Date: July 4, 2007
Echo Military Research Labs in Virginia, USA has been experimenting with the stealth suit technology that they developed one year ago. The suit was first used by a teenaged super spy, Derreck Conner, on his mission in Russia. Now the CIA has bigger plans for the technology.
They can see a shield of an adaptive covering an entire island in the south pacific. The island holds a massive barrage of nuclear warheads that they are planning to use in case of "emergency" situations. The cloaking mechanism with hide the entire from the untrained eye. Those who bypass the area will see nothing but the pacific ocean waters.
Unfortunatly, for the US, there was a mole in the development designs. He has been transported to the island and placed in charge of mandated and updating the cloaking mechanism. The US government had absolutley no idea!
The CIA has uncovered secret documents that the mole had kept contained in his office. They have assigned Derreck Conner on another death defying mission to stop a crazed mad man from screwing over the world. But this time, he'll need some help.
Happy Independence Day, agent!
Plot: The mole's mission is to direct the underground Soviet Private Arms from Indonesia to the US conrolled island. He'll then disable the clocking device to allow the Soviets a full sight of the area with their own eyes. The Soviets will then attack and attempt to take over the island. CIA agents must assassinate the mole before he shuts down the device, stop the 400-strong Soviet army, and protect those missile silos!
Mission: The island has five silos, all silos are geometrically sperated. One in the middle and the rest in the corners. Each silo is guarded with US Marines and heavy duty defense turrets, but that will all be gone once the Soviet Navy starts to fire against them with short ranged missiles.
The mole has been killed, but he damaged the cloaking mechanism before he died. You must find some tools in order to repair it, in the mean time, protect the silos and any Marines that you can.
Mission Details: Reinforcements are on their way, but it will take several hours before they reach the island. Weapons and armories are scattered across the battlefield. UY-70 Hover Jets are located on the east beaches, use these to slow down the Soviet Navy to the west. Soviet LCAC transports have already landed on the west shores. Silo-A is under heavy attack and defenses are failing.
1. No friendly fire
2. No godmoding/powermoding
3. No cybering
4. Don't kill without the target's permission (AI units excluded)
5. Once you pick a side you stick with it
6. Try to think strategy...this isn't Brave Heart
Specialty: (chose one of the following: Rifleman, Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Demolitions, Heavy Weapons, Pilot, Scout, Communications, CIA Agent)
My Profile-
Name: Derreck Conner
Age: 17
Rank: Commander
Specialty: CIA Agent
Bio: Agent Conner has just recently returned from his vacation in Bahamas after defeating a lunatic bent on ruling over the Middle East. Now he's back to put a stop to an invasion. After completing his training in the CIA's Jr. Operative Training Program for younger, more agile agents, he's a little worn down and not wanting a whole lot of crap. He's highly skilled in accuracy and doesn't care what kind of gun he wields as long as it shoots and kills.
Personality: Clever, witty, shy, always finds a solution to everything.
Echo Military Research Labs in Virginia, USA has been experimenting with the stealth suit technology that they developed one year ago. The suit was first used by a teenaged super spy, Derreck Conner, on his mission in Russia. Now the CIA has bigger plans for the technology.
They can see a shield of an adaptive covering an entire island in the south pacific. The island holds a massive barrage of nuclear warheads that they are planning to use in case of "emergency" situations. The cloaking mechanism with hide the entire from the untrained eye. Those who bypass the area will see nothing but the pacific ocean waters.
Unfortunatly, for the US, there was a mole in the development designs. He has been transported to the island and placed in charge of mandated and updating the cloaking mechanism. The US government had absolutley no idea!
The CIA has uncovered secret documents that the mole had kept contained in his office. They have assigned Derreck Conner on another death defying mission to stop a crazed mad man from screwing over the world. But this time, he'll need some help.
Happy Independence Day, agent!
Plot: The mole's mission is to direct the underground Soviet Private Arms from Indonesia to the US conrolled island. He'll then disable the clocking device to allow the Soviets a full sight of the area with their own eyes. The Soviets will then attack and attempt to take over the island. CIA agents must assassinate the mole before he shuts down the device, stop the 400-strong Soviet army, and protect those missile silos!
Mission: The island has five silos, all silos are geometrically sperated. One in the middle and the rest in the corners. Each silo is guarded with US Marines and heavy duty defense turrets, but that will all be gone once the Soviet Navy starts to fire against them with short ranged missiles.
The mole has been killed, but he damaged the cloaking mechanism before he died. You must find some tools in order to repair it, in the mean time, protect the silos and any Marines that you can.
Mission Details: Reinforcements are on their way, but it will take several hours before they reach the island. Weapons and armories are scattered across the battlefield. UY-70 Hover Jets are located on the east beaches, use these to slow down the Soviet Navy to the west. Soviet LCAC transports have already landed on the west shores. Silo-A is under heavy attack and defenses are failing.
1. No friendly fire
2. No godmoding/powermoding
3. No cybering
4. Don't kill without the target's permission (AI units excluded)
5. Once you pick a side you stick with it
6. Try to think strategy...this isn't Brave Heart
Specialty: (chose one of the following: Rifleman, Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Demolitions, Heavy Weapons, Pilot, Scout, Communications, CIA Agent)
My Profile-
Name: Derreck Conner
Age: 17
Rank: Commander
Specialty: CIA Agent
Bio: Agent Conner has just recently returned from his vacation in Bahamas after defeating a lunatic bent on ruling over the Middle East. Now he's back to put a stop to an invasion. After completing his training in the CIA's Jr. Operative Training Program for younger, more agile agents, he's a little worn down and not wanting a whole lot of crap. He's highly skilled in accuracy and doesn't care what kind of gun he wields as long as it shoots and kills.
Personality: Clever, witty, shy, always finds a solution to everything.