-A-P-R-D- The Academy of Psionic Research & Development ~Information & Sign-up Thread
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In the near future of the twenty-second century, mankind broke off the attempts of extraterrestrial research and exploration, having charted and navigated the miriad of planets in the solar system, they had come to the conclusion that man was truly alone. The funding that once flowed into the cause for finding new territory ended, mankind was doomed to scratch a living on the home it had desolated over the generations since the discovery of fossil fuels and the deterioration of the ozone layer. Now with the black-fuel in severe-dwindling supply and the human population nearing the tens of billions, expansion and free land is difficult find as new methods of energy are discovered and fail to cope with the consumption requirements of such a population.
The ancient predjudices running between the different faiths and communities result in minor skirmishes on the civillian level, discrimination arises as the differing beliefs and cultures are divided by the governments to postpone violent encounters. As each generation is taught by one-another to hate and dispise the seperate communities, hostilities crept up to the point where military involvment becomes more severe than ever in recorded history. The violence eventually spreads as tension between individual nations and threats of retalliation if the resulting massacres are not stopped.
War... War never changes...
War was the result of the constant debates over land rights and migration, descrimination led to violecnce as countries begin to tear at one another as the cycle of hatred grows to uncontrollable levels.
Fear of an impending ice-age further add to the fires of wars as the larger powers of the Earth engage one another out of either frustration, tension and revenge. With the absolution of nuclear weapons and the mass requirements of nuclear power, the atomic weapons of old remained only in history, leading to the production and wide-spread use of biological warfare.
Europe is a desolate wasteland and the great plagues sparked by the warring nations spread frther and threaten all life upon the Earth. During the great stalemate of 2136, a new weapon is discovered; some of the children of the survivors from the wars since 2112 are born with strange mental characteristics believed spawned as a result of the developing immunities to the weapons of the previous generations.
These children are taken by the few remaining governments to unique military facilities dubbed by most to be the birthplace of the next breed of soldier. once such facility located in the former Republic of America, The Academy of Psionic Research & Development Promising to turn the tides of the the great war and finally bring peace to the remaining two billion population...
In this Role-Play by Aliies (Me
), the participants act out the characters of the myriad of conscripted students at the -A-P-R-D-, the story will begin where the next batch of new 'applicants' arrive for the first time, not used to the militarialistic regime of the academy. Here you will be forced to hone your abilities to one-day become a weapon of the government, a Psychic warrior of the New-American Empire.
As a beginning student, your powers will have no refinement or anny significant ability, if you did the government would've deemed you a threat and had you black-bagged. the student starting her are between the ages of nine and fourteen, the different types of abilities are divided into classes:
One of the aims of academies such as the -A-P-R-D- is to create a soldier with abilities of Telepathy, the ability to manipulate the thoughts and images in the minds of others and to extract information through powerful or subtle use of their power.
Although one of the more favorited classes of the Academy, the Telekinetic is extremely rare, most psychic power focusses upon the connection between two minds by use of thought while the Telekinetic can apply their thoughts to innanimate objects to openly manipulate them. As rare as they are, it is possible to find one with a small trace of Telepathic power as well.
Not all psychics use others to emphasize their power, there are those who have the mental strength to apply enhancements to themselves through conditioning, they can use this ability to increase their resistance to fatique or sprint faster than humanly possible and leap in a similar fashion. These are the sole focus of the academy as once fully trained as they see fit, they are the ultimate soldier...
The Deep-thinker:
Strategists, inventors and leaders. Unlike their counterparts, the 'Deep-Thinker' can be mistaken for a mundane civillian save for their incredible mental capacity. The Academy is forever watching these individuals as they can be the most dangerous schemers and have been known to cripple facilities like theirs from the inside by leading revolts through both student and trainer alike with mere words.
Name:Eva simone Jackson
Gift:Telekinetic/small telepathic~if ok~
Bio:After being born in an post war world Eva hard an bad up bring.Her mother was an junky,are dads an drug dealer.her older brother wo was 24 took care of her.
Is that Emma frost? She doesn't look between the ages of 8 and 14
I Love the outfit anyway...
~i'm not about to find some kid pic and post it.i don't wacth the cartoons everyones so crazy over so i worked with what i had
No, I just meant like a normal kid, imagine post-apocalyptic culture with slightly ragged and simple clothing, probably a smear of dirt across the face, that kind of thing... don't worry about it, but Like I said, a picture like that one is welcome due to the outfit
Name: Drake Furion
Age: 14
Gift: Super-Soldier/somewhat of a Deep-thinker *If thats allowed*
Appearance: White Skin, Has a Tribal tattoo design going across his upper back and on his shoulders. Also has a few random battle scars on his body.
