USH'S MATRIX GAME 2006- Character reference
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This thread, now updated, is where all charaacter details are stored!
Characters must be created using the creation system in the Main Rules.
I see what you mean about skills... That does seem a little off, perhaps.
We sure do have a lot of all-round hackers, eh?
Anyway, I only have a single questionL I assume the statistic in brackets is our preferred physical upgrade - why does the chosen mental stat not have an upgrade?
The upgrade in parantheses means that's the stat inside the Matrix...mental maxes out at 4, regardless, I believe.
Oh yeah, that makes sense. Cheers.
Coleman Trebor
Hey Ush, I don't knwo if I should postthis here or in the character creation thread, but i think I want to change my mental special...thingy, to intelligence, rather then Charisma.
Captain REX
Blax, I advise swapping Natural Order for Storm Turtle. Natural Order is useless to you until you're out of guns, while Storm Turtle works better for that. Not as powerful, but does the job.
Coleman Trebor
Well... I was kidn of coutning on the fact that I would more then likely run out of ammo during a pro longed engagement. Though, I have been thinking of swapping.
Captain REX
Hopefully you don't, and you might take a lot of hits before you run out anyways. ermm
Well, it is only two fewer skill points, Trick- not a massive difference.
And yes, we had not many All-Rounders at first, bit something like the last six submitted characters were all Rounders. Heh... punny.
Yup, number in bracket is what it is in the Matrix.
I shall change yours, Trebor.
Coleman Trebor
Man, my last few posts here have been horrible, grammar wise...
And thanks ush.
I only put in the people that were assigned at the time.
Ok, storing extras here for now...
Dale (Veteran/All-Rounder), played by dale007
Strength: 2 (4)
Dexterity: 3
Toughness: 3
Intelligence: 4
Perception: 4
Charisma: 3
(Known/Role/Package/Freebies): Total
Martial Arts: (0/2/0/1) = 3
Guns: (0/2/0/1) = 3
Computers: (1/0/0/0) = 1
Fix-It: (1/0/0/0) = 1
Drive: (1/0/0/0) = 1
Hoverpilot (1/0/0/0) = 1
Info: Sewer System: (1/0/0/0) = 1
Intrusion: (0/0/2/0): = 2
Observation: (0/0/2/0) = 2
Perception: (0/0/2/0) = 2
Packages: Strength Boost, Covert package
Wounds Capacity: 50
Cache Size: 5
Refresh Rate: 3 (Can refresh two powers in Download Grid, and one in the cache)
The Path of the Storm Turtle (ST)
The Path of Abundant Leaping (AL)
The Path of the Walking Willow (WW)
The Path of the Jade Emperor (JE)
The Path of the Silver Prince (SP)
The Path of the Hands of Light (HL)
The Path of Healing Chi (HC)
The Path of the Passive Wings (PW)
Bullet Time (BT)
Lightning Reload (LR)
Straight Shooter (StS)
Basic MA Pool: 7
Basic Guns Pool: 6
1. Packages now overwrite Known skills, but the Known points then get re-invested into a skill you do not have. This was always true but I forgot to do it. Some of you may now be less specialised but braoder. No points have been gained or lost here.
2. Veterans have lost their Known Guns and MA. It was thematically appropriate but overpowering. It was too easy for Veterans to match the pool of Hackers. Remember, the only advantage Hackers have is generally higher pool. if they don't have that, they are just crapper than Veterans, who have more skills, more Refresh and their speical ability.
3. Hackers gain a stat point. Designed to allow them to make more use of their Physicals (only Hackers can have more than one physical stat at 4), it has been distributed according to a mixture of your needs and my whims amongst the Hackers; some have had a Toughness increase, some have seen it go on Mental.
Hopefully this will keep Hackers ahead of the game- specifically Hacker All-Rounders, where the issue was keenly felt. It does mean now that All-Round Vets look lower on pool. This is a perceptual issue resulting from previously very high pools. A Hacker/Fighter with a pool of 11 is exceptional. Having a 6/5 split does not make you crap by any means, especially as an All-Round Vet is extremely flexible with high refresh and the Vet special ability. As ever, Vets have to fight smart. And Naturals (who cannot have physicals at 4) are still lower.
Note it is possible to whore all your free chice points into combat skills to max them. Precisely because I suspect everyone would do this, I have not. it is part of the abuse of the system. I may ask my brother about ways of locking in your MA/Guns scores.
Oh crap, I just did that and it might be changing already for the Vets.
Well, this is why I didn't want you guys creating characters...
Heh, fun.
I'm thinking of possibly making a chance to my powers...though not really sure what I'd want to drop in order to do so.
What is the attractive power?
Either way, I'm pretty happy about my character, the fighting smart part of vets suits his Bio.
Originally posted by Ushgarak
What is the attractive power?
