USH'S MATRIX GAME 2006- Preview thread
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Welcome to the preparation thread for my new Matrix game.
The purpose of this thread is to get as many things as possible ready before the time the game launches. The game itself is still under testing right now and a completed storyline is still some way off. But previous experience shows that getting everyone ready for a game like this can take some time, and so best we start to deal with that now than waste any time from when the game is actually ready.
If you are interested in playing my Matrix game, then thank you very much! But it is a game that requires a certain amount of attention and commitment, so I highly recommend you read this thread carefully to see if the game would suit you or not.
This thread will deal with several issues:
a. An explanation of the game in general
b. A discussion of the actual plot set-up
c. Some guidance to help people put together characters
d. Some discussion of how the system works
At some point when I am satisfied that people know where they are, we can then commence character creation. The system for creation is actually finished; there are just some worries about possible exploits for it. Soon, they should either be fixed or simply ignored in lieu of seeing what you guys make of it and adjusting if necessary.
Thanks for your interest.
Did all of our Oracle predictions used last time around, or are some of them forgotten about or used this time through?
None of them were actually used up, though some were referenced.
My Oracle prediction was crap, I'm definitely going to redo that.
I'm also going to tell my brother about this thread.
I definitely like the rolling lots of dice thing, hehe.
Stabby thing!
I'm definitely joining this. I've always wanted to RP in a Matrix setting...
I now have a character partially ready. Of course, this is so far based on that summary post of character creation...
Spades - Natural - Philosophy
Default Role: Gunner
Prediction: "Your affliction will become your saving grace." (I really want to have this one)
Umm... I couldn't think of where to put this, but Spades is a chronic gambler (his name is a reference to the ace of spades). And, of course, that's what the Oracle would be referring to in the prediction.
Burn will be making his heroic Gun-toting comeback...
Is XP going to be ported over? or do I have to start alll over...
Might have to make another one off his more crazy gun character evolution.
As long as I have my kick ass kung-fu and my katana (or 2) I'll be happy

There will be some kind of bonus given to characters from the first game to represent an xp advantage.
Hmm this seems interesting..........
Originally posted by Ushgarak
There will be some kind of bonus given to characters from the first game to represent an xp advantage.
Oooh, goodie.
awesome, the onyl way I wouldnt go crazy wiating for thsi, was to forget aboot it lol, but im glad its almost here, I'll getto beat up some police officers, hopefully some Agents ,==, before we get any farther I call, Natural: All-rounder
Testing/playing of this has been going at some speed! Which bodes well.
Any idea when we'll get this one going?
Burn is one of my favorite characters....
Originally posted by Ushgarak
Testing/playing of this has been going at some speed! Which bodes well.
Whoo! I can't wait to get to use Spades.
I want to get to stab more things

I want to make more pancakes!
I'll probably start character creation soon.
Captain REX
Ares will rejoin Burn in the dynamic duo of blazing guns.
Blaxican Hydra
*sigh* Most of the new players are going to be natural. I think that Ush should maaybe put a limit for those. I myself want to be a veteran perhapse. I always liked Morpheus.
what oterh new player wants to be a natural? I wnaed to be veteren but I decided against it, was a littl eover done, but then I designed a great Chaarcter for natural
Blaxican Hydra
I wasn't specificly pointing you out or anything, sorry if I gave the impression.
And I know three others who want to be a natural

well I thought of it first *sticks tongue out*
I'll be Hacker or Vet
General Zink
I'm the original Natural, I believe.
Fire, you have to be Fire again.

