Moondragon/Mind Gem vs X-Man & Emma Frost

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Who wins

Moondragon- / Mind (blue) -
Allows the user to boost mental power and access the thoughts and dreams of other beings. Backed by the Power Gem, it is possible to access all minds in existence simultaneously.

Originally posted by golem370
Who wins

Moondragon- / Mind (blue) -
Allows the user to boost mental power and access the thoughts and dreams of other beings. Backed by the Power Gem, it is possible to access all minds in existence simultaneously.


X-man, isn't he basically Cable without the virus?

Originally posted by StarsNeverFall7
X-man, isn't he basically Cable without the virus?

nate grey's abilities on par or exceeding frankie richards

Im not sure about all that now, but im pretty sure about X-Man being Cable without the virus, despite Cables much higher showings.

That being said Cable has done what it would take moondragon with the gem to do. So X-man and emma shouldn't have much trouble taking a majority.

**** Moondragon. She's WAY overrated. X-man alone could spank her.

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
**** Moondragon. She's WAY overrated. X-man alone could spank her.

who ya got in super bowl

nate's quite powerful

Seeing as how the saints choked, I've got the bears. Gotta root for the NFC. But this might actually be a good game. Say what you will about Peyton and the colts, they earned that win.

I think any decent telepath with the mind gem could pwn Moondragon. I'm damn sure she has no idea how to use that thing.

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Seeing as how the saints choked, I've got the bears. Gotta root for the NFC. But this might actually be a good game. Say what you will about Peyton and the colts, they earned that win.

I think any decent telepath with the mind gem could pwn Moondragon. I'm damn sure she has no idea how to use that thing.

like to see payton get a ring she probably doesn't

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
I think any decent telepath with the mind gem could pwn Moondragon. I'm damn sure she has no idea how to use that thing. Even Xavier?

That looked like PIS. and 2nd, that was the gem. She's not using anywhere near the full power of that gem.

Originally posted by TricksterPriest
That looked like PIS. and 2nd, that was the gem. She's not using anywhere near the full power of that gem. What, her putting him in a coma? Why would it be pis? The only feats she has to discredit this with tp are:

Against Thanos.
Against Warlock.
Against Surfer.

Plus, she has the Gem in this thread, so it fits in perfect.

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