The Arena <[OOC/Bio Thread]>
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Alright ppl, I need a count of ppl before I really start this thing up.
Here's all the info/rules/templates needed for the rpg.
1. No godmodding, that means no moving or playing in general a character that does not belong to you...NPCs (Non Player Characters) however are controlled generally by the public of the game unless specified otherwise.
2. No excessive cussing...if your post includes adult themes then post this:
WARNING; Adult Related Materials Included in Following Post...
As a warning, anyone found not doing so will be dealt with accordingly by the host/s of the rpg.
3. If you have problems with other players OOC and take it IC, then you and the player in question will be contacted by the host/s of the rpg privately to resolve the matter.
4. Warning systems apply to the rpg...both in and out of character. If you exceed 4 warnings you will be asked to leave the rpg in the interests of keeping problems to a minimum.
1. Challenges must be made publicly, you may confir among yourselves the terms but these terms must be agreed to by both players AND a host.
2. Fights cannot be started in the story thread, no tolerance will be given in this respect and any players found abusing this rule will be warned accordingly so by the host/s of the rpg.
3. You may fight more than one person, in different arenas at the same time...the story thread and fight thread do not correlate in real time instances. However it is preferable that you do not post talking to your compeditor in the story thread while you are fighting them in the arena thread.
4. Requests must be made to the host/s before beginning a fight which a host will oversee. No players may judge who wins or looses a fight no matter the situation. Disregarding this particular rule will incur penalties either IC or OOC.
5. No excessive cussing...if your post includes adult themes then post this:
WARNING; Adult Related Materials Included in Following Post...
As a warning, anyone found not doing so will be dealt with accordingly by the host/s of the rpg.
This is a mandatory template that is to be used by all players wishing to play on this is a list of acceptable character races...if you wish to play a different race not mentioned here. PM me and we will talk
((For the races marked as must PM me or another host with your requested race and then a process will follow to determine if you will be accepted as a writer for that race))
Humans (Spans entire universe, you can be from anywhere)
Star Trek Races;
Borg (You must be freed Borg, no exsisting drones)
Changeling (Limited)
Suliban (Limited)
Stargate Races;
Gou'ald (Limited)
Kull Warrior
Star Craft Races;
Here is the template to be used by ALL may elabourate where you feel is needed.
First Name/s:
Surname/s (Family Name/s):
Date of Birth: (Day/Month)
Place of Birth: (Planet/Ship/Town etc...)
Alliance: (Good/Bad/Neutral)
Rank: (If Applicable...)
Appearance: (Picture can be used)
Personal History:
Career History:
Possible 'Position' in The Arena: (Student, Teacher, Fighter, Mentor)
First Name/s:
Surname/s (Family Name/s):
Date of Birth: (Day/Month)
Place of Birth: (Planet/Ship/Town etc...)
Alliance: (Good/Bad/Neutral)
Rank: (If Applicable...)
Appearance: (Picture can be used)
Personal History:
Career History:
Possible 'Position' in The Arena: (Student, Teacher, Fighter, Mentor)
Please post your biographies along with your thoughts, comments etc. I hope to get this underway asap.
You can no more evade my wrath than you could your own shadow...
First Name/s: Arturas
Surname/s (Family Name/s): son of Artanis
Alias/s: N/A
Age: 179
Date of Birth: Unknown, presumed sometime 3080 a.d.
Race: Protoss
Place of Birth: Shakuras
Religion: Follower of the Xel'Naga Ideal
Alliance: Neutral
Profession: Dark Templar
Speciality: Invisibility, Telepathic (Mainly used to speak, cannot read minds)
Rank: Acolyte
Appearance: Being still only very young, Arturas portrays the new-generation of Protoss warriors seduced by the visage of the Dark Templar; His roughish-skin is a lighter shade than that of the true Dark Templar, being the darkened-blue similar to their homeworld, Shakuras before the great Zerg Cleansing... His eyes burn a distinct Green color, making him stand out among his fellow Protoss. He also wears the typical-garb of his chosen alliegance, combined with wrist and arm braces similar to the style worn by the Zealots of the old Templar order, modified to accomidate Warp-Blades instead of the usual Psi-Blades.
Family: Arturas was never a proud achievement for the famous Artanis, he was rebellious and never heeded a word of advice from his father, following the path of his mother's side with the Dark Templar.