He usually wears a Black Muscle shirt, A Scruffy looking Black leather jacket, and Blue Jeans. Always wears a necklace with a ring and a silver bullet on it. ( the ring was a gift from his mother and the silver bullet necklace was a gift from his father ).
Eyes: Icy Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Bio: After being abandoned by his parents as a small child, Drake grew up on the streets and eventually fell in with a bad crowd. They taught him how to fight and survive...
He became a fighter for a type of underground fight club, in which the higher-ups (rich people/political figures) placed bets on which child was going to win...Drake was almost always the winner, he is a very good fighter, he is always sizing up all the people he sees....Looking for their weak spots and wondering if he could defeat them in battle.
One day an old Man was watching Drake fight and noticed great potential in him and sent him to the A-P-R-D to train him.
(( Is this ok? ))
Well, the old man wouldn't have given you the choice, he would just grab you, throw you onto a truck with the rest of the children he siezed that day and taken you back
I like the idea, he's in, but he would have to be half-S-S, half D-T, otherwise he'd be too powerful...
Name: Drake Furion
Age: 14
Gift: Super-Soldier
Appearance: White Skin, Has a Tribal tattoo design going across his upper back and on his shoulders. Also has a few random battle scars on his body.
He usually wears a Black Muscle shirt, A Scruffy looking Black leather jacket, and Blue Jeans. Always wears a necklace with a ring and a silver bullet on it. ( the ring was a gift from his mother and the silver bullet necklace was a gift from his father ).
Eyes: Icy Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Bio: After being abandoned by his parents as a small child, Drake grew up on the streets and eventually fell in with a bad crowd. They taught him how to fight and survive...
He became a fighter for a type of underground fight club, in which the higher-ups (rich people/political figures) placed bets on which child was going to win...Drake was almost always the winner, he is a very good fighter, he is always sizing up all the people he sees....Looking for their weak spots and wondering if he could defeat them in battle.
One day an old Man was watching Drake fight and noticed great potential in him. After the Fight the old man had his team capture Drake and the sent him to the A-P-R-D
(( Ok I fixed it, and I decided to just be Full Super-Soldier))
Name: Jian Yuen Bai
Age: 12
Sex: Male
Gift: Super-soldier
Appearance: Though small in stature, Jian has an air of unmistakable power about him. At 4'9" his is average height for his age with light olive skin, dark asiatic eyes, short dark cropped hair, broad and somewhat sharp features throughout his appearance, he is in good shape despite the world he has grown up in.
Bio: Having survived a war torn China, Jian has constantly fought to survive and come out a winner much to the surprise of those around him.
Living with a large family of proud fighters, Jian has known barely any kindness and has been accustomed to pushing himself constantly just to make ends meet.
((Hope thats alright, I had this idea before I even saw Frosts...but if you want me to change anything let me know))
Johns Mannequin
Name: John Wright
Age: 11
Gift: Deep Thinker
Appearance: Tanned Skin, Light Blue Eyes, Dirty Blond Hair
He wears a Large White Tee and ripped Blue Jeans.
Bio: John grew up in Australia, one of the countries less touched by the war than most. Knowing this, operatives from the American Empire investigated their schools, and found that John had amazing mental abilities. They hesitated capturing at first, worrying he would be too smart to control, but, in their desperation, they decided to, sending him to the APRD.
That's four good characters so far, I'll try for another two or three before we start!
Of course, I'll be posting mine but in good time, I'm extraordinarily busy at present...
Hehe cool, cant wait to start
Now, sorry about the delay...
First, we'll start with the lecturers...
Name: Master Joch McIntyre
Gender: Male
Age: 63
Classification: Master Telepathic
Appearance: A weathered old man with a perma-scowl of a face, his features are pot-marked by old war wounds and a slight mutation creeping up the left side of his neck where his skin has begun to scale slightly. he wears a rougish version of the matt-slate-grey APRD uniform with a sash of Tartan across his chest that dictates his clan from Scotland before they were wiped out.
Bio: Born and bred into the Celtic Armed Forces early on in the war, he has known freedom fighting all his life and finds that a militarialistic solution can be applied to everything in life without question nor exception.