Bespin Bart
Not too late to claim my spot as First Mate on the Shez, is it?
If the crew will have me, of course.
Well, Dallas is still happy to have you...
It is worth noting that within the roles there is better variety for the same templates now. For example, in the original system, Naturals had a high Focus but that was only used with Martial Arts, and hence gunnere Naturals were a no go.
That is not true any more- Naturals refresh spectacular gun moves the same way they refresh spectacular martial arts moves. So a Gunner Natural is now very practical.
So there is room for variety, and that is before you look into different Martial Arts styles.
In case, I hadn't made it entirely clear, btw, twin weapons are definitely in.
neat yea I'd like to play Fire again if that's allowed, tho a review will be needed
Most certainly allowed.
woot tho I'll have to redo him game wise since the new system
Cloud will either remain a natural, or maybe after the last mission the experience has brought him upto hacker-worth.
Naturals are still fundamentally Naturals.
Captain REX
I forget, what advantages do the Vets have over the Hackers and Naturals?
More skilled, better Mentals and more flexible with their Downloads.
Nope, staying hacker-Gunner.
Although I believe I AM going to be loading one of Loomis's Uzi's... (or whatever he used)
I'm gunna put up my character:
Misuto- Hacker **combat path** Fighter
"You will benefit greatly from a lesson someone close to you will offer but only if you choose to take it."
Misuto's life has never been easy, filled with pain and constant suffering she's had to go through a hell of a lot to even get to go back into the Matrix. With a bit of a personality problem it's hard for her to make or keep friends but all she needs is someone to care about her and teach her...
Hmm... Now that I think about it, maybe I'll make Spades as a Hacker... But I'm still going with Philosophy.
im goin iwt Philosphy as well, killin htings gets old lol
hehe...that's the exact reason why I put Misuto on a combat path guys...try to imagine her on a philosophy path LMAO
Combat path is fun...but we do kind of have a tendency to get our asses kicked, heh.
And I have decided that San is definitely going to be a Fighter, as opposed to an all-rounder like she used to be. Knives are more fun than guns

Coolies...another Combat Path Fighter

Have people put any thought into what ship they want to serve on? I can start to put a roster together.
I'll be on the Percy again.
I'd prefer the Scheherazade
don't really give a damn, but if I'd play Fire again I'm gonna go for the ship he was on, think that was the percy
Oooo. Been waiting for this to start back up. Hahaha. You know my deal Ush, same as it was before I think.
Fire, you were on the Shez
I'll stick with Percy again. I think Dallas is a teeny bit too insane for San to deal with daily...heh...
Barb says that he's back in and that he's going to be on the Percy again as well. I believe he's going to be a Hacker again, and most likely an all-rounder.
Can I join?
I'm with Dallas on the Shez again.
Scheherazade for me!
If I can I'll be on the Scheherazade...
General Zink
Heph will keep his spot on the Shez, and I'm sure Ares and Mors will as well...
Ok, current roster...
First Officer- Mors (Veteran)
Fire (Veteran, Combat)
Burn (Hacker/Gunner, Combat)
Hephaestus (Natural)
Ares (Hacker/Gunner)
Castor (Natural, Philosophy)
Misuto (Hacker/Fighter, Combat)
Spades (Natural/Gunner, Philosophy)
San (Hacker/Fighter, Combat)
Cloud (Natural)
Barbarossa (Hacker/All-rounder, Combat)
Not certain on roles or paths for some- fill me in or correct mistakes!
If there is no Vet on the Percy, San will be offered the job of First Officer.
Shez is at least near-full, must be said.
Those asking if they can join- yes! If you can put up with the rules.
Helios (Combat)
Persepolis, please.
(Vet/Fighter, Philosophy)
Prediction: "Your Rage will tear a hole in the forces of the Matrix"
If this is alright Digi I would like to be on the Persepolis
Damnit, I wanted to be in charge
And so far we all-rounder.
Originally posted by Lana
Damnit, I wanted to be in charge
And so far we all-rounder.
Anyways I was thinking about being an all-rounder but I have a very specific weapon set for him already that I want and it works better with a fighter.
Originally posted by newjak86
Anyways I was thinking about being an all-rounder but I have a very specific weapon set for him already that I want and it works better with a fighter.
Go to the other ship!
What weapon?
Originally posted by Lana
Go to the other ship!
What weapon? OUCH
And no I like the ship I'm on.
Weapons as soon as I saw Ush mention something about weilding two weapons I knew exactly what I wanted
A Mace in my left hand
A Battle axe in my right