Possible 'Position' in The Arena: 'Outcast' styled fighter
First Name/s: Meilon
Surname/s (Family Name/s): Calara
Alias/s: M.C, The Boss
Age: 28 (hosts age), 381 (Trill's age)
Date of Birth: 17th June
Race: Trill
Place of Birth: Exact specifics unknown
Religion: Spiritual
Alliance: Neutral
Profession: Fighter/Buisness Negotiator/Healer
Speciality: Hand to hang combat, zero-g/High End Deals/Battlefield Medicine and Practices
Rank: None
With the trill markings...
Personal History:
Meilon as a young woman grew up moving from country to country on her home planet. However through her 'interesting' career she's suffered many a wound due to the severity of her position in society she was inflicted with a memory loss just before taking on a Trill symbiote no less than about 5 years ago. Now with the added experiences of her symbiote, buisness and life has never been better for Melion. Finally able to run and open her life long dream of an inter-galactic fight arena.
Career History:
None known of or living...
Position in The Arena: Founder, Fighter and Judge
Here are more races with a little info too thanks to Ruby_Weapon. Keep in mind they're all Star Wars oriented:
Annoo dat
The Annoo dat is a four eyed, reptilian race hailing from the planet Annoo. The average height for an Annoo dat male is 6 and one half feet, while females are half a foot shorter on average. The Annoo dat tend to have rough, yellow scaled skin, with a small row of spines running down their backs and to the end of their short tails. Annoo dat have four eyes, the upper two red and the lower two are blue. The only Annoo dat to ever be named or shown in expanded universe was the separatist General Ahaar Khorda. He appears in the Zam Wessel comic book, and subsequently dies following a plot to destroy Coruscant.
Main article: Chiss
The Chiss are a near-human race, with the only notable differences being that they are blue skinned and have red, glowing eyes. The Chiss are from the planet Csilla located in the area previously known as the Unknown Regions. The Chiss are known (by the few that know of them) for their advanced navy and tactical skills. One of the most famous Chiss was Grand Admiral Thrawn, possibly the most brilliant strategist of the Star Wars galaxy, according to numerous in-universe comments. Thrawn, however, was disowned by the Chiss Consortium because of forbidden tactics he employed in battle. The Chiss have developed many unique technologies, such as their hyperdrive analog. The analog works by allowing a ship to jump to a pre-established point in Chiss space. However, to jump outside of their own territories, a flagship with a beacon onboard must accompany a ship or fleet, enabling the Consortium to keep track of their vessels.
The Gungans have humanoid bodies, but their heads are elongated with large, dangling fin-like ears. They live in underwater cities on the planet Naboo. The principal Gungan character in the movies is Senator Jar Jar Binks; the ruler of the Gungans is Boss Nass. The only other Gungan to be given a name in the films is Captain Tarpals, though the novelization also mentions a General Ceel and some games have shown other leaders including Boss Gallo.
The Gungans and the Naboo (human inhabitants of Naboo) did not get along, as the Gungans believed the Naboo to be pompous cowards while the Naboo believed the Gungans to be barbarians. This attitude lasted until Queen Amidala united the Gungans and Naboo to fight the Trade Federation in the Battle of Naboo.
After the Battle of Naboo, the Gungans attained representation in the Senate through Representative Jar Jar Binks.
The Naboo symbolise the state of Athens, with her citizen army of a few hundred versus the Gungans, who symbolise the Spartans, having a completely battle ready warrior state.
The Gungan species is also unique in one respect to all other species: they, among every species in the known galaxy, can develop cancer of the eyestalk. Most species can develop a cancer affecting the eye, but only the Gungans can have a cancer affecting the actual eyestalk supporting the eye. Eyestalk cancer affects each Gungan differently--some Gungans develop extreme swelling of the eyestalks, while others develop unsightly boil-like pustules. All eyestalk cancer is obtained the same way, however, and in a similar way to human testicular cancer--repeated, direct hitting with a blunt object, such as a Vibroglove.
Main article: Human (Star Wars)
The predominant species in the galaxy, humans can be found in virtually all walks of life and on most habitable worlds. Humans are bipedal, sentient beings. They speak Basic, which has become the galaxy's most common language. Humans are generally considered adaptable, curious, innovative, resilient, and ambitious.
Humanity's incredible diversity is perhaps its greatest strength. No two humans look or behave exactly alike (deliberate clones aside), and humans represent many of history's greatest heroes (along with its most despicable villains). Humanity is also credited with discovering hyperspace travel, founding the first galactic governments, and colonizing hundreds of treacherous worlds. Humans dominate the current political landscape, comprising most of the Galactic Empire (later the Imperial Remnant) and Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
Unlike many other species, humans do not have an identifiable planet of origin. Some scholars believe that humans first appeared on Coruscant, which is now the Imperial capital, but this theory has never been substantiated. Regardless, humans have settled in nearly every corner of the galaxy. Because humans are so widespread, they are often categorized by homeworld. Thus, humans born on Corellia are widely known as Corellians while the humans found on Naboo are often called simply "the Naboo." On some worlds, humanity gave rise to genetic off-shots which are referred to as "near-humans." Humans are a playable species in Star Wars: Galaxies.
