Alien vs. Predator: One Last Hunt (Predator thread)

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started by Blaxican or whatever his new name is now.

Story takes place about ten years after the events in A L I E N S: Resurrection.

The Company has recieved a distress call from a barely inhabited planet called Mantross VI. The Company sends a platoon of Marines to the planet, giving them fiftey-days to either report back to them or return to Earth, after fiftey-days The Company will send an additional squad of Marines, as well as a transport ship to pick them up.

The Marines land on the planet, only to find it almost completely deserted. Their are only a few survivors. In the process of investigating their ship is destroyed, and they come into contact with the A L I E N S.
Now the marines have to survive until The Company sends the Transport Ship.

Aside from the Marines and A L I E N S, several Predators hae also landed on the planet to partake in a hunt. The Predators show no discrimination toward either species, and slaughter Human and A L I E N alike......

since I dunno what happened to this and our original leader I guess I'll take the role as the Predator leader and will gladly start it as soon as I get atleast one person to join.

(my first thread in my almost one yeay of being here eek! its gonna die sad )

The idea was that we intergrate the two threads, the Predator's and the Marines as one story... but if you want a seperate thread just for predators, that's fine, just wish you asked first sad

fine we can integrate them there goes my first thread ever cry

someone tell ush to delete this

I'll leave the descision up to you, you don't have to delete it...

I was going to create thread for the Predators in about a week after the Marine's thread is fully established

fine do whatever you want just make sure that my thread total is deleted too cause I don't want a failure thread cry

It doesn't have to be deleted, It can still work... would you like me to make a storyline for the predators?

ce, as long as it live amigo

Ok, There should be one up by tommorow... God I'm so busy right now...

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.