Warhammer 40,000 RP Thread
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If people aren't familiar with Warhammer 40K and still wish to play, I'd gladly "dumb it down" for them.
It place on a mostly urban planet Ceris in the war-torn city of Boril. The Chaos Legion inhabits it at the moment with a civilian survivors living in the ruins.
During their digging, the Chaos forces found a large Necron tomb with thousands of soldiers still unawakened. Word spread throughout the galaxy fast.
The RPG should start right when the Necrons land on Ceris to wake their bretherin, as well as the Expansionist Tau, and the Space Marines, Imperial Guard, and Daemonhunters, and Witch Hunters who had been pursuing the Chaos army and planned a full invasion to take Ceris back.
1) All non-OOC replies shall be done in the third person as if writing a book.
2) Of course, no one can kill another player for good, unless the other player complies.
3) I (or possibly trusted members of the RP) am the "Dungeon Master" and set scenes, when I am not playing as my character. For example: "As Anonymous Player makes his way through the debris, he hears near-gibberish being spoken in a thick cockney accent, just over the pile of rubble."
4) Players must their race (Chaos Marine, Necron, Tau, or any of the Imperial armis.) If they wish to be any other race, they must provide a reason why they'd be there and see if I approve it.
Here is how a post should look like, with my first post as an example:
Jor'gaan steps out of the dropship, his cloven feet crunching against the gravel. He removes his helmet and surveys the base with his own eyes. Several of the ruined buildings around him have been converted into make-shift bases that blend well into the environment. He nods to his squad and heads for their post, earlier assigned during briefing.
At the Koromac starfields, 7 hours from Boril.....
Shaz o' Tyro watches open the deck of his Command ship....
He raises his hand and points upward towards the celling, then briskly lends it down to the floor.
The fleet of 377 star cruisers open fire on the approching enemy....
"Sir! the enemy has been ahnnilated!"
Tyro, clenches his fist and raises it to the Radar operator, and extends his finger.
"Report on the Star-Webway ship!"
"Sir! enemy Eldar has eneterd the webway point!!!"
"Eldar identified as Tareras Dark Eldar, Sir!"
"Release the fighters! leave no Eldar alive!"
"YES SIR!" yells the deck crew.
Far off the fleet, the Dark Eldar, launches its fighter squadrons.
Tyro leaves the deck and heads for the hangar....
When Tyro arrives, most fighters are flying towards the epic battle, but one ship colored in White and red, is preped dor flight, Tyro Enters his beloved fighter. The Wrath of Enerthalis, or Eny for short.
"You are ready for launch sir!" "My the Etheareals watch over you"
Before launching, Tyro presses a button on the dashboard. launching 2 drones off the side wings, Each drone is equipped with a ASDX Anti air Magmus rife, and 2 DAL Air to Air Missile lancers, the "ENY" is equiped with 4 modified Broadside motar lancers, and 2 Balistic repeating cannons.
"For the greater good, sergeant" says Tyro
Tyro launches off to the fight, while skimming his battleship, he looks at the words printed on the side of his ship: "The Hammer of Tal' Kro"
Tyro opens channel " All Fighters target the Eldar, Webgate ship"
Hundreds of squads replies" Yes commander!"
the ships flew into the fray, no Eldar was left alive..........
Shas'Vre Kauyon
The scanners had been most busy today, with the arrival of the Tau forces in the sector, with both a landing on Ceris and a clash with unknown forces, although most likely Eldar by the way the radio chatter went, in the Koromac starfields. To obtain such detailed information would be a work of wonders by a Shovan scouting team, had it not been their naive bretheren, the Tau Empire, that they were watching. No matter their technological advancement the Farsight Enclaves shared it, although not in the same quantity, and could therefore track it. This was now done by a series of beacons spread throughout the system prior to the team's landing, beacons not well hidden, but numerous.
Information on the landing team had been sparse however, which was why Shas'Vre Kauyon, the senior officer of the Shovan Scouting Team, was preparing himself for a mission outside of their preliminary base, their LZ in the rocky regions outside Boril, sheltered inside and under an old lasgun factory. They had encountered no civilians thus far, and Kauyon had suspected that they were holed up in the city center of Boril, a secondary objective to investigate during the coming treck into the city itself.
Minutes later, Kauyon, equipped in the standard Pathfinder configuration, although with a pulse rifle with an extended power outage and optics, was advancing through the ruins of the outskirts of Boril, scanning the nearby streets and windows for signs of either Tau forces or the native Imperials, the only ones he had confirmed the existence of as of now. The advance was slow, and tedious, but such was the way of the Pathfinders he led, especially those trained in the Farsight Enclaves, where physical and martial prowress was held in even higher regard than on their native sept of Vior'la.
Unlike most races with interstellar travel, there was no warning to the arrival of the Necrontyr. Rather suddenly, the inertialess drives of the fleet dropped them in the system. One Reaper class Harvest ship, its tri-shaped wings angled out behind the forward crescent, its long engine section stretching out behind the saucer, thin as a rail by comparison. Around it, a few squadrons of Dirge class escorts, and their smaller cousins the Jackal class, flew in formation around the Reaper. The entire fleet was in dark colours, so it almost blended in with the star field, only occasionally caught by a metallic glint or a bone-coloured accent. They approached the planet, and as they drew close, the Reaper released a pair of dark black shapes from launch bays. Normally by recording those bays unleashed swarms of scarabs, but these were far larger by comparison. They looked almost like the drop pods used by the Empire's finest. Any who knew the Necrontyr would say what they were though, and they would wish to face drop pods any day. Drop pods could carry a limited number of troops, these could unleash a horde. These were Monoliths.