That's the one tempting me, too. I'm going to wait until after the training mission, though.
Ok, Vets tweaked again, as my brother has looked at the issue.
Right now, they got their Known skills back but lost the stat upgrade that Fighter or Gunner beings, or two free choice points goner from All-Rounder.
Net result is zero; using free choice points freed up by having MA and Guns back as Known pays for getting the stat upgrade back. So some of you have not changed at all; specialists might have dropped a skill as they are 'forced' to have a point on MA or Guns that they don't use (though you never know).
But frankly, I wouldn't count on keeping that Known skill come custom character creation, because of the potential for abuse. It holds fine for now, though.
General Kaliero
Hey Ush, can I exchange Passive Wings for Clever Fox? It seems to be a glaring hole in my defensive capabilities.
Ok, I have been twinking, now after feedback from my bother I have been... bulldozing.
The following changes have been made to templates!
1. Veterans are no longer allowed physical stats at 4! Sorry, guys. That being the case, I have actually reduced your favoured physical stats down to 2 so that a Matrix boost can bring them up again. Come custom creation, you can change this.
2. Only Hackers can custom spend their combat skills to 4! However, Veteran Fighters and Gunners also have a single combat skill at 4 due to their Known skill (which in this new regime they are keeping)
Some people- especiall non-Hackjer Fighters- will find themsevles with lower pools.
ALL Veterans will find themsevles with lower pool OR wounds!
But also all Veterans will find themselves with greatly increased Mentals.
These changes have maintained the Hacker's pool superiority and the Vet's mental superiority. Comes at the price of some creation flexibility but... sod that.
Coleman Trebor
Hey Ush Im swapping Natural Order for Abundant Leaping, and Carnival or Carnage for Both Guns Blazing.
Ush, can I swap out Life's Armour for Sharpened Scales?
I'm still debating on swapping something out for DF...hmmm.
Hold on that- Knives might be going to small.
...damn. That throws that idea off a bit...and means I'd only be able to have one in order to use all my auxiliaries.
Well, My character was designed to be a brick wall, dropping the wounds pool and favored toughness to two makes it a tad hard for that...
I'll stick with Vet, but please don't drop anymore aspects like that
Toughness is still your highest stat.
After going through my fight with San so far, I've decided to swap out some powers...
...byebye Healing Chi and Abundant Leaping, hello Swooping Eagle and Life's Armor.
Heh! And why is that?
Byebye HC because I don't think I'll use it.
Byebye AL because I have a staff as well as knives.
Hello SE because that would have been damned useful in inflicting more damage after I'd thrown her, since she tapped WW...
Hello LA because knives are evil, especially when San's got them.
HC combos well with Lone Bamboo- gets you space.
Didn't think about that, would have been useful just now. ermm
Keeping HC, then...but...DiM can go, I think. LB does plenty of damage to anyone, especially armored mooks.
Having been on the recieving end of it....LB is a nasty path.
Ush, is it alright if I swap AL for The Path of the Venerable Grasshopper?
I might make some changes, but since it'll probably take me forever to decide what I want to get rid of...I'll wait until after the training mission, because I don't want to give everyone else yet another reason to kill me.
And since I am being poked and pestered about it...
Going to swap Natural Order and Walking Willow out for Sharpened Scales and Piercing Claw.
For now, anyway. Probably will it change again later.
You'd think she would be grateful...
I am incredibly indecisive, and I knew that if I made any changes, I would spend forever then trying to decide if I liked what powers I had and if I changed the right ones and etc!
So shush, you.
Meany shush poker.
Spades (Natural/Gunner), played by King Dubya
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2 (4)
Toughness: 3
Intelligence: 3
Perception: 4
Charisma: 4
(Known/Role/Package/Freebies): Total
Guns: (0/3/0/0) = 3
Computers: (1/0/2/0) = 3
Drive: (0/0/2/1) = 3
Intrusion: (0/0/2/1) = 3
Sabotage: (0/0/2/1) = 3
Observation: (0/0/0/2) = 2
Packages: Dexterity Boost, Operative package
Wounds Capacity: 50
Cache Size: 5
Refresh Rate: 3 (Can refresh two powers in Download Grid, and one in the cache)
Path of the Brilliant Scales (BS)
Path of the Sharpened Scales (SS)
Lightning Reload (LR)
Carnival of Carnage (CC)
Both Guns Blazing (BB)
Straight Shooter (StS)
Eagle Eye (EE)
Basic Guns Pool: 7
Please note that if we close players (foe example, Castor seems to have gone) I'll be taking places off of the Percy first. So some might need to transfer to the Shez.
Hehe, shush poker.
Ok, updated this thread. Had a lot to keep track of though, so please advise me of any necessary corrections.
I'm bringing this back up to the top because I'm too lazy to keep going to the second page to find the thread and check things...
Bumped, for the same reason as Lana.
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