USH'S MATRIX GAME 2006 - Residual Self Image
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Captain REX
Hello! I'm not Ush, obviously, but it's relevant to his Matrix RPG.
For those of you that don't know me, I play Ares, Hacker/Gunner, and have been playing most of Ush's RPGs on KMC since 2001.
Now, the purpose of this thread is simple: Residual Self Image (RSI).
"The plugs in your arms and head are gone. Your hair has changed. Your appearance now is what we call residual self image."
If you don't know what RSI is, it is an image of yourself projected into the Matrix. You're obviously not going to want to prance around the Matrix in your tattered Zion uniforms. Not at all stylish!
The average Matrix vibe is sleek shades and long trench coats, but you don't have to. Take into account that Neo, when wearing the trench coat in The Matrix, was packing a fair bit of "metal items," enough to blow away a full SWAT team and then some. However, Trinity, who normally goes without a trench coat, can easily pull at least one or two guns out of somewhere.
So, that being said, what is everyone wearing? Be as descriptive as possible. For example...
Ares is a Gunner, and so needs to hide all that hardware. Over a pair of camo army pants and a white sleeveless top, he wears a floor-length camo trench coat. He is unshaved and has short wavy hair, wearing a pair of large sunglasses (not Aviators, though). He wears combat boots as well. Underneath the trench coat he has numerous holsters for his machine pistols.
Also, if you were in the previous Matrix RPG 2003/2004, then detail out your outfit from then, if there's been any changes from then to now.
General Kaliero
I could waste a lot of words trying to explain it all, but why do that when I can fake 1000 instantly?
Hawk's RSI
Balder has a full beard, mustache included. His real defining mark is a slash across his neck from an incident he tells no one about. He wears a dark grey sweatshirt and a short leather jacket. When armed, he wears a brown trenchcoat to hide his shotgun and a pistol holster reminiscent of old detectives movies, with a .44 Magnum in the holster sitting under his right arm.
Bespin Bart
Mors is completely cleanshaven, including his head. Unlike his player, he's African American, just for the Morpheus-like vibe. His outfit is a long black trench coat, leather, like Morpheus' coat but smooth. Underneath, he wears a black dress shirt and black dress pants, with a red-and-gold silk vest. At his belt is the sheath to his katana, a replica of the one he has in the Real World. His shades are round.
Klez is actually a clone replica of Sean Connery as James Bond in his white tuxedo. Though, might have to change the tux jacket to a white trench coat, for the purpose of hiding guns, unless I do as Trinity does and pull those things out of nowhere.
Burn I have decided, is Johnny Depp.
With longer dark hair, Not quite shoulder length though.
He wears a long Trenchcoat because he likes the way it swooshes. He also wears black jeans and an old Rock t-shirt, Some times AC\DC or Powerman 5000
He also is continually wearing an ipod with black earbuds in the matrix, and wears mirrored Aviator style Sunglasses.
His guns are strapped inside his trenchcoat, unless its a shotgun or an assault rifle, which he wears on his back.
He also has a constant, half crooked slightly insane smile...
I'm going with the fact that its how he's allways been.
Captain REX
As an add-on to my description of Ares, he now wears a golf cap, which is black.
Similar, but not the right color.
He is also played by Tom Cruise.
Coleman Trebor
Z0mg zee Tom Cruise
Well if your guy splayed by Tom Cruise, I call Samuel L Jackson.
Coleman Trebor
Falcon is going in wearing an average white T-Shirt, but over it he's wearing a black nylon vest that he conceals his Uzi's in. For his bottom half he's wearing a pair of faded black denim painters jeans (The ones with The loopholes in them to carry tools) Which he has his SMG's attached to, along with a pair of black and whote Air Forces. He also wears a a pair of dark shades.
Falcon haircut is that of a fade, with a Falcon shaved into The back. He is 6'2, and has a slightly ripped look, though nothing in The Arnold category. He resembles Blade, I guess.
San is Japanese, and she's pretty short (she's about 5'1", so really short). She has black hair that's about an inch or two shorter than shoulder-length, and is slightly wavy, and dark brown eyes. Inside the Matrix she wears a dark red sleeveless cheongsam-style shirt, black pants, and black boots that have low heels (about an inch). Since she doesn't really need to worry about hiding weapons, not to mention that the way she fights, it would simply get in the way, she doesn't bother with a trenchcoat. She wears a pair of small, thin oval-shaped sunglasses that have black frames and very dark red lenses. She looks the most like Utada Hikaru. Her weapons are twin tanto-style knives; the handles are stained a dark cherry color and are carved to look like there is a dragon wrapping around the handle.
(yeah...huge costume change for San here

