Opening a bottle of beer....

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Rogue Jedi
can you open a twist off beer top with one hand?

Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
can you open a twist off beer top with one hand?

I just need a finger 131

Rogue Jedi
I use my teeth.

Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
I use my teeth.

So? I can also use Jesus Lightning.

Rogue Jedi
I have the force, o holy one.

Originally posted by Rogue Jedi
I have the force, o holy one.

It's because I lend some of powers to each of my children.

Originally posted by JesusTheChrist
It's because I lend some of powers to each of my children. You are a Jedi?! Holy Hail!

Rogue Jedi
thats because you are "Buddy" Christ!!!

I can open a non twist off bottle with a empty chips-bag!

Rogue Jedi
I use a table. KAPOW!!! instant access.

i saw someone open a bottle with his butt cheeks before...yeah, that was impressive

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