Name: Ash Jacobs
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Classification: Master Super-Soldier
Appearance: Once a beutiful woman disfigured by a rendering scar down her right eye and cheek with a white sunken eye in the socket under the wound. She is firmly built and is drabbed in the standard Slate-grey uniform of the Academy.
Bio: The only female master of the APRD and by far the most respected, Ashley Alanna Jacobs was one of the first Super-Soldiers used on the field, she is unmatched in hand to hand and has been known to be able to break a man's head off with a single movement and tear open the hatch of a tank...
Name: Damian Cormack
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Classification: Master Telekinetic
Appearance: A slightly over-weight individual with a surly disposition of authority, his uniform is as his fellows save for the black tee and the Grey coat of the Academy is wrapped around his waist with grey suspenders holding up his trousers.
Bio: A survivor from the Australian wastes, Damian was shipped to the Empire after being discovered freedom-fighting using his Mental abilities, he can lift a tank with a single thought and hurl it like a pebble, or crush it like an aluminium can...
And noe the resident Apprentice;
Name: Michelle
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Classification: Apprentice Telekinetic
Appearance: A regular late-teen girl with tanned skin and short pitch-black hair, she is dressed in quite a similar manner to her master but without the gut as she is slender and without muscle-tone.
Bio: No one knows where she came from, her master somehow aquired her as an orphaned-infant and has trained her ever since...
We should be ready to go soon! Sorry 'bout the wait!
I'd just like to show an interest in this - I'll try and get a character up at some point, if that's okay. Just go on and start without me, though.
You're more than welcome Trick
You can join anytime...
Yay! We have 'elders'!
Cant wait Cant wait Cant wait Cant wait XD
Older ppl...mentors and such hehe...nvm me, I'm high on sugar *swings on the railings*
Oh, right. No worries, be as high as you like.
XD *swings* WEEEEE!
"Com'here-you..." Aliies chases DW as she swings from rafter to rafter, "I got a nice new white coat for ya!" XD
Ok, I'm starting to write the openning storyline to this, I'll start it once I'm done, shouldn't take too long
Thanks all for being patient!
Ok, I'm starting!!!
Name: Lexington (Lex) Warfield
Gender: male
Age: 13
Classification: Deep Thinker
Bio: Lex parents died in the war and he was bought up with his ant.Life was not great for the child he was brutally beaten on a regular basis.He was beaten so bad that he has lost his vision in both of his eyes.He tried not to make this a handicap he has trained his ears and uses hollow shoes to see.he has only one person he truly trusts and that is his brother.Lex is outgoing and always Tris to look at the bright side of things but is also shy and careful around new people.
Name: Brandon Warfield
Gender: male
Age: 14
Classification: Super-Soldier
Bio: Brandon is the older brother of Lex and is like a body graud.He is still angry with himself about not being there for his brother when he needed him most.his parents being dead and His brother being blind is taking its toll on him mentally he often finds himself thinking about killing people once even himself.Brandon Tris not to let Lex know how he really feels so he keeps it to himself but on more then one occasion he has beaten up people for know reason.
Ok, This was meant to have only one character per player... It affects the way the game goes if you have two... sorry...
ok i will drop Brandon and keep Lex
Thanks, just pick a room in the Dorm and get playing, sorry to make you lose a character
i am ok with it it is your rp i just playing in it
sorry to double post but i would like to make Lex a Telekinetic if you don't mind
Name: Katherine
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Classification: Telepathic
Appearance: Short brown hair and matching eyes (hazel), Average Height (5'1-5'2), slender, confident. (Think a young rebecca chambers possibly)
Bio: For as long as she could remember, she has lived in what was once called Europe until she was forced to escape. Not a big fan of war, but learned enough from living through some of it to know how to survive alone. Has somewhat chronological headaches.
that will be the last Telekinetic...
I made mention that they are rare so now we have a few...
Good to have you with us Yoshiaki!
Good to be here, telepath ftw, i see like none...
I see like one... You
Originally posted by Aliies
"Com'here-you..." Aliies chases DW as she swings from rafter to rafter, "I got a nice new white coat for ya!" XD
Ok, I'm starting to write the openning storyline to this, I'll start it once I'm done, shouldn't take too long
Thanks all for being patient!
*Morphs into her draconic form and sticks her now forked tounge out at Aliies as she flies up into the high rafter* Nerr nerr Xp
Originally posted by Aliies
I see like one... You
Smart ass
Originally posted by Aliies
I see like one... You
you see, as long as i get to learn how to alter someones sight im happy :P you cant see me! or you see me as something else !
