Dark more powerful than Good?

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Apocalypse, Magneto, Juggernaut, Venom, Carnage, Dr Doom.. the list goes on..> Why is it these powerful character's at one time or other were with the dark side (evil) when there enemies were not as powerful?

Its always taken a good character(s) to defeat them but not by over powering them. is there good characters equal to them to even it out or does the power in comic universe seek out evil?

i know its got to be interesting for everyone to buy and like what there reading but why has the good side always got to be out weighed?

i guess the only one i notice that is different is spawn he represents the dark side due to his powers (no matter of good he does) but the good side seem to have powerful characters that can beat him single handedly this is a reverse to what usually happens.

so is it just me or do you agree?

I think enemies are supposed to be more powerful than arch-enemies, to make it more of a harder battle.

Venom and Spiderman.
Doomsday and Superman.
Magneto and Professor X.

It's just the basic writing formula ... your main character has to be the underdog, otherwise his challenges aren't challenging and people lose interest.

This is why Spider-Man has so many fans ... and also why so many people dislike Superman on KMC.

i guessed that wos the case, i just wonder if other directions are possible afterall the characters are becoming more powerful that one cud kill spiderman without even having trouble with him. (that can be done now)

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