I don't think that's quite Matrix-style...
Well I make my own style Lana
Captain REX
I don't think we even have those weapons available to least, not the first time around.
I think the twin weapons thing was more 'two katanas!' or 'two hookswords!' or 'two shortswords!' type thing.
Indeed...I doubt those kinda weapons would be used in the matrix...*shrugs* It's all up to Ush in the end
yea, but using only melee weapons could end you up being in a whole load of trouble.
I'll resume my no-guns policy, and stick with my kick ass moves. And I think I'll go Combat path again.
Sorry, it's not random twin weapons, it is only 'twin weapons linked to a particular style in the kind of films the Matrix based its fights upon'.
Sais, hookswords, that kind of thing...
Blaxican Hydra
I'll be a vetran/Martial Artist/Demolitions (W/e)
Put me on any ship, hell, give me a scooty puff jr. even.
Originally posted by Ushgarak
Sorry, it's not random twin weapons, it is only 'twin weapons linked to a particular style in the kind of films the Matrix based its fights upon'.
Sais, hookswords, that kind of thing... Dang it Ush yous suck.
Anyways then I'll go All-rounder same thing for everything else though
Potential Philosophy players!
To get a feel for things, I recommend checking out this thread:
... and thinking about it.
I've already checked that out...
... and it made me want to join the philosophy path even more.
Well, it's been updated; I'd be interested in getting some responses from possible Philos.
I want to be a Philos still
I meant actually responses to the Philo conondrum.
Oh that like you mean how we would have dealt with everything you posted in that thread???
Ok then I'll get right on that.
General Zink
I'm trying to decide if I should take Philo again. I got bogged down and ended up not participating really in any of the thinking parts, just fighting the Xiao Emo (that bastard Exile...).
Captain REX
Definitely Combat path. No question about it.
Bespin Bart
Combat for Mors, of course. Maybe I'll have a better time of it this round.
Originally posted by Bespin Bart
Combat for Mors, of course. Maybe I'll have a better time of it this round.
Hehe, going to try and not die every fight?

Captain REX
He'll do it anyways. ermm
It wouldn't be Mors if he wasn't suicidal...
Ok, situation now...
First Officer- Mors (Veteran, Combat)
Fire (Veteran, Combat)
Burn (Hacker/Gunner, Combat)
Hephaestus (Natural)
Ares (Hacker/Gunner, Combat)
Castor (Natural, Philosophy)
Misuto (Hacker/Fighter, Combat)
Spades (Natural/Gunner, Philosophy)
San (Hacker/Fighter, Combat)
Cloud (Natural/Fighter, Combat)
Barbarossa (Hacker/All-rounder, Combat)
Helios (Hacker/Fighter, Combat)
Beserker (Veteran/Fighter, Philosophy)
Still one or two gaps.
Being a Veteran is not a certain deal for First Officer hood, it just means the position on the Percy is up for debate.
A lot of people liked carrying guns and also going into a punching match last time- is there really such a low demand for All-Rounders? Neo is one, you know...
I'll prolly be all rounder, but I need to have a look at the system to see how good it works.
Btw don't forget Storm is playing too Philo and her character is gonna be named Mirage
Ush I said I wanted to change my guy to an All rounder since I couldn't have the Mace, Battle ax combo
Mors was an all-rounder before, if I remember right.
Which...yeah. I really think it'd be better if we had a couple more. And I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't found the knife path so much fun and quite effective, I'd still be an all-rounder.
EDIT: Actually, make Helios a Natural, All-Rounder, please, on the Philosophy path. (Yeah, I know, complete change.)
I think I may have been unclear about All-Rounders before when I said they were not left behind.
Their advantage is not just that they can fight and shoot, because in that sense people that are average at two things are always less fun than people who specialise in one.
All-Rounders have more powers than Fighters or Gunners! And they can refresh faster. Now, although this can be used to hold both Gun and Martial Arts powers simultaneously., remmeber that your powers are flexible in this game, so an All-Rounder can shift his download set-up to get more powers than anyone else in one area or the other.
The entity with the greatest power availability and use, therefore, is a Natural All-Rounder.
That is basically the All-Rounder's schtick- more powers. If it was not for the basic confusion it would cause, there would probably be a different name for it.
Lots of new Players!
Lets just hope I don't get thrown through anymore Buses by Agents......
some will drop out anywayz
Bespin Bart
Mors will retain his All-Round status.
General Zink
I think Heph might go All-Round.
General Zink
Actually, scratch that. I want Heph to remain a Fighter. And he will take the Philo path again.
I'm announcing my interest in joining as a Veteran Gunner on the Philosophy path, under the name of Klez (after the virus).
General Kaliero
Ush, Rex has done a fairly good job of convincing me to play. I'd like to be a Natural All-Rounder on the Combat path. On the Shez if it's open. Hawk work for the name?
Vera wants to play! Hacker Gunner on Combat, put me on the Percy. Melis, named after the Melissa virus.

Percy works for me as well.
Captain REX
*votes for Lana for First Officer of Percy*
Bespin Bart
*votes for self for FO of Shez* w00t Oh wait, I already am.