There are many famous humans including Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Leia Organa (Leia Solo, after her marriage) Han Solo, Mace Windu, Palpatine/Darth Sidious, and countless others.
Kel Dor
The Kel Dor hail from the planet Dorin. They require masks to protect them from oxygen-rich atmospheres and to protect their highly sensitive eyes from light. One Kel Dor is Jedi Master and Council member Plo Koon.
Noghri are primitive humanoid species. They have steely gray skin, and are extremely skilled assassins due to their innate abilities at stealth and hand-to-hand combat. They are much like the Wookiee species culturally, in that they respect honor above all else.
They are natives of the planet Honoghr, which was ravaged by toxins from a Trade Federation core ship destroyed in a battle during the Clone Wars. Darth Vader visited the planet some time later under the guise of helping it recover from the ecological disaster, in return for most of the young males of the planet entering a bond of servitude as the personal assassins of Emperor Palpatine.
The Noghri remained in service to the Galactic Empire after the death of Palpatine. About five years after the death of the Emperor, Grand Admiral Thrawn ordered the Noghri to kidnap the pregnant Leia Organa Solo. Realizing that neither she nor her children would be truly safe as long as the Noghri served the Empire, she went to Honoghr in order to convince the Noghri to leave the Empire's service. She was able to use the fact that she was the daughter of Darth Vader to convince the Noghri that the Empire had been lying to them and kept them in virtual slavery for many years. As a result, the Noghri turned against the Empire. Grand Admiral Thrawn died when his Noghri bodyguard Rukh turned on him and stabbed him.
Following the death of Thrawn, the Noghri came into the service of the New Republic. They helped resettle the Noghri to other planets (including Wayland) to give Honoghr time to heal. Leia and her entire family became very highly respected figures in Noghri society. The Nogrhi saved the Solo family from a Yuuzhan Vong strike force
An advanced, adventurous feline species, the Trianii inhabit the outermost portion of the Corporate Sector Authority. In many ways they are similar to the Togorians, Cathar, and Catuman Warriors. Unlike these other feline species, however, Trianii have prehensile tails and their more agile figures are perfect for leaping, jumping, and acrobatics. Like most feline species Trianii have excellent balance and eye sight. Their sleek fur comes in a wide range of colors and patterns. Trian, the Trianii homeplanet, and its six colony worlds were the target of an attempted annexation by the Corporate Sector Authority. This annexation was repelled by the Trianii and their renowned Rangers and the Trianii remained independent and unhindered throughout the rise and fall of the Empire.
Nelvaanians are a race of blue-furred, canine-muzzled humanoids introduced in Season 3 of the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars. They live on the planet Nelvaan on the Outer Rim. All of their warrior braves were captured by Techno-Union scientists and were physically and mentally mutated, in order to try and create perfect cyborg soldiers for the CIS. During the Liberation of Nelvaan, Anakin Skywalker, who was referred to by the race as "Holt Kezed" ("Ghost Hand" in their language), would free them as he destroyed the Separatist base. Following this, Anakin killed all Techno-Union scientists there and managed to bring the mutated Nelvaanians back to their tribe.
On a behind-the-scenes note, the name "Nelvaanian" may be a reference to Nelvana, the Canadian animation company who produced the Star Wars: Droids and Star Wars: Ewoks animated features for Lucasarts. Nelvana's logo is a blue polar bear.
First Name/s: Jason
Surname/s (Family Name/s): Unknown
Alias/s: N/A
Age: 13
Date of Birth: Augest 30th
Race: Trianii
Place of Birth: Unknown
Religion: N/A
Alliance: Nuetral
Profession: Speed, Hunter, strength, claws
Speciality: Hand to Hand and stealth
Rank: N/A
Personal History: Unknown. For he was found as a young child and was raised by a father who's lover was interspecies. One was human, the other was a Trianii. Is all that really matters though his time. He simply decided to test his strength in the arena.
Career History: N/A
Family: unknown, besides two who found him.
Possible 'Position' in The Arena: Fighter
So thats 3...and 3 more to go
(After a thirty minute brainstomring session, I can now draw Protoss
Awesome, wanna post a couple of pics?
