Lobo,Kurse & Sasquatch/Langkowski vs Magni,Superman & Savage Hulk

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Who wins

Originally posted by golem370
Who wins

Team 2


I'm going to say Team 2 on this one. I like to root for any team Langowski's on, but I think they're just overpowered here.

Don't know if Supes and Lobo have fought each other, but I'm willing to bet Superman pwns Lobo.

Don't know much about Kurse or Magni, but from what I looked up I'd put even money on Magni.

As for Walt and Savage Hulk, they've fought before, and even though Sassy-pants was holding back I think it would still have ended in a win for Hulk...

Kurse would crush Magni and the Hulk at the same time.

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