Moments later, a black swirl of shadow appeared on the surface of Ceres. As the shadow withdrew, a tall and ominous figure stood there. He had broad shoulders and a heavy build. His ghost white face, dead black eyes set in it, turned, looking over the landscape. His shoulders and the plates on his upper thighs were a metallic midnight blue. His biceps, thighs and ribcage were a shadowy grey. Black calves and forearms were partially back, exposing bony legs and arms that looked like polished steel. All his joints looked like that, save his spine, pronounced as it stood out of his back, brass and shining. Around his figure was a tattered black robe, his bony coloured hands and feet in a restive position. In his left hand, that rested like a staff, was what one might only describe as a glaive. Its haft, ringed like a decorative staff in lapis and emerald green, was capped by a steely shimmering blade resting on one side of a tubular shaft, the shaft capped in steel joining to the blade. The shaft itself was rippled with arcs of sinister green energies, and they echoed into the blade. The blade came back across the haft, like a vanguard on a sword, save the opposite side had no blade, simply a sharp spike jutting out. In his right hand, he held an orb, a deep misted red, swirled like a gas giant by clouds along its surface of a brilliant orange. The only other major accent was in the center of his chestplate. The accent was a black item, almost like a coffin or sarcophagus. On it was a golden brass icon, a crescent joined to a circle by a single line. The icon was repeated on his forehead, a sign of the bond the Necrontyr shared to the star gods, the C'tan. He felt the nearness of his bretheren, the sleeping ones. Someone had unearthed their tomb, and who had disturbed the ancient ones would pay, Dearly.
OOC Note: A Couple of things to clarify -
1) I was mistaken, the Dirge class is the smaller, and there are actually fewer of them by comparison to the Jackals.
2) the Monoliths have not landed yet.
Jor'gaan finds himself at his designated post- what used to be an Inquisitorial courthouse, now a thick wall of rubble, with only the front of the building and stairs to the elevated ground it sits on intact. He and his squad of eleven set up camp, activating their two drones and communication beacon. He sits back and surveys the area before him. Suddenly, he hears a scuttling sound coming from the other side of the debris wall. He remembers that, although this planet was ravaged by war thousands of years ago, it is possible that survivors may have continued to populate the planet. Still, he stays cautious.
Jor'gaan nods to four of his men. "Two four, come with me." The enter through the door and, as quietly as possible, climb the pile of concrete. He peers over the edge.
Before him is a group of humans dressed in dark robes. Imperial Forces?, he thinks. Have they decided to rebuild their planet all of a sudden? That's when he sees the marine. Clad in dark armor, his face ravaged by corruption, Jor'gaan realizes these are forces of chaos. From the look of it, it would seem that the squad is scouting for something. They probably had set up a base in this city as well, which meant their radar would've definatly sensed their coming. He silently curses.
Suddenly, his hoof slips, causing rubble to crackle down the pile. The marine slowly looks up at the rubble wall and grunts to his men.
Shas'Vre Kauyon
Shas'Vre Kauyon's scouting expedition need not go far before their worst expectations came to pass, that the greatest foe, that of pure evil, the one that would never be turned to understand the Greater Good, the forces of Chaos. There were one of the two foes that could never be bargained with, never be compromised with and never be forgiven for their crimes, although the Farsight Enclave had worked for such forces from time to time, though mostly with heretics, not the corrupted kind that made camp on the central plaza of this suburb, ironically and with defiance placed infront of the Inquisitorial Courthouse.
Kauyon did, as his name implies, await patiently as his Pathfinders fanned out and positioned themselves behind and under suitable covers, far from the prying eyes of the corrupted ones. The corrupted ones were not numerous, but a single troop transport class 1 (Rhino he believed they called it?) with 6 or so marines, probably inside the courthouse ruins by now, with accompanying heretical humans of lower standing, that travelled by foot and low-technology automobile. It kept surprising Kauyon how the Empire kept most of their technology from their citizens, but it was probably a wise choice, easy to corrupt as they were.
They watched, for minutes, hours, until the Shas'Ui of the Pathfinders had silently caught the attention of Shas'Vre Kauyon, without breaking radio silence, and notified him of quite a discovery, flash sightings of the typically yellow colour of the T'au sept of Firewarriors among the upper levels of the Courthouse Ruins. To confirm such a suspicion, Kauyon dared use a Tau scanner, which, as expected, registered the usage of two drones and a communications beacon. Against, only their own usage of Tau technology could allow them to so accurately read their presence. A dilemma- They were of course not supposed to risk their mission for anything, as directly assaulting any number of Space Marines, chaos or not, or rather especially chaos, was to be counted as a risky endeavour. A scouting party was not supposed to engage targets... But on the other hand, the Tau were still their cousins, although misguided ones. He compromised, as it seemed only the Tau could in this grim universe, and decided to keep watch over the Chaos forces, taking up firing positions with his pathfinders. If the Tau evaded notice, they would too withdraw. If they engaged the Chaos Forces, without proper means of their own, the Farsight Enclave scouting party would have to intervene.
((To clarify, Kauyon and his scouting party of 8 pathfinders are taking up firing positions across a plaza outside the Inquisitorial Courthouse that Jor'gaan is in, observing the Chaos Space Marines and their heretical underlings, ready to help or escape. If this invades on your planned course of actions, or how you planned the chaos to be numbered, please notify me ;D))
Shan'tahk observed the landscape. This world, as with others, had changed during the long sleep. Cold, lifeless eyes looked across the landscape. He could see the beacon to the tomb complex. To others it was invisible, but he could see it. A Dirge swept down, lightning curling along its crescent shape, and it released its portal. In its wake, a group of Warriors appeared, near to him. He didn't speak, he didn't have to, but a single gesture brought his minions, Gauss Flayers at the ready, their figures in dark colours save faces hands and feet the colour of aged bone. As one, they proceeded towards the city, twenty warriors and their lord, walking. The city's terrain was unsuitable for a blind cloakshift, he did not want to waste units making them appear in the side of a building. There would be plazas, but he could not find them in the time required when he used his cloak. As cold as death, and just as uncaring, they proceeded towards the city gates. This planet was theirs, all else were usurpers.
As the maelstrom of fleet engagment raged over the skies of the planet, the Tau and the Shadowy Necron ships were unaware of the aproach of an enemy both might find bothersome...
A purple-crimson rift opened in the warp, the tell-tale sign of an Imperial approach... Just a single ship, the largest imperial class to date and built further beyond the Gothic wars; her hull was colored an elegant blue at the front with a brass-like gunmetal along her side, the many broadside cannons in three seperate sections identified the overpowering vessel as a Retribution high-class capital warship, scars of over a thousand years decorated the otherwise ornate hull...
