Naruto RPG!

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Come and join Naruto RPG!

This is the naruto rpg and I want you to join plz there are 4 simple rules

1) You must make up your own name and village.

2) There must be at least 4 teachers.

3) No cussing plz.

4) Have fun!

This is how you will set-up your status:

Name: Natoshimi
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Village: Ice village
Chu'nin Exam: Finished
Ninja Rank: Genin
Fighting Technique: Ninjutsu
Description: I am shy but that doesn't mean I wont win a match. I have an older brother named Detijo and I fight with him often to sharpen my skills. I have silver eyes and im 5'4. I like to read, write, and lay around sometimes. My parents died of illness a while ago. When I fight I fight for them.


There all ready is a naruto RPG that is alive and kicking in the "unhosted thread". just check it there...

No permission. Closed.

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