I decided her old one was boring, and considering that I was pretty much re-designing her in term of powers, figured I may as well in terms of her outfit as well)
Melis looks like Angelina Jolie, for starters. The shades are gunmetal gray, her hair is pulled back into a pony tail. Her outfit consists of a vivid green leather outfit that seems to consist of scales, like its alligator skin. Though not often, she will wear a green tweed trench coat that is the same color.
Her bo staff is intricately-carved with random designs, with gold metal tips.
Her twins butterfly knives are silver with bronze filligree that forms the shapes of cherry blossoms.
(Why is everyone making their characters look like movie stars, only Depp would suit the matrix, not Connery and surely not Cruise...

Where's your originality?)
Firewall, as you may or may not already know stands at 6'11", he is built like a muscular brick wall and appears to be around in his mid-thirties. In the Real World he wears a sleevless version of the standard Zion military shirt that has seen more than it's share of cuts and abrasions... Atop his head is usually either a Bandana or a ripped beanie, mainly because he tries to look more intimidating as he's such a nice guy that he's a magnet to being picked on, he can sometimes be seen practicing mean faces in the mirror when he shaves...
In the the Matrix, he's a completely different person; like when the nice guys get behind the wheel of a car. He is calm, precise and methodical, never leaves himself open and fights barehanded to conquer his foes in combat.
He wears a zoot-suit style black trench-coat with a crimson dress-shirt and matching tie, a black suit-vest overlays them both. Underneath that can be seen black suspenders that support his black dress-pants, combined with a pair of contrasting safety boots well over a foot long a piece tipped with white toes. Upon his short haired-head sits a small Fedora-Style Hat, overall giving him the look of a 1920's gangster save for his Dark Tanned-skin.
Cloud is 6'4" he has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small scar on his left temple as a memento from the last adventure. He wears black trousers, and black toe-capped shoes. He wears a Blue shirt, with a black trenchcoat (not a leather one anymore, but one like Mulder wears) Below this his two swords are cleverly consealled. The sunglasses are normal black sunglasses.
Here's something I whipped up quickly in Heromaker, I'm working on a sketch of him too.
PS. San sounds hot...
The movie stars thing is just a tradition that evolved in my games, Aliies.
Coleman Trebor
Zomg, well...Guess what Allies? Larewnce Fishbourne, and Keanu Reeves would probably look excellent in the matrix.
Actually, I have a question about RSI's. If you've never been out of the Matrix, and thus never looked in a mirror, to allow your mind to envision what you look like, how come it looks the same as your real world body?
It doesn't- it looks the same as how you looked in The Matrix.
Yes, but how come the real world bodies are the same as the ones in the Matrix, theoretically you could look like someone completely different in the Matrix than you would in the real world.
Because your mind seems to map itself onto your real world physiology- presumably that is to do with nerves.
Originally posted by SpikeSpiegel
PS. San sounds hot...
San apparently has a clone who's a character in the Soul Calibur games. Right down the fighting style and everything. Which I find really amusing as I've never played Soul Calibur.
Aliies - person I picked isn't a movie star, she's a singer, and I'll bet anything that no one even knows who she is

I usually never do that because I can't find anyone that actually resembles how my characters look, but I actually did for a change, so why not?
SpikeSpiegel - this your clone?
Originally posted by SpikeSpiegel - this your clone?
Nah, Taki. Same sort of weapons and everything. Makes me now want to get that game, heh.
Cloud is meant to be a cross between Me, Kiefer Sutherland and Ben Browder.
General Kaliero
I actually created San in Soul Calibur III, too, and she is damn fun to play with. Might post some pics of it later.
And create some of the other characters in SCIII...