Along the top-most of the long-sweeping shape, three gigantic lance batteries jutted out noticably...
This ship wasn't meant to be stealthy... It was designed to both terrorize then destroy anything before it was able to retaliate; the strange hing was that it swept between both fighting parties in mid fight and just stopped, the batteries didn't even turn though the broadsides were a major threat...
On board the bridge of the hulking warship, an omnious figure sat enthroned in the operations command chair, flanked by a team of ace astropaths and numerous servants designated as Untouchables to operate he command deck of the ship known as the Fidei Defensor...
The Defender of the Faith was marked by the towering glyph of the Inquisitorial-World GroBHolm alongside the holy-blue rose of the Order of the Twilight Rose, it's presence sounded the wrath of the Inquisition in one of it's truest forms for this was the ship of one Lord Inquisitor L'Koii, the Radical leader of three seperate systems and one o the largest arms in the southern regions...
"And here I was for the heretics... I have Xenos on one side and half-Malleus on the other..." the age-old man said with a mechanical voice, "power the shields, if you please and hold fire until we are fired upon..." his words were simple and quaint, the Necrons would already be calculating while the Xenos Tau would most likely be considering communicating with the Imperial vessel, of either eventuality, the Fidei Defensor was prepared...
"Comisar Lidle get ready to land." *Click* the transmition had ended and turned its self off. The Comisar a battle hardend veteran dressed in German World War Two General attire, turned and addressed his men. 20 guardsmen and 15 Karskins all under his comand and of course his feild comand which would be supervising the invasion of Ceris.
"Men..today we land on Ceris. Today we will invade the city of boril to establish a base on Ceris and it is our duty to have it by night fall tommory for the advance of the rest of our fleet. when we land there will probably be hostile forces waiting for us and we do not have reinforcements for the day and as you know....and i do hesitate to say this no fire support. We alone must take this city men."
Comisar Lidle turns and starts to walk away from his men.
"Oh and one more thing. Their will be no! retreating any man seen running away will be shot!...At ease men."
Originally posted by moopoo
"Comisar Lidle get ready to land." *Click* the transmition had ended and turned its self off. The Comisar a battle hardend veteran dressed in German World War Two General attire, turned and addressed his men. 20 guardsmen and 15 Karskins all under his comand and of course his feild comand which would be supervising the invasion of Ceris.
"Men..today we land on Ceris. Today we will invade the city of boril to establish a base on Ceris and it is our duty to have it by night fall tommory for the advance of the rest of our fleet. when we land there will probably be hostile forces waiting for us and we do not have reinforcements for the day and as you know....and i do hesitate to say this no fire support. We alone must take this city men."
Comisar Lidle turns and starts to walk away from his men.
"Oh and one more thing. Their will be no! retreating any man seen running away will be shot!...At ease men."
I don't remember you signing up. Report to he sign-up thread and post your character's bio.
in the upper atmosphere of Ceris....
"Goddamn! Dmitri, did you drink all the rum again?!"
"Gah! no, private, i dumped it overboard so your aim doesn't falter. Now get ready, i'm parkin' this valkyrie." Sgt. Dmitri pulled the valkyrie onto the ground, rocketing to the current comissar's position. The company of 40 Kasrkins brace for impact on the surface. The Valkyrie pounds into the ground, and the Kasrkin 412th Cadian Sub-Company 87 poured out of the ship. It was a scene, soldiers loading and cocking hellblasters and 6 Basilisk artillery cannons rolling out. A company of Leman Russ battle tanks checked the rotation efficiency of their cannon turrets.
Dmitri marches to the Comissar, and with a grinning face, says "You requested a Kasrkin squad, Lidle?"
Just as the warp rift closed from the inquisition's dramatic entrance, Another disturbance began. The shapes of Two red battle barges slipped into real space. Wasting no time the marine vesseles battered there way through the malestorm and dropped their deadly cargo. Like bloody tears the battle barges wept the salvation of the embattled world. The blood Angels deployed five companies. Death from above was an understatement.
*hoists his hand*
Two Battle Barges?!?!?! An Entire Legion only has Ten, my friend. Strike Cruisers as well carry Marines to the fight, don't forget that. Battle Barges aren't deployed very often, mainly because they can't easily be replaced, and they weigh in at the same size as Imperial Battleships. Bring some Strikes, and some escorts.
"Sergeant! We've got word that the Space Marines have landed! And... good lord, the inquisition, too!"
"I've had growing distrust for Space Marines since Kronus. And the inquisition, one look at their eyes and the spirit from your very heart will be sucked out, that empty glare will easily make a man tear himself apart."
Scouts from the company were sent out to investigate, and to view numbers. If captured, the Kasrkins would offer an alliance, as though dmitri did not trust Space Marines, he still had utmost respect for them. The scouts reported to the drop zone, and one soldier fainted at the sight. Half a chapter of Space Marines stood ready, and looking for war.
A short radio transmission came out of the com center-"Holy SH-*fuzz*"
a battle barge carries three companies plus armor. strike crusiers only carry one. bardiel said 5 hundred marines. I want my men to be able to get air support and im out numbered a lot to one. Only the finest will do when the emperor's finest are involved read the "...and they shall know no fear quote on my signature
damn just use a chapter dropship-and only one. solves the problem, done, and done.
ooc comment-erm, isnt this sorta like the dark crusade, only urban? i mean its all of the races kickin out at eachother and only one can consume the entire planet.
yeah, five hundred marines. Five companies. Thus two battle barges is not five hundred marines, it's Six. Both Strikes and Barges carry Thunderhawks in addition to drop pods, providing your support.
This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighbourhood BFG player.
Shan'tahk watched as more of the flesh-beings fell from the sky. Their steel pods were inefficient, but still effective. They carried a limited number. The Necrontyr fleet pulled back, taking shelter between the planets in that dark space. More might be required, but there were many more beneath their feet. Similar to the arrival of the harder flesh-beings, two black tears fell to the planet, landing in the mountains north of the city. They made no craters as they landed, they made no thunderous mark, their flame trails of entry into the atmosphere faded as they slowed under their lift generators, slowing into a hover that faded, to a few feet off the ground. The panel over the portal slid up, a rippling green-tinted reflection of the world replacing it. Moments later, hulking Necrontyr shapes, carrying weapons larger than their smaller bretheren, approximately double, stepped from the gateways, numbering twenty in all. Behind them, another twenty warriors joined the group. A small visible force, they proceeded towards the city through the mountains, marching for now through the passes. The tomb called, and their brothers needed to be awakened.