All looks good! Though what is with the virus vibe?
(Otherwise known as the vibrus)
Castor will be an all arounder I believe too. I htink he was a fighter last time and I found it a little constricting. Not that many Philo Path people. Guess they cant hack it eh Ush? Lol. jk.
We've certainly got enough!
Whereas there is never any such thing as 'too many warriors' on the Combat Path.
Aureck Pon
name is spec
19 years old
medic in Matrix??
Yea "Death to the machines"
Captain REX
I think Andy and Vera were aiming for the 'Stop naming our characters after Greek gods!' vibe, being from the California group. I was looking up some virusish stuff for influence for an Exiled Program character in the Mors rewrite.
I decided on Zango, one of those uber-annoying 'Endless pop-ups of death!' Adware thingies.

That was the general idea, yes.
Actually, I'm going to make Melis a Fighter instead of a Gunner. Still Combat though.
Originally posted by Aureck Pon
name is spec
19 years old
You haven't read anything about this game, have you.
Cool... California virus crew...
With a few Greek Gods thrown in. ermm
And a playing card...

Captain REX
*eats Dubya* ermm
Captain REX
Not as scary as the Xiao Emo.
Azrael's back, same as before.
Aureck Pon
ok maybe i try again
phil. path
name is spec
percy ship
Captain REX
*smacks forehead*
Go read EVERYTHING, Aureck.
Wooo Azrael. w00t
Aureck Pon
ok i thought i did but i didn't *feels like a retard*
Maybe because you are one?
Did you hear something, must just be the wind.
Aureck Pon
this time i shall not screw up
personality-nice, outgong, helpful
prediction-not sure
will that work
Aureck Pon
ok i feel a bit less stupid now that i read the whole thing.
Ok, confirmation is in that there is actually going to be an attempt made to fix character creation.
So I cannot run that up immediately, but the good news is that off-line play testing has continued to go at quite a speed, to the point where I am confident that we could begin play by the end of the month and play all the way through without having to stop for more story.
Not that we will, I am just saying we could. I am considering some options:
1. Opening up (or simply bumping) the Zion thread for people to begin RPing and socialising and what not
2. Linking this with a set of pre-game briefings and other in-game events to get people into the swing of what is expected of them and what kind of things might happen in game- other than the basics, people can be familiarised with what approach this game takes with Agents and, perhaps more importantly, Exiles.
3. Opening up a new Dojo for practice fights using pre-generated characters(which is what the game is being tested with)
4. Starting a training mission also using pre-gens, so you guys can get used to things before customising your own characters come playtime.
End of the month? Damn, that's a lot sooner than I expected.
What's going to be fixed about character creation, anyway?
...and I think the old dojo thread has a fight that started over 2 years ago and was never finished...
And if we'll be practicing with pre-generated characters, well, you know I'll want to use the same character sheet.
The current character creation system is abusable. Complex story.
Someone break the system already?
Ohh Pre-gen characters sound fun, I'm still a gunner, but I might try other stuff just to make your life more difficult Ush...
And I'm all for everything.
Lets get this rollin!
Originally posted by Lana
Someone break the system already?
Yes, its creator.
Captain REX
Oi, I think we'd need to open a new Dojo. The old one was a cluttered mess! Mors and Rade are STILL fighting!
I vote for the training mission, though. I like some objective other than 'Whoop his ass!' even though that's fun.

Originally posted by Ushgarak
Yes, its creator.
Haha, niiiiice.
Better than finding out by someone completely abusing it, though, I suppose.
Aureck Pon
um.......... i have barely any idea what yall are talking about cause this is my first time playing a matrix game. sorry about the stupid question
Captain REX
Eh, not that difficult to suss what we're talking about there, Pon.

Bespin Bart
Training mission sounds like fun.
Is there really any demand for the Newjo?
I think right now everyone's just eager to jump in and start playing...
Aureck Pon
Originally posted by Captain REX
Eh, not that difficult to suss what we're talking about there, Pon.
uh, i guess your write but im just not used to rpgs this big and prepared for...
Is there really any demand for the Newjo?
Apparently not, as I am, like everyone else, for the training mission. And by the way, Aureck, I didn't play in his previous Matrix game and have a perfect idea of what Ush is talking about...

Hmm, I'll get working on it...
Aureck Pon
*smacks forhead*
i just did not realize what he meant because i was reading fastly and not really taking it in
Don't smack your forhead, that must hurt!
Reading fastly, eh? That'll usually do you in...
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