Darkness Reign
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The Doom Master
i think i got permission, coz spadeking told me so.
You are a member of an elite military force from the newly fored nation of Jarsha. Your government has informed you of an island that they believe is the facility being used to test illegal mixtures on innocent lives. They have sent other operatives to the isle, codenamed "Hell's Gate", but none have been able to contact HQ, but they know that they are alive, thanks to a system they have equipped to each soldiers uniforms to moniter vitals. Everyone is alive. It is your job to find out what has been occuring at Hell's Gate and try to find a way to halt the operation. But things will soon become out of control...
that is the basic storyline, and it will change slightly as we go through. use this template when creating your character:
first name:
last name:
codename (you don't have to give yourself one if you can't come up with one, i'll give you one):
primary weapon:
secondary weapon:
if you want to join, PM me with the subject being "Join Darkness Reign"
heres my character:
first name: Brandon
last name: Elliot
codename: Hawk
primary weapon: automatic shotgun (model PA7)
secondary weapon: handgun (model Glock 43)
nationality: Australian
personality: a fair sense of humour, but gets serious in the face of danger
you should make this the character creation form and star the RP in another thread
First name: Dwayne
middle name: Douglas
last name: Johnson... I didn't steal that from the rock
codename: Dead Aim
Primary weapon: SAW (macjine gun 200 bullets per magazine)
Secondary: Desert Eagle
nationality:african america/hawaiin (my actual nationality)
personality:very serious when it comes to his job, but tends to joke at times
appearance: http://cache.kotaku.com/gaming/inside-doom-rock.jpg
have no idea who he is
The Doom Master
yeah, right, everyone knows who the rock is!
but yeah, i think thats a good idea. i noticed on your description that your a senior member. can i rename threads?
The Doom Master
well, you heard him. the actual story is at the thread named "Darkness Reign Ultimatum" (don't ask me where i got that!)
Originally posted by The Doom Master
yeah, right, everyone knows who the rock is!
but yeah, i think thats a good idea. i noticed on your description that your a senior member. can i rename threads?
I never made a thread but I noticed they allowed some other people to do it on unhosted, so I guess so
Name:Anna Maddox
codename:Jubilee(not because of the x-men the word jubilee means happy~
primary weapon
none,shes the team medic)
secondary weapon
some type of an small firearm)
personality:nearly almost happy,understanding
strength:helping others out with their wounds
thats 4
we're just waiting for FG to post his stuff
The Doom Master
yep, FG and Grimm, if he decides he'll join (he hasn't told me yet)
first name:Michael
last name:Pentelow
primary weapon: SA80
secondary weapon: Dual Revolvers
nationality: Irish/American
personality: Can stay calm in all situations, prefurs to work alone, cannot give thanks when helped, Loner.
Appearance: think Leon from resident evil 4
ok if Doomaster doesn't start this today I'll start it tommorow
to late if i jump in....
first name: Amir
last name: Dotan
codename : Scorpion
primary weapon: AK 47
secondary weapon: Desert Eagle
nationality: Israeli
personality: No b/s type of guy, he fights with nothing holding him back, and doesn't joke but once every blue moon.
Originally posted by XornonJay
to late if i jump in....
first name: Amir
last name: Dotan
codename : Scorpion
primary weapon: AK 47
secondary weapon: Desert Eagle
nationality: Israeli
personality: No b/s type of guy, he fights with nothing holding him back, and doesn't joke but once every blue moon.
we have enough people to make a squad the RP will start tommorow seeing as doomaster is barerly on glare I'll have ot start it
ahh cools what about every one else they seem dead also
Darth Acheous
can i join......
name: Derek Barner
primary:2 ak 47s (silenced)
secondary:mpk47 (automatic rifle with frag launcher)
personality:quiet and sneaky
Originally posted by Krone
ahh cools what about every one else they seem dead also
well doomaster is barerly on
shalimar is on vacation
so its only us
we can split up though from the group
Darth Acheous
that sounds cool
Originally posted by SpadeKing
well doomaster is barerly on
shalimar is on vacation
so its only us
we can split up though from the group
Split up like in horror film and you being the african american would die then me and lastly the girl if there is one!
Darth Acheous
i like explosions!
Originally posted by Krone
Split up like in horror film and you being the african american would die then me and lastly the girl if there is one!
excuse me but the rock didn't die first in DOOM mhm
Darth Acheous
I still like explosions!!