The scouts moved on from the space marine encampment, mapping terrain and marking troop encampments along the way-until a peculiar sight caught their eyes-2 pitch black dropships, that had left no crater or any sign of entry at impact zone. A scout reported that, "i...i dont...stand..at's...oing on...insignia...crescent on a brass star....5 lines..." Dmitri's face was stern. the scouts were out of radio contact range-or what they were facing was an EMP. He had seen this insignia before. this was a mark of the Necrontyr race. The scouts managed to hear out 1 word from the radio: "Run."
Originally posted by Sauragnmon
yeah, five hundred marines. Five companies. Thus two battle barges is not five hundred marines, it's Six. Both Strikes and Barges carry Thunderhawks in addition to drop pods, providing your support.
This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighbourhood BFG player.
You dont need to deploy ALL the companies in both the barges, he's probably leaving one in reserve, you kno what i mean?
This has been a message from...well, me.
ouch powned i bow out but its been written so my bad. Are the marines any good in gothisc? i'm thinking about starting it up when i'm finished with my blood angels
three companies made planet fall in key locations of the planet. two remained to help the imperial forces in space.
Rosiels hearts thudded in his thraot as his command squad plummeted from the battle barge that brought them. His company was sent to search for the chaos legion, he had picked the best task for himself. 3rd and 6th companies would combat the tau and necron respectivly.
ETA thirty seconds the vox chimed.
Rosiel landed in the spot cleared by his company, he thought to find traitors to kill, instead he found guardsman sneaking around his perimiter as if he was the heretic. The black rage begane calling to him, fury at their distrust of his aide. They called for marine support and he responded with half his chapter! Maybe they were wary of his power, maybe they were investigating him to see if he was salvation or enemy reinforcements. The traitor legions had similar equiptment. Rosiel pushed his rage back down and kept an eye on his auspex. "Storm Troopers? hmmm they could be useful" he thought aloud.
you know where saur is?
Dmitri had advanced with the bulk of his squad to the space marine encampment, with a new reinforcement of Storm Troopers to help defend if aggression was used. It was a tough path, through marshes and swamps, but Dmitri had finally set foot near the trees where the scouts once were. He threw a pebble to draw attention.
Finally tired of waiting for the storm troopers, rosiel motioned his squad to surround them. then he walked forward into a clearing. "I am Captain Joacin Rosiel of the Blood Angels. I'm hear to liberate this world from aliens and traitors. If you are traitors begin praying to your dark gods, elsewise come out and assess the situation for me as i've just landed."
Watch the double posting, and maybe you boys should wait for others to post as well, like Bardiel and Kauyon... no need to go a mile a minute.
As for your question, the Marines can be downright nasty in Gothic. They're tough, they hit like a sledgehammer, and their thunderhawks are outright annoying. Their soft spot is numbers though. You'll want to make sure you read their rules entry though before you go out and start buying randomly so you actually have a usable fleet.
One of the flesh-beings drew too close, too visible. A Warrior spotted the scout and raised his gauss flayer, the high pitched whine as the weapon fired filling the air as it flew, stripping its target apart, layer by layer, no remains left when it was over, save maybe a pair of boots. They continued, uncaring, unflinching, death on two feet, approaching the city and the tomb of their brothers.
One of the scouts stifled a scream, and the other had almost fainted, but the remaining squad member remained calm, and motioned his comrades to report back to base silently and quickly.
Meanwhile, Dmitri's host of storm troopers, kasrkins, and his armored column are surrounded by space marines. His troops almost all recoiled, and the armored captains were stuttering on their radios.
"Peace, Brother-Captain Rosiel. I am Sgt. Dmitri T'schaik, of the Cadian 412th subcompany 87 regiment." He lifted up his imperial banner, as to signify his involvement with the imperium. He motioned his soldiers to lay down arms, and said, "At ease, I dont think they will be agressive to us. Be assured, Captain Rosiel, i am no heretic."
"Good" he says tersly. He signals his men to stand down.
"Have you seen any of the supposed traitor legions down here or are my reports wrong? What enemy is in this area?"
Rosiel's vox washed with static and then heard "Brother Captain, xenos spo..." and it washed over with more static
Dmitri's face turned grim. "I have heard reports from my scouts of the locusts of death. They most likely seek to awaken their bretheren in Boril." The remaining Kasrkin scouts from the mission stumbled into the clearing. "Necron'tyr! they head for Boril, my lords!" The scouts seemed tense and were covered with wounds and flayed flash on some parts of their bodies. Dmitri's eyes widened. "Get these men into the Sacred Artifact! Men! We are faced with grim circumstances. A legion of Necron warriors are beginning to plague this land, and we must destroy them. However, the Imperial Guard alone cannot deal with this threat alone. We must seek the Blood Angels' aid. These merciless robotic fiends will be the end of this planet if we do not stop them now. Brother-
Captain, wha is your response?"
"Brothers we are the sons of Sanguinius, space marines of the God emperor of mankind! We will crush these devils, then we will find the traitors!" He orders the squad leaders and Dmitri to a war council. He knew his company would be able to handle themselves against a hundred or more necrons,but not legions. He would need to get allies and support but with the guard elements fighting on dozens of theaters across the planet who could aide him against this menace?
Almost as if to punctuate the Brother Captain's words, a hundred clawed hands would tear their way to the surface around them. Flayed ones, adorned in the skins of their prey, tore out of the ground and started attacking the Blood Angels and Guardsmen. All totalled, there were roughly fifty of them, a small probe, but still enough to cause panic and fear in those given to such things. The Flayed ones had followed the guardsmen above them, leading them to this grouping. They had laid in wait and struck without notice, erupting around them. Shan'tahk would have smiled as they reported it, could he have done so. He did so internally, listening to the whispers in the back of his mind as they attacked the flesh-beings. They were accompanied by the harder ones, those who were wrapped in armor, but really it mattered nought to the claws of flayed ones, who even in life had been a little morbid and unbalanced, now in immortality relishing in the chance to skin their foes and wear it, either as a dark trophy or to terrify their foes, neither really mattered to him, but the latter was a pleasant effect.
