Terminator 3 WAR OF MACHINES
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Does ANYONE play it?? And is there ANY mods??
Nope. I don't think anyone here bothers with it cuz it has the crappiest reviews lol.
And the game doesn't have any mods from my understanding, but I may be wrong. Google it and see what you can find

Originally posted by TerminatorJed
Does ANYONE play it?? And is there ANY mods??
Forget reviews, It's a good game. We can get the demo and run a server and everyone can join! it's pretty fun.
I'd rather play "Terminator 3: The Redemption" lol. That one seems better than "War of the Machines".
I don't think anyone has "War" here, I didn't bother buying it haha.
I wanted to get this. I remember I wanted everything T3 related when the film was coming out. Is it worth getting just for fun or not?
Reports from my cousins (reputable Terminator fans) indicate that The Redemption is indeed the better, in fact best, Terminator 3 game. I have yet to play any of them.
I remember looking to purchase Redemption around the time it was first released, but when the stores I visited didn't have it I stopped searching and unfortunately have never played it although I still wish to. Can only imagine what a game like Redemption with Arnie's likeness would look like on 360, PS3, and Wii.
Originally posted by barand1
I wanted to get this. I remember I wanted everything T3 related when the film was coming out. Is it worth getting just for fun or not?
Apparently "T3: War of the Machines" is one of the worst games ever conceived, and "T3: The Redemption" is quite good.
Both games aren't really worth buying, but GameSpot recommends a weekend rental for "Redemption".
One other thing you should consider is that the 2 games are different in style of play. "War" is a 1st person shooter, which is pretty crap apparently, and "Redemption" is a 3rd person, from-the-back view game.
I haven't tried either game before, but just by the genre, "Redemption" would be the game I'd rent/buy if I were to choose between them, simply because I'm more into 3rd person games (I love the Hitman series hehe), and that "War" is apparently a flop lol.
I was upset that the Matrix game did better than the T3 game.
F*cking Matrix!!
I say that with no jealousy anywhere to be seen.

Haha, I thought "Enter the Matrix" was ok, until the gameplay started to get too repetitive. It was pretty much "run, bullet-time, shoot, run, bullet-time, shoot, run etc. etc. etc."
"Path of Neo" is apparently pretty crap as well lol. My interest in trying the game was drained just by looking at the graphics in some in-game screens... :s
I might get "Redemption" out on rental one of these weekends and have a go at it. It's pretty hard too, apparently. But meh, I like a challenge lol.
I might get it too, lol. I've heard it's hard as well - (the game that is).
T800 CSM101
i did have t3: redemption but i cant remember why i got rid of it
but it follows the movie closely and add even more to it, involving future battles on gian aerodyne HK
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