Pernament Changes To The Series

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Darth Martin
What changes would you make if you could personaly pernamently alter the series.

1. Change the music to the Bond theme when Bond does the car stunt in TMWTGG

2. In AVTAK change the Beatles music to the Bond theme

3. Make every appearence as blofeld by Anthony Dawson(FRWL, TB) and Eric Pohlmann voice from the same two films.

Permanent has announced some changes to the series format. Starting with the next tournament, only Best-of-5 sets will be played. Now you can purchase college research papers to submit your thesis task on time. This change was made in an effort to speed up the gameplay and make it more exciting for spectators. The finals will still be a Best-of-7 set. You can find more details in the Permanent announcement post.

Old Man Whirly!

John Murdoch
1. Get rid of Blofeld being Bond's stepbrother in the Craig era.
2. Make Blofeld the big bad of No Time to Die. Either flip-flop Blofeld and Safin's roles or find another change to the script to make this happen. Anything involving Blofeld in Craig's run was a massive wasted opportunity.
3. Change the music in both The Man With the Golden Gun and A View to a Kill like you said, Darth Martin.
4. Hire James Brolin for Octopussy instead of getting Roger Moore back as Bond (jk stick out tongue)

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