OOC - Welcome to Ceris, from your local Necron Lord.
Dmitri himself had paled at the sight of the Necrons. "Form up men, plasma rifles out! They won't last long under them!" Dmitri ordered fire on the vile Necron warriors, but most of the guards men were already paling and ready to lay down their arms and drop dead. "Clear the area for heavy artillery bombardment!" the troops scattered into the trees and tried to hold the flayed ones off until the armored column and the Stormtrooper reserve arrived. "Brother-Captain, clear the area! quickly, i say!" some of the slower Kasrkin soldiers were instantly torn apart by the Flayed Ones. Almost in a synchonized way, all the remaining Kasrkins laid down a shower of Hellblaster rounds, trying to suppress the necron incoming.
Enraged, Rosiel's vision blurred and for an instant there were not necrons but men in power armor. Shaking the images from his mind he leapt into the fray punching and kicking the metal warriors. though they were made of metal he felt a satisfying crunchas he stepped on a downed warrior's skull. His power fists hummed as he activated their force feilds. The few flayed ones to oppose him were ripped apart by his savagery. A few rose again and he gladly tore them into smaller pieces.
OOC: Sorry guys that it took me so long to reply
"Commisar were landing in 5...4...3..... Ah shi..*Bzt*
The ship is hit shakes and gains more speed and comes crashing into the fight crushing both human and necrons alike. Then the the doors fly open and out jumps the Commisar swinging his sword into the first flayed ones flesh and cuts him in half as lasgun and hellgun shots fly over his shoulder into the nearest Necron soldiers.
"For the Emperor men charge!!" screamed Lidel
Dmitri's reinforcements were yet to come, but another Imperial company seemed to have landed. He smiled, and let loose a stream of plasma into the incoming necrons. The other Stormtroopers and kasrkins followed suit, emitting a bright white ray into the air, almost blinding, and the temperature soon rose. after about 5 minutes of fighting, a familiar sound rang from the air. "Hit the deck! friendly artillery!!" Dmitri screamed. Indeed, loud, whistling basilisk shells approached the area. Basilisks were a sign of fear even for death itself. They were the most powerful artillery known to man-even more so than the whirlwind artillery tank. The shells rained down onto the ground, obliterating the necron warriors, even the ones that were still reassembling. The cost, however, was Dmitri and Rosiel loosing some of their elite troops. Dmitri grinned widely, and continued, drawing his power-sword out, to slice the flayed ones to pieces.
The Ancient foe had already presence upon the planet's surface, L'Koii saw that his melodramatic pause was uncalled-for...
"Port Batteries, Open fire!" his metal voice rang, his underlings repeated his message along the line "Port Batteries!"
The towering turrets along the frontal spine of the titanic vessel whirred and assumed an aim upon the cresented ships of the Necrontyr, their immensely-devastating laser-lances announced a slicing demise whist the twelve grand cannons along the Defensor's Port quarter howled silently into space their cries of destruction.
the shape of the Defensor flickered and glowed as the sheild generators went to work, cloaking the vunerable cannons from harm behind the solid wall of energy.
L'koii realize that his teams were not acting as fast as they would normally due to the presence of the Necrontyr; the ships of the Adeptus Astartes marked in the ancient drab of Sanguinious, the Blood Angel Patriarch. Their troops were already planetside.
From afar, the immense battle tha now raged was visible only as a repeated flash as bright as a solar flare, the Necrons held no delay and fired seemingly instantaneously in unison of the Inquisitorial attack. Amidst the resulting maelstrom, the Fidei Defensor had launched it's initial ground foces.
Astares-pattern drop-pods hit the ground hard, they numbered about twenty in all, each carrying eight sisters of the Twilight Rose. they're objective was to clear a working landing site for the Lord Inquisitor, and due to his high demands they needed a large area to secure...
They were now about two hundred kilometers from the Blood Angels and the Imperial guard, they needed to contact them to fortify an LZ and it needed no explination that without transportation it was quite the trek!
The Flayed ones fall under the slow initial response of their foes. They found their dark pleasures. Unfortunately, not always was it a final ending, as some of the Kasrkin found. Their hellguns were potent, but sometimes not potent enough, as downed Flayed Ones rose again, knife-like claws twitching as they moved towards the enemy with speed abnormal to most of the Necrontyr. They were killing machines, and sometimes it took more than one shot to put one down. Plasma gouts laid down some, but even those weren't enough at times to stop them as they rose again, parts of them scoured from thier former size. Only the Brother-Captain could finalize their deaths, stunning their systems, otherwise they showed unnerving resilience. Once enough casualties were dealt, however, they suddenly vanished, into thin air.
In Space, things fared modestly well. Lances were powerful weapons, but they were young by comparison to the weapons wielded by the Necrontyr and their older enemies. Even the most grievous damage dealt to them betiems seemed to melt away, as if nothing had happened. A squadron of Dirges surged forward, their powerful Intertialess drives lending them even more speed, as they closed. At first, they unleashed massive arcs of lightning, the eerie green arcs flowing from the curved shapes of the ships like atmospheric discharges. As they closed, the Dirges showed they were even more frightening. The three of them powered up their portal systems, propelling warriors across the void into the enemy ship, engaging in a rough boarding action. Mercy was a concept lost to the ages for the Necrontyr, as was compassion. They did not need to breathe, and so they were not solely going to target the flesh-beings, targetting outer hull as well, aiming to cause breaches and make the fight simpler.
Dmitri watched in anger as the necrontyr attacked the inquisitorial dropship. the whole harvester fleet was sent to reap souls on the planet. "Fire control. this is an emergency. i know i do not have clearance to order this, but-launch hellfire missiles at coordinates x-257, y-25, sector N of planet Ceris, Target is 3 Dirge Class Necron fleet-ships, Initiate extreme high-ordnance class missiles." Dmitri motioned his troops to lay down arms, as the flayed ones dissappeared.
