tell your travels of MIDDLE EARTH

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OhILuvHP this is KINDA a role play. what we are going to do is.....

1.) Pick a name (or just go by ur username)

2.) State where you are (in middle earth)

3.) State the gender you wish to be

4.) State the race you wish to be

5.)State where you are in middle earth. Maybe it is in Bree, maybe the Shire, maybe Rohan, etc.

Tell of your travels and talk to the people you meet! and have fun!

p.s......ALL ARE WELCOME!!! as long as you FOLLOW these rules!

I will start.

(name=my username...for now//woman//my race is a mystery to all at the moment. i have a cloak and hood covering my face)


I find myself sitting alone at a table in the Prancing Pony in Bree. It is close to the middle of the night, as i look around the dim-lit room.

Ichigo Kurosaki
Has this gotten aproval?

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