mara jade and ventress vs mace and ki adi mundi

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Darth Acheous
setting ewok village

Mundi and Mace own them. Mace>Mara and Mundi=Ventress (maybe slightly worse). Mace is just too good, the Jedi win.

You need to specify which time periods each character is from.

I'm just going to assume each is at their peak. Which would mean Mace and Ki-Adi win more often than not.

Mace would own either but either would probably own Mundi. I say that Mace and Mundi still win and that Mundi will hardly have an effect on the outcome at all.

Mace beats Mara, Ventress most likely bests Ki-Adi, then Mace takes Asajj out.

Mundi won't survive. Mace kills Mara and then Asajj.

Which Mara? Because if it is NJO era and the woman are able to separate the two, and pluck Ki Adi Mundi off, using the environment to hide and such, and then they attack Mace together, they might be able to take him, if they get a successful ambush. This is very unlikely, and in a straight fight, Mace is too much for these two. So, under normal circumstances, the Jedi win.

I'm glad everyone finally agrees big grin

Originally posted by jollyjim311
Which Mara? Because if it is NJO era and the woman are able to separate the two, and pluck Ki Adi Mundi off, using the environment to hide and such, and then they attack Mace together, they might be able to take him, if they get a successful ambush. This is very unlikely, and in a straight fight, Mace is too much for these two. So, under normal circumstances, the Jedi win. I thought we assumed everybody was in their prime. Example: DN Mara.

DN Mara would give Mace a good scuffle, but Mace definatly walks out alive.

And Asajj probably beats Mundi. Mace mops up.

Do you think Mace would beat Mara before Asajj beats Mundi?

Hokage Yoda
I do

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