Dmitri smiled. Hellfire missiles weren't the imperium's most powerful weapon. He had heard of a great machine hidden in Ceris-The Cerian Titan, among the first and most powerful titans created by the Aedeptus Mechanicus, with cannons as large as a space marine thunderhawk, for each barrel. Its cannons, with the power of entire supernovas with each shot fired, could obliterate any force that tried to oppose. He would find this glorius weapon, and, the emperor willing, would get the Angels' and the inquisition's help in finding and resurrecting the titan.
Seeing his brothers cut down by the fool commander of the storm troopers made rosiel fume. Men who were immortal to the passing of time, who had waged war longer than the commander had lived dead in an instant. "Dmitri! i want the artillery officers head. His carelessness cost me three brothers today. Do you think he is worthy to kill a space marine? Do you think any of you are, if so," he activated his power fists" then your welcome to try, or give me this fool so he maybe executed for his incompitancy."
ooc cue commissar or inquisition
"Calm yourself, Brother-Captain. I only took this risk because your space marines can be resurrected as long as the gene-seed still exists. And besides, he exited his Basilisk and had died in the fight." He pointed to the decapitated artillery officer on the ground. "The hellfire operators are aiming to destroy the dirge class ships in the air. It may not destroy them, but with these high-tech space marine missiles, they will temporarily bring down some systems. Now, I have one request, and fulfilling it will more than pay for the loss of your brothers. There is...a titan. an Aedeptus Mechanicus Titan. All but the emperor pale under the might of it. The titan Cerberus-the Cerian titan. Help me capture this titan and bring the systems online. I Beg of you." He saluted him, and kneeled.
" a titan? what good is a titan with no crew? an instrument of destruction that powerful? do you think you can use a machine of destruction on that level when i can bearly keep five hundred astartes in check, keeping their eagerness to kill enemies in check. do you really think your superior to me boy? i'm twice your age and have lead men, no Space Marines into battle for decades while you were a babe at the breast." Rosiel didn't understand why he was so upset. was it the black rage or was it the influence of chaos? or the stress of leading so many of his brothers to future graves? He didn't know but if he didn't fight something soon poor Dmitri would have to be enough to take his aggression out on.
ooc the duel of words is fun or we could have ourcharacters arm wrestle.
Walking up to the Two leaders and bows at the Space Marine "Brother there is no need for insulting. But you are right none of us can actually use it but that doesnt mean we cant take it off of this planet and let the Techpriests check it out. Oh I forgot my manners Im Commissar Lidel and these other men are under my command we are here to take a city outside of Boril to establish a feild Command base." Looking away from the brother he humbles himself once more and regroups his squads and gets ready to head out.
"fine we'll help secure this city, but if these idiots cost anymore of my brothers their lives commissar, my bolter will put yours out of a job." he promised and preapared hi men to mobilize
Dmitri grinned. "I can call down techpriests to help bring the titan back online-but they only have the power to resurrect it, not operate it. I assure you, though, Brother-Captain and Comissar alike, that it is not I that will cause the death of your brothers and soldiers. if the emperor wills, we will win with very few casualties. but, however, the Chaos are well entrenched in Boril, and we have sighted the T'au Empire through a series of scout expeditions. The aliens, mutants, men, and heretics alike will clash on this planet, and the Holy Imperial City of Boril will be drenched with blood once again. Sure you are twice my age, but size and strength aren't the only things that matter to a man. I go by both intellect and instinct, you go completely by relative intellect. That is a space marine, in my eyes." He motioned his troops to the west, in the direction of Boril. He knew that both Imperial Guard and Space marine would fall in the coming battle. He did not mention the Dark Eldar, for he wanted to cleanse them himself. This was what he feared. A SECOND Dark Crusade.
Shan'tahk and his forces continued towards the city itself, oblivious to the humans' planning. They were as cold and implacable as death in their march towards their brothers.
The Hive Nod stretched his synaptic cord and implanted a worm into the helmet of the fallen Castellan Ardor. The body shook violently as the naked body floated in one of the spawning pools of one of the norm queens. It lay still for a moment, and then picked his head up. He looked around at his surroundings and then turned behind him to see an enormous worm like creature. Ardor pulled himself out of the pool and saw much of his body was missing parts: a thigh, his pelvis, upper torso-left clavicle, some flesh of his cranium, and an entire arm. However he felt no pain. He moved to one of the catalysts and was immediately enveloped by one. It took only a moment but when he was regurgitated, what was missing was replaced with glowing green emplants, and he was being pumped by a very cold fluid that was only visible through the tubes that connected each piece to the body.
Arise child the nonchalant metallic voice said in his mind. You have been revived, courtesy of the hive mind.
the damned stormtrooper insulted him again, well if he killed the fool he may have inquisitors might poke their crooked noses, fine he'll just find the traitors and let these fools die for their insolene. he turned to his command sergeant. "call for the thunder hawks, we have a score to settle with abaddon" he said.
"yes sir"
Dmitri grinned his insufferable grin again, as he watched the Brother-Captain storm away in anger. "Not to worry, Brother. I'm just as scared of this battle as you are. CP, calling for valkyrie transports, Heavy-armor, as subject to being shot down by enemy flak, please comply." "Order recieved. Initiating launch-" Dmitri sat and waited for the valkyries to land, and he took a can of spirits and drank it down, seeming like golden water to him after starving for so long. The troops all sat down to have a drink, and momentary peace was at hand, at last. it would be quite a few minutes before the transports land, though, and alot can happen in a few minutes.
where is everyone? bardiel and the other tau? the evil inquisitor? what the heck?
the thunder hawks landed and his men embarked. the valkire took to the skies, boldly as they thought they'd be accompanied by a company of space marines. Rosiel almost felt sorry for the guardsmen going into a battle that was stacked against them, thinking they had the emperor's finest to aide them in battle. The commanders insulted him thinking that because they fought for the same person. Marines are above the structure of the imperium, more like vassals than servants.
As he took off, his transports banked a hard turn and began searching for the black legion. So much for necrons, they were unsaticefying to kill, they were emotionless and didnt bleed. Triators bled. this was the fight he was here for anyways
They were making excellent progress, considering they were on foot.
one hundred and sixty sisters of the Adepta Sororitas kept at a jogging pace to find their wayward allies.
