Naruto Revolution - Game Thread
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Naruto Revolution: The Game
Opening Plot:
It's winter is Konohagakure no Sato and the village is getting ready to celebrate!!! But unbeknown to the festive villagers, trouble is just on the horizon.
How will our favorite Naruto characters deal with this new threat?
Takes place in an Alternate Naruto Universe, post-Time Jump.
Welcome to the Game Thread of Naruto Revolution.
All are welcome to join. I just ask that you create your original character or claim a cannon character in the Sign-up Thread so we can keep this thread less cluttered. In addition, a list of taken characters, created characters, and a plot summary will be provided in the alternate thread (by me).
Once again, welcome all and the let the games begin!
Moments outside of Krigakure Kado sits and thinks about Konoha. Few knew of his love interest there but that was fine with him, who knew what would happen. Kado stood brushing some of the snow off of him so he could continue without getting cold. He pulled hsi Chunnin vest tighter for warmth. He set off holding his pack tight.
Akai saw in the distance the first village she has seen in a while. Finally she thought to herself, her stomach growling.
Akai has been wandering from village to village in order to locate a new home, and it hasnt been an easy journey, expecially without money for food. Maybe she would have to get a job in this village, one that required her talents.
Kurosaki Ichigo
Kurei admired the symbol Hidden In The Mist he had just made, with tooth picks from his dumplings. The rain drop looked wonderful. He then began to think about his old past, but expecially his brother Zabuza. Kurei knew that he was killed my that damn Gato. But his brother Zabuza had killed him easily sending him to the dark, dirty pits of the sea. Kurei chuckled outloud imagineing how Gato looked right about now, probally like a jammed up meat grinder. Kurei shook his head laughing, as if shaking the thought out.
Kurei was now running up and down trees. As he ran up a long, slender maple tree he began to think about Haku. He always did want to know if she or he as he would put it was a boy or a girl. Kurei and Haku never got along never. He still remembers the time when Haku was about to kill him for messing up there plan. If anyone should have died with Zabuza it would be Kurei. Kurei would have never imagined that Haku of all people would die right beside him. Kurei got lost in his own thoughts and questions and put too much chakra in the tree. His foot had smashed into the tree and he quickly jumped off flipping. Kurei could feel his body floating down as if he was flying. He landed thudly on the floor and stood up. Hm i wonder if my bro thought about me when he died. There has been rumors going around, well old rumors that some kid who is a Biju beat Haku senseless. But it has to be impossible no ones that strong, only the Aktasuki and Orochimaru's crew could do that. And of course Zabuza. But none of them were there except Zabuza. And Zabuza wouldn't have never killed Haku. What was that name again. Uzumaki Naruto the kid with the Nine-Tailed Fox Kyuubi. Me and my brother had encouters with that creature. When i was four i still remember. Well it's not like i would ever forget. But a Biju is that strong. But still why would Uzumaki Naruto want to kill Haku. Or maybe Kyuubi made him do it. Kurei instantly then thought about his Biju, Sanbi.
Kurosaki Ichigo
Kurei was hidden fairly well in a tree. "Don't worry if i wanted to fight you, then you would be dead already." He said and pushed his legs forward flipping in the air. Then he started to fall to the ground he landed on his feet crouched and stood up fully. "Besides you don't have enough Chakra to even give me a challenge in your postition. It's not right for the strong to kill the weak." He said pulled out his giant long, silver and blue sword called the Guiloten. A replica of Zabuza's sword but smaller and lighter. Kurei admired the wonderful sword that his brother had made for him when Kurei was little. Kurei put his sword up and looked at a tree. "Guess i better continue." Kurei said and jumped in the air then disappeared leaveing nothing but a leaf behind floating down gently.