First Name/s: Hades
Surname/s (Family Name/s): N/A
Alias/s: N/A
Age: unkown
Date of Birth: unkown said to be born in the ancient times
Race: Gou'ald
Place of Birth: Underworld system
Religion: N/A
Alliance: Bad
Profession: Teacher
Speciality: hand to hand combat all weaponary
Rank: System Lord
Appearance: (Picture can be used)
Personal History: Much is unkown about Hades except that he was born in the underworld system. Quickly became a System Lord he now comands a grand army.
Career History: N/A
Family: Zues (Father)
Zues is Hades' brother.
Ah sorry about that
First Name/s: Hades
Surname/s (Family Name/s): N/A
Alias/s: N/A
Age: unkown
Date of Birth: unkown said to be born in the ancient times
Race: Gou'ald
Place of Birth: Underworld system
Religion: N/A
Alliance: Bad
Profession: Teacher
Speciality: hand to hand combat all weaponary
Rank: System Lord
Appearance: (Picture can be used)
Personal History: Much is unkown about Hades except that he was born in the underworld system. Quickly became a System Lord he now comands a grand army.
Career History: N/A
Family: Zues brother
I only have one problem with your bio's very vauge. I hope that you will be able to write well for the character to make up for that, giving him weaknesses, strengths and a real background.
Apart from that...welcome
First Name/s: Akiko
Surname/s (Family Name/s): Ito
Alias/s: Amaterasu
Age: 17
Date of Birth: September 22 (yay =P)
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Earth, Japan
Religion: Shinto
Alliance: Good
Profession: Ninja
Speciality: Close Combat (Taijutsu/Bōjutsu/Ninja ken)
Rank: N/A
Appearance: Wears a typical Ninja outfit with her family's clan symbol on her back. Does not wear a mask and has medium black hair made into a pony tail, black eyes, 5'8.
Personal/Carrer History: Black Belt 2nd-dan in Taijutsu, Bōjutsu, and Ninja ken (Unarmed, Swords, and Staves). Still training hoping to make it to Black Belt 9th-dan by training in the arena, like her ancestors did. She is the third-in-line sucessor to her clan.
Family: Ninja Clan (Ito), Revered for their talents.
Possible 'Position' in The Arena: (Student/Fighter)
Anaconda King
one star trek race is nausicaans i have that race in my bio
Anaconda King
First Name/s: Basil
surname(family name):Prince
Date of birth: january 22nd
place of birth:unknown
profession:Hand to hand combat, claws
specialty:mele combat
rank: N/A
Appearance: scaly skin,brown skin , light brown eyes, tan fur,long frizzy brown hair,lean and toned,height:7'1,Claws 7 inches,sturdy macete made of sharp bones.
personal history: He lived with his family until their home planet was raided by space soldiers.They kidnapped his day he was playing with a little stuffed aniaml that he had. him and his parents were traveling. when they came home the soldiers kidnapped them or killed them.He ran away in his room crying in the corner clutching on his stuffed animal tight as the soldiers left.There he grew up by himself and learned to be tough and take care of himself.
carreer history:dont have a job
family:alive or dead dont know
position in the arena: Figther
Anaconda King
i got a few more races for star trek i found them
and thats all i got dragonwoman
Originally posted by DragonWoman
I only have one problem with your bio's very vauge. I hope that you will be able to write well for the character to make up for that, giving him weaknesses, strengths and a real background.
Apart from that...welcome
Sorry about my vauge bio I made it at 2am I'll update when I come up with more
I threw together a heromachine pic quickly, had a little time on my hands.. lol
Anaconda...PM me plz.
anyone wanna be my characters mentor/teacher? You dont have to be a ninja, just gotta know close combat, to keep it realistic...ish.
(Preferably someone who posts often and that likes to have fun =P)
I can help you out with that plot line character is kinda open to helping out fighters so that should be fun...
Cool, sounds good. How many more players are we waiting on?
First Name: Jenth
Surname: Besh
Age: 33
Date of Birth: 25/December
Race: Human (Star Wars)
Place of Birth: Naboo
Religion: The Force
Alliance: Good
Profession: Jedi
Speciality: Lightsabre Dueling
Rank: Master
Appearance: Jenth is medium-height, has short red hair, blue eyes, freckles, and an abnormally large nose. He wears light beige robes with a dark brown vest and pants under it.
Personal History: Jenth was born on Naboo, but at a very young age, he was taken from his family to begin training as a youngling at the Jedi Temple. His master was Mace Windu, but he also received extensive training from Master Yoda. He developed a close bond with each of them. They both warned him of emotional attachments, but he found them only natural. He also became very close friends with padawans, and when the second died, he suffered an emotional breakdown and came to the fight school to find another student.