... i know what your thinking ~!
What i'm thinking is none of your business... What am I thinking?
you are thinking that i dont know what you are thinking.
and now you are supprised i found out.
now your scared that i got it right twice in a row.
now you are thinking about reposting a "wow, how did you know"
Actually, My mental barrier worked perfectly, I'm thinking what Eric should Teach at Xavier's School
down with eric! there is no such thing as turning good.. only turning evil!
I know, that's why I like Black&White 2
lol... now i really gotta sleep... ill start tomorrow if thats fine...
*hums* music.. gooooood.....
There is no true evil only man's interpretation of said forces Xp...*gah* Im going all philosophical *bangs head on brick wall*
*Here let me help you*, Grabs DW's hair and meets the wall with her forehead...
*stops her head with a slight twist of Aliies wrist, breaking his grip on her hair* Dont...touch...the hair...the hair cost monah!
Where and how shall I start?
Well, now we're at the beginning of a new day, join your allocated group, you being a Telepathic, go with Master Mc'Intyre!
Trickster, now would be a good time to join...
How did you know I was still reading this, eh?
Yeah, I'll make a character - I'll be a telepath, probably.
Name: Eduard Silverman
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Classification: Telepath
Student Number: TP06471
Status: Training
Silverman was born in an unknown location to Ricard and Anabelle Silverman. The child was discovered aged 12 when the caravan carrying the Silverman family was halted for routine inspection by a roving patrol detachment. Both parents were identified as having considerable mental powers by the telepath advising the squad leader and were targeted for summary deletion.
Following protocol, the telepath ordered the requisition of the children, including Silverman’s brother and sister (Andre, 9 at the time, and Kathrine, 8), from the caravan, who were each tested at the Portman facility for any mental skill. Six of the thirteen children (including all of the Silverman siblings) were found to hold ability of some kind, as were another two adults (also deleted).
Transfer of the children was subject to an unfortunate mistake, and all were sent to the same holding centre. However, following an unfortunate incident in which the three Silverman’s were suspected to hold a key role and involving all of the children from the caravan, this was rectified, leading to the separation of the siblings and in general a separation of the children from the caravan. The full potential in all three is yet to develop, and the prospects for the advancement of TP06471 are still uncertain.
I was tempted to make a Deep Thinker, but this way seems more fun (and I can't see how you'd RP a Deep Thinker)
(I honestly just knew you were reading it...
didn't know how though... *GASP* )
Nice, A great character as usual, you put more thought into your character than I did mine
Very-well written too!
Welcome aboard =3
I just wanted to note here that my character does hold a brittish accent... fluff flavor, that is all.
Originally posted by Aliies
(I honestly just knew you were reading it...
didn't know how though... *GASP* )
Nice, A great character as usual, you put more thought into your character than I did mine
Very-well written too!
Welcome aboard =3
Don't let us down Aliies - you better keep updating.
Sorry people, I had posted before to keep it going until I could next...
As I told trickster, there is so much to be done in my life...
I'll make an attempt tonight after work, unless I get time to do it today!
Don't give up on me yet
need help recap plz i know it only like 4 pages but i am lost
We've separated each group into the three classifications, it seems that deep thinker wasn't all that popular so they go with Master Joch:
Joch's group is preparing themselves to resist a mental Gias or mind control, Trickter's character is going first so we're waiting on him.
Master Ash's group is going through a rigourous set of obstacles and now have to do it four times as they're taking too long in the Master's eyes.
Cormack's group of Telekinetics are practicing basic levetaion from thing as small as household items through to seven-ton steel construction girders...
yaujta King
Name:Basil Foster
appearance:Long puffy hair,black jeans,black and white striped hoody,black jordans.
Biography:Basil lives in new york.He went to one of the best high schools there.Later on basil was picked on by jocks and it bothered him.One day he was being picked on by one of them and by accident he killed him.Everytime he goes to bed he has a dream about that particular day.He ran away from home to escape his memory.
By the way, telekinetics are declared rare and we have enough, since you chose to go outside, Why not chose an SS or even go Telepathic...
But you're not there to stand back and comment, the point of this RPG is to play the role of one of the kids and learn to develop your powers which will then result in the outcome that I have planned for this Game.
I'm sorry if it sounds as if I'm flaming you but the only older people characters are the three masters and the Telekinetic apprentice Michelle, All played by me.
When you join the game properly, you'll need to take part in the current activities.
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