the Death Star.

I really hate to say this, but I agree with ush...


vampire Well maybe you should ask the designer of the death star why he put an exhaust port on the first death star. If you read darksaber where one of jabba's relations decides to build one and he captures the maker of the original and the endor one.

Another thing is y is there fire in space dont u need Oxygen 2 make fire

Objects themselves have the O.

Tangible God
It's a simple answer: Every weapon of mass destruction has to have a deus ex machina on it so it can be destroyed. It's the law of SW.

^ ush and TG in right...

this is so stupid, you cant build any type of building or construction that has a huge amount of energy without having some sort of ventilation. think about it...... no living person would be able to work or operate in a completely closed area. any other weird ideas??

Who would have guessed that someone would be insane enough to even attack the death star? Just look at the thing. Then it would take a very lucky shot to even destroy the thing. The odds of it being destroyed is extremely low.

they were also kinda ignorant to the rebels power, mainly thats how the rebels won in the first place.

Originally posted by Jam-Jul_Lison
Who would have guessed that someone would be insane enough to even attack the death star? Just look at the thing. Then it would take a very lucky shot to even destroy the thing. The odds of it being destroyed is extremely low. exactly only a force user as potential as luke skywalker could pull that off.

Blaxican Hydra
Soem dude pulled that off in the first book of the X-Wing series. Though it may have been Corran, who is a force user...


the laser was put in the death star for a reason. if the laser was outside of the death star then it would be an easy target for the rebels to disable or destroy. the laser inside the death star makes it even tougher for the rebels to get to especially one on one against the imperial ships which guarantees no easy victory. the designers knew it would be vulnerable against the rebels because it was a target but not an easy one and so they have to relie on their imperial ships to protect it. they failed to do so because either they underestimated the rebels or they were just careless just trying to protect their super weapon. Since both death stars were destroyed by the rebels, they had no need to build it in the first place if they couldn't protect their super weapon.

Tangible God
Originally posted by cking
the laser was put in the death star for a reason. if the laser was outside of the death star then it would be an easy target for the rebels to disable or destroy. the laser inside the death star makes it even tougher for the rebels to get to especially one on one against the imperial ships which guarantees no easy victory. the designers knew it would be vulnerable against the rebels because it was a target but not an easy one and so they have to relie on their imperial ships to protect it. they failed to do so because either they underestimated the rebels or they were just careless just trying to protect their super weapon. Since both death stars were destroyed by the rebels, they had no need to build it in the first place if they couldn't protect their super weapon. It was only built as a weapon of submission through fear.

And both reasons are the answer.

Darth Kreiger
In the movie, General Dodanna says, "The Empire didn't think a one man Fighter would be this much of a threat" and something about not taking precautions to stop them.
The Empire expected the Rebels to attack with Cruisers, like they did in Ep.6, where the Death Star clearly dominated.

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