Brits 2007

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Dicuss the Brits


bands thanking their record companies on their knees mouths open ready to suck
dull dull dull RHCP
Amy Winehouse and her 2nd hand blues that weve heard before done better
Oasis thinking that they are still best band on the planet after 10 years of average albums
Russel Brand being slightly controversial
a load of backslapping
at least it gives mr and mrs average an idea what cd to buy in sainsburys during their weekly shop....................the sheep

a bunch of crap in my opinion

Take That won the single didnt they???

Flying High
why werent RHCP even nomintaed for best international album :s

Originally posted by vintageSW77
Oasis thinking that they are still best band on the planet after 10 years of average albums
I really don't think they believe they're the "best"'s annoying that some of their fans still do.

Probably the most annoying fans in rock.

They still think they make good albums though...which is just as bad I guess. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Originally posted by Flying High
why werent RHCP even nomintaed for best international album :s

Because they're the most bland, dull, unimaginative band on the planet. If I could nominate them for anything it would be to give them all jobs eating anthrax.

Oasis were sh*t live, Corinne Bailey-Rae was dull beyond belief and Lily Allan was robbed.

I like the RHCPs, but theyre past it imo.

Victor Von Doom
Wait, when were Oasis the best band in the world?

When were Oasis good?

Originally posted by Solo
When were Oasis good?
Their 1st two albums.... Then they kind of fizzled out.

Flying High
i've never been a big fan...

Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
Wait, when were Oasis the best band in the world?

for about a week in 1994
it was all about being in the place at the time

Oasis are still okay, they're just impossibly bland now. They've fallen behind their peers in terms of originality but they're still alright.

Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by vintageSW77
for about a week in 1994
it was all about being in the place at the time

I must have missed that. I remember them being decent when Live Forever came out, and then a couple of years later the semen started to fly in their direction quite violently.

ah the flying semen...i remember those days with fondness...oops...did i actually say that?

Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
I must have missed that. I remember them being decent when Live Forever came out, and then a couple of years later the semen started to fly in their direction quite violently.

you masturbated over Oasis ???

Victor Von Doom
N-not from me.

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