Kurei was already on the move jumping tree from tree flipping. He then began to think about none other then Zabuza. Maybe that was why Kurei was so cold, and heartless. Because his brother died or the fact he died from Kakashi. The sharingan Ninja or copy Ninja as his brother called him. "The Sharingan those cold red, and black evil eyes." Kurei said and remembered that his eyes were cold blue and white. A weird color, different color, odd color, yet such a beautiful color. And a beautiful color from someone like Kurei Momochi. Kurei was now flipping in the air jumping like a wild man. Moving at a speed that he didn't know he had in him. Maybe it was Sanbi, no it couldn't be Kurei hated to depend on that retrid creature. It has brought nothing but misery in his life. For people he knew, but more importanly him. As Kurei began to think about Sanbi he remembered the first time he had lost it. It started with a fight with Haku, Haku was training Kurei. But it was more like killing him, killing the only thing he had, to make him a stone, cold, hard killer nothing more. Just a destroying, powerful, crazy killing machine.
)) Wow, nice post. It's going to sh!t all over mine... ((
Rayden yawned as he dreamily gazed at the fluffy white clouds in the bright blue sky. The day was warm, and sunny, and their was also a breeze. Rayden's mind drifted as he walked, and he was about to lose himself completely in the scenery when he was jerked out of his trance by a sharp slap on the back of his head.
Rayden layed his left hand on the rising welt on his forehead and whirled around.
"Ouch! What the hell, Kiocho?!"
Kiocho, his fellow Chunnin, glared at him.
We must stay alert! Who knows how many enemy ninja are out their right now, waiting for us! The Raikage could be under attack at any time!"
Kiocho glared at the trees and bushes surrounding him, staring enemies that weren't there.
Rayden sighed. He was getting annoyed by the man's paranoia. Rayden was part of a large caravan of Gennin, Chunnin, and Jounnin, whose job was to escort the Raikage from their native village The Kumogakure no Sato to their allied Village The Konohagakure no Sato in order to partake in a celebration.
Rayden looked up and down the long the long line of Ninja, with the Raikage in thew center, in a wooden booth being pulled by two horses. Their were at least twenty ninja all together, more then enough to stop any potential ambush.
""Kiocho, we'll be fine, man. You worry too much..."
Kiocho exploded at the last remark.
"Worry too much!? Worry too much?! It is my sworn duty to protect the Raikage at all costs, even if forfeiting my life!!! It is my responsibility as a hardworking Ninja of Kumogakure! Unlike you, you lazy baka! DO you feel no shame!? I should..."
Rayden by then was no longer listening, rather, he was thinking of a way to get rid of the man. What an annoying guy...
"Fine, Kiocho. I'll pay more attention in the future. Just shut up and leave me alone for a second."
Kiocho seemed to accept this, as he nodded and walked off, most likely to go annoy someone else. As soon as he was gone, Rayden went back to gazing at the clouds.
Rayden wasn't even
(I'm currently grounded, so I'll sneak on the computer after I make a post

)) Well... This died fast. ((
Green Arrow
Kankuro is just walking around aimlessly with his hands in his pocket.
It's so much easier to just relax when Garra isn't around.. Why can't he just be normal? Our mission would be so much easier if he wasn't such a psycho.. Kankuro's tummy rumbles.
. _ .
It's been a while sense I've eaten. Hard too with so much preassure and a fricking psycho-demon brother next to you..
Kakuro looks over and sees a salad shop.
"...I guess I could make a pit stop...

Kankuro go's in and starts huffing down a big bowl of salad with cheese, ham, carrots, olives, anything natural but none of that dressing crap. When he finishes he just sighs with a stuffed belly. The cook checks up on him five minutes later just seeing him sitting there stuffed.
"You do realize you have to pay for that don't you?" He taps his shoulder, and he doesn't budge.
"Sir.." He turns it around and it's a puppet.
Kankuro is seen about twenty feet away running away giggeling.
"You damn kid! Get back here and pay for your meal!