The Doom Master
yeah, sure you do! but yeah, im on now. you'll find im on (if possible):
monday 9:00 - 9:30
tuesday 1:15 - 2:55
wednesday 1:00 - 1:15, 3:40 - 5:00
thursday 3:40 - 5:00
thats west aussie time though
Originally posted by SpadeKing
I never made a thread but I noticed they allowed some other people to do it on unhosted, so I guess so
Only if you click that Edit button within 15 mins of first posting...Now you will have to ask Ush to rename it for you...you really better hope you got permission,
PM Ush and ask him to rename this thread.
He did he said dooomaster and somebody else's idea con go ahead.
Burning thought
can i be Kain with a machinegun.............
We would love have an immortal vampire version of Rambo yes
The Doom Master
yep, vampire dude who got pushed into a swirling vortex of terror and got all ripped apart... sounds totally UNFAIR!!!
Darth Acheous
watch what ya say about vampires... i am one... on legends of aranavampire
and I'm your worse nightmare herbninjajedi
Darth Acheous
Originally posted by SpadeKing
and I'm your worse nightmare herbninjajedi go to the top thread and see my elite force assasins!
herbninjajedi herbninjajedi mistsith herbninjajedi herbninjajedi
The Doom Master
hehehehehehehehehehe... darth maul's gonna kick the other guys asses!
Darth Acheous
tomcat sniper robot pimp
u asked 4 it
The Doom Master
right... what did i ask for exactly?
Originally posted by Darth Acheous
tomcat sniper robot pimp
u asked 4 it
they got nothing on us
The Doom Master
stupid little smilies! they think they can rule the world and kill us all! blowup death giljotiini hang rip yes, smilies deserve to die!
Darth Acheous
fine then...robot robot robot robot robot robot...neht enif
robots cant die... their smilinators, you have been smilinated
Originally posted by Darth Acheous
fine then...robot robot robot robot robot robot...neht enif
robots cant die... their smilinators, you have been smilinated
yes they can remember star wars? herbpadawan
Blaxican Hydra
First name: Jordan
Last name: Johnson
Codename: Afro
Primary weapon: M-16 Assault Rifle
Secondary weapon: .50 BMG Pistol Click?
Nationality: Black.
Personality: Gruff, sick sense of humor, sour temper.
The Doom Master
thanks, Blaxican Hydra
Originally posted by Blaxican Hydra
First name: Jordan
Last name: Johnson
Codename: Afro
Primary weapon: M-16 Assault Rifle
Secondary weapon: .50 BMG Pistol Click?
Nationality: Black.
Personality: Gruff, sick sense of humor, sour temper.
he's in my troop
I call him, shalimar, and Krone just in case I get desperatly hungry ermm
Darth Acheous
how many people are supposed have already posted on the game thread? Where the hell is everybody?
The Doom Master
hmm, lets see... theres:
me (doom master)
you (darth acheous)
blaxican hydra
the chick who said she's the medic
so thats 6
Darth Acheous
i like banananananananananananananananananananananananana
The Doom Master
The Doom Master
hehehehehe... oops...
First Name: Ryan
Last Name: Henrickson
Codename: Spades
Primary Weapon: 5.6mm SIG 551
Secondary Weapon: 9mm Jericho 941 (Baby Eagle)
Nationality: Swedish
Personality: Ryan is normally a friendly guy who most people can easily get along with. He loves to joke around when off-duty. When he is engaged in a firefight, he becomes very serious about everything, leaving no time for conversations or jokes.
*I'll post tomorrow morning. I'm tired.*
first name: Giovanni
last name: Calabria
codename: Bootleg
primary weapon: Beretta AR-70/223
secondary weapon: Beretta BM 59
nationality: Italian
personality: During a fight, he is calm and composed, not speaking for maximum concentration. Otherwise, he is a joking, friendly person.
Aureck Pon
are you f*ckin serious? two whimpy berettas. you need to blow shit up! forget the berettas! you need an mpk16 grenade-launching assault rifle man.
what has happened since I left you guys alone no
The Doom Master
seriously, you don't wanna know... we did get two more players, though!!!
Aureck Pon
BLOW SHIT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can I please kill him?
Aureck Pon
if you try kill me i make you go boom! HAhA
Originally posted by Aureck Pon
if you try kill me i make you go boom! HAhA
sorry but I'm 2nd in command and you will go jobless
Aureck Pon
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....... uh oh. i no want job go byebye!
good now go get me a coffee
yes I'm very FU2nny
where is our nurse? glare
Aureck Pon
yah im also FUnny i think our nurse is gone...
The Doom Master
yes... our nurse IS gone... SHE WAS NEVER HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! (mumble)aureck pon is a dumb@$$(mumble)
Aureck Pon
actually she was on this thread when she posted!!(mumble) doom master is a dumb@$$(mumble)
The Doom Master
(sob!) nah, not really. just faking. yeah, your right, my bad...
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