Career History: Jenth has been fighting throughout the Clone Wars, and has gained much fighting experience from them. Just as his padawan was going to Coruscant to be knighted, his ship was shot down by Separatist fighters. This left Jenth alone, and that feeling is probably what led him to this fighting school.
Family: N/A
Possible 'Position' in The Arena: Teacher, Mentor
Yay does that make it one more? =P
~I really am looking forward to something other than resident evil RP hehe~
Is this like a Dimentional Portal Arena that anyone from any time period can come from and fight?
Oh and how will my staves and swords stand up to a lightsaber! *cry*
Lightsaber versus warp blades though... The Jedi Is mine
I could always have light-daggers :P or something to match up against these deadly weapons. Long live Dual Daggers!
Yes, 1 more person and you'll all find out how this works when we have one more person join so try and recruit ppl!
Originally posted by Aliies
Lightsaber versus warp blades though... The Jedi Is mine
Blasphemy! The Force overcomes all opponents!
I'll take on anyone with my race which is the Gou'ald
Hmmm, are the initial battles going to be like against NPC or we kicking off with duels? Both ways, can't wait for my first victory... (or defeat)
I want to duel first
that would be cool if i had a chance to duel first
Your my best bet to duel with =p No lightsaber, force weapons or what not, my basic steel can have a chance against you!
First Name/s: Chronos
Surname/s (Family Name/s): Kenir
Alias/s: None
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1-11-1986
Race: Human
Place of Birth: ???
Religion: ???
Alliance: Neutral
Profession: Fighting
Speciality: Hand-to-hand, sword fighting
Rank: (Whatcha mean?)
Appearance: (Will get pic soon)
Personal History: There is absolutly no way to get it out of him, even if drunk.
Career History: Classified.
Family: CLASSIFIED, Impossible to get out of him.
Possible 'Position' in The Arena: Fighter
Can I join?
I don't know, but if you can, you're the last person!
I see lots of people like to be considered classified =P wheres the fun in a mysterious history!!! Welcome aboard (hopefully!)
~Glad he uses physical weapons~
(sorry about double post in advance!)
Changing my char appearance to the yuffie in my sig, since its almost the same anyway.. just hair change really.... and clothes.
Ok well I'll post the threads up now then. Wait about another 20 minutes and then everything should be ready for us all to start posting
First Name/s
Surname/s (Family Name/s):takashi
Date of Birth: (Day/Month)1/9
Race:Harm demon if possable
Place of Birth: (Planet/Ship/Town etc...)
lant harm
Alliance: (Good/Bad/Neutral)bad
Profession:a prince in the harm world
HARMdemon from:
Both trademark and sayiamon's characters are approved however trademark, I want you to PM me, we need to talk just briefly ok?
Originally posted by John!attheDisco
Blasphemy! The Force overcomes all opponents!
Then you have no knowedge of the Protoss... Bwahahahaha!
They are born of Powerful Telepathic energy, their very blood reaching from the Khadarin Formations on Auir. Combined with invisibility, powerful Plasma Shields, warpblades and the heightened intelligence of the Protoss Race, the Jedi Are a mere grain of sand on a beach horizoned at either end...
Originally posted by Ruby_weapon
I want to duel first
that would be cool if i had a chance to duel first
Aww, I wanted first...
Originally posted by Aliies
Aww, I wanted first...
Ill Duel you for first Duel!!! *nudge* its win-win
Oooh you so dead
Arturas will tear you apart...
can you stand up to a ninjutsu master in training
edit: ooh gotta write up an intro =P
GAH! *bashes head against brick wall then sighs heavily*
I suppose I should have made this're all to arrive via wormholes...not individual transports...sorry for the lack of info...
Does mine work then, i used a portal... same thing right?
~gonna wait on a reply till i post on the story thread...~
~Ooh 'Heroes' Starts in 8 mins~
Yes, you seemed to be the only one that understood what I wanted teehee. Post arriving in the main settlement.
Are the teachers/mentors supposed to have started there already? Just wondering, because if they are, any one of you may be the first to find me =).
~See you all tomorrow, unless i cant sleep...~
Hey, work has gotten to me like mad plus i might re-take SAT's this saturday, but im up to continuing if everyone else is.
The rpg seems to have died off completely...only a few have shown interest in keeping it alive.
yeah, we never even had a single challenge...
Thats because the Arena had never been officially opened...
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