Kankuro continues giggeling and thinks It's great to be the badguy
*As the snow began to fall silently around the village, a band of footprints leaded up to where Lee was walking. He had decided to go outside the village to his usual training place. The very same place that his old Sensei, Might Guy, used to train. Lee sighed with frustration, though he quickly shook off the thought and continued walking.
As he walked upwards towards the training spot, he looked back on Konohagakure no Sato, the village he grew up in. The village where he was picked on and pushed around for not having any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu techniques, though he proved them wrong by showing them his so called, "Lousy Taijutsu". That made him feel proud to be called a ninja. He proved them wrong by showing them he could be an excellent ninja by just focusing his time and effort of Taijutsu.
He stopped once he reached the training spot, and stared at the lone stump that was once a tree, breaking with the marks of punches and kicks. He thought back to when he was only a Genin, when he would always have trouble in just getting through his goal of defeating his teammate and rival, Neji Hyuga.
After a long moment, he silently told himself,* "If I cannot do 100 kicks, then it is 200 punches instead." *Then he raised his foot and began kicking at the log and counting aloud to the scene around him.*
(So busy, sorry about being gone. I've been without a server for the past week.)
Kuchiki Rukia
Originally posted by ~B@ckB0n3~
*As the snow began to fall silently around the village, a band of footprints leaded up to where Lee was walking. He had decided to go outside the village to his usual training place. The very same place that his old Sensei, Might Guy, used to train. Lee sighed with frustration, though he quickly shook off the thought and continued walking.
As he walked upwards towards the training spot, he looked back on Konohagakure no Sato, the village he grew up in. The village where he was picked on and pushed around for not having any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu techniques, though he proved them wrong by showing them his so called, "Lousy Taijutsu". That made him feel proud to be called a ninja. He proved them wrong by showing them he could be an excellent ninja by just focusing his time and effort of Taijutsu.
He stopped once he reached the training spot, and stared at the lone stump that was once a tree, breaking with the marks of punches and kicks. He thought back to when he was only a Genin, when he would always have trouble in just getting through his goal of defeating his teammate and rival, Neji Hyuga.
After a long moment, he silently told himself,* "If I cannot do 100 kicks, then it is 200 punches instead." *Then he raised his foot and began kicking at the log and counting aloud to the scene around him.*
Little did Rock Lee know he wasn't alone.
Sei woke and looked around, and he didn't know where he was. He didn't even renemeber who he was, but in his mind he felt such pain. He screamed in pain from behind a tree that was right behind the stump that Rock Lee used for his training.
((It's Gai ..Not Guy..Where did you get the Might part from? The closest thing I can think of is his surname ..Maiko..))
(he's thinking of the americanized naruto)
Kuchiki Rukia
((My roleplaying is off today, Quincy.))
Originally posted by Kuchiki Rukia
Little did Rock Lee know he wasn't alone.
Sei woke and looked around, and he didn't know where he was. He didn't even renemeber who he was, but in his mind he felt such pain. He screamed in pain from behind a tree that was right behind the stump that Rock Lee used for his training.
((It's Gai ..Not Guy..Where did you get the Might part from? The closest thing I can think of is his surname ..Maiko..))
Kuchiki Rukia
((Can you please edit your post to include IC?))
Originally posted by Kuchiki Rukia
((Can you please edit your post to include IC?))
Kuchiki Rukia
((Oh I forgot the this forums editing rules, sorry. I didn't say leave, man. Calm down, please.))
Kuchiki Rukia
((Ok, then now that we understand each other, can you make an IC reply?))
K Tragedy
(This is depressing...)
Kuchiki Rukia
((Nods I am going to make a MAR rp soon))
Originally posted by K Tragedy
(This is depressing...)
**looks around** HELL WRAITH!!!**He jumps into the air above a man in white clothing...his hand disapears into the air and reapears with a lance/spear...rams it thro Hell Wraiths chest**Thats for that little girls life you stole...**pulls it out and watches the man die picks him up and carries him away towards Konoha**
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