Thus far not one sighting of their quarry, blissfully comforting to the fact that the ancient harvesters had not been activated once again.
The planet was alive with both the stink of Chaos and yet the purity of the Imperium's soldiers existed here also, the Adeptus Astartes must be near. Their formation was wide yet hardly thin, their mechanized armor granting them a veritable fleet of foot at a militarialistic pace.
The blessed Sister-Captain raised a fist suddenly and gestured silently for her company to drop pace as they approached a ridge overlooking a battle between a dwindling number of Cultists and the standard constructions of the Necrontyr soldiers. The first logical thought was to move around and continue, but these were the hated foe; to leave them was neither sympathy nor mercy though inspired a call of heresy... Sister-Captain L'Xia called for full engagement from their easily defended high-ground and decend upon them...
Grenade and flame, bolt and blade...
his auspex showed a contingent of human troops, scaning the ground Rosiel saw a large group of battle sisters. Possibly with the inquisitor he saw on the way to planet fall. The inquisition would know where the traitors were. THen he saw them. Cultists bearing the eye of chaos, fighting more blasted necrons. Well traitors are traitors.
"Pilot, lets help our allies!" maybe they wouldnt insult his honor like the last group of idiots.
He jumped from the thunder hawk as it hovered low for a few seconds clearing a drop zone for his marines.
"Blood Angels, Charge!" he bellowed into the vox. The thirty marines with him activated their chain swords and fired their bolters from the hip.
The Rus-Gothic sister charged their foe with blood-curdling screams of the religious fervor inherrant in so many-a soldier born and raised under the Ecclesiarchy. L'Xia noted that the crimson-clad marines stormed from the opposing side, forming a perfect cross-fire that promised a swift victory.
As they collided with their foe, the Retributors high-calibur heavy bolters opened up on the Necrons; a blasting firey hell for the ancient reapers as all six guns were leveled on them to keep them from repairing and rejoining the fray.
The cultists were more of a meatshield, they tried and fought to the death, barely wounding even the most unlucky sister. The Marines fell upon the remaining troops with similar fervor, however blinded by their ancient lust for the blood of Chaos.
"Sahlhat Schutze! Necrontyr Amaskat!" L'Xia barked her orders in the gutteral language of the Rus-Gothic, her devout soldiers leaving the meatshields to the Marines in order to finish the fight with the Necrons.
The metallic skeleton-warriors numbered thirty in all, only two had already been completely destroyed by the heavy weapons.
As the last dregs of Chaos resistance fell, righteous fury fell upon the harvesters of souls in the guise of bolters, grenades, power and chainsword.
In the brief moment before they fell face to face, the monsters had regenerated after the Retributors fell silent, cutting down three faithful women of the Ecclesiarchy but not before it's might was witnessed.
L'Xia followed suit of her training, a bolter-charge before the arcing shape of her thunderhammer was let fly, obliterating the first Necron skull that it contacted, ensuring that it's lifeless form wouldn't try to get up again.
Their Monofilament knifes wouldn't fare well against the fleshless beings, however every Sitster not armed with a tearing blade spun their bolters around and beat the enemy into submission.
Sister Chaplain Asterrah weilded her Crozius Arcanum (I Think that's spelt wrong) in the form of a mace, having similar effect to that of L'Xia's Thunderhammer, her piety was unmatched, even to that of the Inquisitor himself, God-Emperor forbid. She was a fighter beyond reckoning with the scars to prove it, both emotionally and mentally.
With an ancient Plasma pistol, they dropped at her feet, not begging for mercy let alone capable of doing so.
Despite the bone-chilling reputation of the Necrontyr, thirty standard soldiers against near-one hundred and sixty Battle Sisters lasted mere moments until the area was sounded only by the distant clap of artillery of the Imperial Guard's advance and the hushed prayer for those loved and lost during the brief engagement.
L'Xia could still feel the glow from her sisters, thye had not been to war for some time and it obviously felt good once more to vanquish the Emperor's many foes. With a last utter of a prayer, turning to the crimson-clad angels, she walked over and saluted the Rus-Gothic way of her palm like a blade across her chest, far different as one would for the most common types of salute.
"Spasiba, Brother-Captain, our Auspex showed you were heading away from us, for your actions here, we are thankful..." her voice was low and husky for a woman, her accent rolled towards the back of her tongue.
"Our orders are to secure a large landing site for his eminance with your help, will you comply to the requests of the Inquisition?" she of course expected the Captain to comply, no one in their right mind refused requests from the Inquisition, not even the Adeptus Astartes.
"Well this inquisitor is in luck that he REQUESTED my aide, rather than assume i, a spacemarine captain of the blood angels, would fight his battles for him. Your exellent diplomacy has one you a company of the emperors finest sister. How would you have me help kill these traitors?"
"Indeed..." she uttered, slightly annoyed by the Marine's sarcastic demeanor, his insolence not to her but in speaking of his eminance in that tone would earn him death in the Ancient Inquisitor's eyes.
"First we must clear the area for one hundred kilometers; troops, armor and especially anti-air for his eminance will be arriving by dropship from the Fidei Defensor..." her attention was caught by those fallen and especially the wounded, both Marine and Sister, "Hospitallar!" she called raucously, the smallish Ecclesiarchy medic tended to those in need.
"Sister Dreika!" a BattleSister wearing a slightly larger-than-normal helmet and powerpack marched up and saluted in the same fashion ass L'Xia.
"Dreika, Cabokuutah-nuun, L'Koii etellenska..." she started drawling a message she wanted relayed by Dreika, the comms officer.
Within moments of the message relayed, feiry comets of droppods peppered the immediate area around them. Officers, recordkeepers, tacticians and archivers all marked by the Ecclesiarchy accompanied by another Retributor squad and twenty-plus additional sisters.
The rear-line officials went to work at a blinding pace, setting up a temporary command post in the huge crater in which their most recent battle was fought. L'Xia saluted her thanks as she walked over to a holographic chart-table of the surrounding area as displayed by twohundred kilometers and constantly updated by orbital charts taken from the Fidei Defensor, even whilst locked in battle with the harvester ships.