See, I'd want Azrael to look more casual than most of the matrix characters, but that doesn't really fit in with the vibe. Gunna have to think about how I'm going to give him something unique.
And when I say me/kiefer/ben I mean younger versions. In fact maybe get rid of kKiefer Sutherland as someone said I looked like him, so just a cross between me and a younger Ben Browder for Cloud.
Helios is basically Brad Pitt with large, circular shades, a black jacket, with a white shirt under it, which has a spot for his Uzi. He has a sheath for his sword, and a strap to hold his spear on his back. He wears black warm-ups and white shoes.
Coleman Trebor
Originally posted by Lana
Nah, Taki. Same sort of weapons and everything. Makes me now want to get that game, heh.
Zomg I hate her in the games. The comp always distracts me with zee jiggiling boobies

Barbarossa, despite his usual Cheesy attitude, is all business where it counts. Coming in at an unusual 6'10", he is both tall and impressively built. Reminiscent of an Old-time "Professional Wrestler" in Musculature, he appears intimidating in other terms as well. Seemingly covering his entire Upper-Body, From waist to Neck, and Knuckles to Neck, is an Impressive wall of Body art. For Clothing, Barbarossa sports a Pair of Well worn Marine Corp BDUs, along with a Form fitting Black Tank top. For Shoes, he wears a Worn in pair of Combat-style, Doctor Marten Steel Toed boots. Calf Height. Finishing his look, is a Worn Leather Biker Jacket. The type with the Belt and such. A Pair of Black Aviator Glasses, and last. A Blazing Red, Mohawk. Generally speaking, the Tachi Bladed Swords are slung in Crossed sheaths on Barb's Back. The Desert Eagle in a Shoulder Holster.
I'll be doing a Sketch soon.
Originally posted by Coleman Trebor
Zomg, well...Guess what Allies? Larewnce Fishbourne, and Keanu Reeves would probably look excellent in the matrix.
No... no, it's not possible, Keanu as Neo wouldn't ever work and Morpheus for Larewnce... possibly
in truth, Fishbourne was the ultimate choice for Morpheus...
Coleman Trebor
Indeed, him playing Morpheus almost made me forgive him for playing "Cowboy Curtis" in Pee-Wee's playhouse.
Bespin Bart
Almost. Still, it's fun to try picturing Morpheus going "Gosh darn, Agent Smith!" with crazy curls.
Originally posted by Bespin Bart
Almost. Still, it's fun to try picturing Morpheus going "Gosh darn, Agent Smith!" with crazy curls.
Ahaha... I havn't seen that one... Now I must!

Spades has black hair, slicked back most of the time, that reaches just to the back of his neck. His skin tone is about that of a Mexican's, even though he is predominantly Chinese and Swedish. He stands at 6' 4" and is built somewhat like a track star.
He wears a black Zhongshan suit, most widely known as a Mao suit (Mao Zedong). He has shades that reflect everything outside of them, much like the ones Morpheus wore in the "red pill, blue pill" scene. He always holds his right hand in his pants pocket, twiddling with a pair of red glass dice he always keeps with him.
Fire is about 1m80, in his late thirties, early forties (he doesn't know and doesn't care either). He has short (about 1.5cm) dark brown hair with hits of grey in it. his eyes are hazelbrown. Ofcourse (being a bit of a conservative Soldier of Zion, if there even is such a thing) he always wears a long black leather trench coat, a pair of black jeans, a black shirt and ofcourse the mandatory slick black sunglasses. Katana comes in complete non-shiny silver and the H&K MP is the standard MP5A4
Captain REX
First, I'm bumping this for those that haven't posted their RSI's yet.
Second, I'd like to thank those of you that have posted them. It's been useful in my rewrite of Mors. In the original, most of the characters went undescribed.

I finally thought of how describe Berserker
He is pretty tall at 6'4 about 250 chiseled like stone.
He has medium length black hair and very square cheeks. Think Antonio Benderez but thicker.
He wears black Under armor like full sleeve shirt. That shows off every curve of his muscles. He wears dark Brown Combat Pants with Black army boots. Over his Black Underarmor shirt he wears a dark brown leather vest over top it. He wears his knives on the back of his belt that form an X
I found a pic of Ben Browder wearing the same kit as Cloud wears, so with a bit of photoshop editing, I give you...
Procrastination is a brilliant thing. In putting off my essay I present to you:
Lord Melkor
Okay, how do you think Melkor looks like?
Pale and nerdy and wearing lots of black...
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