"Com-Sat readings show large chaos troop consistancy to the south-west, thier movements take them Sou-Sou-West whilst the Nercons move behind them from the immediate south. A few Tau empire soldier contingiencies near the hab-sections north from here, the closest are the Tau and his eminance has ordered us to make diplomatic contact with the Tau to try and have them fight with us to stop the Necron menace. Though orders preceed us to push back the chaos and immediate necron threat, leaving as few survivors as possible..."
The Holograh chart spun and zoomed with every word she spoke, confirming her report with red markers over the blue glow of the holographic terrain. The Necron and Chaos forces numbered greatly, the yellow indicators of the Tau numbered few compared.
"Dreika! Were is that Hollenhund?" L'Xia barked, leaving her last train of thought. As if answereing her from above, a carry-all thunderhawk swooped low and delivered the HellHound, or HollenHund marked by the veteran inducted Imperial Guard of the 005th GroBholmen.
"Shall we proceed then, Comrade-Captain?" she asked honestly for his opinion; the outpost was now fully set up, the Retributors forming a defensive perimeter over the walls of the crater while the Ecclesiarchial officers continued to relay strategies and orders.
"His Eminance, the God-Emperor has been stuck on the life sustaining Golden throne of terra for tenthousand years. Surly He has not decided to come to this hell hole." Rosiel said jestingly. He despised the inquisition, they thought they were so high and mighty, every inquisitor felt they had unstopable power (a few did), but nothing could stop the Astartes who were only two steps from the immortal emperor. Besides, no inquisitor could put the mark of heresy over the heads of the sons of Sanguinis. Unless they were as twisted by chaos as the black legion, no one would ever believe the angels chosen sons would be heretics. Well enough of this bantry, "Yes sister, he shall destroy these traitors for His Eminance, the divine Emperor of Mankind!" he shouted, his vox amplified voice carried through the ranks of sisters, guardsmen and brother marines. They all cheered and began deployment. He smirked behind the face plate of his helmet as he blatently changed who the stuck up woman's troops were fighting for from inquisitor to emperor, a chnge she could not remedy without being heretical. So much for the high and mighty inquisition. No man had right to question an astartes, no man.
is this over, did i miss the memo?
Not to my knoledge just PEOPLE HAVE LIVES......and then there are people like me who canot reply to these things very fast(Damn not knowing the most about War 40k) and yeah just have some patients mine tall freind.
((everytime I get to post here, something else comes up... I've tried three times, had some good responses, but failed... Bear with me... I'm a very busy man.... I might even challenge the gods by saying that I'm probably busier than even Ush!))
((Oh BTW, Llamaman88, an Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Hereticus would be well-within his rights to purge your entire chapter for even thinking that you don't answer to him... It's well-written in the Codexes that only the god-Emperor himself is safe from his judgment and ANY arm of the Inquisition even other members of the Ecclesiarchy can not refuse an order from him. That's why L'Xia calls L'Koii his Eminance, not talking about the Emperor...))
Soul drinkers, space wolves, black templar, dark angels, and blood angels have all been questioned, none answer to the inquisition, they are a seperate force from the imperium, have their own territory and the codex states these facts. This doesn't mean they cannot be declared excomunicated and traitors (soul drinkers, legions of the damed and renegade legions.) but a founding chapter, no one would believe it, especially of the blood angels, their primarch was an angel who died in a duel with horus. Besides only your battle sisters would dare do battle with me, and i have half a chapter of space marines. your chances of being declared a heretic are twice as good as mine, lord inquisitor
Unlike the last bunch, the sisters were worthy of his respect. small skirmishes erupted as the imperial forces cleared out the area for the inquisitors arrival. no traitor marines were found, but cultists bearing the eye of the black legion fell by the score to his men. the sisters immolated hordes of the slaves. Two of his brothers would join the primarch, and one would need to visit the apothecary for a new leg, but two hundred deamon worshipers were slain. Much better than necrons, his thirst was subsiding, the voices weakening. Now all Rosiel needed was some of Horus's sons to avenge the loss of a company of brothers, gene-seeds lost, never to be reborn into new novises
After nearly a year of intense fighting the imperial forces realized the planet was lost. Most of their remaining forces pulled off and only a few guard companies were left. The inquisitorial ship hovered above orbit. The sentence... Exterminatus.
Sound like a good end or do we keep playing?
((Ending... this died... ))
As the swirling maelstrom of the glow from the lance batteries gathered, L'koii sat in his command throne aboard the Fidei Defensor...
Flanked was his entire fleet, eight capitol ships including two Mars class and two Gothic as well as seven escort battalions... combined they enshrouded the planet, casting eery shadows over the remaining forces and sending the planetside into sheer panic.
The Necrontyr had begun to awaken, yet were still buried deep within the crust. the only answer was full-scale Exterminatus, to reduce the planet to a mere asteroid field, if anything survived, the crumbling atmosphere would be enough to incinerate even the most resilient of the Necrontyr.
Simultaneously, the great cannons fired, boring into the planet's fragile earth and rending it from the inside out, it took all of an hour to completely decimate the atmosphere... The oceans boiled, the air caught fire and every living thing was obliterated, many civilians and two whole companies of Imperial Guard were still fighting, but an evacuation was risky, the Inquisition did not toil with risks...
As the immense fleet went into warp, away from the ashes, the souls of those annihilated were taken by the Great Devourer, the infestation so severe that the righteous slain were blind from his sight...
The void that the planet left behind sparked a minor warpstorm as the ruinous powers vied over the toils that a few million slain innocents offered, the Inquisitor hadn't even battered an eyelid as the psychic scream was heard from there all the way to holy mother Terra...
((I had fun guys, but this died so a fitting end was neccessary... Seeya later
"alright men we have the city no set up defensive positions at each of the four enterances to the city and then make yourselves at home we wait for the inquis....." He stoped mid speach as a man shouted "LOOK!" and pointed to the sky a magnificant beam of light came and struck the ground shaking all of the planets surface and ripping it apart. "I love you sarge." was the last transmition from this squad of imperial soldiers and the last chapter in Comissar Lidels story.
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